Chereads / Apocalypse of Pleasure / Chapter 13 - Room 111

Chapter 13 - Room 111

The Wasteland was no cakewalk. Despite Mia having trained from a young age in Vault 73, the dangers of the Wasteland could take down even the most experienced fighters.

Her full name was Mia Walker. She had long blonde hair and a pretty heart-shaped face with emerald green eyes. As a result of her training and perhaps Vault-Tec genetic selection, she had top tier genetics and an extremely fit body. Her abs were toned and her hips were nice and wide, allowing her to handle her own in fights yet still maintain a tight, sexy gait. Her D-cup breasts were firm and perky, sometimes even getting in the way of her job. Her butt was large, round, and tight, followed by long toned legs that could crush a skull. But despite her fitness, Mia wasn't overly muscular. She was strong, but still feminine. She was a warrior, but still a woman. At least she considered herself one, at 21 years old, Mia's fit petite figure drew a lot of attention from men in the Wasteland, sometimes to her advantage but oftentimes not so much.

Her skin was slightly tanned from her time in the Wastes, which only added to her allure. She was always a standout among the usual wastelanders and ghouls that she often ran across. Just to be safe, she always kept a knife strapped to her right leg, which was usually covered by her vault suit.

Mia was on a mission to find more fusion cores for her vault. Every few years more fusion cores were required to keep the power on. As a result, the Overseer sent scouts out into the Wastes to locate them. It was a dangerous mission, but Mia was the most capable scout in the entire vault, so she was the best choice.

She was in an area called the Badlands, a vast wasteland with very little life. A subset of the Wasteland located in what would be pre-War Louisiana. The Badlands were known for being dangerous and unpredictable. There were many raiders in the area, and plenty of mutants. The sun was blistering hot during the day and freezing cold at night.

Mia was dressed in her signature vault suit, a form fitting blue and yellow jumpsuit. It was custom tailored to her measurements and hugged every inch of her body. Her curves were clearly visible, especially the hourglass shape of her hips and waist. She was wearing some light combat armor on her legs and arms. It wasn't much, but it provided some additional protection. Other than her knife, she had a singular plasma rifle. It was her most prized possession. Only the most skilled warriors of the vault could be trusted with bringing out such a weapon.

Mia walked through the hot and dense vegetation searching for anything that might give her a clue to a new power core. So far, her luck had been poor.

"Damn it, I've been walking for hours and still haven't found a fucking thing." Mia said to herself as she walked along the dusty road.

She stopped by an abandoned gas station, looking for food. There wasn't much to find in this area, and it seemed as if she would need to go elsewhere to find what she needed.

Suddenly, a noise startled her. She heard a rustling coming from inside the gas station. She raised her gun, prepared for whatever was going to come out.

Out of the shadows came a group of five raiders. They were dressed in tattered clothing and their skin was covered in dirt. One of them was holding a baseball bat, while another was holding a switchblade. The others had various melee weapons.

They all stopped and looked at her with wide eyes. They obviously hadn't expected to see anyone out here.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" One of the raiders said, smirking. "A girl lost in the Badlands. How...pathetic."

"Leave me alone." Mia said, standing her ground.

"Or what?"

Mia cocked her gun, aiming it at the head of the man who had spoken. "Or I'll blow your fucking head off."

The men chuckled.

"Listen, girl, we're not leaving without a fight. Maybe something else too" The one with the baseball bat said, looking her figure up and down.

"Then you're not leaving." Mia said sternly.

The men all exchanged glances. They were clearly intimidated by her confidence.

"Well, then. I guess we'll just have to take you by force."

With that, they charged her.

Mia was a highly trained fighter. She'd done this dozens of times in the simulator back at the vault. She quickly raised her rifle and fired a volley of shots. She aimed at the leader, the one with the baseball bat, hitting him right between the eyes. He was liquified in an instant. The other shots hit two others, making them disappear too. There was a moment of stunned silence as everyone realized what had happened. Then the last two ran off into the distance.

The other raiders were taken aback by this and scurried off. One was left standing there, frozen in fear.

"Be a good boy for me and go away," Mia said, her eyes twinkling, rifle aimed at his head. "Now!"

The raider quickly turned and ran off.

Mia sighed and began to walk away. She walked among the piles of goop that were once the raiders. Nothing, zilch, nada. She was low on supplies and was still at a grand total of zero fusion cores. She decided to cut her losses and start making the trip back to the vault to resupply and try again.

The journey back would take a few days so she decided to stay the night in a town nearby to resupply. The town was called Gator's Hollow and was of medium size. It was run by a local gang and was the only settlement for miles around. The people were friendly and the food was decent by Badlands standards. They had an inn that fit the budget she was given for the mission. She would sleep and head back the next day.

After checking in at the inn, Mia went to the bar and ordered a drink. She was sitting by herself, quietly drinking some water and eating a plate of Brahmin steak. Mia stood out among the crowd. For one, she was wearing a vault suit and carried a plasma rifle. Everyone else in the room was dressed in rags. Secondly, she was a woman. Lone women were rare in the Wasteland, especially women as beautiful as Mia.

She took her hair out of the ponytail, her long, golden locks cascading down her shoulders. Her big, round eyes were a beautiful shade of green. Her full, pink lips looked incredibly soft. Her cheeks were flushed and her skin was a healthy tan color. Her body was slender and petite, with an ample bust and wide hips. Her big white smile lit up the room and her laugh could melt even the coldest of hearts. She was absolutely gorgeous and it was no wonder she was drawing attention.

Mia noticed a group of men staring at her from across the room. They were whispering amongst themselves, clearly talking about her. Mia was used to men staring at her, but it never failed to make her feel self-conscious. Vault 73 residents don't choose their own mates. Given the limited population, the vault would carefully pair up residents on a strict criteria to ensure compatibility and genetic diversity. The pairing would happen at the age of 25. This caused her to often daydream about who she'd end up paired with. She knew it would probably be some older man, maybe a scientist or a doctor, but she liked to imagine that she'd be paired with someone younger, someone strong and handsome, like a guard or a fighter.

Mia knew she was attractive, and that was a blessing and a curse. On one hand, she was able to get anything she wanted from men. On the other, men often only wanted her for sex. Her vault genetics didn't just make her beautiful, it also made her extremely fertile. A single drop of semen could probably knock her up, which is why women in the vault only saved intercourse until after pairing. Therefore, she was very careful to avoid getting into unfortunate situations out in the Wastes. A vault dweller pregnant with some random's baby or worse, a mutant's, would be quite a scandal in Vault 73 society.

