Chereads / Arranged Marriage. / Chapter 3 - Tight Trousers.

Chapter 3 - Tight Trousers.

Olivander Valerian's POV:

I looked over to the woman sitting in the car sleeping peacefully, kind of thinking about how I would have to be married to her even though I wasn't in love with her. Lorelei is definitely a looker... delicious looking curves, nice shiny hair, and the most beautiful eyes I've even lain my own on.

Once I could feel myself twitching against the zipper of my pants, I opened the door and went over to open hers. She nearly fell towards the ground, how stupid. She didn't bother to put on her seatbelt. Good thing my reflexes are quick. Lorelei woke up and slowly rubbed her eyes before looking around to see where she was.

" Oh, I'm home. Sorry about that. " She chuckled nervously before hoping out of the car and then walking to the porch.

I followed her shortly after, her mother opened the door before we could even knock. She looked at her daughter hopefully, something by the look on her face was asking if it went well or not. I watched as she walked into the house. My eyes watched her legs and then to her perfectly round bottom. No matter how much I thought to look away and wait for my dad, they lingered until I couldn't see her from outside anymore.

As I noticed her mother watching my eyes, I cleared my throat and stepped aside as my own father stepped outside of the house. I reached into my pocket getting the pack of cigarettes. I grabbed my sliver lighter from the same pocket and walked off of the porch to smoke.

This is such a nasty habit. I'll have to find some way to replace it. I had begun smoking when I was 17 years old. It's been such a struggle to stop, and I've been trying to since I was 21. But I only do it if I'm a little stressed out here and there.

Five years later, and I'm still struggling.

I watched as Lorelei's mother chatted with my father and leaned against the car door, smoking.

I looked up and seen a woman standing in the window watching. I didn't look up with my whole head so she didn't even notice I could see her.

I dropped the cigarette and stepped on it lightly. I never finish them anymore, not even halfway. Just a couple of puffs will do me good.

I tilted my head up looking at Lorelei, the sun made her widened eyes shine a bit once she noticed I looked at her. I sighed and got into the car, before I could get further aroused.

The look in her eyes just turned me on so much, I'm not even sure why.

My father got into the car after around 2 minutes.

" You like her. " He said calmly with a smirk, I could smell a bit of alcohol on his breath so I ignored him. He talked entirely too much whenever he drank.

" Don't ignore me, you know you do. Look at how tight your trousers are getting. " He said

I quickly looked down and he started laughing, I wasn't noticeably hard, because of my pants.

" Fool. " He said before letting his seat back slightly and closing his eyes " I'm normally right. "

I exhaled, annoyed at him and just looked out of the window.

I inhaled slowly and for some reason, I smelt a perfume that was slightly..recently familiar.

This is just great, now even this limousine smells like her. I shook my head and I also tried falling asleep since we were going about an hour away from this city, to work on some stuff for a task I have.


Lorelei Leàndre's POV :

I watched as Olivander and his father left, he looked at me like I had done something, probably not something wrong. But sometimes that made his eyes soften.

I started to sigh and think about the date more.

My mom walked in and she smiled at me " So?! Did it go good? He seemed to like you. I caught him staring a bit down to your tushy. " She told me

Turning my head again, as my face got really warm " W-what? Mom please stop. I'm about to get undressed so please leave. "

" Not until you tell me how stuff went. " My mother said, but she also added " And I want to know, absolutely every detail. "

I stared at her, as if I wanted to punch her but she didn't care. All she cares about is if he liked me in the slightest bit so that she could be off the hook.

" Uhh..we just ate dinner, he paid, and that's it. He said I wasn't very interesting, but he kind of didn't mind marrying me as long as I wasn't in his way- basically. " I said and then I took off my shoes before pointing to the door.

" I'm pretty sure he's attracted to you, but it's a good thing. He wouldn't mind being married to you. " She said smiling

" I'm really throwing away my life for you. " I mumbled and started undressing because I didn't feel like waiting any longer.

She quickly walked out, shutting the door behind her. I smiled to myself thinking about what she said, and once I was naked and put a robe on and sat at my vanity in my bedroom as I began to wipe my face with a make-up wipe.

Right when I realized I didn't have my phone, I gasped and started to rush out of my room and to the living room.

" Shit! My phone!! " I then shouted for my mom to come to me.

She was right in the kitchen making a cup of tea. " Yes, Love ? " It seemed like she's in a good mood because of this.

" What's that guys number? Or his dad? " I asked hopefully

" Oh whose do you need? I have both now. " My mother asked

" Uh- Olivander's. "

" Okay, here. " She came up to me and typed the numbers into the house phone and walked back to the kitchen.

I waited patiently and he immediately picked up, before softly asking in his deep voice " Olivander's phone. How may I help you? "

The feeling I had between my thighs, angered me but I spoke calmly back to him " U-Uhm..hi! It's Lorelei. Do you know if you still have my phone in your pocket or did you give it back? "

He was silent for a moment, and then I heard a soft grunt and sigh before he answered. " Yes, I'm on my way now. "

" Okay- thanks! " I smiled and then he hung up right after

I stared at the phone blankly before putting the phone back and heading into the kitchen to find something to snack on. I seen pizza rolls in the freezer and I smiled before taking them out and putting them into the oven.

