Chereads / Apocalypse of Pleasure / Chapter 10 - Story 2, Far Harbour

Chapter 10 - Story 2, Far Harbour

Nora made her way over the rough, fog shrouded terrain of Far Harbor island. Coming to this island to help Nick Valentine to find a missing girl. They'd found her at a Synth commune in an old observatory.

Nora's attempts to convince the girl to return to her parents had been met with "They're not my parents, I'm a synth. I replaced the real Kasumi. I'm not their daughter." Kasumi had stated firmly, the conviction in her voice conflicted with the tears welling in her eyes.

At the behest of the leader of this Synth community, Dima, Nora went to "The Nucleus" a pre-war Nuclear Submarine base currently inhabited by the Children of Atom, a religious order that believed nuclear weaponry and the fallout it created were a gods gifts personified.

The reason for this infiltration request was simple, Dima had once used the base as a home and left a significant catalogue of back up memories. The previous leader of the Children of Atom had been a friend to Dima and as such the memories were believed safe. The new leader was more, aggressive in his beliefs and Dima, unsure of what the memories actually contained, felt it best to recover them before they could be abused.

Of course, nothing was as simple as go to the place and do the thing after 200+ years and a few hundred nukes. No, now upon arriving at the Nucleus Nora witness a "Trial of faith" where two followers of Atom were forced into figuring out which is to survive. One tried to reason with the intimidating man who'd forced this on them, the other just up and killed the reasonable one.

The survivor asked if the Grand Zealot needed anything more and scurried inside leaving the well armored man to size up the new arrival.

Nora had gained a fair bit of confidence in her skills and gear in her time wandering the wasteland but the way this man looked at, no, looked THROUGH her she felt the same terrifying chill run up her spine as the moment she saw Kellog pull out his gun and shoot Nate.

"I come from the commonwealth to join in the worship of Atom." Noras voice creaked slightly trying to sell her devotion.

"We only allow those who have proven themselves to enter. If you take our test and return, sane, we will allow you to enter. Fail and, well those who fail rarely come back and those who manage to return after failing are usually insane." The Zealot spoke, his words hard.

'Come back insane?' Nora thought, 'They're already there.'

Moving towards the "Spring of Atom" the Zealot had marked on her Pip-boys map Nora was keenly aware of the eyes watching here from the ever present radioactive fog that covered the island. Oddly though nothing made a move on her. More than once she'd caught sight of a pack of wolves at the far edge of her field of vision but they never made a move towards her, more than once she swore she heard a scuffle deep in the fog. Maybe the pack was just hunting along the same route.

Coming upon the spring Noras Pip-boy began to chirp wildly, popping a Rad-x and Radaway Nora steeled herself.

"Well, here we go." she dipped her fingers into the running stream of water and felt the tingling sensation of a radiation spike wash over her hand combined with an unnatural cold. The water shouldn't have been as cold as it was but it felt as if her hands had been submerged in ice-water.

Bringing the water to her lips and drinking deeply. It was just as cold and tingly in her mouth as it was in her hands.

For a few moments Nora felt nothing but a knot in her stomach caused by the intensely cold water. 

That changed after about twenty seconds when an intense wave of nausea hit her so hard Nora dropped to her knees.

The knot in her stomach untied into a blast of warmth that spread across her body leaving Nora hot and sweaty, her vision blurred and the world seemed to shift into a hauntingly beautiful yellowish-green haze the sounds of the island blended into an odd hum punctuated by low sounds that Nora could only describe, were she capable of speech at the moment, as moaning and whispering.

Looking around and rising to unsteady feet Nora saw it. A ghostly shadow figure. Tall and curvy beckoning to her seductively, running its hands up and down its form dipping a hand between its thighs then holding its arms out as if asking Nora to embrace it.

A husking voice called out slightly above the other whispers, "Come"

Nora stumbled toward the figure and felt the heat grow, heard the moaning and whispering get louder.

"Atoms gift. Children's land." the voice husked again.

Noras steps grew more stable as she followed the distinctly female form through the fog, losing sight of it from time to time only to find it again, each time in a more provocative form.

Once leaning against an old car, its head thrown back issuing an unheard moan and its hands cupping its shadowy breasts as it gently thrust its hips back and forth, its legs spread slightly just large enough to have had a person kneeling between them. 

Nora licked her lips as she heard the husky voice again, "Follow"

 Again straddling a fallen Trapper, grinding its hips hard and fast over the dead mans groin.


Nora was unsure the figure only meant to follow given the intensely sexual actions it was performing.

Once more on all fours thrusting back at an invisible lover. Nora was sure she could hear wet slapping with each thrust back from the shadow woman.

"Breed. Fuck. CUM"

These visions were having an effect on Nora who, as she followed the erotic ghost through the fog had shed most of her clothing, her nipples painfully hard, thighs slick with moisture and her breath coming in ragged panting gasps. 

More shadows greeted Nora and her teasing ghostly friend, huge shadows belonging to the more dangerous and mysterious creatures that the islands fog kept hidden these huge intimidating forms made no move towards Nora or the nymph that led her. 

Nora still froze taking in the sight of them but losing sight of her lusty prey. She didn't have to look as she felt small, cool feminine hand reach up from behind her and cup her breasts. The coolness of what Nora assumed to be the Shadow womans hands felt like ice on Noras hot exposed skin. As the hands found her nipples and gave them a tweak Nora mouth opened and her moan joined the chorus of moans she could hear coming from all directions.

