Lorelei Leàndre's POV
" You are not getting my phone. Forget it. " I said scoffing and then rolling my eyes
Olivander glanced at me " Hand. It. Here, Now! " He slammed his hand on the table, showing me where to sit it.
I couldn't believe I was doing this, I reluctantly sat my phone down close to him, and he grabbed it and put it in his pocket. A moment later the phone began ringing, and I looked to his face when it did.
" Is this your go-to meal? " He asked calmly as he stared at me
" Well- no. I'm sure they don't make pizza rolls " I giggled a little bit.
He gave me a shrug, Olivander looked around and waved for a waiter to come and they were there in a few seconds
" Could you bring some nachos as our appetizer, and also we'd like spaghetti, garlic bread, and she would also like a glass of red wine. I'll have exactly what she is having. " He said calmly and then looked at me again
I smiled a little " Looks like someone isn't that much of an asshole anymore, huh? "
" Huh? " He gave a very confused look
" You were such an asshole in high school. Very rude kid you were " I said softly and then I looked around
" You have a very foul mouth, so fix that. Especially when we're in here. " He told me, and smiled as the drinks and appetizers arrived
I smiled took the wine before thanking the waiter and I began drinking it.
After I swallowed my sip, I rolled my eyes. Who is he to tell me what to do anyway..
" I'm a grown woman, if I want a foul mouth then I can have one. Especially since this whole thing is going on. " I responded eating some of my appetizer.
" You won't have one, be polite. We're in a restaurant after all. " Olivander said calmly
I stared at him but, he wasn't worth the energy so I sighed " Fine. "
I continued eating my nachos and then I seen a waiter come to the table with our food. My lips curved a smile when I seen the food, but the waiter seemed to have noticed and thought I was smiling at him.
He smirked softly to me, me as he handed me my plate first. Then handed Olivander his plate as well, before his eyes fixed onto my whine glass " Would you like a refill, my love? " I looked to his name tag
It said Corbin. Well that sounds funny..
" Uh- no not yet. That's okay " I smiled
Corbin nodded and then he walked away from the table winking at me.
" Did you forget we're engaged? " Olivander asked calmly
" Huh? What? No, why would I forget I'm in an arranged marriage. " I said trying my spaghetti, it was delightful.
" Because that waiter likes you..he wanted an excuse to slip his number on the table. If he's really interested, he'll come back around, then put a note or napkin on the table that says ' Call me ' and his number. " He replied and leaned in to eat his food
But, as I looked at him, I seen Corbin come up and he slid a napkin to me that said ' Call me at 10, sweetheart. ###-###-#### ' I blushed and looked up at Olivander and he was smirking at me.
We both chuckled a little bit " What'd I tell you. I bet it has one of the cringe pet names on it too. "
" Huh? S-sweetheart is not cringe.. " I said blushing " Uhm, actually- you know what, I'll give him a call. " I told him jokingly
" You won't. Although we don't - love each other doesn't mean that we will talk to people, that way. " He stared at me and I froze as we sat in silent.
" Well..you're not the boss of me. I can talk or sleep with him all I want. Especially if you're not " I say but then I look up realizing that could have pissed him off.
" Buy sex toys. " He frowned
I could see that this aggravated him, but maybe there was something behind it so I slowly balled up the napkin and sat it aside.
" I'm only teasing you, I agree with you as well believe it or not. " I said softly before looking down to the table as everything got a bit awkward.
" We're not here to play games. We're supposed to get to know each other before we get married, so far you don't even seem the slightest bit of interesting. " He said staring at me.
I seriously hope that our parents don't think that we will live in the same house.
" Buzzkill. " I muttered and then ate my spaghetti, while staring at him.
His jaw line was quite nice, it was nice to watch as her ate his food. Whenever it flexed it made me excited somehow, and I wasn't exactly sure how just yet.
I began to realize I was just staring at him, his eyebrows began to go up as he realized that I was staring.
Right as I began to look away, I heard him began to ask- " What? Why are you staring at me? Didn't your reckless mother at least teach you that, staring is rude? " His eyebrows calmed down again.
I frowned at him then rolled my eyes at him. He sat up more and crossed his arms, interested in actually hearing an answer from me. So I sighed before finally replying to him. " She did. Just.. you're very annoying- and rude too. " I said to him and began to eat my food again.
