Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

"First thing's first, can you please explain your world?" Stone asked. 

"Explain.. My world?" Wu Meirong repeated, confused. 

"As you have noticed, we are no longer in your world." Stone explained, "This shop does not exist in your world, you have simply found the entrance."

"As such, I know very little about the rules that govern your world. Rules that I must follow in creating a way for you to conceive a child."

"Uhh…" Wu Meirong was unsure of how to accurately describe her world to the strange man in front of her, but something within told her to do her best. 

"My world is a Martial world. Everyone practices martial arts, from children to adults, both men and women. We cultivate ourselves and learn techniques to use or alter nature's powers for our own bidding."

"As I thought." Stone muttered.

"What was that?" Wu Meirong stopped her explanation, staring at Stone in suspicion at what he muttered. 

"Nothing Madam Wu." Stone replied. "I understand what rules govern your world. Now it is time to talk about you, Madam."

"Me?" Wu Meirong gasped, hoping she heard wrong. 

"Yes, you." Stone continued. "In terms of power or 'cultivation', where do you sit?"


"How strong are you in your world? Madam Wu." Stone asked. "How long have you thought of having a child, and how long have you been 'trying' to have a child?"

"My… My strength is near the top of known powers. However, we still haven't discovered the peak of cultivation yet." She earnestly replied after thinking. "I've been wanting a child for over 300 years at this point."

"..." Stone paused once he heard this number. 

(Holy shit, 300 years? This changes things a little.) 

"And for how long have you been trying?"

"Do I have to answer this?" Wu Meirong asked softly. 

"Yes." Stone replied after writing things down on a notebook that he pulled out of the table. "To what degree you want to answer this question is up to you, the more specific you are, the more likely my methods will be able to help you."

"I've been trying ever since I consummated my marriage." Wu Meirong replied quietly. 

"How long?" Stone replied curtly, with no change in emotion.

"About 290 years…"

Stone paused for a moment before continuing jotting down notes. 

"Ok Madam Wu, those are all the questions I need answering. Give me 10 minutes and I'll be right back, just sit tight. If you are thirsty, there's a water station over there."

Stone set all the papers straight then left the lobby to go into his office. 

(Holy hell what was that?!?) Stone thought to himself as he plopped down on his office chair. 

(That was all me? Yet it didn't feel like it was all me.)

He shook himself out of his stupor, It wasn't time to think about what happened to himself, he has a patient now, it is time to help her. 

Stone has an accurate idea of what is going on, based on his reading history and cliches regarding marital worlds and cultivation. The man's essence is basically being refined and turned into energy for the woman, so he has to find a way to stop the man's essence from being refined.

Here he was slightly stumped, until an encrypted book started flashing in the corner of his eye, seemingly trying to capture his attention. He put a pause to writing notes and pulled this book out. 

(This book huh?) Stone mused to himself, It was the first encrypted book he pulled out and tried to read, but to no avail. 

Now, he was able to read the information that the book contained. [Cultivation Technique: Child of Heaven and Earth]

(Quite the gaudy name.) Stone thought to himself. (If their child becomes the chosen one, doesn't that basically mean that both mother and father are destined to die?)

He continued reading and to his surprise, the technique didn't force the child to become chosen. It simply set the Mother as Earth, and the Father as Heaven. And the act of copulation is the process of creating mankind. The resulting child will be the sum of the best parts of both parents, divided by the number of offspring they have. An example would be the sum of both parents being 100, the child would get 100. But if the parents have 20 children, each child would get 5.

(How does this make sense?) Stone thought to himself as he read on. But the rest of the book sounded like gibberish to him.

He thought about tossing the book, but something within him said that this was the best method for Wu Meirong. So he kept the book and resumed writing down notes. 

"Ah," Stone realized something. "I also need to do some blood work and an ultrasound. I was too absorbed in the idea that the problem was strictly from their cultivation stance, It could also be a biological problem."

"Blood work is no problem for me." Stone mused. "But that ultrasound is going to be a problem. I can't be the person doing the ultrasound on her, especially in such a sensitive place…"

*Knock Knock*

The knocking on the door took him out of his thinking. 

