Chereads / Apocalypse of Pleasure / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - The Wall

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - The Wall

He can't help but chuckle, even as he reads over the report Claire has handed him. His new Head of Security has taken to her promotion quite well, doing her best to make him proud and keep him happy. So far, she was succeeding. Though this latest 'security issue' she'd brought him WAS more of a funny one than a serious one, at least in his opinion.


"Well, well. Quite the little situation we find ourselves in."


Claire frowns a bit, and the young Overseer lifts a brow, wondering why she's so concerned about all this. Seeing his reaction, the Security Chief takes the chance to explain herself.


"Sir, I must raise alarm over this entire idea. The lottery in and of itself is not a bad institution… but to allow all of these women to be alone with you at once, when they've already proved that they're more than capable of colluding with one another? I fear that they might try to take you hostage and through you, control the entire vault. I don't think you should allow them all to spend their allotted time with you together. It's too dangerous."


Sitting back in his chair, the Overseer considers his Security Chief's words, as well as the situation at hand. He can see where she's coming from now, though even an entire group of women doesn't frighten him much. With just one weak link, and there's always one, the Overseer is sure he could turn any situation around to his advantage.


That said, she still raises a good point. And beyond that, allowing this to go through might set a bad precedent. Essentially, to continue his overarching mission of impregnating the residents of Vault Sixty-Nine, they'd had to institute a lotter system. Everyone got a ticket, everyone waited for their time to come and their ticket number to arrive.


Well, apparently a group of women had come up with the 'genius' idea to pool their tickets together, meaning that whenever one of them got called, the other four females in the group would piggyback onto their time with him, so that all of them would get pregnant at once. It was something that more amused the Overseer than anything else, which was why he was of half a mind to let it through, before Claire explained why she considered it a security issue.


Now… now he had another idea for the group of women slowly formulating in his head. Smirking slightly, the young Overseer glances over at Claire.


"We're going to honor their little game, Claire. I'm going to let the five of them share their time with me."


"But sir-!"




He cuts her off before she can gather up steam, and Claire goes silent and bright red, even as she listens to his words.


"However… we're not going to do things the way they suspect. Here's what we're going to do instead."


And as he outlines his idea for how to handle the five women to his Head of Security, he can tell she's coming around, as she slowly nods and smiles at his plan.


"Sir… that would work spectacularly."


Chuckling, the Overseer waves towards the door to his office.


"Then go see it done, Chief!"


"Yes sir!"


And with that, Claire matches out of the room, off to begin preparations for his next batch of impregnations. The Overseer watches her go for a moment, smiling all the while. This? This was going to be fun.




When he finally steps into the room at the appointed time, the young Overseer grins wickedly at the sight before him. All he sees is legs, cunts, and asses. Well, and some pretty faces, but only by proxy. Essentially, all five women have their lower bodies sticking out of a wall right now, on the side of the wall that he's on. Their upper halves are on the other side of the wall, sectioned off from him entirely.


They're trapped in the perverse set-up, their legs pulled up and apart and their ankles tied off with silk hanging from the ceiling. There are cushions beneath their behinds, lifting them up slightly, but all in all, they're completely exposed. And the best part is… the vidscreens in the wall above their lower halves shows the view of the cameras that are currently observing their upper halves.


Walking forward, the young Overseer stops at the first woman. This one was the one who actually had the winning numbers, from what he understood. Her red hair draws his attention, both atop her cunt lips as a small landing strip, and on the screen, he has of her face. Reaching out, the Overseer tugs slightly at her landing strip, drawing a wide-eyed and open-mouthed reaction from the video he's watching.


No sound though, so he doesn't know if she's squealing or if she's moaning. Her lower half twitches though, and the look she's now giving the camera is smoldering as she reaches up and molests her own chest, clearly trying to seduce him, trying to entice him to get on with it and fuck her. Well, given they only have her allotted time to go through all five women, he supposes he really should.


His cock is already out and hard, given he walked into the room naked. Bringing his length to bear on the dripping cunt lips before him, he finds that they're at just the right level for him to slide right on into her. He does so, watching her face contort in silent pleasure on the vidscreen, even as her restrained legs kick out, her entire body trembling with need.


Grabbing hold of her by her thighs, the Overseer starts to really give it to her. Pounding her cunt again and again, fucking her harder and harder. There's something to be said about fucking one half of a woman while you can't truly interact with their other half. Sticking these girls in a wall is just one of his better ideas, there's no doubt about it.


They certainly can't take him hostage like this, now can they? Chuckling darkly, the Overseer reaches up and flicks at the red head's clit, bringing her to an explosive climax that's followed by several smaller climaxes as he continues to fuck her with his big fat cock. He pounds her tight little cunt silly, and then he cums inside of her, filling her womb with his seed.


When he pulls out, she's visibly disappointed on the vidscreen. Whatever she's saying doesn't come through the camera that's watching her, but he doesn't need to hear her words to know she's begging for another round. The Overseer just chuckles, knowing that this lesson will be a valuable one for her and her friends, as well as the rest of the vault. Pool your numbers together to get fucked quicker by the only dick in the entire vault, and you're bound to get fucked very quickly indeed.


Moving onto the next, the Overseer doesn't even alert her to his presence before fucking her. This one is also a red head, and from the looks of things, she's probably the first's younger sister by a few years. The way her face contorts silently when he grabs her legs and just slams his cock home inside of her tight, and deliciously virgin pussy is absolutely grand.


