Chereads / Arranged Marriage. / Chapter 6 - Lorelei Valerian.

Chapter 6 - Lorelei Valerian.

Lorelei Leàndre's POV :

My life was perfectly fine. Decent job, nice home, wonderful bed, really great friends, and a splendid book collection. Compared to now that sounds perfect. I don't even have that job any more. I'm not even going to be living in that home because it won't be safe, lost one of those great friends, but I guess the only good thing is I still have is my books, and my cat, Reese.

I smiled softly thinking I could probably make the most of this situation if I tried.

According to Mr. Valerian , Olivander and I have to get a new house just in case. He said we would go looking and that I would be able to help pick out the perfect home with him.

I just want my home back, and I won't be able to go back to it.

I frowned slightly as my mom looked at the dress I was wearing, questioning why I hadn't picked one she chose for me.

" Momma. You are the reason I'm doing this, I'm getting married and I don't even want to be. Not yet anyway, but it's your fault that I am anyway. Can I at least pick my own wedding dress for the wedding I didn't even want?? " I crossed my arms

Janice glanced at me and scoffed before going onto her phone " Whatever, Lorry. I'm trying to make you look prettier than what you already are. "

My heart slightly sank at her words. I remember she forced me to dye my hair blonde and make it curly as a child. There was a point where she suggested I wear blue contacts when I was 16 years old, and I told her no.

She slapped me, called me ugly, and ungrateful. That was when I stopped talking to her as much. I never came to her about my problems anymore.

I looked out the window as we were driving. The wedding was about to start in 15 minutes or so, I didn't care if I was late or earlier, I'm ready to get it over with and get as far away as possible from all this drama here.

I just sat there looking out the window knowing that my life wouldn't be the same after I marry this guy.

The moment we arrive, a guy in a suit opened my door and immediately helped me out. My mother followed after me, pushed the back of my dress out of the car carefully.

Mollique was by the door and she rushed over to me, " Okay, so just smile. Look like it's something you guys have planned since high school. It's got to look like a real thing , the people we are putting this show on for will either be creeping around inside or outside. " She whispered quickly

I nodded and gave her a big smile. The smile she returned told me that it was good enough for her and then she fixed my hair a little before stepping aside.

Normally, I don't think about my father but in this moment it hit me like a ton of bricks. He wasn't here to see me get married even though it was arranged. I had no one to walk me down..

My eyes began to water up uncontrollably and a tear rolled down my cheek slowly. My smile made it seem like I was just happy to be getting married but I was far from it.

An arm locked with mine just as I approached the unopened door.

I looked over and it was Segero. I couldn't help but smile a little. Obviously he would know every thing about me, including the fact my father is.. gone.

As the big doors slowly opened, people stood up from their seats and they watched me with a smile.

I looked back to Mollique and she gave me a smile.

Segero and I began to walk down the aisle, it wasn't the traditional wedding song playing- there was a concert above where me and Olivander would become a married couple in the eyes of everyone who was there.

It was such a beautiful, soothing sound. It made me smile a little more.

I could hear the laughter of a little girl behind me, I knew that meant that she was a flower girl. Segero moved his arm away as I was now in front of Olivander.

He had combed his hair, shaved, and his tie matched my dress. Olivander cleaned up quite nice.

I stared at him nervously, he had a smile on his face. Anyone here that knows him, knows it was a false smile. Either way it was still charming, you'd think one couldn't get more handsome.

This wedding was much bigger than I had expected it to be. The whole room was decorated carefully, I personally think that big expensive weddings are useless. Beautiful, but only for less than a day.

It felt like I was sitting here listening to a radio station that was playing a bad song, and there other stations were boring.

Once it was time for the vows I had been practicing, I said them , he said his.

Olivander took my hand gently and slid on the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever laid eyes on. After his ring was on , the preacher granted us the permission to exchange a kiss.

I froze but Olivander immediately placed his hands on my waist and pulled me in. I quickly reacted with putting my arms around his neck and our lips finally met.

I hated how great he smelt. It made the kiss all the better, our audience cheered and we both made our way down the aisle and to the room where cake would be cut, dancing, and what not.

As we got in there I saw my friends and hugged them. Xyran wasn't with them, but I'm not sure if I wanted him there.

Pololia giggled before saying " He is wayyy hotter now. "

I rolled my eyes " Whatever, his personality is horrible though. "

Leela hugged me " Well I still hope things can work out for you guys, at least. "

Things were going good for me until it was time for us dance..

I paused whenever people made room for him to come to me since I was already in the middle of the floor.

Damn, he played this role well..

Olivander made his way to me and then he slid his hand down my waist and to my hip, then used the other to reach for my other hand.


Once we were in the car with Segero after the ceremony, I sighed and closed my eyes

" Thank you Segero. I don't know what came over me.. " I said mentioning my crying before everything happened

" Of course, miss. " He replied calmly

" You can just call me Lorry or Lorelei. " I said

He didn't respond to it but I looked over at Olivander. I mean, obviously we were legally married 1 day ago but we had to have a wedding as a stunt or something. I don't remember what my loud mouthed mother said.

Before we could even drive off, a guy came to Olivander's window.

" Oli, you should really take this as a vacation. Your father told me to let you know there will be security so don't be a hard ass with Mrs. Valerian. " He told him

This guy had red hair. It was nearly touching his shoulders, but he had it half up, half down. He had these hazel eyes and also some freckles. He was around 6'1 by the looks of it and he seemed comfortable around Olivander.

" I know, Monty. " He chuckled a little bit

My heart fluttered hearing Olivander chuckle truthfully.

" Mrs, he's not so bad when you get to know him. Have a great honeymoon, you two. " He nodded before backing away from the car.

I nodded and gave him a calm smile back, then we pulled off.

" Are you one of those crybabies at weddings, or something? " Olivander asked in an annoyed tone

I frowned and ignored him

" What? You had no reason to cry. It's not like you even want this either. Plus, it doesnt haven't to be permanent. " Olivander spoke like he didn't actually care " Did you do it to make it seem like you're that happy? "

" No, Olivander. " I looked at him again " I thought about something personal at the last minute. "

" Was it the fall out you had with your little boyfriend? " He asked me

" No, he's not my boyfriend. And it's none of your business. " I said getting aggravated with him

" He thought otherwise though. " Olivander said and then grabbed his suitcase thst was on the floor and took out black, metal, clip board along with some papers, and this fancy pen that was black.

He began to write on whatever he was working on, and I didn't have anything to say with what he had just said to me

" So, if it's not him- then who or what could make your eyeliner run before the wedding? Most brides hold it until after the vows and shit. Why couldn't you ? " He asked, it sounded like he was just making fun of me

" Excuse me? No one wants to exactly see that ugly smug look on your face everyday. So you can't say anything about me. And what happened to ' Watching our language ' , huh? " I asked

He stopped writing and looked up at me " I do whatever I want. Don't make me have to remind you about that tone again. "

I looked away from him at the reminder and then I closed my eyes. His gaze was burning a hole through me, so I sighed before admitting " Look, it's just that my dad wasn't here for this.

Olivander's energy didn't change even after hearing that. His gaze was still hard, and hadn't softened in the slightly at all.

He finally went back to writing, not saying anything else to me for the rest of the wrote other than- " Whatever. "

I frowned " You're kidding me. " I muttered to myself as I turned away from him.

I heard him continue to write but I glanced over and he seemed to be signing a contract for whatever company he was in. I looked away but his hard on caught my eye.

He doesn't even try to hide it.. this guy seriously doesn't give a fuck. I hate guys like this, nonchalant, ignorant, just everything a guy shouldn't be.