~ [ TW; NSFW ] ( kindaaa? )

Around, 20 minutes went by and for some reason he wasn't here yet. They couldn't have gone that far so fast. On the couch in the living room is where I sat as I ate my pizza rolls in peace.

After a few minutes the door bell rang and I got up bringing my food with me and opened the door happily.

" Hey! I'm sorry about this, I should not have been so careless " I chuckled and reached out for the phone

He didn't for some reason.. hand it to me yet. I looked at his eyes and they were fixed to my shoulder and I realized the robe was sliding off my shoulder. I wasn't wearing a bra so that was why he was staring.

I immediately fixed it and chuckled awkwardly looking around " S-sorry. I didn't realized that- "

He looked to my face and his eyes looked..heavy but he was wanting for something. I'm not completely sure what though.

I started to look down, but only to my phone in his hand which was by his side but I could see more.

Olivander's hand was tight around my phone but his trousers were getting tight as he was getting visibly hard. I looked to his eyes and he wasn't looking at me anymore. He held out my phone and I slowly grabbed it from him, however he grabbed my hand whenever he did this.

I chuckled s bit and slowly pulled back, thankfully he let go. But he turned around immediately and walked away and got into the car. They left almost right when he shut his car door.

My face was warm so I took the food and my phone to my bedroom and sat at my vanity again. I looked at myself and my face was as red as it could be, and my nipples for some reason were visible thought the silk robe. Just the fact that they were hard, but not anything more than that.

The feeling between my thighs continued to anger me. Would it be wrong to touch myself there after such a small interaction with someone I don't even.. like a lot.

I found myself in the bathroom washing my hands since I wasn't gonna eat anymore. I called for our housekeeper and she came to take the bowl. But then I sat on the bed and looked around, the more I thought about what just happened, the closer my hand inched to my core.

My eyes closed as I rubbed myself a little bit. " F-.. " I almost swore but I stopped and just enjoyed this moment. When I was doing this just to get off and relax, it didn't feel this good. Small noises left my mouth and I normally didn't do that either

As I was reaching the edge, my phone began buzzing so I picked up and muted since I was trying to finish

" Lorelei? " The voice I touched myself to, asked.

I stopped and panted as I answered " Y-yea?? Wh-what's uhm..up? " I asked softly

" I wanted to apologize for a moment ago. " He said to me

The next thing I knew, was I was touching myself again and I didn't want to stop. I thought I clicked mute so I moaned aloud a bit, and then I finally reached the edge.

" Sh.. should I call back later? " Olivander asked nervously

I looked at my phone and covered my mouth " Oh- n-no! It's not what it seems like.. " I panted and covered my face

" I'm not stupid, Lorelei. That's all I really needed to say anyway. Goodbye. " He said and hung up before I could even reply back to him

" Fuck! " I chucked a pillow at the wall across from me

I looked at the bit of fluids I left after finishing but I started to lean back and closed my eyes, however I ended up falling asleep.

I didn't remember feeling tired, but I woke up when my mom knocked on my door hours later when it was dinner time.

As I sat up I looked at the door and blushed " I'll be down soon! " I spoke to her so she could hear. Her reply was ' okay ' in a normal tone, not bothering to yell through the door.

I took off the robe and I folded what I sat on earlier so that I could just wash it after dinner. Heading to the bathroom, I was sliding on a big shirt then shorts, and I began to wash my hands thoroughly before going to get my phone and heading downstairs again.

Once I came downstairs I seen meal for a family of 5 or 6, but I heard someone clearing their throat behind me so I turned and gasped

" M-mom. You didn't tell me.. " I looked away and scurried upstairs quickly.

It took about ten minutes for me to get back down there, in something decent. Only some jeans and a white crop top with a few olives on it.

I came to the table since everyone was sitting now, and I sat down where I normally sat, but across from me was Olivander.

" Don't be rude dear, greet our guests. " My mother said to me and I looked down to my empty plate as they haven't served our portions just yet.

" G-Good Afternoon, Mr. Valerian and Olivander. " I spoke quietly

" A good afternoon to you as well. " Mr. Valerian said but Olivander didn't say anything.

Instead, he was staring at me so hard- most people would try to hide when they stared at someone but he doesn't care if I, or other people around us see that he's just staring at me.

As I shifted uncomfortably my mom decided to serve our portions tonight, I always did it by myself because I'm not disabled- however, right now I think I'll let her do it because I cannot look up right now.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket so I pulled out my phone to see and Olivander was the one messaging me.

' It's rude to have your head down at a table during dinner..especially when you have guests.

Do I have to teach you everything to keep us a good rep? '

I stared at the message and turned my phone off again and stuck it in my back pocket before looking up, just not at him.

" Can I speak to you privately? Lorelei. " He asked me causing me to look at him finally

Olivander's hair wasn't as neat as this morning but it looked good either way. I almost forgot he asked me something so I quickly nodded after a few seconds

" Y-yea. " I said and clumsily stood up before walking through the living room and to the hall.

