Chereads / Apocalypse of Pleasure / Chapter 12 - Children of Atom

Chapter 12 - Children of Atom

"Let me go!" Mia screamed. Her heart thudded in her ears, combined with the sound of distant chants as she was carried down the hall, slung over a man's shoulder. Her arms and legs were bound by a thick bundle of rope, no amount of struggling was going to free her anytime soon.

"Put me down!"

A voice chuckled in response. "Not just yet, little girl."

Mia had been exploring an abandoned military base that she'd found a couple miles away from her vault. She was deep in the bowels of the installation, looking for any leftover fusion cores to bring back to the vault. She'd stumbled into a room loaded with various pieces of military equipment when she set off a trap, which released knockout gas into the room.

She woke up already bound, in a dim musty room and soon after, the man had come in to retrieve her.

Now she was about to meet whatever fate had in store for her.

"I'll leave you alone! Let's just pretend we never saw each other!" Mia's eyes darted around the hallway, trying to memorize the path for when the opportunity to escape arose.

"We don't want to leave you alone though, vault dweller."

The chanting got louder and the light at the end of the hall got brighter as they approached. Mia could make out some of the words. "Atom's Glow, upon us all, let his radiance cleanse and enthrall!"

A sickening fear rose up in her stomach. This was not just an ordinary group of raiders, this was a cult. Mia's mind went through every possible scenario that she could think of.

Eventually, the man turned a corner which opened up to a large room where the chanting had been coming from.

A large circle was painted on the floor with various symbols inside and outside. People lined the outer perimeter of the circle, chanting. They all wore dark hooded cloaks. On the other side of the room, Mia noticed two people wearing dark leather and standing beside another a figure who wore an ornate headdress.

As she got closer, the figure turned out to be a tall woman who was dressed in the same type of hood as the people standing in the circle approached them. Mia noticed that the woman wore nothing under the cloak, except for the pendant which hung around her neck, and her bare nipples poked out through the material. Red strands of hair flowed down from underneath the headdress, her eyes were sunken, but glowed bright green, which Mia knew to mean she had radiation poisoning.

"Silence!" The woman spoke, her voice soft but commanding, and the group stopped their chanting.

"What's going on?" Mia demanded, her eyes darting around, trying to get her bearings.

"I am called Raven and these," she said, gesturing at the group of people standing around the circle. "are my children."

"Your children? Must be pretty busy then huh?" Mia exclaimed, trying to sound confident in the face of danger. It was clear these people were some sort of psychos, which wasn't unusual, the Wasteland had plenty of these types. Her best hope was to play into whatever delusions they believed in.

The woman smiled and chuckled softly.

"It is not their biological birth, but their spiritual rebirth to which I refer. I have shown them the true path, and now they follow me. In return for their servitude and loyalty, they are rewarded." She turned and walked back toward the two figures Mia had spotted when she'd been carried into the room.

"Fuck." Mia thought as she realized who these people were.

Children of Atom.

She'd heard the rumors about them, but they'd always been some group far off, and never a threat to her and the vault. She'd heard rumors out and about mentioning a group obsessed with the 'Atom', which she assumed was radiation, and the idea of the group 'reaching their full potential'. Whatever the hell that meant. Now she was about to learn what they really were about.

"What do you want?" Mia demanded. "If you're going to kill me, I don't have all day!"

The woman turned back to her. "You will find that there is so much more to the Wasteland than the simple act of living. The Atom flows in your blood and through your bones. I will help you to realize the power you hold inside, and in return you will become my servant." She reached up and cupped Mia's chin. The sickening green of the woman's eyes burned into Mia's. She knew she had to look away, or else she might go insane, but she found herself transfixed and couldn't break away.

"Jeez, take some Radaway lady." Mia said weakly.

Raven ignored her comment. "You are here for a reason, vault dweller. I know why you are here." Raven stepped away from her and moved towards a table nearby where various knives and tools lay.

"Hey! I was minding my business and you guys kidnapped me! Don't act like I had any part of this!" Mia retorted, finally breaking the gaze and shaking her head, trying to clear the image from her mind. "What are you going to do to me?" Mia looked back up at the man holding her, his eyes glazed over. She could see he'd also suffered the effects of radiation.

"It's not what we are going to do to you, but what you are going to do for us." Raven turned back towards Mia. In her hand was a small curved knife, which shone in the candlelight, the edges looked worn, but it had obviously been well cared for, despite its age.

Mia gulped.

"You can't be serious. I won't join your stupid Children of Atom group, or whatever you want me to call it. Just let me go!"