(That's weird, I thought I was the only one here. And Wu Meirong is still in the lobby.) Stone thought to himself. (And the knocking came from the door that leads to the private rooms.)

"Come in!" Stone answered reservedly. 

"Hello? Doctor?" A soft voice answered before a small head popped around the door. 



"Who are you?" Stone asked in confusion, wondering if his eyes were lying to him or not. 

"I'm the shop assistant!" The girl answered. As she stepped into the office and stood at attention in front of Stone. 

Taking a moment to observe the girl, Stone was slightly bewildered at who was before his eyes. 

The girl in front of him embodied the 'Girl next door' Vibe, Chestnut brown hair, bright emerald green eyes. A brilliant smile. Someone who brought out the full protective nature in anyone who saw her. The only downside? 

"Short." Stone spoke.


"Come again?!?" The girl flared up. "I am not short!!!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Stone defended himself, "I didn't mean it!"

"I sure as hell hope you didn't mean it!" The girl stabbed back, glaring at Stone. 

Chuckling, Stone resumed writing down notes about his recent patient. 

"Well that takes care of the ultrasound." He continued speaking aloud to himself. 

"Oi, don't just ignore me." The girl walked across the room and stood straight in front of Stone's desk.

"Sorry, I'm still used to being the only person here." Stone apologized to the girl. "What's your name?"

"The name is Chelsea." She replied, hands on hip. Presumably angry, Stone thought, but her height took out any seriousness she had. 

"Alright, sit tight Chelsea. Let me go and talk to our patient." Stone laughed as he patted her head, that only came up to his chest.

Shocked at Stone's actions, Chelsea didn't respond until a minute later after Stone had left the office. Stomping her feet in anger, she sat down in his chair and started grumbling to herself.

Even Stone himself was shocked at his own actions. Feeling a sense of familiarity and safety with the girl that only a decades long relationship would have. 

He quickly shook these thoughts out of his head and returned to the lobby, where an anxious Wu Meirong sat, with several empty cups on the table. 

"Good news Madam Wu. I may have a solution to your problem."

"Really?!?" Wu Meirong perked up. However, Stone's next words shot her back down.

"But before I give it to you, I will need to conduct a physical examination on you." 

"What kind of examination?" Wu Meirong gingerly asked. Completely forgetting that she was once at odds with the man in front of her. 

"Simple, Some blood tests and a scan of your body." Stone assured her, "We can do all of this today, Is that good for you?"

"Yes it's good for me!" Wu Meirong blurted out. Seemingly in a daze that her long wish of a child will soon be granted. 

"Good, follow me!" Stone ordered. 

Soon, Wu Meirong followed Stone into a closed off room. 

"Madam Wu, please take a seat." Stone pointed to an operating chair. "First things first, I will be taking some blood from you."

"OK" Wu Meirong sat down in the weird looking chair. 

As Stone turned around with a syringe and a couple blood tubes, he saw Wu Meirong with a delicately crafted dagger at her wrist, seemingly ready to cut. 

"STOP STOP STOOOOOP!" Stone yelled at her. Causing her to pause her actions and look at him in confusion.

"What is the matter? Did you not say that you needed my blood?" Wu Meirong questioned, dagger still in hand.

"Put that away first!" Stone yelped as he clutched his chest, trying to slow down his heart rate. 

"I have devices here to draw and collect your blood with minimal mess and pain. No need for blades and wounds!"

"O-ok…" Wu Meirong put away the dagger in who knows where. 

"Ok, just extend your arm." Stone ordered, he then wrapped the arm in an elastic band above the elbow, feeling for a vein before stabbing in the syringe. 

"O-ow?" Wu Meirong muttered under her breath, under slight confusion. Watching Stone change out the tubes after it filled with blood. (Strange, I felt no pain, yet blood is coming out. Is this man a celestial of some kind? How high is his strength? I sense no energy from him nor his tools, but they pierced my skin with ease.).

After collecting four vials of blood, Stone took the syringe out and undid the armband. Turning around with a bandaid to only notice that the small needle mark already healed with no evidence of it being there. 

(To be a martial artist with such a healing factor.) Stone bemused himself as he took the blood samples with him.