Lorelei Leàndre's POV:
I stood there as I was looking at the dress I was wearing. It was the 3rd one I had put on and I didn't like it yet.
My mother picked these out but Olivander's cousin also got some of her choice.
My mother had such a horrible taste in wedding dresses. I would probably choose something Olivander's cousin got.
I sighed and she chuckled before helping me out of this dress.
" Don't sweat it. Besides it's arranged after all, there will be less than 50 people, and less than 8 people know that it's arranged.
Her name was Mollique. It's such a unique name, I honestly love it.
I smiled and nodded to her " Thanks. Can you bring the next one? I don't like my mom's choices. " I asked her softly
" Of course. " She walked away to go grab it as I started to get out of the current dress.
Mollique helped me into the next one, it was just absolutely beautiful. It made my chest look sort of..bigger I think, but it's okay. I didn't mind it because I felt so.. pretty in this one.
It was sparkly and the bottom part was so bouncy. I chuckled softly as I turned to see the side in the big mirror.
" I really like this.. " I said softly
" Do you want that? " Olivander asked me while looking at my chest, he'd always be looking there if it's showing. For some reason.. I didn't mind it very much.
I shrugged " I- don't know. " I said and then I looked at the tag and my eyes widened. I couldn't afford this, I feel horrible asking him to pay for me so I shook my head saying no
" I will..just get a dress myself. " I said and then I smiled at Mollique
Olivander called Mollique over and then gave her something but I couldn't see.
" Lorelei, it's yours. Just pick out your accessories, they're all paid for in advance. " He said looking at my chest again and I could see him getting hard but he shifted uncomfortably as I seen it growing more.
Olivander sighed and walked away from the room. I could see him going upstairs again " I'm in my office if you need anything. "
I looked at Mollique and she chuckled " Even though- this is arranged I think he likes you. " She told me before giving me matching accessories
" Did he just pay ? " I asked her in a more serious tone
" He paid for everything except shoes. Somehow he forgot but he paid me for bringing them anyway " She pointed to the shoes
I looked over and nodded
" Can I try on the last 2? " I asked her, I liked this one but Olivander seen it on me already.
Mollique nodded happily.
I ended up picking one of the last two, it was so beautiful. Much more beautiful than all the other ones " This one. I love this one, let's go this one! " I said excitedly, but I looked at the price tag to this one too and I gasped softly
It was $3,470. I didn't know dresses got this expensive.
I sighed softly " I should at least pay him back some how " I muttered
" You know he's a millionaire right? " Mollique said finding the perfect shoes for the dress I had on and handing them to me
" Really? " I asked her
I knew he was rich, but for some reason, under a million , over 600 thousand dollars- rich.
" Yea, if he keeps at his work like he has he might reach the next status of billionaire. He's not far from it. It's hard for him to find women that actually see more than his money so every date he went on- he said no to. That's why his father chose for him. " Mollique helped me put on my shoes as she spoke " But , you know- he seems to be calm around you. Not completely but he isn't cursing at you a lot. "
I looked at her in shock still. This guy is filthy rich, and his dad is trying to kill people over 100k?? That's not even close to a quarter of what they have.
" Because- at first he thought I agreed to do this for money. But both our parents threw us into it...my mom said my life was uninteresting anyway. " I said and smiled at the heels I had on
Mollique and I had chatted a lot and I got out of the dress before Olivander could come down to see it. He probably thinks I'm going to wear the one he saw, but oh well.
It is a bit more expensive than the other one but they're already paid for so why not.
I waved goodbye to Mollique as she was leaving and she had my dress in the dress case and the shoes in its own case as well.
I ended up with her number because we had quite a bit in common, except she is just a few more years older. She's 29.
I heard the clearing of a man's throat behind me, so I turned to look and seen Olivander standing there. " Lorelei. "
My eyebrow went up when he called my name
" You don't have to bring any clothes on the trip, we will buy some while we're there. That way, no one recognizes us by clothing " He told me before looking me up and down and then turning away
" You know- it's kind of strange to stare at people that way. " I said to him crossing my arms
" What are you talking about, Lorelei " He sighed looking at me again , but his eyes fell to my chest- again. But any actions he made stopped because he realized what I meant in that moment
" Because, you should cover up. That hickey is visible from miles away and I've been trying to see if I could have someone get you make up. Which brings me to the next thing I need to say. " Olivander said waving for me to following him
I blushed softly, maybe he wasn't even looking there. How silly of me.