"Your body will react at first, but eventually your mind will follow, and you will see what Atom truly has in store for you. Once your mind is freed from its restraints, you will understand why we are."

Raven held up the knife, and walked slowly towards Mia.

"No thanks!" Mia cried out.

The man who'd been carrying her suddenly let go and Mia fell onto the ground with a thud.

Mia tried to move but found she couldn't budge an inch, the restraints still binding her.

Raven bent down and gently ran the knife along Mia's stomach, slicing through the fabric of her vault suit. Then she pulled the rest of the suit down and over Mia's shoulders, then down her legs, removing it entirely. Mia's bare flesh felt the cold touch of the metal floor beneath her.

Her large, perky, DD breasts rose up and down as Mia's breath quickened, her toned abs glistening with sweat. Goosebumps rose on her soft thick thighs and big firm ass from the cool crisp air and cold metal surface. A strand of her golden blonde hair fell down over her emerald green eyes. It was not secret that Mia was an attractive woman. Her training in the vault combined with her pristine unirradiated genetics had left her with flawless skin and a fit fertile body. She was well aware that her beauty was something many others didn't share in the Wasteland.

"Hey! Take me out to dinner first!" Mia joked weakly, still trying her best to remain calm.

"Such a beautiful body... Perfect for Atom's embrace..." Raven stood, then reached down and touched her, her hand sliding up between her legs.

"Hey! Not my type!" Mia yelled, but her words were empty as she couldn't move at all. Raven's hand reached her bare sex and her fingers gently spread Mia's lower lips.

"Ovulating too." Raven smiled. "I can feel it. Such good timing, little vault dweller."

"How the fuck do you even know that?" Mia gasped, feeling violated at how much the woman seemed to be able to read from her.

Raven reached around and slice the restraints that bound her. Mia rubbed her wrists, red from the rope chafing against it. She was free but there was no use in running, she was surrounded, outnumbered, and outarmed. The best she could do is try and stall until she could come up with a better plan.

"Leave us." Raven turned and addressed the rest of the group.

The cloaked members all bowed in unison and began filing out of the room, followed by the man who had brought her into the room. The last ones to leave were the two standing by Raven's side. They both nodded at her and left as well. Mia noticed their faces had also been heavily affected by the radiation poisoning as well.

Raven took a deep breath, then leaned back down, bringing her face close to Mia's. "Now that we are alone, we may begin."

"Begin what?"

"A long time ago, after the bombs fell, we began noticing strange things happening around the Wasteland." She began walking slowly around the edge of the room. "At first they seemed random and inconsequential, but as we observed and documented them, we began noticing the patterns that had formed. And in these patterns, we found the secrets that the world had long forgotten. We began to worship the radiation, and its ability to change us in ways we never thought possible. In the process of this worship we discovered a way to channel Atom's energy through us."

Raven had completed her circle and came to a stop again in front of Mia. She pulled her cloak off her shoulders, letting it drop to the ground, revealing her naked body underneath. Her skin was deathly pale and her veins were dark and visible on her body. She looked frail yet strong, it was clear the radiation had affected her in some deep way.

"Now, you will help us achieve the final stage of our enlightenment." Raven said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if you've noticed but I'm not one of you freaks." Mia replied. She was sitting now, doing her best to cover herself with her arms.

"Oh but that is the point." Raven said, crouching down and reaching out towards Mia's chest. Her hand touched Mia's breast, then slowly ran down her body, between her breasts and down to her pubic bone, tracing the faint lines of Mia's abs along the way.

"You see to reach the full potential of the Atom, one must fully embrace it. Fully absorb it." She stated.

"Uh, t-that still doesn't make any sense." Mia said, starting to crack.

"I cannot absorb Atom, not like you can. You see, I have already been changed," she said as she motioned downwards over her body, "My purpose is different. However... your body... your pure body, untouched by radiation, unaltered, is the perfect host."

"Host?" Mia asked. She felt the fear start to come to a boiling point. She couldn't hide behind her one-liners any longer.

"Yes, your body will accept Atom's will as it's humble host, and give birth to the future of Atom."

Mia's stomach dropped. They didn't want to kill her, or torture her, or steal from her, they wanted to impregnate her.

Mia tried to stand up but Raven quickly reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder, holding her in place. She struggled, trying to push the hand off of her, but she wasn't strong enough. Raven was stronger, much stronger than she appeared.

Mia screamed in frustration, but Raven only laughed.

