Chereads / Apocalypse of Pleasure / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 - The End

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 - The End

Kaylee wakes up slowly, so utterly content that it takes her a few long moments to remember exactly where she is and why she's both entirely satisfied and maybe a little sore as well. Then she does remember, and her eyes shoot open as she sits up in bed, a wide happy grin spreading from ear to ear across the young mechanical engineer's face.


She has every reason to be smiling, after all. What woman in the entirety of Vault Sixty-Nine WOULDN'T give an arm and a leg to be where she is right now? Oh sure, plenty of the inhabitants of this vault had experienced the Overseer's cock by this point. He'd impregnated over half of the women who lived in Vault Sixty-Nine by now and was well on his way to impregnating the other half. It might take some time to finish up, but even the good doctor's punishment for being the naughtiest bitch in the vault wouldn't last THAT long.


Truth be told, Kaylee privately thought that Dr. Ziegler's punishment should be more severe. Eternal slavery to the Overseer wouldn't be too harsh for that woman. And Kaylee was usually such an earnest, kind-hearted sort of girl too. But hearing what the doctor had tried to do, how she'd tried to take control of the vault through their Overseer while the rest of them were still dazed and confused and grieving the loss of the world above… it incensed Kaylee something fierce, she had to admit. To the point that the normally docile and entirely happy young woman was willing to contemplate violence.


But she would never do so without the Overseer's permission, and he'd already made his feelings on that front very clear. That was about the only reason Dr. Ziegler wasn't facing down a lynch mob. The Overseer had decreed her punishment was what she deserved, so that was what she deserved. Nobody was going to go over his head or behind his back… after all, that was the horrific crime the doctor had committed, at the end of the day.


Enough about that though! Kaylee Frye, little Kaywinnet Lee Frye (nobody said her parents had any sense to them) was currently waking up in the Overseer's very own bed, having just engaged in passionate lovemaking with the man for several hours before they'd both fallen asleep! Or rather, she'd passed out from the exertion and he'd either kept going or stopped soon after to let her rest. One way or the other, it didn't change the fact that Kaylee had been dubbed the Nicest Woman in the entire Vault by the Overseer playing at being Santa Claus. It didn't change the fact that she was in the midst of a weeklong reward spent in his quarters.


To the end of the year, the Overseer had said that Christmas Day. That meant she had until January First, and while that wasn't very far away, Kaylee still had a few days left before she'd have to return to her own quarters and her work and go back to her normal vault life. As it was, she was already pregnant with the Overseer's child, so the thought of having to leave his quarters after the New Year came didn't fill Kaylee with THAT much despair. She was going to be a mother, soon enough, and she would raise the Overseer's baby to the best of her abilities, just like every other new mother in Vault Sixty-Nine.


For now, however, Kaylee had a reward to enjoy. With a happy-go-lucky smile on her face and some pep in her step, the naked, pregnant, altogether excitable engineer hops out of bed and makes her way over to the shower, stepping under the spray and cleaning off the excesses of the day before… or rather, the night before, as it was.


By the time she steps out of the shower, Kaylee is still amazed to see that the bed has been completely redone, the dirty sheets stripped off and replaced with a fresh set while Kaylee was indisposed. She's not that surprised anymore, of course, having seen this happen three days in a row now… however, she's still in awe of the Overseer's maids and their ability to go unseen and unheard, at least where Kaylee was concerned.


Obviously, they were still around, taking care of the Overseer and by extension her as well, but equally obviously the Overseer was serious about her having him all to herself until New Year and that meant, at least to Kaylee's senses anyways, it was just her and him all alone in his quarters. Biting her lip, Kaylee gets dressed in her usual garb and makes her way to the kitchen. She considers going naked… but she'd already done that a couple times over the past few days.


Truth be told… Kaylee was starting to get a little stir crazy. As she enters the kitchen and sits down to the absolutely stunning breakfast already waiting for her, a plate of eggs and bacon and sausage, along with a glass of warm, freshly squeezed breastmilk, she finds herself contemplating potentially asking the Overseer for something that would have been unthinkable just days before.