Olivander must have had make up brought here whenever I was talking with Mollique
" Sit there. " He pointed to the stool beside him
I hesitantly did so but then I looked up at him when I did
He looked at the hickey and tilted my head slightly so that he could apply the make up for me.
I sat still but it came to my mind that, he's doing it and not me. I don't have a lot of experience with it but I probably know more than he does.
I started to open my mouth to say something about it but then he quickly said " Not a word. "
I looked at his face and then sighed
Once he was done, I got my phone out and looked at it in the camera. It's like- it was never even there.
I started to smile a bit
" Thank you. But I think I should be on my way to work now, I'll be late. I can't miss another day this month " I told him standing up slowly but he pushed me back down
" Tell them you're getting married. You'll need the next 15 days off. " He said calmly
" I don't think they'll be happy with me missing today- " I said
" Where do you work? " He asked calmly
I blushed " The grocery store closest to Barnes and Noble. "
" Okay. " He said staring at me
I didn't know what to say so I started to get my dress and things
" I don't care if you leave here, just don't work tonight. " He told me and sat down on the couch, typing away at his phone
I nodded to him
" The guards should be out there to pick you up right now. " Olivander said not looking at me
I turned to the door and opened it as I seen a black 2023 Chevrolet waiting. I saw a guard leave the back seat and come in to help grab my things
" Oh- no I can carry these don't worry " I started to say but he ignored me and just did his job anyway.
I turned to look at Olivander and he was already looking at me
" What? Get out of here already. " He said to me without any hint of joking around.
I looked at him confused and quickly walked out of the house but as I got into the car and put on my seatbelt, I began searching for my phone because Xyran was messaging me a bit while I was chatting with Mollique.
The guard began to drive us out of the neighborhood but I nervously asked " Wait- I left my phone! " I told him
He glanced at me before turning around and then parking in front of Olivander's home.
I smiled and pat his shoulder " Thank you so much. "
I told him and then I got out of the car and ran to the door. It was locked so I began to knock , the door opened faster than I thought it would
" I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend, Lorelei? " He asked me calmly
I was confused until I noticed he had my phone in his hand and it was still unlocked.
" I don't ? Can I have my phone back please?? " I asked him holding my hand out
Olivander grabbed my hand, pulling me back inside and having me sit on the couch
" Xyran. He seems to have some feelings for you. I'm warning you, I don't have time for boyfriends that will just be in my w- "
" Olivander, I don't have a boyfriend. I have a fiancé, and that's you. I don't want it to be but we can't always have what we want " I told him
" What do you want? To marry Xyran? " He asked me, his eyes watching my carefully
" No! Xyran and I are just friends. " I told him frowning
" He doesn't agree. " He said looking at my phone " Lorelei, please don't marry that douche. I can be the guy you want and need. Just try to get out of this at crazy situation..I can get my dad to pay off that debt for you guys. " He read
" What? No- surely he didn't say that" I tilted my head
Olivander chuckled " I don't care if you have feelings for him, but I told you that I don't necessarily take kindly to- cheaters. We will be married tomorrow. " He told me giving my phone back
I looked at the messages and my heart began to sank. I'd never seen this guy as more than..an older brother. It even feels wrong thinking about being in a relationship with him. We're so close but as friends- maybe siblings.
" I don't- see him that way.. I don't know how to respond to this. " I muttered to him quietly but when Olivander's shoulders slowly relaxed showed me he was listening. " And to think that I had no clue- "
Olivander was silent, staring at me calmly , he wasn't in a rush to get me out of his home but I think he probably felt bad.
" Are your read receipts on? " He asked
I nodded and sighed softly
" Well, you don't necessarily owe him anything. My father isn't going to accept payment now that we're less than 24 hours away from our marriage. " Olivander said and then he walked away
I stared at him as he made his way to the kitchen but he stopped , he's not as bad as I thought he'd be but he still has some really bad qualities about him.
" Like I said, don't go to work. Make yourself at home, here in your room or leave. There's no point in going if you are supposed to be doing whatever it is brides do before their wedding day " He spoke calmly
I sighed and stood up " It's probably best I hang out with my friends. "
" Segero is going wherever you do. I wont make two bodyguards follow, that way you can have fun and stay protected. If anything happens at all call or text me, and Segero will be there so call for him. " He told me , as he stood at the corner of the living room before walking away finally.
I went outside shutting the door behind me, I walked to the car and sat inside of it quietly.
