Chereads / Apocalypse of Pleasure / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - The Engineer & The Stowaway

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 - The Engineer & The Stowaway

He was actually willing to just let it slide, when he first heard about it. As the only male in a Vault that had started with a thousand residents and was still in the nine hundreds despite a few accidents and deaths here and there, the Overseer knew he couldn't be everywhere at once, despite his maxed out SPECIAL scores.


Really, there was only so much he could do, and only so many women he could fuck every day, though he did fuck several women every single day. That said, sex wasn't just about breeding for the human race. It was about pleasure too. It was stress relief in it's finest form, really. But of course, given just how many women that the Overseer had to work through, how many women he had to impregnate… he couldn't exactly go back and fuck the ones that he'd actually managed to knock up, at least not all of them.


And just because they were now growing swollen with his children didn't meant that those women weren't allowed to seek sexual gratification as well. From what he'd heard, many women had ultimately turned bisexual, or at least allowed their latent bisexual sides to creep out. Reading up on it, VaultTech had actually done it's level best to make it so that most of the nine-hundred and ninety-nine women that ended up inhabiting Vault Sixty-Nine alongside him were completely straight.


But with his intelligence and perception, the young Overseer could say without a shadow of a doubt that whatever tests or techniques VaultTech had used to TRY and make that a reality, they had failed. As anyone with half a brain could have seen they would. People lied, and if there was one thing that people lied about the most, it was their personal desires, especially if they thought that said desires would be seen as perverse and end up making them ostracized by society.


Regardless, there was a whole lot of bisexual women living in Vault Sixty-Nine. But thanks to VaultTech's actions, there were also hundreds of women who truly were straight and didn't like the thought of laying with another woman, of fingering and licking. That didn't really make them prudes though, in fact most of them had very healthy libidos indeed, they just knew what it was that got them off.


As such, with his dick being the only real, living dick for any straight woman in the Vault, the rise of sexual toys being fabricated amongst the residents of Vault Sixty-Nine was in no way a surprise. It actually happened pretty quickly, but what took a bit longer was refining the process and making sex toys for the women of the Vault that weren't just janky, cobbled together pieces of junk.


Still, they had some truly brilliant minds down here with them, so the Overseer really wasn't all that surprised when he heard that one particular mechanical engineer had managed what everyone else was currently failing at, making something that had been described to him as 'the cream of the crop' and cornering the burgeoning market on sex toys down here in Vault Sixty-Nine.


That was fine, he had decided. That was all fine. However, then reports had come in of just how this mechanical engineer was selling her product, just how she was advertising it… and suddenly, things were not entirely fine. Selling dildos to a bunch of horny women waiting for their turn to get bred by the only cock that now existed in their very limited world was fine.


However, advertising that the dildos were as large and as satisfying as his OWN dick was not. Especially when the advertisement was wrong, on both counts! To be fair, the Overseer had wondered if it might possibly be telling the truth. So, he'd had one of his assistants procure one of the sex toys for him. After studying it for a bit, he'd let said assistant keep the toy, though even she'd seemed to realize it couldn't compare to the real thing.


And it couldn't, despite the vibration functionality that this mechanical engineer had managed to put into the toy. It really didn't compare to his cock, not in size, and certainly not in satisfaction, in his oh-so-humble opinion. Really, this just wouldn't do. False advertisement was a serious thing, especially when it was also defaming him at the same exact time.


For a time, the Overseer considers calling this mechanical engineer to his office directly. But no, in the end he decides that he'll go to her. It'll do him good, a walk through the Vault, and his visit to this young woman will be remarked upon. After he's done with her, the lesson he's going to teach will be able to spread far and wide.




Stepping into the Power Room after having made sure via his security that the area was secure and only the mechanical engineer he was after was on duty at the moment, the Overseer hums to himself, looking around. Truth be told, he half-expects the woman he's looking for to be lounging about, perhaps with her feet up, reading or doing something besides work. After all, he's well aware that while there's no real true currency down here in the Vault, this engineer's side business with the sex toys is making her 'rich' in a variety of ways.


