Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

"Stinky Doc! Time to wake up!" 

A bright vibrant voice could be heard echoing through the shop. 

However, upon receiving no response, the young girl began knocking on the doctor's door, trying to wake him up. 

"Wakey wakey!" She shouted, only to still receive silence. Balling up her fists, she barged into the room only to be met with a well organized and cold bedroom, seemingly barren of any signs of habitation.

Somewhat spooked by the absence of life, the young girl slowly backed out of the room and ran into her own. 

A cozy warm escape from the minimalist shop she lived and worked in. 

After calming herself down in her bed and under all the covers, she resolved herself to go back out and look for the 'stinky doctor'.

"This better not be an elaborate prank." She sniffled, holding back tears that were on the brink of falling. 

Once she entered the hallway again, she heard a faint hum coming from the back of the shop. Trying to recall what was back there, she slowly crept towards the noise, only for it to get louder and louder. Turning from a humming sound to a grinding sound. 

As she got close to the analysis room, she noticed a door slightly ajar and finally remembered that a new room had revealed itself yesterday. 

"You better be in that room…" The girl whispered to herself as she shuffled to the door, not knowing what she would do if the doctor was not in that room. 

Right as she reached for the door, a loud *DING* surprised her, causing her tears to fall. As she was about to wipe her tears away, a loud cheer could be heard from the room.


"So…" A sleep deprived Stone sat in front of a pouting Chelsea, "Are you okay?"


Chelsea turned her head away and ignored Stone's question. Some tears still visible at the corner of her eyes.

"My bad for scaring you so badly." Stone apologized, shaking his head to keep himself awake. "I got a little too immersed reading and experimenting in the pharmacy."

Still looking away, Chelsea laid her head down on the table with a pout, ignoring the breakfast Stone whipped up as an apology. 

Sighing to himself, Stone inhaled his own breakfast before heading back into his room. 

"I'm going to take a quick nap. We will open the shop later than usual, I'm sure nothing will happen given the amount of visits we've had." Stone shouted from his door before disappearing into his room. 

Not long after, light snoring could be heard echoing down the hall, causing Chelsea to turn her head towards Stone's room.

"What a moron…" She muttered as she got up and stretched and started picking at the food Stone made for her. 

"Why is the food he made so delicious…" She wondered aloud as she started devouring her plate. "When he wakes up, he's going to be responsible for breakfast and dinner."

Clueless to his new tasks, Stone continues slumbering on for one hour and 30 minutes. 

"Look at who decided to finally wake up." Chelsea snorted as she watched the still yawning, but freshly clean Stone wobble into the tiny employee dining area. 

"Ready to open up?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow, not entirely sure that he is fully aware of his surroundings. 

Right on cue, Stone turns around, still wobbling, putting on the lab coat he left at the table and walked towards the lobby.

"Right after a cup of coffee"

Chelsea heard as he turned around the corner. 

"Maybe I should call him silly doctor instead of stinky doctor." She thought to himself. "He's starting to look way better than when I first saw him. 

With the shenanigans of the morning behind him, Stone and Chelsea open up shop for the day, expecting no one to show up. 

As soon as both of them find their seats at their station, the shop door barges open with the chime screaming aloud, startling them both. 

"Wel-come?" Stone turned to greet them, only to see no one at the doorway as the door shut close. "That's strange."

As Stone tried to figure out what happened, Chelsea pulled his sleeve with her nose pinched.

"What is it? I don't smell that bad." Stone lifted his coat to check if it smelled before he noticed her pointed at the floor in front of the doorway. 

With a scrunched up face, Chelsea forced out a sentence.

"Someone collapsed on the floor, silly doctor."

Without time to register the new nickname, Stone vaulted over the counter and rushed over to the collapsed person. 

Surprised at his athleticism, Chelsea retreated to the back, in an attempt to get away from the awful nauseating smell.

Stone checked on the collapsed person, realizing it was a lady, and was about to call for Chelsea to help him.

He paused for a second, recalling her face and pinched nose before deciding otherwise. 

Stone propped her up and was about to pull her over to one of the private rooms when he noticed her bulging belly. 

(She's pregnant?!?) Stone inwardly exclaimed, before taking off his lab coat and wrapping it around the lady. 

(She's covered in dirt, but her hair looks green. Holy fuck she's light as a feather.) Stone observed as he scooped her up in a princess carry. 

As he set her down on the hospital bed in the room, he noticed many more features that made him quite worried. 

(No shoes and bloodied feet, cold skin, super thin clothing, and quite feeble. What the hell is going on with her.) Stone continued doing a quick check up on her. (She needs fluids, A LOT of fluids.) 

Stone quickly hooked her up to an I.V. bag and started searching for cleaning supplies. He soon returned to the room with a bucket and a load of towels. 

He then cut off what clothes she had on, something that could barely be called fabric, then started wiping away blood, dirt, and whatever else coated her body. 

As he cleaned and checked if there were any open wounds on her body, a book in his office started glowing softly, something he wouldn't notice till much later. 

After several loads of towels and buckets of soap and water, Stone finally managed to get the green-haired lady clean and into a set of hospital gowns. 

During that time, Chelsea came and went with a gasmask she procured out of somewhere, helping with towels and changing the I.V. bags. However, she never stuck around for long, before disappearing into the back. 

With no other choice, Stone started taking vitals and preparing the ultrasound machine after a quick coffee break. 

Once he confirmed that her vitals were within 'normal' ranges, he started with the ultrasound of her bulging stomach, only to be met with something he has never seen on an ultrasound.

"What the fuck?"