"I-I b-but you're a g-girl!" Mia exclaimed.

"Astute observation." Raven smiled and stood, turning and walking to a door different from the one the others had walked out of. There were more unintelligible scribbles on the door, and a glowing green fluid seeping out from underneath.

Mia watched as Raven opened the door, a bright glow emanating from within. A few moments passed, then a glowing green figure emerged. It was large, and towered over Raven. It had arms and legs like a human, and a humanoid shaped body, but that was the extent of the resemblance.

The figure approached her. It was grotesquely deformed, a mass of muscles and sinew.

As it stepped into the light, Mia saw it.

A glowing one. One of the end stage ghoul mutations. A body so completely ravaged and transformed by the radiation, there was little humanity left. Only an angry and powerful creature of pure rage. It was not common, and in Mia's experience, had only encountered one once before. They were rare and dangerous. She'd managed to outrun that one and get out of the area before anything else happened.

There would be no running from this one though.

"Behold." Raven exclaimed. "A man once. Now a god."

Mia screamed. She was done trying to be clever or sarcastic or anything like that. All she wanted to do now was get as far away from the monster as she could. The glowing one stood there, looking at her. It dripped a glowing green slime, which she knew to be radiation.

Raven walked to a table and retrieved a syringe filled with a strange orange fluid. She then walked up to the glowing one and jabbed it in his chest. She injected him and removed the needle. The creature grunted and fell to his knees.

"Atom has chosen him. His body will produce seed once again. And you will receive it." Raven smiled, looking back at Mia. The glowing one groaned as it took another step towards her. Mia watched in horror as his legs spread apart and she spotted an appendage swinging between the glowing one's legs.

A rotting, disgusting, green, slimy cock.

Mia gasped and turned her head. "No. No, no, no!" she exclaimed, shaking her head.

The glowing one groaned, and the cock began to swell, thickening, pulsating. The cock grew longer and longer until it looked painfully erect. Thick veins pulsed under the surface of the green rotting skin, flaps of skin peeling off to reveal raw meat underneath. It had to be at least 8 inches long, maybe longer.

"You will be the vessel. He will plant the seed. You will glow too." Raven said.

Mia began to crawl backward on her hands, her bare pink pussy exposed to the air as the glowing one stepped forward and positioned itself in front of her. She tried to look away, but found that she couldn't. Her eyes were fixed on the monstrosity dangling between his legs.

"NO! PLEASE!" Mia cried. But there was nothing she could do to stop the creature.

It was going to rape her. There was nothing she could do about it. She knew she couldn't fight, there was no chance. Even with weapons a glowing one was a threat, she was helpless.

The glowing one grunted, and his cock pulsed, growing even more engorged, the veins popping out.

"RAH!" The glowing one barked.

Mia looked past the creature, watching as Raven flashed another yellow toothy smile at Mia before she disappeared past the threshold, the door sliding shut behind her.

She was now all alone, naked, afraid, and trapped with one of the Wasteland's most terrifying and grotesque creatures.

Mia kept crawling backwards until she hit the wall. She curled up into a ball, her back pressed up against the wall. The glowing one didn't seem to care. It continued to advance on her.

Mia's body began to shake. Her heart raced, her blood pumped through her veins, adrenaline coursing through her body. Mia knew what was going to happen to her, but her body wasn't ready for it.

Her body didn't want to be defiled, violated, claimed by the beast. But she didn't have a choice.

Finally, she could feel that the glowing one was right in front of her. The rotting stench and the glowing green hue invaded her vision.

Mia sobbed.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked up. His face was mangled, twisted and burnt. One of his eyeballs was gone, the socket was empty, while the other eye was sunken, and had an odd yellowish hue to it.

He looked down at her. His one "good" eye seemed to stare straight into her soul.

"Puh-please..." Mia whimpered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

But the monster did not respond.

His cock invaded her vision as he bucked hips forward, trying to fuck her perfect pretty face. He was so hard that it looked painful, throbbing, pulsing.

"PLEASE NO! DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" Mia cried as she thrashed her head around, trying to escape the rotting cock.

Mia was a virgin. It was forbidden to engage in sexual activities until the vault had given the go ahead, which usually happened around her age of 25, as dictated in the Vault's code of conduct. Mia had been saving her virginity for the one who was meant for her. She was meant to give it up on a special occasion, a special moment shared with someone she truly cared about.

This was not the plan.

The creature's arms swung out, his arms reaching towards Mia, who screamed at the sensation of his boney decaying hands grasping at her. She saw his legs spread as he prepared to buck forward again and she made a break for it, diving between his legs.