Grinning almost ferally, the Overseer fucks the cunt before him with wild abandon, feeling as it contracts around his cock, as it squeezes along every inch of his dick. He can almost forget that this pussy is attached to a real woman, save for the reactions from the upper half of said woman on the vidscreen before him. She's a lot less capable of seduction than her older sister, and a lot more susceptible to pleasure from the looks of things. Rather than making bedroom eyes at the camera and groping her chest, the younger red head is left clinging to the rest of the cushioned table she's laid out upon, her arms stretching above her head and her fingers clawing at the surface as her young, supple tits jiggle ever so slightly with the force of his thrusting.


She doesn't get much longer than her sister though. Only as long as it takes for his second release to arrive. With a grunt and a growl, the hung Overseer fills up his second woman of the day with another thick load of seed, pumping it as deep into her womb as he did her sister's. Then he moves on. No foreplay, no after care. That's what these women have signed up for. They've essentially resigned themselves to being nothing more than baby factories, simple holes for him to fuck and deposit his seed into, so they can give back to the vault in the only way they know how, through motherhood.


These thoughts run through the young Overseer's mind, even as he gets to Lady Number Three. This one has raven-black hair down to her breasts, and as he grabs her legs just as roughly as the first two, she yelps silently on the vidscreen, eyes flashing to the camera she knows he's looking through. A sultry sort of smile starts to spread across her face, but before she can really get into whatever act she has planned, the Overseer thrusts forward, filling her ready-and-waiting cunt with his massive, enhanced member just as fast and just as rapidly as the other two.


He plants his dick DEEP inside of her, and watches as her attempt at a sultry smile is washed away by pure, unadulterated pleasure. Her eyes go crossed and her pouty, full lips turn into a small o as he fucks her. She's undoubtedly moaning, but once again, the Overseer can't hear a single sound of it. The only sounds he hears is the sounds of him fucking her cunt silly, the same noises he's been hearing and producing since he got started.


The black-haired woman's pussy squelches and clenches around his pistoning prick, her juices flowing along his length and down her ass and onto the cushion beneath it. She's definitely a squirter compared to the two that came before her, and would probably be the most vocal too, judging by how she looks on the vidscreen now, her small o now a big O and her eyes rolled back in her head as her tongue lolls out of her wide-open mouth.


He ALMOST regrets finishing things off and filling her womb with his third load, but in the end, he's on a bit of a time crunch. He is Overseer to an entire vault after all. Still, when he pulls out of her and moves onto the fourth woman, she still has that silly expression on her face, and her legs are twitching as his cum gushes out of her pussy lips. So hey, maybe she's not as disappointed at the speed of her fuck as the two before her were.


The Overseer actually has to pause for a moment when he finally takes in the fourth woman properly. She is… gorgeous, just like the others. But more specifically, the blonde is leggy in a way the three before her were not. Her legs go on for days, and he finds himself wanting to change things up a bit. It'd be a shame not to utilize those legs properly.


The first sign the fourth woman gets that he's there is the feel of his fingers deftly untying her ankles. Then, her legs are coming down and he's grabbing her hips as he abruptly flips her over onto her front. She probably gives out a squawk or a yelp as he does so, not that he can hear it. The look over her shoulder back at the camera as he pulls her ass towards him is clearly not a happy one though. Not until his cock pushes into her waiting cunt. Then, her anger and displeasure washes away to be replaced by the same pleasure all the others experienced.


He fucks her harder than the first three. It's the position that does it, really. Or at least, that's his excuse. Honestly, there's just something about watching her knees bend outwards as he plows her bow-legged that really, really turns him on. And of course, there's the arching of her back and the tilting of her head that he gets to watch through the vidscreen.


In the end though, he fills her up the same as the rest. As fun as this all is, it's got to be more about the destination than the journey. In the end, he leaves her with a womb painted white by his cum and moves on, letting her feet remain on the ground as her legs twitch much the same as her friends, cum gushing from her freshly fucked cunt as well.


With the last one, another blonde, the Overseer undoes her ankle bindings as well, but just to let her legs drape over his shoulders. In this position, he's able to thrust deeper into her than any before her, penetrating all the way to her cervix and then some. And by 'and then some', the Overseer penetrates her womb directly, filling it with his man meat.


On the vidscreen, the last of the five women is going insane. First her eyes go wide, then her jaw drops open. Then, he's busted past her cervix and she's spasming and shaking her way through the first of several massive orgasms as he takes her to pound town, wrecking her cunt for any who come after him. Oh, but wait… no one's ever coming after him. He's the only man in the entire vault, which means reshaping this woman's pussy to only fit his cock is perfectly acceptable, given his position and his power.


Chuckling at his own thoughts, the young Overseer rams into the poor blonde's cunt time and time again, just enjoying the relative silence. The room isn't completely quiet of course, there's still sounds. Like the dripping of cum from the four women before this one, or the squelching sound of his messy cock pushing in and then pulling out of her over and over again.


And then there's his grunts, which eventually become a groan as he fills the last blonde with his seed, much like the women before her. He pumps his load deep into her womb, and then he pulls out of her, letting her legs fall from his shoulders and splay over either side of the cushioned table she's laid out on. On the vidscreen, she seems just as disappointed as the others, clearly begging for more.


But her words never even reach his ears as he tucks his cock away and makes his way out of the room, leaving Claire and her security team to release the freshly-fucked batch of women from their bondage and the wall they're all stuck in. Perhaps when they tell their story, no one will try something as foolish as pooling their numbers together again.


Or perhaps they will, and he'll get to have another fun round of fucking some delicious women stuck in a wall. Either way, it's a win-win for the Overseer. But then… everything is a win-win where he's concerned. Chuckling, the young man heads back to his office. He's got plenty to do still, and another long day ahead of him, no doubt. Truly, his work is never done.