It wasn't set in stone just yet… but she was considering asking the Overseer if she could pop out for a few hours to get some work done. Yeah, it was a little crazy, but Kaylee was in love with her work. Honestly, she was in love with the vault itself. Vault Sixty-Nine had a sort of life of its own, completely separate from the nine hundred plus women and one single man that existed within its walls. Vault Sixty-Nine had become Kaylee's baby, in a way, her firstborn of sorts, since she had an actual baby on the way.


It felt wrong, to be away from fixing the vault up, even for the three days she'd been in the Overseer's Quarters. At the same time, being WITH the Overseer… it was phenomenal, Kaylee had to admit. She didn't want to end her reward prematurely or anything like that, especially not when she didn't know when the next time, she'd get to be with the amazing man would be after New Year came to pass.


Thus, Kaylee's dilemma. It's one that follows the young pregnant woman all the way through breakfast, and even after she's done eating. Getting up and cleaning her plate in the sink, Kaylee ultimately makes her way to where she knows the Overseer will be… his office, which his quarters are just off the side of.


 Stepping through the door from his private quarters to his office, Kaylee opens her mouth to speak, only to stop dead in her tracks when she sees the changes he's made since she was last in here. As ever, there's the Overseer himself sat at his desk, and one of Kaylee's first instincts is to go over, crawl under the desk, and suck him off like the good little slut she is.


But also, there's something new in the office, something rather large dominating the far wall of the room that wasn't before. It's a massive workbench, filled to the brim with all sorts of tools… and in the center of it all is a piece of VaultTech hardware that Kaylee was working on before the whole Christmas thing came about, something that wasn't necessarily broken, but that she'd been trying to improve upon so that she could make a certain part of the vault's systems run more efficiently and smoothly, and for longer to boot.


The entire vault was made to last for a long, long time supposedly… but Kaylee didn't trust anything she hadn't worked on with her own two hands. Regardless, the fact that it was all here, all of her tools, as well as her latest project.


"A-Ah… um…"


Without looking up from his work, the Overseer chuckles.


"At a loss for words, Kaylee? You do remember the P in SPECIAL is for Perception, right? Dr. Ziegler made the decision to max out my stats… and in doing so, made me the most perceptive man that ever walked this earth, let alone these halls. So yes, I noticed you were starting to yearn for a bit of work… luckily for you, I have a lot that's piled up as well. So… shall we get down to it?"


Kaylee only hesitates for one moment more before beaming brightly, skipping over to the Overseer, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek, and then skipping over to the newly installed workbench. Plopping her fat bottom down, the eager engineer quickly gets to work, finding that all the parts and tools she'll need to complete some more of her current project are close by, as if the entire set up has been arranged by someone who knows exactly what she's trying to accomplish.


Which… to be fair, like the Overseer just said, he's not only the most perceptive man to ever walk the earth, he's probably the smartest as well. Kaylee really shouldn't be surprised that he would be able to take one look at this project and know exactly what she was doing. Regardless, the two of them end up working in silence like that for a while, and Kaylee finds herself completely in the zone in short order, falling into a bit of a Zen state as she just… works her thinking muscles, as well as her actual muscles, getting a little dirty in the process, but all in all really scratching that itch that had been growing worse and worse for the last few days.


Of course, the more she scratches this itch, the more that the other itch begins to rear its ugly head. Luckily for her, she doesn't have to initiate anything. In the middle of her working on her project, the Overseer abruptly stands from his desk and walks around it, over to her temporary workshop. Kaylee doesn't pay him much mind besides inwardly noticing his presence… until, of course, his cock begins to rub against her cheek.


Blinking, Kaylee tries to turn her focus onto the Overseer's gorgeous member, but his voice immediately sounds out, admonishing her.


"Focus on your work, Kaylee."