She'd heard rumors about monsters and men raping women, but she'd never actually seen it. In her mind, she couldn't understand how anyone could do such a thing. Rape was considered the worst crime possible in Vault 73, punishable by exile. Casual sex was banned in the vault. She was taught that the entire purpose of the program was to keep the human race alive and ensure the survival of the species. Anything outside of procreation was considered a waste.

But despite her strict upbringing, Mia wasn't entirely against the idea of sex. Sure, she'd been told that it was something reserved for married couples and that it was wrong to have feelings for someone before then, but she couldn't help the way she felt. She had urges. Sometimes, at night, she'd imagine being with someone, a man, a boy her age really, in a way that went against everything she'd ever been taught. She'd touch herself and pretend it was his hands on her and his lips on her body. She'd stop eventually and feel guilty afterwards, but that didn't stop her from doing it again the next night.

The thought of having a boyfriend, or even a husband, was so foreign to her. She knew that was the way things worked outside the vault, but she'd never had the chance to experience it. Besides, she would channel most of her frustration via physical activity. She'd spend hours sparring with the guards or exercising with her friends. She was a skilled fighter and a natural leader, but sometimes, when she was alone at night, she wished she could have someone to share her life with.

She was quickly snapped out of this daydream as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She whipped her head around and was met with an ugly sight. There was a light-skinned man who looked to be in his mid-fifties or sixties, although it was hard to tell from his mangled looking face, perhaps a result of a birth defect from all the radiation. His clothes were dirty but in good condition and he had a large, bulging stomach. He had little hair left on his head, but ironically, was extremely hairy everywhere else. His arms and legs were covered in dark brown hair. His thick black eyebrows hung low over his dark brown eyes. He had a stubby nose and a wide mouth. His teeth were stained and she could smell his breath from a few feet away.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asked.

"I'm good." Mia replied, not looking up from her plate.

"I insist."

With that, he plopped down in the chair next to her. Mia tried her best not to look at him. He smelled like he hadn't bathed in weeks, which he probably hadn't. His scent alone made her nauseous.

"I've never seen you around here before," the man said, leaning closer to her. "What's your name?"

"What's it to you?" She asked, keeping her gaze fixed on the plate.

"I'm just trying to make friendly conversation, is all."

Mia rolled her eyes and sighed. "Look, I don't want to be rude, but I'm really not interested."

"Are you sure?" He leaned closer still, putting his hand on her thigh.

She looked down at his hand, her piercing green eyes practically seeing straight through the flesh and bone.

"You have 5 seconds to get your hand off me or I'll blow your balls off," she hissed.

"Fine, guess you don't any fusion cores then." The man replied, hand still on her thigh.

This stopped her cold. Fusion cores? How the fuck does he know that?

"What the hell are you talking about?" She said, whipping her head towards him.

"That's all you vault types ever seem to want when they come out here to the wastes." The man replied with a smirk. "First time I've seen them send one as pretty as you though, they must be getting really desperate," he added, his hand sliding further up her thigh, thumb now brushing against her, sending a tingle throughout her body.

How did he know so much? Didn't matter, she didn't have time to think about that. Besides, he was right, entire teams used to be sent out to look for fusion cores, so it wasn't rare to see vault dwellers in the Badlands. However, with cores getting harder to find, they opted for smaller and smaller teams in favor of searching further out. Of course, it meant that the risks were higher being further out from the vault, and despite Mia being a competent scout, she wasn't exactly the first choice for the mission.

"I don't care who you are, if you want to talk business get your hand off my thigh," Mia said coldly, her hand reaching towards the knife she kept strapped to her right leg.

"Huh. A tough little cookie ain't ya?" The man said, removing his hand from her leg. "The name's Larry. And you are?"

"Listen, Larry, I've had a long day and just want to finish my meal. So if you have something to offer, say it." She wasn't in the mood to play games with this man. She was already irritated that she had to come to a bar in a shitty town to find something she should've found on her mission, but she didn't want to go home empty handed.

"Fair enough," Larry said. "I got some fusion cores, and you can buy 'em, or I can trade for a favor."

"What kind of favor?" Mia asked, thinking it was either killing, stealing, or worse. She was used to this sort of stuff in her dealings with people in the Wasteland. She wasn't a fan, but it was the only way to survive out here, especially if you wanted something rare like a fusion core. 

"Something you might not be too willing to do with a stranger, if you get my drift," he said with a wink, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "You're the prettiest girl I've seen in ages." Mia felt his hot breath on her neck. "I'll give you a core, just for an hour with me. Hell, as long as you get me off, I don't care what you do. It'll be our little secret."

Mia pushed his face away from her. The smell of his breath and the stink of his body odor made her feel like she was going to puke. The thought of having to do anything with this disgusting old man made her skin crawl. She wanted to scream and punch him in the face, but she knew better than to make a scene. People out in the Badlands tended to protect their own, so if she tried anything, the whole bar would be all over her in seconds. The best she was gonna be able to do were empty threats.

"I'd sooner suck on my plasma rifle." Mia retorted, getting up from the table and turning to make her way towards her room.

Larry let out a laugh, a deep, ugly laugh that sent a chill through her.

"Sucking on your rifle ain't gonna get you a fusion core." Larry replied. "Just give it a think baby, and if you change your mind, Room 111."

Mia was furious. How dare this pig try to proposition her? He had some nerve. She stomped towards her room, pissed off at the thought of it. She slammed the door shut and locked it. Every room was the same, a cot, a nightstand, and a single dim bulb. It wasn't much, but Mia knew that in the Wasteland you had to take what you can get. It wasn't ideal, but at least she was safe from whatever was going on outside.

She sat on her bed and stared out the window. It was night, but she couldn't go to sleep now. Her mind was racing. She was still thinking about Larry. His stench, his gut, his hairy body. She'd seen ghouls better looking than him. What choice did she have though? She'd exhausted all the places with possible fusion cores marked on the map given to her by the overseer. The only way she was going back to the vault with a fusion core was through him. It wasn't like she could try to buy it either, the caps allotted to her mission just barely covered tonight's stay.

Perhaps the most frustrating part was that all the training, combat experience, preparation, and even the high tech rifle she had didn't mean anything in the end. The only way she was getting a core now was on her knees.

Mia felt tears welling up in her eyes.

She couldn't. It was forbidden to a vault dweller to do something like that, especially with someone from the Wastes. It wasn't even just the sexual act. The act of touching a man or being touched sexually was taboo in itself. She was expected to wait until she was paired, and only with her pair to ever do such a thing.

That was the other reason she needed the core so badly. At 21, she had 4 more years to go until pairing. That meant 4 more years of being eligible to search, 4 more years of being out in the wastes, risking either dying or worse. If she could bring back a core now, it would hold the vault over until after she was paired.