The whispers were clearer now too. They spoke of things that would have made Nora blush under normal circumstances but right now, the whispered promises of what was to come if she gave herself over to the being the whispers called the "Mother of the Fog".

"Breed. Cum. Never stop."

Nora heard the Mother whisper in her ear and could only nod. 

The Mother of the Fog was in front of her again, leg spread and a hand between its thighs as it started to float backwards, up a slight incline away from the small building they had approached. Towards several rocky outcroppings.

Nora Followed, her mouth hanging open as she panted, one hand rubbing away at her searingly hot dripping sex. Moving past more shadow creatures Nora was barely aware of them, the increasingly sexual actions of the Mother of the Fog driving Nora deeper into the effects of the spring.

Rounding a corner she saw the Mother being taken front and back by two humanoid shadows in what looked to be rags.

Around the next she had her head buried between the legs of what looked like a deathclaw.

The scenes became progressively more and more depraved and, as Nora discovered, intensely arousing the further she went until Nora came to a cave.

The Mother was on all fours facing Nora and as the Sole survivor of Vault 111 approached she felt an overwhelming compulsion to fall to her hands and knees, the musk of sex wafted into her nostrils and set her mouth drooling as the Mother moved into the cave, still on all fours, shaking her shapely shadow ass in Noras face as she progressed.

Nora followed and the sight that greeted her was that of a pack of Wolves sitting in a semi circle around a very large wolf, the alpha, to his side was the Mother again, not just on all fours but with her head on the ground and her ass elevated facing the largest wolf.

"Submit. Breed. Cum."

The words pounded in Noras mind, and she did s she was shown. Turning so that her ass and dripping sex faced the huge wolf Nora lowered her head to the ground and thrust her ass up higher.

The alpha moved forward and sniffed at the submissive human womans backside.

Noras eyes went wide as its tongue ran over her heated nether lips and a moan that she didn't know she was capable of producing escaped her lips.

"Breed. Cum. Forever." The Fog Mother called to her from her left, turning her head Nora saw the shadowy figure being taken by the shadow form of a wolf, she saw it thrusting hard causing the shadow womans breasts to shake violently.

Nora was distracted as the wolf behind her stomped it front legs on either side of her head and thrust forward, claiming her by driving is member deep into her.

The sudden fullness made Nora deliriously happy as a series of small orgasms wracked her form and she began thrusting back trying to meet the powerful thrusting of the large animal now taking her as its mate.

"Fuck. Cum." The mother called again this time in front of Nora being taken by a wolf at the back and with her head between the hind legs of another.

Noras view was obscured as another wolf, only slightly smaller that the alpha currently fucking her pussy harder than any man before could even attempt to match, stepped forward and sat down presenting its engorged member to her, dripping precum from its pointed tip own the length of its alien shape Nora licked her lips and moved forward and took the large member into her mouth.

Other wolves moved forward and the two taking the submissive woman both growled keeping the pack back until they'd finished their turns.

The Mother had made them protect her along her way to the spring. She had promised them a mate.

She had delivered.

Nora moaned and thrust back hard as she felt the alphas knot pushing at her pussy lips. Nora wanted, no, needed to take as much of the wolf as she could. She pushed hard and felt the pop as the huge knot entered her and Nora moaned like a whore around the massive canine cock in her mouth, dipping into the back of her throat.

"Breed. Cum. Fuck. Cum." Nora didn't see the Mother this time, her vision was starting to clear but the desire to become this packs bitch was still controlling her.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt the two animals begin to unload into her at the same time. Noras mind went blank at the sensation of hot cum flooding her pussy and the taste of Wolf cum in her mouth, pouring down her throat and filling her stomach.

Nora didn't know how much time passed, she only knew that she was the center of attention for the pack. Her pussy, mouth, ass and hands were rarely left without a cock in them. Nora delighted in the feeling of a new throbbing piece of dog dick sliding into her.

Nora rode one wolf that had rolled onto its back, the large cock sticking into the air invitingly for her, as another shoved its cock up her ass drawing another long moan from the brunettes mouth, so well used in her time with the pack that her gaping ass took the wolfs cock with very little resistance, even allowing the already expanding knot to pop in causing a depraved shudder to run up Noras spine.

"More. Fuck me more. I'm your bitch. Use me." Noras words were for her alone, the wolves couldn't understand her they only understood that this human didn't want to kill them she wanted nothing more than the privilege of being their mate.

Without knowing it the Wolves did just that, fucking the woman with the strength only beasts could they kept her cumming and full of cum. Her mind awash in a sea of pleasure, she was glad she came to the island, she was happy to obey The Mother of the Fog. She was a wolf packs bitch and she would remain their bitch for as long as they kept their cocks hard for her.

The wolves were pleased, The Mother of the Fog had been true to her word, she'd given them a mate to rival all previous mates, this one took everything they could giver her and then seemed to beg for more.

Two months later...

Piper Wright had taken the information Nick brought back from the Island of Far Harbor and gone in search of her friend Nora. Nick had barely made it back after spending more than amonth searching the island for Nora and nearly being torn apart by a Deathclaw he'd gone back to the Commonwealth for help.

Piper approached The Nucleus to see a man in armor standing at the door.

"If you want to enter you must take our initiation rite." He spoke, sizing up the woman.

"If it will help me find my friend, I'll do it." Piper replied, it was odd she was sure she could feel something watching her.