Doing as she's told, Kaylee keeps her eyes on her work… and then the Overseer gently but firmly takes hold of her hair and turns her head himself, even as he pushes his cock into her mouth and begins to thrust away, slowly, but thrusting all the same. Realizing the game, he's playing with her right now, and honestly kind of liking the mixture of play and work that they're engaging in, Kaylee keeps on working on her project, all while the Overseer fucks her mouth, using the orifice for his own personal pleasure. She's certainly not sucking his cock, so that's the best way of describing it. The Overseer using her, while she in turn focuses on the task at hand.


Eventually, his cock hard and well-lubricated, the Overseer pulls out of Kaylee's mouth. He grabs her by the hips and pulls her up to her feet, resulting in her being bent over her workbench for a moment. Her pants and panties are subsequently pulled down to her knees, exposing her slick wetness and her bubble butt. She never stops working on the delicate machinery in front of her though, even as he sits down where she'd been sat moments before, and promptly pulls her back onto his spit-polished erection, impaling her on his cock.


Kaylee's eyes widen, and her mouth forms into a small o as she moans wantonly, but a swat to her behind from the Overseer reminds her of what she's supposed to be working on, and she gets right back to it, even as he bounces her up and down on his cock, slowly and gently, so as not to disrupt her too much. It's really, really working for her though, and Kaylee's breath hitches, even as she bites her lower lip to try to do her best to contain her moans.


She wiggles and writhes on the Overseer's member, but ultimately keeps working on what's in front of her. This continues for who knows how long as he makes use of her body, all while she's handling the delicate machinery of the hardware he's had brought to his office. It is, without a doubt, the most amazing sexual experience of Kaylee's life.


He's not even fucking her that hard, and she had thought she had a penchant for liking it rough. She certainly enjoys getting fucked face down, ass up from behind while she clutches at and bites down upon the sheets in his bed each night. Having him spear deep into her hot depths with every inch of his length until she climaxes so hard that she passes out is an amazing experience, to be sure.


But this… this is even better. There's no doubt about it, at least not in Kaylee's humble opinion. Working and fucking at the same time… its heaven. Eventually, the Overseer moves his hands away from her hips and up her body, hiking up her shirt and groping her tits, fondling her quite brazenly as Kaylee continues to work. She's left bouncing up and down on his cock at her own speed, something that fluctuates based on how much focus she's having to put towards the project in front of her.

Regardless, there comes a point where Kaylee has to carefully pull back and put down her tools, leaning away from the delicate machinery just in time to arch her back and loll her head onto the Overseer's shoulder as she orgasms around his cock. It's not the last orgasm either, her climaxes coming quite fast as he begins to fuck her in earnest, and she begins to push back in earnest as well, bouncing up and down on his member and riding him faster and harder by the moment, while the work she's completed for the day sits in front of her.


Things eventually move to the bedroom from there, and take a more… normal turn, as the Overseer continues to give her the reward she's so justly earned, plowing her silly until dinner, after which he fucked her some more until eventually, once again, Kaylee passed out from his amazing, but admittedly exhausting cock.


Even still, he was the most considerate man that the young woman had ever had the fortune of meeting. Kaylee was in no way a pessimist, and she didn't usually allow herself to think about bad thoughts and worst case scenarios. But after what Dr. Ziegler was revealed to have tried to do, it had crossed Kaylee's mind that maxing out someone's SPECIAL stats didn't necessarily mean you would get a compassionate, moral, empathic individual.


After all, none of the SPECIAL stats made you a better human, they just made a better you. Which meant the Overseer that she and the rest of Vault Sixty-Nine had fallen in love with… was truly a good man before all this. And for that, Kaylee could rest easy, grateful that VaultTech had found the best of the best for this strange experiment of theirs.


In truth, they hadn't. They'd gotten lucky… or rather unlucky, as it turned out. The experiment had called for an amoral male candidate to end up as the Overseer of Vault Sixty-Nine. That's why it was a young, teenage runaway that had been snatched up and tossed into the vault to have his SPECIAL stats maxed out, to see what would happen with him in charge.


But not every young man runs away from home for selfish reasons. Not every street urchin is an inherently amoral individual. In the end, VaultTech's experiment had gone off course before it could even begin… but all the people who would have cared one way or the other were either dead or trapped in their own vaults at this point. So, in the end… it didn't really matter.