Besides, how would the vault know? No one knew who she was out here, so no one would ever know. At this point, Mia didn't have much of a choice. If she went home without anything to show, she'd be stuck doing these stupid scouting missions for years. Plus, who's to say she wouldn't be killed, raped, or eaten alive in the Wastes before that. At least this way it it was on her own terms. She also couldn't help but feel a tinge of curiosity, she would finally get to explore that part of herself she normally kept hidden in the depths of the vault. The part of herself that craved...

"Fuck..." she muttered, standing up and wiping her tears. Mia made her decision.


A few minutes later, she stood up, tucking in her knife closer up her thigh for easier access in case things went south. She looked down at her Pip-Boy, the screen turned off so she could see her reflection. She shakily pulled her hair back into her ponytail, knowing what was coming. Despite everything that had happened on her journey she still looked flawless. It was almost as if she had natural makeup. Her beach blonde hair contrasted against dark black eyelashes gave the appearance of mascara, full plump pink lips, perfectly arched eyebrows, and her signature big green eyes. Vault-Tec genetics really were something else.

Mia finished touching herself up and went outside her room. The inn wasn't too big and there weren't too many people. Most were asleep by now, and those who weren't had gone out into the night to do whatever it is that people out in the Badlands do. The hallways were empty and dark, the only light coming from dim bulbs hanging every few feet. She made her way down to the first floor, passing the rooms in ascending order to Larry's room.

"106, 107, 108, 109, 110... 111."

This was it. Room 111, Larry's room. She felt a pit form at her stomach. She wasn't ready to do this. It was too soon. She was too young. Too inexperienced. But what else could she do? The longer she waited the worse her chances at survival got. It was better to do this now rather than risk death in a few years, or even worse. Mia was a warrior. She wasn't afraid of anything. She was a vault dweller, she had a duty to her people. She bit down on her bottom lip and raised her hand to the door.

She knocked and heard a set of footsteps coming towards the door. A few seconds later, the door creaked open followed by a wave of a pungent, sour, body odor smell.

"Ah! There she is, I knew you'd come." Larry grinned with his rotting yellow teeth, opening the door wide enough to let her in.

Mia gulped, stepping into the threshold, Larry closing the door behind her. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she looked around. His room was a mess, it was hard to believe it was even the same layout as hers. She turned to the old man, he had made an outfit change and not for the better. He was wearing a raggedy brown tank top that was probably white originally. His greasy, hairy chest now completely visible. Below his gut was a short pair of boxers that were stained around the crotch area. Worst of all, she could hardly breathe with the stench filling the air. 

"So she couldn't resist a deal with old Larry, huh?" He said, lecherously grinning.

"Shut up, it's not like that." Mia said, averting her eyes, her cheeks flushing red.

"Oh, of course not sugar." Larry said. "Whatever reason you're using to justify it, I don't care, so long as I get I want." Larry's eyes roamed up and down her body, taking in the sight of her. His eyes lingered on her chest for a bit, before making his way down to her wide hips and toned legs.

Mia hated him. She despised him. He was nothing but a sleazy pig, taking advantage of her desperation. Probably wasn't the first time he's done this either. Nevertheless, getting frustrated now wasn't going to help the situation. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves.

"Whatever man, do you even have the core? Or are you wasting my time?" Mia asked sharply. She might be desperate but she wasn't stupid.

"Course baby, you think I'm not a man of my word?" Larry said.

Mia kept her mouth shut.

Larry laughed. "Never mind, don't answer that," he cackled.

"Shut up and just show me the damn thing," Mia snapped.

"Easy girl, they're right here," he said, as he opened a trunk in the corner of the room.

When he opened it, her jaw dropped. The entire trunk was lined with dozens of fusion cores, enough to last her vault till the heat death of the universe. How the hell did this loser of all people get them? She thought, in disbelief. Her mind was racing with possibilities, perhaps there was an abandoned vault nearby, maybe even a pre-war military base? Either way, she was determined to get her hands on them.

Larry picked one up from the top of the pile and brought it to her.

"Where'd you get those from?" Mia asked.

"You're nosy ain't ya?" Larry replied. Mia's eyes were locked onto the core in Larry's hands.

"Let's just say I've gotten very familiar with the vaults your kind comes from. Vaults that weren't as lucky as yours." He replied, the core inches away from her hands.

Mia felt sick. The reason Larry knew so much about her was because he'd been inside other vaults. Vault 73 knew there were other vaults out there, but protocol dictated that each vault operate independently. So her vault had no idea how many more societies like theirs were out there, and in what condition they were. Still, she couldn't help but feel an attachment to other fellow vault dwellers, and now here she was standing in front of a monster who had looted other vaults.

"Those poor people..." Mia muttered.

"Don't worry about them," Larry replied. "Besides, I wasn't the one that killed them. I might've enjoyed some spoils sure, but I ain't a killer." He said with a chuckle, still dangling the core in front of her face.

"You could've helped them! They probably had people like me, women and children! And you just watched as they were raided?" She said, tears forming in her eyes. The thought of it all made her sick.

"I'm helping one out now ain't I?" He said. Mia could smell his putrid breath as he got close. "Listen honey, I don't make it a habit to argue with pretty girls, so you want it or not?" Larry said, holding the core out.

Mia was shocked. This man was a monster, a vile monster who was just waiting for innocent people to be slaughtered so he could pick up the scraps. He had been looting from dead vault dwellers for years and now he was trying to trade their property back to her, and the worst part, Mia didn't have much of a choice.

"Fine." Mia muttered under her breath.

"Perfect. Now that's what I like to hear." Larry said with a smile.

With that, Larry set the core down on top of the trunk and turned back to her. He was a tall man, towering over Mia. His body odor was overwhelming. His face was covered in a patchy beard and a layer of sweat. He looked disgusting, and smelled even worse.

"Strip." He ordered, standing over her, his dark eyes scanning her body up and down. He wanted to take her all in.

Mia grit her teeth, she was angry and scared at the same time. She had never been so humiliated in her entire life. She felt weak and vulnerable, two things she had always hated. She looked up at Larry with hatred in her eyes.

Larry looked back at her with a grin on his face. She could tell that he was enjoying this. He had complete control of her. She could see it in his eyes.

"Go on." He ordered.

Mia reached up toward her neck, not breaking eye contact with the man. She wanted him to know how much she hated him, how much she despised him, how much she wanted to kill him. She slowly began to unzip the suit down her neck, stopping when the zipper ended at the top of her chest. The fabric stretched, giving Larry a peak of her smooth tan skin. He licked his lips in anticipation. The suit had always left very little to the imagination, especially when Mia's figure filled the suit in the way she did.

"Come on baby, we ain't got all day." Larry urged.

"Fuck off. This is hard for me okay?!" Mia replied angrily.