And wealth, no matter what form it took, usually bred laziness. So, imagine the Overseer's surprise when his first view of the woman he'd come to see was a coverall-clad behind, as the engineer in question crouches under a piece of large machinery, clearly hard at work. For a moment, he doesn't make himself known. He doesn't want to interrupt her during a crucial repair or anything like that after all… and it is a very nice ass, straining against the seat of her coveralls.


Moving further into the room, he studies the place for a second, looking for anything out of the ordinary… more specifically, looking for something he might be able to ding the engineer for. Perhaps it was a little petty… and really, he wasn't seeing anything. Oh sure, there was the usual grime and slight filth that came from a day or two between the routine cleanings, but he wasn't THAT petty.


He had heard reports that this woman kept her little side business separate from her work in their Power Rooms, but honestly, the Overseer hadn't been sure if he believed them. Now, he was starting to realize he might have misjudged this woman a little bit. Perhaps she wasn't as much of a reprobate as he first thought. But that didn't mean she didn't need to be taught a lesson.


Coming to a stop by a desk on one side of the room, the Overseer clears his throat loud enough to alert the mechanical engineer to his presence. Luckily, she seems to be quite the professional, and she doesn't startle easily. She also doesn't immediately come up either.


"I'll be right with you!"


That gets an eyebrow raise from the Overseer, but to be fair, he hadn't actually spoken yet. She probably thought he was a peer, or at worst, her direct superior. So, the lack of respect wasn't too farfetched, especially when she was clearly very focused on whatever she was doing. So, he waits, spreading his legs into a more casual stance and crossing his arms over his chest.


To her credit, she doesn't take much longer before slowly extricating herself from under the machinery and straightening up. The first thing that he notices about her as she stands to her full height is her fiery red hair, of course. Done up in a bun, likely to keep it from getting in the way of her work, it's undoubtedly the most colorful part of her, given the drab nature of the Vault coveralls that VaultTech supplied for maintenance work.


Still, when she stretches her arms over her head, it does interesting things to the rest of her body, despite the bulky nature of the coveralls. Thanks to his maxed-out perception, the young Overseer sees every hint of curves and femininity that shows itself through the coveralls, even as the engineer herself finally turns around, a bright smile on her face and a question on her lips.


"Alright then, what can I do for… ya. Oh my! Mister Overseer sir!"


She goes a little wide eyed when she realizes it's him, but he's surprised to see that her smile doesn't fade. Bouncing across the room to where he's standing, she gives him an even sunnier smile, and tugs off a glove, holding out a hand to him to shake.


"Such a pleasure to meet you, sir! What brings you to my neck of the woods?"


Slightly nonplussed, the Overseer takes hold of her hand and gives it a firm shake, before letting go. Then, just to make sure he's got the right gal, he asks the obvious.


"Kaywinnet Lee Frye?"


She blinks for a moment, and then colors slightly in embarrassment.


"A-Ah, yes that's me, sir… but you can just call me Kaylee, everyone else does! Kaywinnet is a bit of a mouthful, don'tcha think?"


Her accent marks her as a country bumpkin or a farmer… and yet, he'd read up on her a little before coming. She was a good engineer, with a sharp mind. It just went to show; you could never judge a book by it's cover. Still…


"Very well, Kaylee. Do you know why I'm here?"


Finally, something like understanding crosses the young woman's face, and her smile fades a little bit.


"Is this… is this about the dildoes, sir? I didn't think I was doin' nuthin' wrong, just trying to provide a source of comfort for some of the other girls in the Vault, you know?"


The Overseer hums at that, crossing his arms over his chest again, not failing to notice how her eyes track to his bulging biceps. He's not some body builder or anything like that, but you didn't have all of your SPECIAL maxed out and NOT end up with an Adonis-like physique.


"This is about your little side business, yes. These sex toys you've been making… they're certainly top of the line, at least in our new limited existence. But you've been making false claims about just how big and satisfying they are."


Kaylee's brow furrows, and her lips curl into a light pout as she shakes her head.


"I-I tested them plenty, sir! I think they're as big as can be and satisfying to boot!"