Olivander tilted his head as if he was clueless but never said anything to reply to what I said to him. Instead he began to eat again but this time he was staring at me, as if he was just trying to make me uncomfortable.
I looked around anxiously and reached over to my other hand, gently pinching my skin with the tip of my fingers and not my nails.
" You don't like this either, do you? " He asked me.
I shrugged at him " You're not the kind of person I'd like to be making eye contact with, to be quite honest. "
" And why is that, Lorelei? " He asked me calmly.
" Uh- just. Your eyes, and approach is very intimidating. Probably because you always seem so grumpy or something. " I replied, then quickly added- " Olivander. "
" I strongly disagree with you. If you were being swarmed with men your father picked out, you would be very annoyed and angry. "
I thought about what he said began tilting my head " I don't have him in my life. I used to, but he passed away some years ago. " Pity flashed in his eyes and I shook my head " It's okay, don't worry. "
" Well let's say your mother for example, then. " He replied
I chuckled " Well I am your fiancé because my mom lied and took money from your father. Except, he thinks I am perfect for you. He asked my mom before but she said no because she didn't want me involved in whatever it is that you guys do. However, when her life was in danger she automatically threw me into it. "
I could still spot a bit of guilt and pity, but he didn't make any facial expression yet. Lifting my hand to eat, I heard him clear his throat and mumble- " Well, I do apologize for you having to go through that. Though I don't promise that things will go smoothly. Unfortunately for us both- I am not able to refuse to marry since I've run out of time to find someone to marry to help with this whole thing. Dirty work is mine though, so don't worry. "
I tilted my head. I knew his dad was some kind of.. gang member- but I'm not completely sure what they do. " Uh- so..what do you do? Like your part of it? " I asked him calmly
" What do you think gang members do? " He put his elbow on the table and leaned onto his left hand.
" Uh- well I don't know. Sell drugs and kill people. " I told him
I saw him smile and chuckle a little, but it seemed to be at me, " I mean, my cousin deals with all the drugs. And uh..for assassination. I am supposed to be more of like- a bodyguard for the assassinator. Bodyguards have their own bosses, and the bosses partner up with some assassinators. I will soon be the leader for pretty much everything. I may definitely change things up, and make the guards work for good instead of trying to benefit their selves by protecting the killers, that murder if someone is short on money for selling drugs. There are different groups. We have people who divide and collect money, people who prepare and buy our weapons, people for pretty much everything we do because if one person is caught they only know about the part they do. I know all because I'm one of the next leaders and I have to attend meetings. " Olivander was sipping his drink while he talked.
I was surprised he was being open, but it's just common sense since I have to marry him and somehow help him out with this whole thing.
My eyes were stuck on him while trying to process the whole thing " Where does my mother stand in this? "
" She poses as a prostitute to lure in people that either buy drugs or someone the assassinators deal with. She mostly will get large sums of money to poison people that are the hardest to kill. She recently got quite a bit of money, but she never finished her job, so he was going to kill her. " He said as if that wasn't completely crazy just hearing.
" In fact, she told them to stay undercover. I can't be too mad because she doesn't actually have the heart to murder anyone. " He said before eating a little bit " You will have a bodyguard everywhere. Depend on where you are, you may end up with just more than one. "
I chuckled softly, thinking to myself, that I would not be followed by bodyguards. " If you stay around me, you'll be safe. I'm done here now, this food isn't very nice. I enjoyed this little..appetizer for the next few years, or probably rest of our lives. You're not too bad, just don't be in the way. " Olivander said, pulling out his wallet leaving $200 dollars for a tip and raising his hand for the check.
At first I didn't even say anything, but I seen the waiter heading this way so i quickly grabbed my wallet " Oh- for my half- "
" No- I've got it. Let's go " He put his card back into his wallet and shoved it back into his pocket, and walking back to the car.
I sighed and followed him quickly. " S-so- have you ever kill- "
" Be quiet now, please. " He said holding the door open for me to get into the car, and obviously avoiding the question.
I got into the car and we were silent the whole ride back to my house. I would occasionally glance over to him curiously. Eventually I just turned away and sighed finally just closing my eyes and quickly dozing off while we ride back. It wasn't as bad as I thought, though.