"I'll show you hard," Larry smirked, reaching down to adjust his crotch.

With one quick tug at the zipper, Mia unzipped her suit all the way down, the zipper stopping just below her navel. Her bare breasts bounced out, now fully exposed in all of their glory, her suit hanging open at her shoulders. Mia's face went red as she felt the cool air against her skin. Her breasts were so big yet so firm, perfectly round and perky. Her nipples stood erect and were a light shade of pink.

Larry's eyes bulged at the sight. He'd never seen tits this perfect in all his life. Her breasts were sat beautifully, with no sign of sag whatsoever. His dick strained to get free from his boxers.

"Damn..." Larry uttered in awe.

Mia felt a rush of blood to her cheeks as she watched him stare. Her body was so exposed, so vulnerable, so naked. It was humiliating. But she had to keep going. If not for the sake of her people then at least to save her own ass from the wasteland.

"Happy?" she said, putting her hands on her hips, her tits bouncing as she did so. Mia was angry, and scared, but also a bit embarrassed. Here she was, the most attractive woman in Vault 73, standing half-naked in front of some perverted old man in a bar.

"For now, yeah." He replied. Without warning he reached for her tits, cupping both in his large, dirty, hairy hands, squeezing them gently, kneading them, feeling them, groping them. Mia shuddered, she had never been touched like this before, especially not by an old man. It felt strange and disgusting, but at the same time it felt... 

"Ah!" Mia exclaimed.

He began to pinch and roll her nipples, sending a wave of pleasure through her. Her nipples were so sensitive and her breasts were so tender. It was a risky time of the month for her. Mia bit down on her lip to stop herself from making any noise as he played with them. She felt her body start to tingle followed by something else. A wetness, probably sweat, growing underneath the rest of her suit.

"So soft, so clean," Larry muttered as he played with her tits, admiring the way her pink nipples contrasted her smooth, tan skin. Mia was blushing, her face was burning red.

He suddenly grabbed onto her nipples, pulling them slightly. This sent a shock cascading throughout her body, prompting her to bite down even harder on her lip. Her hands clenched into fists, her arms trembling at her sides. He tugged again, and this time Mia let out a gasp.

"Enjoying this aren't you?" Larry grinned as he pulled at them.

"Sh-shut up..." She replied. Her body was starting to respond to his touches. The way he played with her nipples was fogging up her brain. The wetness she felt earlier was growing. What was she feeling?

"Nah, I don't think I will." He replied. He leaned in and planted his mouth around her left breast, his tongue circling her nipple as he sucked on her.

"Ahhh!!" Mia cried out, unable to keep her composure anymore.

Her body felt like it was on fire. Her stomach was fluttering and her mind was racing. The sensation of him sucking on her nipple was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She could feel him sucking on it hard, pulling on it, his tongue swirling around the tip.

Her legs were growing weak and her body trembled. She was losing control. Mia's arms reached behind him to support herself. Her fingers gripped his shoulders as she keeled over, pushing him further into her breast as she moaned in ecstasy.

He let go with a loud slurp, his saliva now dripping from her erect, swollen nipple, leaving a glistening shine.

"Enjoyed that didn't you baby?"

"You p-pig," Mia retorted, trying to catch her breath, bent over, hands her on her knees.

"Whatever you say blondie. My turn now," Larry said, pulling his boxers down. 

The second the waistband passed his groin, his erection sprang up like a slingshot, almost hitting Mia in the face. She looked down in horror as the thing waved around in front of her. It was hideous. It had a strange shape to it. The head was huge and bulbous, with an ugly purple hue. The shaft was veiny and thick, with a few visible bumps and lumps along the way. The thing was a monster in every sense of the word. It was long, and thick, and covered in a layer of slimy, greasy fluid. Mia gagged from the sight.

She had seen pictures of the male reproductive system, but nothing like this. This thing was different, not like anything she'd seen before, it looked like it was made from spare parts that didn't quite fit together.

"What the f-fuck?" She stammered, unable to peel her eyes away from the disgusting appendage.

"Hey now, watch your language, this thing is gonna be your best friend tonight." He said, grabbing the base of his cock with one hand, the other hand reaching to grab her head, pulling it towards him.

"Ughh, stop it! It stinks!" Mia yelled, trying to pull away, her hands pushing back against his hairy thighs.

"That's just the natural musk, you're gonna have to get used to it if you want that fusion core." He replied, pulling her head towards it again. Mia kept her mouth shut tight as the slimy, dripping cockhead brushed up against her lips. He rubbed the head up and down her cheek, the grease leaving a thin trail as he did. He brought the tip towards her nose and pushed it up against it, letting his smell fill her lungs. It was like a punch in the gut. The stench of his unwashed body was overpowering, but the smell of his dick was even worse. It was like rotten eggs mixed with the smell of piss.

"Please, it's so gross, I can't," she begged, tears beginning to well in her eyes. She tried to push his waist away from her face but she had little success. He kept pressing forward, the tip of his penis rubbing against her cheek. She felt the warmth of it against her skin and felt her stomach turn. Her mind raced as she struggled to get away. The smell was making her dizzy, the thought of him putting his dirty, disgusting penis in her mouth made her want to vomit. She wanted to cry. She wanted to run. She wanted to die. She wanted to do anything but be there in that moment. She was disgusted, humiliated, violated. This couldn't be real. This was a nightmare.

"Alright then, spread your legs if you don't want it in your mouth" Larry said, releasing her head from his grip.

Mia was stunned, her mouth hanging open, unable to comprehend his words.


"You heard me. Spread 'em."

"I...I don't..."

"The deal was to get me off, so if you're not going to suck it, I'm gonna stick it in you, you understand?" he growled impatiently.

Mia didn't have a choice, she didn't want to risk getting pregnant. The fusion core was important to the survival of the vault, but she had a duty to herself to return and couldn't afford to bring home a wastelander's child, especially an ugly bastard like Larry. This was the lesser of two evils.

Mia stopped struggling and closed her eyes tight. She didn't want to look. She couldn't bear to look at his horrible cock, or see his face. She didn't want to think about what was happening. All she was thinking about was her reward on the other side of all this.

"That's my girl," Larry said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Open wide."

Mia reluctantly obeyed. She opened her mouth just enough to let him in.

Larry was gentle, guiding her lips around the tip, letting it slide over her tongue, inching his way down her throat.

"Ooooohhhh," Larry groaned as he inserted himself into her warm wet mouth. It was a feeling that was unlike any other.

"Mmmmm!" Mia moaned, gagging slightly. She had never experienced anything like this before, she didn't know what to expect. His penis felt strange inside of her mouth. She could taste his salty sweat and the sourness of his skin. It tasted horrible. It felt so thick and heavy, so hot. She felt the tip press against the back of her throat and her gag reflex kicked in, causing her to cough, spit flying out the sides of her mouth, slobber and pre-cum spraying all over his thighs.