The Overseer smirks.


"But they aren't the real thing."

And then, without further ado, he reaches down and releases his cock from the confines of his Vault-Suit. As his hands move downwards, Kaylee's eyes follow, of course. And as his massive member flops free, those same eyes, a beautiful green, widen in shock at the appearance of his dick. He lets her just ogle it for a moment, as she licks her lips slightly.


"O-Oh… oh my…"


"Quite. As you can see, your dildoes don't measure up to the real deal. Which means you've been engaging in some… false advertising."


He expects her to get a little upset, but it seems that Kaylee Frye really only has one personality type, and that's bright and sunny. Taking a moment to truly study his cock, the red head eventually lets her eyes drift back up to his face, locking gazes with him again as she gives him a mischievous little grin.


"You're not wrong about that, Overseer. Mm, but are you sure my babies aren't more satisfying?"


Oh, she knew just how to push his buttons. She wasn't nearly as innocent as she looked. Still, this was pretty much why he'd come in the first place, wasn't it? To give her a proper… demonstration. He'd half been expecting to have to force the issue a bit more, and he'd been planning to be a bit rougher with her if she turned out to be a bitch… but even if Kaylee was a sunny sort of girl, well, he could still show her what he was capable of.


Stepping forward, the Overseer reaches out and grabs Kaylee by the front of her coveralls. Her breath hitches, but she makes no move to stop him, nor to pull away as he begins unzipping her coveralls, exposing her undershirt beneath. He strips her, right then and there, of the heavy protective garments, and when Kaylee steps out of them, she's wearing nothing but a cute white undershirt and a matching pair of white panties.


Grabbing her somewhat roughly by her hair, the Overseer marches her over to the machinery she was just working on and bends her over it, watching with some satisfaction as Kaylee's hands slap against the side of the machinery, palm down. At the same time, her hips push back, and the Overseer grins as her rump collides with his erection.


Reaching out, he grabs the waistband of Kaylee's panties and yanks them down to her knees, before slapping his palm up into her undercarriage and running it and his fingers along her slit. The red head moans in response to his touch, wiggling and writhing and shivering in delight as he plays with her for a moment before pulling his fingers away, much to her moaning disappointment.


She doesn't sound disappointed for long though, not when he replaces his fingers with his cock, lining it up and thrusting it in a moment later. Kaylee cries out, her back arching and her eyes practically rolling up in her head on the spot as he fills her with his meat. At first, it's easy-going. She's extremely wet already, and it's clear she's been fucking herself with her own toys on the regular, because her pussy, while tight, is still stretchy enough to take him deep.


But not as deep as he could go. The young Overseer eventually hits a point in the red head where she's much tighter, a point deep inside of her where she's clearly not used to anyone or anything being able to reach. A keening noise leaves Kaylee's throat as he forces his way deeper in, until eventually he's ramming up against her cervix, slamming into the entrance of her womb itself with every last thrust of his cock.


The young engineer cries out, her head tilting upwards and her mouth wide open. Smirking, the Overseer looks down at her from above, using his height to lean over her smaller form, all but covering her with his body as he fucks into her from behind with rapid, penetrating thrusts.


"Feel that, Kaylee? Feel how deep I am? Tell me, can your little toys do that?"


She moans and mewls and shakes her head in the negative. But at the same time, it's obvious she feels the need to defend her 'product'.


"T-They aren't little, Overseer… b-but they aren't as big as you…"


His smirk widens a little, and he slides his hands up from Kaylee's hips to under her undershirt, grabbing at her breasts. She doesn't have much in the way of tits, to be honest, but she also isn't completely flat. His hands are a bit larger than most, but he's still able to get a semi-descent grip as he gropes, squeezes, and kneads her titflesh to his heart's content, playing with her chest while continuing to slam up against her cervix with every last thrust.


"And does their ability to vibrate make up for the real thing, my dear?"


Kaylee opens her mouth to answer, but in that moment, he pinches the engineer's nipples between his fingers and thrusts up into her at the same time. Instead of words, the gorgeous red head lets out a loud cry of ecstasy as she climaxes HARD around his cock. The Overseer smirks, and lets her recover for a moment, waiting a beat before speaking again.