" You alright, there ma'am? " Segero asked me
He sounded to be about 40 maybe, he was quite tall and had muscles and all. Just an average bodyguard like one would see on the news.
I smiled to him a little before nodding " Oh yea. I'm fine. Can you take me to the grocery store? I have to let them know I'll have to be out for a while. "
" They will fire you. But this is the longest that someone has stayed. Not that you actually have a choice but you know his money will be yours as well so it really doesn't matter. I'll take you there though. " Segero said
I covered my face, there was no way I'm going to ask him for money. If Segero is right I'll get another job. I've worked here for at least 3 or 4 years. Without being late or having to take off sick. I don't get sick very much.
As we had pulled up, I stepped out and then I walked into the store, with Segero following behind me. My manager quickly came to me
" Lorelei. You're late. Why? " He crossed his arms in annoyance
I looked around and then I slowly rubbed my arm " Uhm.. I can't work today. I'm- getting married tomorrow morning, my honey moon is out of state and I'll be gone for 2 weeks. "
He frowned, clearly not happy with me now " What? You know you're supposed to let me know 2 weeks in advance. I can't let you do that. "
I stared at him, I couldn't ' not ' go. " But- I have to. We've paid for everything. I'll work extra shifts whenever I return, overnight even if needed. " I said quickly
" Lorelei. You'll have to work or I'll replace you. It's up to you, really. " He said
" I've never missed a day. You owe me this, you even asked me to work on the holidays. " I argued
He shrugged at me " I need an answer. "
" I- I can't stay. I'm leaving tomorrow night- "
" Then, I'll have to fire you. " He glared at me
I stared at him and sighed, I don't know what else I even expected from him, he's always been an asshole anyway.
" Fine. " I frowned and walked out of the store, Segero was a bit behind me as I left but he opened the car door for me to get in
" Can you take me to Apple Blossom Park ? " I asked him, it was about 6 miles from this Grocery store. It's just a big park which contained apple trees and what not. It was beautiful there.
" Okay. " He said and began to drive us there after we both had on our seat belts.
Once we arrived there I got out and quickly ran towards my friends, I gave Leela and Polly a big hug and Xyran was there as well.
I looked at him silently and waved, giving a faint smile.
" Can I talk to you? Privately. " Xyran asked me calmly
I looked at Polly and Leela before smiling and walking off either Xyran but Sergero followed a bit behind.
" How come you didn't say anything? " He asked me crossing his arms, occasionally eyeing the bodyguard who followed me
" I- .. " I looked away from his eyes " I didn't know what to say..plus this sort of topic should be discussed in person, right? "
His eyes slightly softened " So..do you feel the same? "
I sighed softly shaking my head " I- uhm, I don't,. "
The soft look quickly faded " Why?? I've done so much for you. "
I frowned " I've done so much for you too. As well as Polly and Leela- I've never seen you more than anything but a- "
My words were interrupted with a forceful kiss. I hated everything about it. His lips weren't chapped or anything , but it's Xyran. I hate everything about the thought of being with him romantically
I tried to put him off but he pushed me against the nearby tree.
The next thing I knew, he was pulled away from me quickly and slammed to the ground quickly. I covered my mouth slowly and I began to wipe them with my sleeve.
Xyran slowly rolled over, in pain from the hard landing. Even though he just did what he did, I still felt bad. But I was on the verge of tears.
I knew then I had lost one of my best friends. Not only because I didn't like him back, but because of how I'd see him now.
I trusted him.
I ran to the car I arrived in and I laid in the backseat weeping for a while. Segero joined the car a moment after, but sat in the driver seat. He looked back before saying " I'm sorry you had to encounter that. Pololia and Leela give you their apologies as well and said that they can catch up another time. "
I nodded slowly and slowly sat up putting on my seatbelt. Maybe if it weren't for this stupid arrangement this probably wouldn't have happened. Or maybe I wouldn't have seen what kind of person he really was.
" Boss would like for you to stay with him tonight since you won't be hanging out with your friends tonight. " Segero added
I looked at him, how did Olivander already know about this..
" Uh..okay. Can you take me to my house to gather some things for the wedding. If my mother asks, tell her I'm just going with my friends..she's a bit snoopy so if she tries to pry tell her that if she had further questions to ask me. " I tell him
He slightly nodded.
I sighed to myself , everything was stressing me out and I was honestly excited for this honeymoon. I could honestly get away from everyone when I'm there. Escape my problems for 2 weeks.. maybe. "