"Ohhhh!" Larry grunted, holding onto her golden locks, as he began slotting himself in and out of her mouth.

"Mmmphh!" Mia tried to speak but couldn't form the words, his fat cock blocking her airway.

She couldn't breathe. Panic set in as she felt him thrust into her throat. Her eyes shot open as she tried to breathe but couldn't get any oxygen in.

"Mmmgh!" Mia screamed, trying desperately to pull her head back.

Larry wasn't having any of it, he held her head tight with one hand and with the other grabbed her ponytail, pulling her towards him. Her head was now firmly lodged in his crotch. She felt the pressure in her skull as the thick organ filled her throat.


"Vault slut throat feels so nice." Larry said, thrusting into her face. Mia was unable to respond, her tongue pinned against his thick dirty cock. Larry didn't let go, instead, he tightened his grip on her hair and pushed harder. Mia felt his cock hit the back of her throat again and again. She could feel the grime and oils on his shaft rubbing off onto her tongue and coating the walls of her mouth.

"Damn, that's good," he said, pulling out just enough to give her a second of relief, before plunging right back in.

He thrust in and out of her mouth with no regard for her safety or well-being. He fucked her throat like she was nothing more than a hole to pleasure himself with. Mia was in complete shock. Her eyes were wide and she could feel tears forming in her eyes. Her body shook and shivered with each thrust of his hips. His hairy balls slapping against her chin with each thrust.

Mia tried to focus on her breathing, but it was hard. Her lungs burned and her stomach was churning. The smell was overpowering and it made her sick to think about the fact that this thing was inside of her. Her jaw was sore from the pounding and she could feel her cheeks swelling from the repeated assault on her mouth. She couldn't take anymore, at this rate she was going to pass out.

Finally, Larry pulled back and released her, letting his cock slip out of her mouth with a loud pop.

"Fuck, you feel good!" Larry exclaimed as he pulled away from her. He looked down at the blonde, who was panting and wheezing for air. His cock glistened from the mixture of saliva and precum that had coated her throat and mouth, a thick, sticky, web connecting his cock and Mia's lips. Mia was gasping for air, coughing and sputtering as she did so.

"Okay... is... is it... done?" She uttered between breaths.

"Done? Ha! That was just the warm up," he said, "I'm not even close yet."

"What the hell do you mean?" she asked angrily.

"You think I'm paying you a fusion core to have you gag on me for 10 seconds? No, it's gonna take more than that," Larry replied, an angrier tone in his voice.

"B-but I can't take anymore," she pleaded.

"You will. Or you'll find some other way to earn it." Larry stated, his tone becoming increasingly threatening.

Mia looked up at the disgusting man, his gut and lumpy cock staring down at her. 

"Besides, you didn't even do anything, if I just wanted a shitty blowjob, I could've gone to a local whore, but I'm paying top cap for a pretty girl from a vault, you understand?" He growled, stepping towards her. Mia scooched back with her legs, her hands instinctively covering her body. He was getting impatient now. His eyes were wide, and he had that crazed look that people get when they're desperate. She was trapped between him and the wall.

"I can't do it! Please!" She cried, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Mia was scared. She was confused. Her mind was racing and she was terrified of having to endure another throat fucking. She couldn't last through another one.

"Well you know the other options. If you can't suck, you better find another hole to put it in," Larry growled, looking down at her at the area between her legs. Mia's blood went cold, and her entire body went tense.

She was literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. The thought of him plunging his slimy, gunky, smelly cock into her most intimate place made her skin crawl and made her feel nauseous, but the thought of him fucking her mouth again was equally repulsive. However, she wasn't going to stay conscious for very long if that happened again and then who knows what he would do. At this point, she had already violated the sexual contact rules for the vault, so she was going to at least get something out of it.

"In for a penny, in for a pound." She thought to herself, as she resigned to the fact that she was going to have her virginity taken away by a disgusting, ugly, wasteland pig. At least nothing would happen if he didn't finish inside her, she further justified, she could just push him off right before.

"Okay..." Mia relented, standing up. "But if you shoot your stuff inside me, I'll kill you."

"Whatever you say, blondie..." He mused, moving closer to her. "If I knew that's what it would take I'd have choked you out sooner," Larry added, walking towards the bed in the corner of the room. "Lemme see that pussy," he barked.

Mia followed him with her eyes glued to the ground, not daring to look at the bed, or him. She didn't want to think about what was going to happen. This wasn't a choice, it was an obligation. She was doing it to save her vault and herself. Nothing else.

Mia turned around and slid a finger under the waistband of her suit, slowly working it off. It slid down past her wide hips, exposing her big bare ass and thick toned thighs, but right between them laid the sweetest prize of all. Her smooth pink slit barely visible between the tight folds of her body, but still noticeably glistening with whatever Mia thought was the "sweat" from earlier.

 Mia bent over to step out of her suit, exposing herself fully to Larry, whose cock throbbed in the cool air. The sight of her perfect ass and tight, hairless, pink pussy lips sent him reeling, her pussy already soaking wet. Mia took a step forward and sat down on the bed, displaying the smooth, tan, skin of her toned stomach and abdomen. She had been fully nude in front of others many times, back at the vault in the shower and communal bath area, but it had always been among women, never in front of a man, let alone some old creep. Larry's eyes lit up at the sight of the vault dweller in all her glory.

"Damn, I love young little vault girls..." Larry whispered, stepping closer.

"Fuck you," she spat back.

"We'll be doing plenty of that, don't you worry," he replied, his voice dripping with lust. His eyes roamed over her, taking in the sight of her perfectly sculpted body, her big round tits, and the sweet pussy that lay between them.

Larry grabbed his cock and started to stroke it. Mia was beautiful. The most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He had finally broken the young woman, he had bent her will. She was his to do as he pleased. She looked defeated. Her shoulders slumped, her eyes red and watery. She had a look of despair and fear in her eyes that made his heart sing.

"Alright, on your back," Larry ordered, walking up to her. His lumpy cock was throbbing, veins popping, precum oozing from the tip. It looked angry, and Mia was about to bear the brunt of it.

Mia did as she was told, she laid back on the bed, legs still closed. She was breathing heavily. Her eyes were shut, trying to block out everything.

"Spread your legs," he ordered. 

Mia gulped as she slowly opened them, her glistening, wet lips coming into view. Larry stepped up and knelt on the bed in front of her, reaching down with one hand and pulling her lips apart. Mia shuddered at the feeling. He looked at the pink folds between her legs. He couldn't believe his luck. This was the most beautiful pussy he had ever seen.