The ghoul swung around, his right hand grabbing her leg, the other reaching down, and grabbing her other leg, pulling them apart. She kicked at the creature but it was too late, he'd already spread her legs wide enough to get his massive body in between them. Mia's soft thick thighs and big round ass jiggling as he pulled her towards his slimy body.

Her nails clawed the floor, desperately trying to get away, her breasts smushed up against the ground as she slid across the cold, hard, metal surface.

The ghoul grunted, then pushed forward. His rotting cock poking against her ass, sliding up onto her back, leaving a smear of the thick glowing goo along the way.

Mia thrashed again, managing to break free with one leg and roll onto her back. She kicked the glowing one with the other leg, which caused it to stumble slightly, the creature still gripping the other leg tightly.

The ghoul's one good eye narrowed, his body shaking with rage.

"RAHHHH!!!" The ghoul screamed, the deafening shout filling the small room, his foul breath filling Mia's nostrils, the smell of rotten flesh and death invading her nose. Mia tried kicking him again, but this time he managed to grab a hold of it before she hit him, and began pulling her back in.

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!" Mia shouted as she continued to struggle. But she was powerless, the ghoul held her legs tight, pulling her closer and closer until he was right between her long slender legs again.

"NOOOOO!" She screamed as she felt the tip of his rotting, pulsating, veiny, green, disgusting cock touch the soft lips of her pussy. Her body arched as she tried to stop him from entering her. She felt her body slowing down now, she didn't have much fight left in her.

The arching motion caused him to miss her tight pink slit again, instead sliding up on top of her stomach, reaching all the way past her belly button. Mia could feel the warts and rotting flesh of the glowing ghoul's sliding back down her tight toned core, as well as the sticky fluids seeping from his wounds. Mia looked down and saw the fat head of the glowing one's cock pulling back, leaving a trail of his pre-cum behind.

"F-fuck you!" she spat.

The glowing one ignored her. He was too focused on trying to get inside her tight virgin cunt.

The creature growled in frustration and readjusted. He aimed again, and third time being the charm, thrust his cock directly against the smooth pink folds of Mia's pussy.

Despite every part of Mia's brain revolting against the sensation, her body began to give in. She felt her pussy getting wet with anticipation and fear. She'd never experienced such an extreme emotion in her life, and it was starting to affect her. A wetness began to build up around her entrance.

The ghoul sensing this, began to grind his head against her, his head brushing up against her clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her. His head now slick with Mia's fluids slid up and down between the smooth folds of her pussy. The creature sensed the change and growled in satisfaction. The glowing one's head throbbed and pulsed, ready to enter her.

He began to push harder against her, trying to force his way in. Mia's pussy lips started to spread, wrapping around the bulbous head of his rotting cock. Mia tensed her core as hard as she could, trying to close herself off, but it didn't help. The creature's cock began to penetrate her. Mia couldn't hold it anymore and relaxed her abs, letting out a gasp for air.

The ghoul grunted in satisfaction.

Sensing the surrender, he pushed forward, his cock invading Mia's tight pink hole, her inner walls clenching down on the thick rod of green flesh that was forcing its way inside of her.

"AHHH!!!!!" Mia screamed in agony as she felt her smooth pink folds finally part for the glowing green rotting head.

Her pussy was being invaded, her walls being forced apart as the tip of the monster's cock entered her. She could feel the loose patches of skin peeling off the shaft as he pressed past her tight lips. Her inner walls clamped around the head, trying to force it back out, but it was no use, he was too powerful. She could feel the bumps and warts rubbing against her soft pink insides, stimulating parts of her never touched before.

"Fuckkk!!" She cried as she tried to push herself away, but he was holding her legs tight, keeping her pinned underneath him.

He began to push further and further, his thick shaft penetrating her, stretching her. She could feel his massive cock stretching her to the limit as he plunged deeper and deeper into her depths. She felt the heat radiating from the cock inside of her, as it pressed up against her cervix. Her pussy stretched painfully wide to accommodate him.

"Please stoppp..." Mia said weakly, exhausted from all the fighting and resisting. Her body shook with pain as she felt him slide out, priming himself for another thrust.

"GRRRAHHH!!!" The ghoul screeched as it slammed his cock back in, his big heavy balls slapping up against her ass.

Her hips bucked involuntarily at the sensation, and her legs wrapped instinctively around the creature's waist. Mia's eyes went wide as she felt her body begin to adjust to the cock that was currently raping her. Mia felt a jolt of electricity run up her spine, and then felt another wave of pleasure course through her.