"I'll take that as a no."


Then, he sets to work in rearranging the young woman's thought processes through the tried and true method of fucking her silly, of plowing her brains right out of her skull. He goes until Kaylee can't go anymore, ramming into her from behind with all his might and filling her with his cock again and again and again. She orgasms repeatedly around his dick, and it's only when her legs are wobbly and shaky and she's clearly about to lose it entirely that the Overseer finally cums inside of her, filling her womb with his seed, pumping directly into it through the opening he'd battered into her cervix.


As he pulls out of her, he finds himself having to catch the exhausted mechanical engineer, hoisting her up and carrying her over to the desk, and more importantly, the chair behind it. Sitting her down in said chair after having pulled her panties back up, the Overseer stands over Kaylee with a raised eyebrow, while she smiles up at him, as sunny as ever despite being utterly exhausted.


"Well, Ms. Frye?"


Letting out a soft giggle, Kaylee bobs her head up and down.


"I'll make sure to change my advertisements now sir… now that I know what the real thing feels like~"


The Overseer hums for a second, before nodding and turning to leave.


"Feel free to visit any time, Overseer!"


He pauses, and then continues on his way. It didn't take a genius to realize that he'd been played, at least a little bit. But at the same time, he didn't mind all that much. Sure, it was obvious, and had been obvious from the moment that he'd actually begun speaking with Kaylee that her goal had always been to get him to skip ahead of the queue and fuck her early. But hey, she'd made an entire line of high-quality sex toys, just to get his attention. For that, he figured she deserved it.


He would definitely be keeping an eye on Kaylee Frye from here on out though. An intelligent young woman like that would go far in Vault Sixty-Nine.




It was on his way back from the Power Station, having left Kaylee behind to slowly but surely recover from her experience with his big, fat dick, that the Overseer saw her. The albino woman, that is. He couldn't help but do a double-take, really. Not only was her skin stark white, so was her hair. But on top of that, most noticeable of all was what she was wearing. Oh sure, it was still a Vault Suit with the number '69' emblazoned on the back, but it was basically cut to shreds, made into such a skimpy and sexy outfit that more of her white skin was on display then wasn't. She also… wasn't wearing shoes?


As he watches her for a moment, the Overseer, still a young man at heart, decides he has to know more about this eccentric beauty. Because she is a beauty, for all that she isn't a conventional one. Regardless, while one might not imagine that the single man in a Vault FULL of women would be good at stealth and moving around unnoticed, one would be failing to take into account the fact that the Overseer had all of his SPECIAL stats completely maxed out, leaving him very nearly superhuman in every single category that VaultTech had come up with.


That said, it doesn't take him much to 'disappear' so to speak, allowing him to move stealthily through Vault Sixty-Nine, all the while following this shameless albino that he'd stumbled across. Of course, the first thing that the Overseer does once he's sure that no one has eyes on him is bring up his Pip boy and begin making a search for just who the hell this is supposed to be.


What he finds seems to make sense, at least at first. Her picture is attached to the file of a young woman by the name of Angela Johnson. It all seems on the up and up… but something niggles at the back of the Overseer's enhanced mind all the same. Truly, it's a simple thought… the albino woman doesn't really seem like an 'Angela Johnson' to him.


So, he digs deeper. He digs until he finally finds what he's looking for… evidence of subterfuge and alterations made to the records. That in and of itself is rather surprising. After all, VaultTech, for all their faults (and his position as Overseer, as well as the intelligence they'd so generously provided him with, had exposed many of them) had some of the most highly secured networks in the world. Or they were supposed to.


It wouldn't just take any run of the mill hacker to alter VaultTech records, as far as he was aware. Which meant he was definitely dealing with something dangerous here. Someone dangerous. Frowning, and deciding that the only one he could truly trust to deal with this was himself, the Overseer begins to make his move. It starts with making the smallest mistakes.


As he expected, while nobody else notices him on account of his sudden mild 'clumsiness', the albino woman does, her head whipping this way and that, her ears twitching, and her entire body tensing up. However, he doesn't give enough away for her to know where he is, so in the end, all she can do is continue on.