He ran a finger along the slit. It was warm, soft, and smooth, with the slightest bit of wetness. His cock twitched. He was so close, so ready. This was the moment he'd been waiting for.

"You have such a cute little pussy. Are you a virgin?" Larry asked.

Mia didn't say anything.

"I said are you a virgin?!" he barked, slapping her inner thigh with his cock.

"Y-yes..." she replied, eyes shut tight, not wanting to see what was in between her legs.

"Damn! I knew it. Fresh meat, no wonder you were acting so prissy," He remarked.

Mia blushed hard, her face turning crimson. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. It wasn't supposed to be like this. This wasn't how her first time was supposed to go. Her parents told her stories about how it would happen, with someone that she loved and that it would be the best moment of her life, and it would feel like the world stopped.

"You wouldn't believe the kind of girls I'm used to out here in the wasteland. Most are either too old, or diseased, or both. I'm tired of fucking the same loose cunts, you know? Always making my dick itch." He said with a chuckle.

Larry removed his hand and positioned himself, lining his slimy cockhead with the opening to her tight, wet, virgin pussy. She had such a tight little body, so fit. The way the skin around her hips would crease from the muscle in her thighs.

Mia winced as he rubbed his thick greasy cockhead along the entrance to her vagina, spreading her wetness around and smearing the greasy residue from his cock all over the outside of her lips.

"You know for someone who says they hate me so much, you sure are wet," Larry teased.

Mia could feel the heat coming off his cock as it teased her opening, she couldn't understand why her body was reacting the way it was.

"I'm... I'm not... I'm just..." she muttered weakly. She was confused. Her brain was trying to process everything that was going on, but she was unable to comprehend any of it. Was she really enjoying this? This was disgusting.

"You're not what?" He whispered, pressing down on her clit, rubbing it with his thumb as he lined up his cock.

"Mmmphh!" She moaned, biting down her lip as a wave of pleasure running through her, the tip of his dick pressing harder and harder against the entrance to her vagina, threatening to slide into her at any second.

"I...I..." she stuttered, her voice trembling as he pressed down harder.

"Sure you do," Larry said. 

With one final thrust, he pushed inside her.

"Ohh!" Mia exclaimed as she felt the big dirty cockhead slide past her neat pink lips. Her hands clenched tightly around the bedsheets. Her pussy clamped down on his thick shaft, her body instinctively resisting the intrusion, but Larry was having none of it.

"Ohhh... fuck..." Larry groaned, pushing further in, her warm, slick walls enveloping him as he forced his cock further in.

It felt like nothing she had ever felt before. It was like a fire burning inside her. The sensation was too much, too overwhelming, she could barely keep herself from crying out loud. She could feel her toes start to curl, her back arch, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

He was big, and he felt it. Mia was stretched so wide. It felt like he was splitting her open, pushing himself deeper into her body until his entire cock was inside of her, his big hairy balls pressing up against her ass, her pussy stretched and gaping around his girth, clinging onto him for dear life, the head of his cock pressing against the entrance to her cervix, the entrance to her womb.

"Damn you're tight!" Larry said as he pulled back and pushed in again, his dick glistening with Mia's slickness.

"Fuckkk," she gasped. Mia was in a state of shock. Her body had never felt anything like it before, and it was so intense, so overwhelming, she could barely breathe.

"Yeah? You like that?" he asked. "You want me to go harder?" he teased, looking down at the girl beneath him, watching as she squirmed under him, her breasts bouncing with every thrust, her mouth hanging open.

"No!" she screamed, but she was lying to herself and to him, her body betraying her every word, her pussy begging to be filled, her walls clamping down on his length with each thrust.

"Lying bitch." He grunted as he picked up the pace, his hips moving faster and faster. Larry's gut slammed against Mia's toned abs, sweat from both their bodies mixing as they collided.

Mia was struggling. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling herself up, trying to get as much of his cock inside her as possible, her arms wrapped around his back, pulling him close. Her fingers dug into his fat, her eyes shut tightly, her mouth wide open in a silent scream, and pussy squeezing down hard on his shaft.

As Larry's fat head slammed into her cervix, Mia's eyes opened wide, crying out in pain, but also in ecstasy, her body was wracked with pleasure. The lumps, warts, and veins of his filthy, greasy, disgusting cock were rubbing against her insides, hitting every spot that made her want to scream. She couldn't believe what was happening. She couldn't believe that this was what sex felt like. It hurt, and it felt amazing, it was the worst feeling in the world, and the best. She was completely lost in the feeling, the smell of him filling the air around her, the feeling of his big hairy body pressed against her smooth, tanned skin, his hot, slimy dick inside of her.

"You're practically sucking me in, you little slut. You love it don't you?" Larry taunted.

Mia was so ashamed. Her pussy was betraying her. It felt so good. She hated him so much, and yet her body wanted him so badly. She looked down and saw the slab of lumpy meat sliding in and out of her pussy, his huge, hairy balls slapping against her ass. Her legs were shaking. Her hands gripping tightly on the sheets, her eyes watering. She couldn't stand how good it felt.

"N-no... I don't..." Mia whimpered, the view she was seeing telling quite a different story.

"Yeah, yeah, keep lying. It just turns me on even more," He replied. His hips slapped into hers as he drove his cock in and out of her. Her pussy was gripping his shaft, milking him, urging him on. Meanwhile, Mia felt a heat building up in her core, a heat she had never felt before, an itch deep inside that only Larry could scratch. He was pounding into her relentlessly. She wanted him to stop, but at the same time, she didn't want him to ever stop, her body screaming for him to go faster and deeper and harder. Mia felt so full, she could feel the bumps of his dick on the outside of her stomach with each thrust.

Just as she felt the tingles start to build up to a boiling point, Larry pulled out, breaking free from her grasp, his lumpy cock springing up and waving around wildly.

Mia's pussy throbbed, she was so close to her first ever orgasm, but was left hanging right before the edge. She felt like crying. She wanted to cum so badly. She looked down, seeing his cock red and angry, covered in a mixture of her own juices and his filth.

In the heat of the moment she said something that would turn the tables.

"Wait!" she exclaimed.

"What did you say?" Larry asked, a grin forming on his lips.

She knew she had made a mistake as soon as the word left her mouth.

"I...I..." Mia didn't want to beg, she wanted to get this over with and leave as soon as possible, but her body had other plans.

"Oh, I see... little Miss Vault wants more now! What happened to all the protesting from earlier?" Larry teased. Mia couldn't take it. She had been so close and now she was denied. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream. Her body needed to be filled. It was unbearable. The pressure in her core was so strong she could hardly breathe. It was driving her insane. Her pussy ached for release.

"I... uh..."

"Spit it out," He commanded, a grin spreading across his ugly, mangled face.