She tried desperately to stop her body from reacting, but the pleasure was overpowering.

The ghoul's cock was buried deep within her now. Her tight pussy clamped around his thick shaft, gripping him tightly, her muscles squeezing his shaft like a vice. She could feel the veins of the ghoul's cock rubbing against her sensitive walls, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

"Mmmmm" Mia let out a stifled moan. She didn't know what was happening, she hated the idea of being fucked by this disgusting creature, but her body was responding. Her pussy was responding.

"Fuck..." Mia whimpered. She had to try and regain control of herself, she couldn't give in.

The glowing one leaned forward, continuing to rape her, pumping his thick shaft in and out of her tight little pussy, the thick head pushing past her cervix, probing the entrance of her womb.

Bits of flesh dropped down, mixing with the fluids and the juices that dripped down the length of the shaft. The mixture of glowing green fluid and pus dripping down onto Mia's smooth flat stomach.

She looked up at his mangled face, his tongue hanging out, drooling.

Mia let out another cry, as she felt her body betraying her. She wanted nothing more than to escape from this hellish nightmare, but she couldn't. Her body was betraying her. The ghoul's cock was hitting her in places she didn't know existed.

Her pussy clenched down hard on the cock that was ravaging it. Her body was giving in, it wanted more, and she couldn't deny it anymore.

"Ohhhhh..." She moaned. The ghoul's thrusts got faster and more brutal. The creature was going wild, slamming into her with reckless abandon. Mia felt herself getting wetter and wetter as the glowing one fucked her harder, his cock ramming into her, her legs flailing around helplessly, toes curling with pleasure.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as the creature pounded away at her.

"Ohhh... oh..." Mia moaned, the pleasure beginning to build inside her. The ghoul had found her g-spot and was rubbing it with each thrust. Her legs wrapped tighter around the monster's waist, pulling him closer to her, the ghoul grunted with delight as he felt her pussy clenching and gripping his cock even tighter.


The sound of the ghoul's thick pulsing shaft penetrating her filled the room, mixing with the ghoul's grunts and moans of pleasure, along with the soft wet sounds of her juices squirting and gushing from her tight slit as it got pummeled by the thick rotting cock.

"N-noooo..." Mia cried out, but she couldn't hold it back any longer. She was losing her mind, her pussy throbbing, her whole body quivering. She wrapped her arms around his back, clinging desperately to the monster that was raping her. Her fingers digging into his rotting flesh, her nails digging deep into the rotten skin.

She could feel the beast's radiation inside of her, his fluids dripping down her thighs and onto the floor beneath her. Mia was losing control, her body giving into the beast's lust.

"OHHHHHH!!" Mia screamed, her pussy contracting and spasming, her walls clamping down hard on the monster's shaft, her juices squirting from her, spraying all over his shaft, coating him and dripping down her thighs, pooling beneath her.

This only egged the ghoul on as he continued to fuck her mercilessly, his massive cock pounding away at her, glistening with Mia's lust. She felt the beast's hot breath on her neck, his foul stench invading her nostrils.

She turned her head sideways, her lips brushing against the ghoul's cheek.

"Mmmm..." She moaned into his face. She could taste his foul breath, his rancid stench.

The ghoul turned and pressed his slimy lips to hers. In a moment of weakness, she closed her eyes and spread her lips, his vile greasy tongue sliding into her mouth. She sucked on it as her body shuddered in disgust. She kissed him back, their tongues intertwining in a sloppy kiss. She could taste the rot in his breath. She wanted to throw up, but instead, she just kissed him harder. Mia was completely losing her mind to the beast. Was it the radiation making her do these things? Was it turning her mind against her?

His body heat was burning into her skin, the warmth spreading throughout her entire being. She wrapped her arms tighter around him, pulling his body close to hers. Her body trembled, she could feel the beast's cock growing even thicker inside of her.

"Mmhhhmm..." Mia moaned into the kiss.

The slimy drool that the ghoul was overproducing combined with the pus oozing from it's flayed skin seeped into her mouth, to which she gulped down, her stomach churning in disgust.

Meanwhile, his cock throbbed inside of her. It felt like a bomb about to go off inside her pussy. Mia moaned and bucked her hips against him. Her pussy squeezed his cock tighter as she arched her back, her body shuddering with ecstasy. She couldn't believe how good it felt.

She broke away from the kiss, her lips and mouth stained with glowing green fluids.