The young man allows her to do this, curious to see where she'll lead him. Will she find a crowded place and try to mingle into the general populace? But then, her skin tone doesn't allow her to do so, of course. Frankly, he's surprised that her unusual appearance hasn't put her on his radar before now. As it is, he quickly finds out why. She doesn't go to a more populated area… no, instead she goes deeper into the darker and emptier parts of Vault Sixty-Nine, showing an uncanny ability for dodging people and moving away from any of the more crowded parts of the Vault.


As soon as she's alone, she begins to run, and the young Overseer has to hurry to keep up. At the same time, he stops making mistakes, once again making himself nigh-invisible to even the most perceptive eye. No longer making noises, no longer alerting her to his presence, he follows the albino deeper and deeper into the bowels of HIS Vault, into places that he himself hadn't truly known existed, much to his consternation.


Eventually, she slows down, seeming to think she's lost him. She grows more casual, more confident, and he even sees a smug little smirk spread across the scantily clad woman's face. She leads him, unknowingly, right to her home, as it turns out, and the Overseer can't help but be surprised at the small cubby hole, filled with odds and ends, trinkets and baubles, all sorts of things that she's very clearly managed to purloin in her time among the residents of the Vault.


… She was a stowaway. He could hardly believe it, and honestly, he wouldn't have believed it if the proof wasn't right in front of him. Vault Sixty-Nine had an honest-to-god stowaway. As the albino woman fiddles with this or that, he decides it's time to make himself known, so, slipping out of hiding, he stands in the middle of her little home… and clears his throat.


Whirling around, the albino's eyes widen at the sight of him, and for a moment she looks caught between fight or flight. But then she appears to choose neither, as her shock washes away to be replaced by very obviously feigned happiness. Well, very obvious to him… for anyone else, she might come across as more believable.


"Oh my. The Overseer himself. I knew I was being followed back there… mm, but you are good, aren't you? You're VERY good."


"What is your name?"


Straight and to the point. He could already tell that that was how he was going to have to be with this one. Blinking, the albino cocks her head to the side and smiles.


"Angela Johnson, of course. Sorry that I'm not in my bunk, but I just do better away from crowds, Overseer. Really, you don't have to worry about me, not one bit."

Shaking his head, he lifts up his Pipboy meaningfully.


"You aren't Angela Johnson. So why don't you tell me what happened to her, and who you are, and how you replaced her, hm?"


Her eyes widen again as she realizes he's discovered her hacking attempts. A moment later, and she's leaping at him. It's clearly a move made in desperation, an attempt to attack him. For what purposes, he doesn't know. If she kills him, then the entire Vault falls apart, and she'll die right alongside everyone else in due time. Meanwhile, if she kidnapped him, she'd just call down the wrath of over nine-hundred women on her head. They would scour the Vault looking for their Overseer, and even if no one usually came down here, they would eventually search here as well. The Vault was a finite amount of space, after all.


But in the end, it doesn't matter. Because her attack doesn't land, and she doesn't get a chance to do a follow up as he catches her by the leg she tries to launch into his head, and spins her about until he has an arm wrapped around her neck and is holding her in such a way that all she can do is claw and scrabble against his ironclad grip.


"W-Wait… wait!"


Letting out a sigh, the Overseer eases up just a bit.


"What is your name?"




"How did you get here, Chiana?"


"… Angela was my friend. S-She died, two days before the bombs dropped. I saw an opportunity to make a backup plan, so I replaced her with myself in the database…"


The Overseer hums, detecting no hint of deceit in her voice. She was telling the truth; he was almost certain of it. His pipboy suddenly beeps, and both he and Chiana look down at the glowing screen as it announces that his current 'prisoner' has a clean bill of health.


"Well, you aren't carrying any diseases, at least."


With that, he lets her go, pushing her forward slightly. She stumbles, and then whirls around, giving him an almost wild sort of grin.


"Why'd you have to check that, huh? Wondering if it was safe to bone me, Overseer?"