"I need... the core?" Mia said, trying to salvage the situation.

"Uh-uh, I've had enough of your lies. What were you reallyyy going to say?"

"The core!" Mia said more loudly, thinking that would convince him. Her face burned bright red, the humiliation was unbearable, she couldn't even meet his gaze. She didn't want to admit that she had enjoyed it. She wanted to forget about the whole thing, but her body was telling a different story, her pussy aching and dripping, desperate for relief.


Larry slapped her across the face. Mia yelped as the sting ran through her body. She had never felt anything like it. It was sharp and stung like a bitch. It hurt. A lot. But it also felt... good. Mia was in shock. She couldn't believe that she liked being slapped like that. What the fuck was wrong with her?

"Tell. me. the. truth. NOW!" Larry growled.

"Fine! I... I... liked... it." Mia mumbled under her breath.

"Speak up!" He yelled.

"I liked it!" she shouted, finally breaking down. She didn't want him to hit her again. 

Larry's eyes lit up. He had broken her, the pretty, pure, innocent vault girl was nothing more than a horny little whore.

"Ok, now turn around and beg." he said with a grin.

"WHAT?!" Mia cried, the shock and humiliation of what he had said overwhelming her.

"Turn around and beg. If you want your release and the core then beg for it."

Mia couldn't believe it. She had already been humiliated enough. She couldn't bear it anymore. She had already let him violate her in ways that she couldn't imagine. The thought of doing what he said disgusted her, but her mind was too clouded now to think she straight. She could barely even remember what she was here for.

Mia reluctantly rolled over and got on all fours, her ass in the air, her hands still gripping the bedsheets.

"Beg." he ordered.

Mia hesitated. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes, the humiliation of what she had to do to get what she wanted. She had never felt so ashamed in her life.

"P-please," she said softly.

"I didn't hear you," he said, "Louder!"

"PLEASE!!" Mia cried, tears streaming down her face.

"Please what?" Larry said, reaching down and spreading her cheeks apart with his hand. His hand reached down to her sopping wet cunt and rubbed along her slit, his thumb pushing against her clit. Mia's breath hitched as he started rubbing circles around the little button. Mia couldn't hold back anymore. She had been so close to cumming and she couldn't handle it any longer. Her pussy ached for him. She wanted to feel his big fat lumpy cock again.

"P-please... fuck me..." She begged.

"With what?"

"With your big fat cock!!" Mia sobbed, the humiliation of begging this gross man to fuck her making her face burn bright red. Her hips began to move involuntarily, her pussy seeking more stimulation from his hand. Larry laughed, pulling his hand back and slapping her ass, leaving a bright red handprint.

"That's better," He said. "Lastly, who owns this pussy?" he said, reaching back down to play with it again.

Mia couldn't believe what she was about to say. It was disgusting, but at this point, she would say anything, she was far too desperate for relief.

"Y-you..." Mia stuttered. "You... do..." she finished, the humiliation making her feel weak, but she had no other choice.

"What was that? Couldn't quite hear ya?" Larry laughed as lined up his slimy, veiny cock with her opening. She felt the heat coming off of it as he rubbed it along her pussy. Her body was screaming for it.

"Y-you o-own it..." Mia whispered again.

"Speak up! Tell the world who owns you, you fucking whore!" he said, grabbing a handful of her hair and yanking her head up.

"YOU DO! FUCK ME PLEASEEE!" she shouted, the words echoing off the walls of the room. She felt so dirty, so degraded, so humiliated, all at the hands of some creepy old guy from a wasteland bar, yet here she was begging for him.

"That's more like it, good girl." he praised her.

With that he thrust forward, slamming his entire length into her pussy in one quick movement. She screamed out loud as she felt the entirety of his fat, greasy cock penetrate her once again, stretching her wide open, her inner walls clamping down around him. He held her hair tight and began to pound her, her ass slamming back and forth against his pelvis.

The room filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin and the squelching of Mia's wet, needy pussy.

"Oh fuck yeah, take it all in you filthy slut!" Larry grunted.

Mia felt his heavy, malformed balls slapping against her clit with each thrust. She felt so full, his huge cock was rubbing against her g-spot, and the head was hitting the entrance to her womb. Her body was rocking with pleasure, tits swaying with each thrust, she could barely keep herself up.

"FUCKKK YESSS!" Mia moaned, completely lost in the moment. All she wanted was to be filled up with as much of creepy old Larry's dick as possible. She didn't care if anyone saw her like this, a beautiful, pure vault girl being fucked and humiliated by some disgusting pervert. She didn't care how many people had fucked him, or what diseases he had, or even how dirty he was. All she cared about was being fucked, being used, and being degraded. All the suppressed lust from her years stuffing it down in the vault came flooding out at once.

"That's right you nasty slut! Take it all!" He bellowed.

Larry could feel her tight pussy clenching around him. He couldn't believe his luck. This gorgeous girl was begging for his dick, she wanted it so bad she would degrade herself to get it. Her cunt was squeezing him, begging him to fill her up. She was moaning like a bitch in heat and her pussy was dripping all over his bed, staining his sheets with her juices.

Larry kept up his assault on her pussy, his cock hammering into her relentlessly. His length was coated in the mixture of her juices and his filth. She could smell his fat sweaty body and his rank breath, even the vile stench coming off his dick and balls, but she didn't care. Her pussy was hungry and she was going to get fed. She was in complete bliss, her mouth hung open, her tongue dangling out of her mouth. Her face was a mix of pleasure and shame as her pussy was pounded into oblivion by the man she hated the most.

"Tell me you're a slut! Say it!" He ordered.

"I'm... I'm... a slut... fuck!" Mia cried, tears streaming down her face from the humiliation.

"Say it again!"

"I'm a fucking SLUTTT!" She screamed, as he slapped her ass. "I'm a dirty little whore for your fat old cock, fuck me harder pleaseee!" she begged.

"Good fucking girl!" He praised her, an evil grin spreading across his twisted face.

Larry grabbed a hold of Mia's ponytail and yanked hard. She moaned in ecstasy, feeling a wave of pain and pleasure course through her. Mia could hardly keep herself upright as he slammed his cock into her again and again, the bed creaking under them.

"Ohhhh, you love it rough, you little whore!" Larry groaned as he pulled her hair harder. He looked down at his cock pounding her tight, wet pussy, his balls swinging between his legs, slapping against her ass and clit with every thrust.

He was hitting all the right spots, his thick veiny shaft stretching her walls and rubbing all her sensitive areas. Her backside was a mess, a mixture of her juices, and the slime he secreted were leaking out of her pussy and down her thighs. The sound of her moans filled the room as she was getting close.