" Look- I didn't purposely do that. Just- you called at the wrong time. " I said and right as I was about to start speaking again but he covered my mouth

" Just- be more careful with what you do. I'm pretty sure that as soon as we're married, there will be people watching you as well. Every move, and phone call when you're outside of the your home. " He explained to me and stepped closer pressing me against the wall. " I just so happened to have my phone on speaker. When I was handling something. I'm not sure if my father heard it but if he did he didn't know it was you so don't..say anything to him at all. Got it? "

I looked at him and nodded slowly

" I'm not playing with you, Lorelei. Do you know how embarrassing that was? " He asked me in a serious tone.

All I could think about was his voice voice and him pressing me against the wall and the feeling at my core came to me. I closed my eyes and nodded before trying to move his hand away.

He didn't move his hand when I tried pushing away, for some reason there was a look in his eyes, that flashed for a second and he quickly let go. His face was slightly pink whenever he did.

" I'm sorry- I thought I muted. " I told him

" It honestly doesn't matter what you THOUGHT you did. " Olivander spoke staring at me

" Why do you- stare like that? You try correcting my manners but has anyone ever told you it's rude to stare? " I told him

He glared at me " You're my fiancé. "

" That doesn't mean you should stare at me " I replied

Olivander exhaled and looked at what I was wearing and he would back up

" And- about when I came here earlier.. you " He paused, I could tell he was thinking but not sure what about. " should wear clothes when you answer the door- "

" Is that all you do? Boss people around? Maybe I'll open the door naked next time. " I sassed to him and rolled my eyes

The look he gave me makes me clear my throat and nod " Okay- whatever, let's go back. " I looked around and started trying to push through him but he wouldn't budge

Why is he so..why is he able to do this? I don't understand how a look can make me do whatever someone else wants.

Olivander's eyebrows went up, and I looked away from his face as soon as my face began to grow red

He moved back and walked to the kitchen again. I stayed there trying to comprehend what just happened.

I was probably soaking the new panties I just put on..

" You okay, My love? " Our housekeeper asked me

I looked over and nodded quickly " Yes! I'm just- collecting myself. And uhm, is anything in the wash? I'm thinking about washing "

" No, I can wash for you if you want. " She smiled

I shook my head quickly " N-No! I've got it " I replied " Thank you! " I scurried off to the kitchen and sat down again

My mom looked at me confused and so did Mr. Valerian. " S-sorry! " I said and then I began to fix my plate. I looked at my mom chuckling awkwardly

" Wine anyone? " My mom offered and I nodded " Yes please. " I replied quickly

I heard a soft inhale and then I looked up and Olivander smiled softly " I'd love that. "

I blushed because, he was so ridiculously handsome. His father didn't want any wine though, when my mom asked if he did too.

She poured us all some and I sighed before drinking it about half way down.

" Careful, you know you're a lightweight. " My mom tapped my shoulder but I got annoyed and frowned before bringing the glass to my lips again but I heard Olivander clear his throat

I looked at him and he stared at me, and he nodded to the table- telling me to sit the glass down.

This time, I'm going to ignore him. He can't tell me what to do all the time. I started to drink the rest of the wine in my glass and I started eating since my mom fixed my plate already

The whole time he stared at me, even as he ate but I don't think he'll do anything.

As time went by I had another glass and a half of wine and I did get a bit tipsy. But it wasn't obvious until I spoke or something, and unfortunately this dinner wasn't as silent as I thought it'd be.

Once I was done I stopped and almost stumbled back, but I walked away right after " Excuse me " I said and headed upstairs however I heard someone behind me and gasped after seeing it was him.

" What- " He helped me up the stairs as I spoke

" You're so fucking stubborn. " He muttered and then looked around " Where's your room? "

I pointed to my room on the right at the very end of the hall

He picked me up with ease and carried me to the room. I giggled a little bit before playing with the collar of his shirt

" How sweet! " I said

Olivander sat me on the bed and kneeled " When we get married, you're really going to see what kind of person I am. " He smirked at me and then stood up heading to the door again.

" What do you- what do you mean? " I hiccuped a bit

" Just, know you won't get away with being so bratty. " He told me

" I'm not bratty! " I replied and started taking off my shirt causing him to look away

I took my jeans off as well and laid down before closing my eyes and dozing off.

Olivander Valerian's POV:

I looked away out of respect because she was drunk and I closed the door as well.

She is so careless, seems like anyway.

We probably won't visit for a few days because we're taking a plane to handle something. Since I'm not married to her yet, I don't need to take her with me.

However, that phone call earlier caused me blue fucking balls. I don't want to touch myself, I normally don't get that turned on by something so dumb. Just..knowing I'm marrying that same voice excites me some how,

And her nipples through that thin robe had me in a chokehold, if she wonders around like that then.. I can see myself fucking her brains out one of these days after marriage.

I'm not a virgin myself, but- oh what the hell am I thinking about..

I helped clean up a bit before leaving their home.

Such a long day..