He cocks his head to the side, but before he can reply, Chiana reaches down and grabs the underside of her modified Vault suit crop top, as well as the waistband of her skin-tight shorts. She drags the former upwards and the latter downwards, exposing her albino tits and equally white pussy, both at the same time. Jutting out her chin, the young woman licks her lips salaciously.


"Like what you see, Overseer? Mm, I'm all yours, if you let me stay. I can be whatever you need me to be… boss."


She's jumping the gun a little. He was already going to let her stay, but she didn't give him a chance to say so. Still, the view of her, and her personality… well, the young man can't deny being aroused. Reaching down, he pulls his cock out of his own Vault suit without a word, causing Chiana to gasp in excitement and practically hop across the room, dropping to her knees in front of him and taking hold of it with her albino hands.


"Mm, glad you see it my way, boss~"


Then she takes him into her mouth, and he has to admit, she's a very good cocksucker. To be fair, VaultTech went out of its way to pack as many docile, submissive women into Vault Sixty-Nine as possible. It was one of their kinder experiments, he'd found out from reading about the others on his console. Most of the women he was stuck with were… 'normal'. Obviously, there were deviations on that, Kaylee for instance, was normal, and happy, and also sharp as a whip and an inventory of sex toys.


But Chiana… Chiana didn't fit into VaultTech's plans for the Vault. And that made her appealing in a way no other woman could match up to. So, the Overseer slides his hand into her white, wild hair and guides her up and down his cock as she stares up at him, her eyes sparkling with excitement and mischief. She truly was enjoying sucking on his dick, it seemed. She was a nymphomaniac; he was pretty sure.


Well, luckily for her, he was built to handle nymphomaniacs. Eventually, she pops off of his cock with a whine, looking up at him and pouting.


"You're not an easy man to make cum, boss!"


The Overseer just smirks.


"Maybe you're not trying hard enough."


Her eyes widen at that, but before she can reply, he's pulling her to her feet by her hair, and then hoisting her into the air by her hips. The albino woman lets out a sharp yelp, even as he begins to fold her into a full nelson. As he suspected from the way she's dressed and the movement of her body, Chiana is INCREDIBLY flexible.


As such, it's actually quite easy to fold her up and tug her shorts up enough to drop her sopping wet, tight little cunt right down onto his cock. For the second time that day, the young Overseer finds himself buried in a woman. Chiana screams as he fills her to the brim with his meat, clearly not used to taking anything as large as him up inside of her.




The Overseer snorts, and then chuckles, but he never lets up, even as he continues to bounce Chiana up and down on his cock. The albino stowaway can't do much with his hands laced behind her head and his arms up under her legs, holding her in a position that allows for little movement besides the bouncing of her feet with every last thrust and impalement.


All she can do is scream and screech and squeal to her heart's content, which the Overseer allows, knowing that no one was going to hear them all the way down here, through several levels of VaultTech metal. So, he goes to town on the albino young woman, fucking the slutty stowaway as hard as he can, ramming her down onto his cock until he does something, he didn't even do to Kaylee… he bursts right through her cervix and impales her womb itself on his member.


That's when Chiana completely loses it, orgasming so hard along his shaft that it milks him of his release, and he finds himself cumming early inside of her womb just a moment later. The Overseer makes sure to fill her to the absolute brim before he pulls out of her, and then he drops the albino stowaway to the floor. He doesn't have to say anything for her to get on her knees and back to sucking his cock asap, which brings a smile to his face as he looks down into her eyes.


"I think I will let you stay in my Vault, Chiana. I have some uses for you… and so long as you're good and do what you're told, I'll be sure to give you exactly what you need, you naughty little nymphomaniac."


Pulling off of his cock with a pop, Chiana strokes his length up and down a few times as she licks her lips and grins salaciously up at him.


"Sounds like a plan, boss. I'm all yours."


Yes, she is, just like every other woman in Vault Sixty-Nine, no matter HOW they might have gotten here. Smiling, the Overseer slides his fingers through Chiana's hair, and begins to push down the nympho-slut's throat. This was indeed the start to a beautiful relationship.