"Ohhh... yess! Right there!" Mia cried out pathetically, her hips bucking backward to meet his thrusts. Mia's pussy clenched around his shaft, the muscles milking his cock and urging him on.

Larry's cock twitched. He could feel that he was getting close too. He was about to blow his load into this beautiful young vault girl.

"Oh fuckkk... I'm about to fill you up." He said.

Mia was so close, she barely heard the words. She knew what the risk was, but if they stopped now she would lose her orgasm again. Mia didn't care anymore, she just wanted her release.

"DON'T STOP! PLEASE DADDYYY..." Mia moaned. She was thinking and saying things she had never even imagined before. The thought of taking his dirty seed into her fertile, virgin womb, of him pumping her full of cum, and impregnating her, turned her on. Mia didn't know what came over her, she had never even thought about kids, let alone this creep's kids, but it was like some dormant primal part of her brain had awoken.

Larry pounded her as fast and as hard as he could, his fat hairy gut draping over her smooth toned backside, his balls smacking loudly against her clit. She couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Yes... Yes... YES!" Mia screamed as her body began to tense, her walls tightening around Larry's cock.

"You're going to be a good mommy..." Larry grunted as he kept pounding her relentlessly, not slowing down for a second.

She had finally reached the point of no return.

"FUCKKK!!!" Mia moaned and screamed in pleasure as she came, her legs shaking uncontrollably and her pussy squeezing around his cock. She felt a warm liquid spurt from her pussy, her body shuddering with pleasure and release, her eyes rolling back in her head. Her toes curled so hard they went white and a line of drool ran down her chin. She had never experienced such pleasure in her life. It was like every nerve ending lit up at once and exploded. She felt her whole body shiver as her mind went blank.

Larry felt her squirt and drench his manhood in her sweet nectar, tightening and clenching around his shaft. He couldn't hold out any longer.

"AHHH!" Larry yelled as he thrust one final time, dumping his load deep inside her, his dick swelling as he began shooting rope after rope of his thick, chunky semen inside of her womb. He pushed himself in as far as he could go and held himself there, making sure that none of his seed escaped her.

Mia felt it spurting out of his cock in waves, his hot cum splashing against her cervix and deep inside of her, painting the insides of her uterus. Mia's pussy spasmed around his cock, milking every last drop out of his fat balls and through his lumpy diseased shaft. She squealed in pleasure. It felt incredible. Her body was still in the midst of an orgasm, but this felt different. It was a different kind of pleasure, one that was much more primal.

Larry stayed there for what felt like forever, emptying himself into the beautiful girl's depths, her pussy sucking up everything he was putting out. Each twitch sending another wave of his old deformed swimmers swarming her insides, invading her fertile womb, and overwhelming the single lone egg she was currently ovulating, the one she was trying to protect from him. It was no use though, Mia's elite genetics, the same ones that made her so beautiful and fertile, would soon be diluted with Larry's rotten DNA, filled with all the diseases, parasites, and mutations he had collected from decades in the Badlands. Mia was never going to be the same again.

"Damn girl, you're milking me dry," he sighed as he pissed jizz into her womb. He had been holding onto that for days and Mia's tight pussy was just the right thing to relieve his needs.

Finally, Larry slowly pulled out, admiring his handiwork, a string of Mia's juices connecting his cock and the young girl's freshly fucked pussy, his slimy juices oozing from her gaping hole. Larry chuckled to himself, patting Mia on her big, smooth ass, as she laid there in the afterglow of the most powerful orgasm she had ever had in her life.

She felt full, satisfied, complete, like she was made for this. It was like this was what she was meant to do. She had never been so turned on in her entire life. Feeling exhausted, Mia rolled onto her side and curled up into a ball. Her eyes fluttering shut, still basking in the feel-good chemicals coursing through her.

"You're a fucking mess," Larry laughed.

"Uh... Uhhh..." She panted, struggling to get a word out, still shaking from her orgasm.

"Anyways, here's your fusion core, slut." Larry chuckled as he tossed two on the bed next to her, landing right beside her ass, a reminder of what she had just done to earn it.

"Threw in an extra one too, so don't bother me about no damn kid, I don't give a shit about that." Larry added.

Mia slowly started to come to, reaching down and wrapping her arms around her stomach protectively, still not ready to face the possibility of what she had done. She was so sore. Her legs felt like they had been hit with a hammer. Her hips ached, and her pussy was red and puffy. She felt used. She felt humiliated.

Larry picked up his boxers and pants and started to get dressed, whistling as he did. "But hey! If you want more I don't mind fuckin' pregnant girls, they're even hornier." He said with a disgusting grin. Mia looked down between her legs and saw a small amount of cum dripping out of her, Larry's seed and the remains of her own juices. Reality was setting back in, it felt so wrong. It made her feel sick.

Mia curled up tighter and started to sob quietly, not wanting to believe what had just happened, her future destroyed, all for a stupid fusion core. She couldn't go back to her vault. Not after what had happened. Not now that she had been defiled. Not when there was a very high chance she was now pregnant. She was gonna lose her eligibility for pairing and be cast out, forced to live among people like Larry. Mia cried, she wanted to die, to just curl up and die. This was a nightmare.

"Alright now, up you get, you can sleep in your little vault when you get home," Larry said as he buckled his belt, walking over to the girl. Mia didn't reply.

He grabbed her arm and yanked her up off the bed with the same aggression from earlier. She stood up and wobbled a bit, her legs still shaky. Larry's slimy jizz continued to leak from her pussy, dripping down her leg and onto the floor.

"Damn, you look like a proper whore now, you better get yourself cleaned up." Larry said, looking at the naked woman in front of him. Mia clutched her clothes and cores, doing her best to cover herself up despite it being a bit too late for that. Her face was smeared with sweat and her hair was matted with grease and dirt. Her breasts were red and raw, her pussy swollen, cum still dripping from her hole, and her body covered in his grime.

"Fuck... fuck you." Mia said, trying her best to sound threatening, her voice trembling, tears still running down her face. "I'm never... coming back... I hate... hate you." She stammered.

"Oh, I doubt that, once my babies start growing in ya I think you're gonna be comin' back sooner than you think, begging for another fix of old Larry," He said, lightly smacking her toned tight stomach with the back of his hand.

"Fuck... you." Mia whimpered. Larry smirked.

"You know I'll take you up on that offer." He chuckled as he pushed her forward and out the door. He didn't want to have anything more to do with her.

Mia stumbled out the door, holding the fusion cores tight against her chest. The cold night air in the hallway sending goosebumps all over her naked body. She felt disgusting and ashamed, and now, soon to be homeless and alone.

"Oh and uh, you know where to find me," Larry said as he reached for the handle to his room, slamming the door shut in her face.

Room 111.