She just laid there and took it. She didn't care anymore. The only way out was through.

"Fuckkk... I-I can't stop..." She said as tears welled up in her eyes.

The ghoul picked up the pace, letting out growls of delight.

He began to pound into her harder and harder. Her body shook with each thrust, her tits bouncing wildly, the soft flesh jiggling, her pristine body being violated by the dirtiest, most vile creature in the Wasteland.

Her body and brain were at odds. One wanted to escape, the other wanted more. Her body craved the beast, the feeling of his thick shaft pounding her, his cock stretching her, his thick head probing deep into her depths. Mia could feel herself giving in. Her mind was being swallowed by the pleasure. Mia was totally and utterly broken.

Finally, she felt something well up within her.

"OH OH OHHH!" She cried out in pleasure as she felt her climax reach it's apex. It was an unfamiliar sensation, she'd never orgasmed before, and now it was going to be to this. "Oh, oh, oh fuck! Yes! YES! FUCK! YES!" Her voice was barely recognizable.

Her legs wrapped tighter around the monster's waist, locking themselves together behind him.

The creature also seemed to reach its own peak. He growled in triumph, slamming his cock into her, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing throughout the room.


The beast pulled Mia closer, pressing his slimy, decaying, lips to hers again, muffling the scream of pleasure erupting from her throat as her body began to quiver. She knew what was going to happen, but the thought was too horrible for her to imagine. She tried to resist it, tried to keep her mind clear, but she couldn't. The feeling was too intense. Her body tensed as her pussy clamped down hard on the cock, her hips jerking up, her legs tightening around his waist as her toes curled and her eyes rolled back.


Mia screamed into the glowing one's mouth as the orgasm ripped through her body, the pleasure of it washing over her, drowning her thoughts. Her mind went blank. Her entire body shook with pleasure.

Her pussy spasmed and tightened around the cock inside of her.

Then, it happened. Mia felt the monster's cock slam into her cervix and expand, the bulbous head swell up, and the veins of his cock begin to pulsate against her sensitive walls, until finally...


The glowing one erupted. His thick, gooey, seed shot into her, the warm thick fluid filling her womb, painting the insides of her womb with the glowing one's irradiated seed.

Mia cried out, her eyes rolling back into her skull, her hips jerking upward, the sensation from the ghoul cumming inside her driving her crazy. She instinctually wanted to swallow up every last drop of the monster's semen. She could feel it all, the heat of it burning inside of her, the thick heavy fluid pouring into her.

The ghoul held still deep inside of her, his filthy tainted cock spraying it's vile load directly into her womb, filling her to the brim. His balls clenched and unclenched with each spurt of cum, dumping it into her most intimate depths.

She couldn't think anymore. All she could do was moan in ecstasy.

Mia, once a dedicated member of her vault, a proud vault dweller, untouched by radiation, was now nothing more than a whore for a beast in a filthy dim room.

Her body, once reserved to carry on the vault's lineage and traditions, was now claimed by the Children of Atom. Her fertile womb greedily accepted the irradiated sperm wriggling around inside her. Her egg, untouched by the mutations of the wastes, was being defiled, fusing together with the rotten DNA from the the beast's disgusting seed. A new life was taking form within her.

Her life was no longer her own.

"Mmhhh... Mmmhmm..."

The kiss was finally broken, the monster pulling his mouth away, leaving Mia gasping for air, her chest rising and falling.

The glowing one stayed buried inside her, his cock continuing to throb intermittently, spilling his seed deep within her, his glowing cum seeping out of her tight slit and onto the floor below.

"Fuck..." Mia groaned, her eyes glazed over, her body shaking, her mind numb from the pleasure. "Oh... fuck..." She panted heavily, trying to regain her breath.


The glowing one slowly pulled out, her pussy clamping down tightly on the girthy shaft of the rotting cock as he pulled out. Bits of skin and flaked off warts were left behind inside her as he finally pulled free and the head popped out. His flaccid rotting dick swung between his legs, still covered in glowing slime and pus.

Mia's legs flopped down onto the ground. Her body was exhausted, completely drained, her muscles ached and her stomach burned and glowed from the sheer amount of his irradiated cum.

"Ughhhh..." She moaned, her pussy still throbbing and clenching.

Mia was done.

She was broken.

It was over.

Raven was right. Her body would accept Atom, not as a child of it, but as it's host, the future of Atom.

"Fuck, I'm glowing now too..." Mia mumbled as her head fell to the side and eyes closed, unconsciousness finally overtaking her.