Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

"And here I thought things would pick up…" Stone mulled as another day passed serenely. 

"Isn't there a trope in those novels where things just escalate spontaneously after the first customer? Or has it changed since I last read a novel like that…"

It has been several days since Wu Meirong came and went. 

Since then, Stone had read through the encrypted books that unlocked for him, reading through everything and making preparations for her next visit. 

"Time to close up shop." Stone spoke aloud, trying to disperse the silence that shrouded the shop. 

As he tidied the lobby area and put away blueprints containing renovation plans on making private consult rooms. Chelsea shouted from the back, grabbing his attention. 

"Doc! There's a new room back here!"

"Huh?!?" Surprised at the sudden discovery. Stone put away the broom and dustpan and rushed to the back. 

"What new room?" Stone asked. "No other patient has appeared other than the martial lady. Why would there be a new room?"

He soon found Chelsea standing in front of a door next to all the analysis equipment. 

"No idea, stinky doc." Chelsea replied, "I'm going back to my room, got more books to read." 

"Alright missy." Stone replied, shaking his head, "Do you want me to bring a coffee later?"

"Please, stinky doc."

Watching her leave around the corner, Stone tried to figure out where the familiarity came from. 

Deciding that it would give him a migraine if he tried. He tossed the subject to the back of his mind and entered the new room.

As he did, a sign engraved itself on the door, labeling itself [Pharmacy].

"Huh." Stone stood speechless at what was in the room. 

An old fashioned, but high quality mortar and pestle caught his eye at first, then the furnace and cauldron device. He also spotted a herb grinder and many more traditional tools. 

Then he moved his sight to another area, this time holding much more modern tools. A modern lab chemistry set, complete with vacuum chambers, precision pressure tools, microscopes, and more. 

As Stone took in this sight, it finally dawned on him why such a room revealed itself to him. 

A few days ago, he was making follow up plans for Wu Meirong. The first plan was when she came back bearing good news. He drafted up multiple booklets containing recipes for nourishment and things to do when expecting. 

The second plan was in case that nothing had happened, but the couple was still trying. He made a recipe book containing a pill regiment for the man. 

The final third plan is to do a second body checkup on Wu Meirong and have her bring her husband in for his checkup, to see if anything was wrong with his body. 

As he finished going through his plans, Stone started exploring the room. Other than a few basic tools, Stone had very little hands-on experience with the tools around him. His previous emotional state prevented him from working in or cooperating with any labs. And due to a blunder at the very start of his maniacal research into what went wrong, he put himself on a list and was banned from obtaining such equipment. 

"Thankfully, there are manuals for all the stuff I don't quite understand how to operate." Stone let out a sigh of relief. 

"Time to figure out what tools I need to learn in order to make the tonics for the first plan." Stone returned to his office to grab the book that he now calls 'Immortal World Pediatrics".

On his way back, he made two cups of coffee, one dark coffee with some sweeteners and a chocolate macchiato with more milk. Something that he just refers to as a hot chocolate at this point. 

Knocking on Chelsea's door and yelling that her 'coffee' is ready. Stone hurried back into the pharmacy room, taking a slight pause at the new sign on the door before entering.

"Alright then." Stone sat down and looked at the large amount of books and manuals he would have to go through. "Hmm?"

Right before he opened the Immortal World Pediatrics book, he noticed a door towards the back labeled 'Herb room'.

"That's nice." Stone remarked, he then noticed a small text below.

[This room contains unlimited herbs of average quality. Collected from the countless worlds as 'trash herbs'. Since they do not represent the 'pinnacle' quality, they are mostly thrown away. Not the best, and not the worst.]

"Well, at least I have an unlimited amount of training herbs…" Stone laughed as he began his own reading and studying session.