A loud sigh could be heard.
"Another day of waiting has passed." A middle aged man mumbled to himself. "How long has it been since this shop opened?"
It has been a week since the letter directed him to this shop. With its original owner still missing and unknown, the man opened the shop himself, shocked that what it held was so deeply connected to what he studied.
As the day went on, the man slipped into a daydream under the warm sunlight, to his first encounter with this shop and discovered what it held for him.
"A fertility shop?" He spoke aloud to no one as he stumbled into the shop. "I've heard of fertility centers/clinics, but never a shop…"
In his stupor, he continued exploring the shop, looking through all the rooms and looking through all the books scattered around the shop.
"It's got all the books about the male/female reproductive systems, as well as books on well known diseases and treatments. They even have a book on cancer?!?" The man fell to his knees in shock.
He forced himself to keep going, reading between the titles of all the books. He discovered cook books to increase libido, positions to improve intercourse, and even a book on how to give birth safely, for both mother and child.
"Why now?" The man fell to the ground a second time. "After all this time, why now did I find this place?"
He got up and walked around the shop aimlessly, with empty eyes he kept on exploring, until a piece of paper caught his eye, an envelope.
Sealed with a dark green wax stamp, he opened the envelope to find a key and a letter. He set the key aside and opened the letter to a single line.
"I'm sorry brother, hope this can help."
As the man fell into his memories, the ringing of bells shook him awake.
"Oh?" He perked up. "Finally, someone that needs help."
"I'll be with you in just a moment!" He yelled through the door, scrambling to put on his white coat, something akin to a short lab coat, adorned with the caduceus and the star of life.
He made his way to the lobby, where a woman was standing in a fighting stance, looking around in heightened alert. Once he caught her attention, she directed all of her bloodlust onto him.
Seeing a beautiful woman like her and feeling the impending doom of death was not a very good feeling.
"WHOA!" The man yelped, with a cold tingle on the back of his spine. "EASY EASY! I'M UNARMED!"
Seeing the man wave his arms up and slowly backing up, the woman slowly retracted her bloodlust and relaxed her pose.
"Who are you?" She questioned.
With his arms still in the air, he replied. "You can call me Stone. May I have the fair lady's name?"
"You can call this one Wu Meirong." The lady curtly replied. "Where am I?"
Just as the man was about to answer, he felt something being unlocked in his mind.
"This is my fertility shop." He spoke, smiling gently. "You wish for a child, but haven't been able to conceive one yet. Am I correct?"
"How did you know?!?" Wu Meirong snapped, reapplying her bloodlust onto him.
However, this time, it had no effect on him. As he walked over and took a seat on a set of couches surrounding a low level table.
"The only reason why you are able to enter this shop, madam Wu, is the fact that you desperately want a child." Stone spoke softly, beckoning her to sit on the sofa across from him. "If you don't believe me, you are free to leave. Before you go, take another look around you. I have no reason to lie to you."
Taking a deep breath and looking around a second time, she realized that everything around her was different, this so-called shop had no similarities to the shops of her world. Some things didn't even exist. The warm bright lights around her, the clean earthy colors, and furniture that only the supreme emperor could use surrounded her.
"It seems that you are speaking some truth." Wu Meirong hissed at Stone. "However, what kind of backwaters shop is this, claiming their merchandise as children."
"Because the word shop is something that you understand." Stone explained. "You have a want/need, I am able to supply you with things that help you achieve that want/need."
"How?" Wu Meirong spoke coldly.
"Well, have a seat." Stone beckoned again to the sofa in front of him. "All I know is that you want a child. I don't know what is preventing you from conceiving one, only through conversation am I able to remedy this."
(A tall stature, pale white skin without any impurities, black hair with slight streaks of ice blue, and a perfect face. Accompanied by a sense of power that shouldn't come from a frail looking body.) Stone observed. (It seems this esteemed lady comes from a martial arts world. One where heavenly emperors exist and any single person can bring about great destruction.)
Stone thought to himself as he watched Wu Meirong gingerly sit down.
"First thing's first, can you please explain your world?" Stone asked.