Chapter 3
all this while Lucy stood there feeling three different emotions. Confusion, fear and curiosity, she was confused as too why she wasn't angry she seemed too be excited and her body began moving on it's own.
She smiled and clenched her fist as rage and excitement burned in her eyes.
She took of her jacket and took a stance similar to a mma fighter, as she began hopping up and down,her body felt so light and the air seemed too be at her mercy but a second later her face was completely void of emotion, she just wanted too fight.
It took a while, but the noise we had been making had finally drawn out most of the towns folk . But it wasn't the fact that it was now that they decided to come out that shocked me the most. They all still had their terrified smiles glued to their faces, but the rest of their body reacted differently most of them were shaking were they stood, some even seemed too be sweating, it was like they were incapable of doing anything else or feeling anything else.
But Lucy paid no attention to the people around she could barely pay attention too anything aside from the target she had to kill standing in from of her, the beast decided to have a little fun, so it pointed its hand at her and tilted it back and forth taunting her to come. Enraged She propelled herself of the floor, running at an inhumane pace.
She leapt into the air and kicked its head with so much force, that the ground below them was decimated, reducing it too nothing but dust and sand, she spun around its head as she caused her heel to slam into its eye, causing it to scream in pain as a single line of blood flow from its eye.
It laughed as he grabbed her by the leg and smashed her into the ground. But she just ignored all the pain as the only thing she could think of was how fun this was.
She pushed her body up by simply flexing all the muscle in her body at the same time, she had no memory of ever fighting before so she too was shocked by the amazing feats of strength and speed she was pulling off.
Before it could even think she had already landed a calculated jab to his face, it sent him flying as he crashed through the tree the old woman loved so much.
She got a little cocky though and decided to play with him, by of course angering him.
"So this is death?, huh i thought he'd be a bit stronger. This just looks sad".
It stood up from the floor and cleared its body of the dust, and as he merely glared at her' she felt a bone break as her two arms were disfigured before her very eyes. She screamed as tears dripped her eyes, it hadn't even moved and it managed too break both her arms, but she wasn't ready too lose yet.
It stood before her and raised his hand as he was about to deliver the finishing blow, but lucy wasn't ready to quit, broken arm or not.
She put both her disfigured arms Infront of them and she clenched her fist twisted her arms back in place with sheer will, but the pain drew her nearly unconscious.
However it seemed as though she couldn't quite take it as a moment later the pupils in her eyes disappeared as Her body fell slowly to the ground but before her body hit the ground one thing drove her back to her feet in an instance,and it was the sole thought that she might get to save me just as I did her, I guess.
With blood flowing through her head and arms and her body already unconscious She bolted towards it and plunged her knee into its face amazing speed.
She used both her arms and consistently jabbed his whole body while still managing to dodge and endure the attacks he gave her.
It grinned as it managed to grab both her arms and lift her off the floor. Lucy was out of options so she did what felt right at the time.
She used her legs to push her body up and over his head, destroying the socket of her arms in the process, she used her two heels and hammered it into the top of his skull causing it to let her go.
It punched her acrossed the park as she crashed into the ground but she was still standing.
In annoyance it stomped its feet on the ground as fire grew from its feet upwards.
"A mere human like you dare too play with a higher being like me?, you live only for our amusement do not forget those words persant, I only speak the words of you Beast so you can understand". It said as it began approaching her calmly
As the dust cleared she seemed to have regained some of her consciousness as she slammed her feet into floor, and put her two arms her side dangling ad they were. Purple sparks of began leaving her body.
"Higher being?, ha don't make me laugh I see nothing but a beautiful young lady and a bug blob of flaming shit".
She bolted at him leaving behind a trail of lighning they collided with their fist locked together, the surrounding area was lit up as flame burnt vigorously and lighten scattered across the naked land .
Lucy seemed to be dealing the most damage due to her advantage in speed but its raw strength far exceeded hers. So they continued exchanging bone breaking blows.
Lucy screamed at it as she delivered blows capable of desroying a full building to the entirety of its upper body. It was at this point that she began overwhelming it causing it too lose it's cool and arrogant demeanor.
The monster finally found an opening, and was able focus all his fire power into his right fist as he took the blows , he slammed his fist almost through her belly as the red flame could be seen eminating from her back as well.
She was sent flying through the whole park, before she finally slammed into the steel gates of the pack.
But while all this was happening on the outside, I was in a void space that showed no signs of life wandering around like an aimless dog as I continued walking I heard a voice call out too me, it was a soothing voice one that held no malice against me.
"You are Ryan cress well correct?".
"Yeah, Who's asking, and how does that who know my name".
"Well if you must know, i am you".
"I just knew it, of course the creepy voice that was coming from my head was me, and i thought the old lady was crazy".
"Look you could sit hear and insult me all you want, because i promise you i myself never wanted this, and besides the more time you spend here the more lucy is beat up by the uhh (clears throat) your...your not quite ready to know yet, the monster you call it".
"What truth?, and how the hell do you know Lucy?".
"Hey hey hey, keep your voice down I'm you remember. And do not think for a second that i answer to you. You got cocky earlier and look were it landed you a broken body and a snapped heart, (inhales deeply), look you have to choose you, could either stay here and chat with me or save the dying girl out their".
".... alright then go on".
"Listen your not yet ready but I'll give you something, I'm gonna take control of your body that should kick start the process, I can't believe it took this long for this town too even get this way "
"Wait wait, i dont understand how are you me but in my head like are you future me or something i haven't even seen your face or anything, and aren't i dead?".
"Look ryan I will answer most of your questions once this is over but for now I need you too not ask any questions and focus on saving Lucy, your snapped heart isn't a problem anymore so don't worry about that,but dont forget to find your brother you'll need him".
A large chain whipped around my waste as I was suddenly dragged out of there.
A moment later i was already back in my original body.
All my wounds had been healed and a strange necklace was glued to the skin of my chest. But i didn't really care about all those things, the only thing that was really on my mind was "Lucy".
I mustered the strength to stand up, but before i could begin walking, the feeling of my bones breaking and reforming itself consumed my body as my eyes had gone pitch black in madness.
Black aura erupted from the ground beneath me it was riddled with a number of other colours as it surrounded my body, the bone restructure had increased my hight expenentially, my hair suddenly began flowing like a black flame that burned ever so slightly, my skin grew pale and a black mask that had short flames seeping out of it was latched unto my face.
A sharp edged coat was placed around my shoulder with similar aesthetics too the mask, with two sharp edges tainted with red and short flames coming out here and there,tatoos ran across my body and long black pants that were slightly torn at the very end.
In that moment i had lost complete control of every thing. My voice was no longer mine, as i now sounded like a deep voiced menace, yeah I got nothing just take this explanation as is.
I began laughing like a mad man as I just as high as I could and glided through the air, I landed gracefully on the roof top of one of the buildings i had crashed through as I stared into the park too identify the beast.
A second later I and it locked eyes, it stood above Lucy's unconscious body looking like it was about too take a bite my laughter halted as I gazed at the beast from afar, as it stared into my eyes it saw something else it saw a hell worse than what he had seen, he began shaking, a superior being like him was trembling at the thought of facing what stood before him.
Empty bones sprouted out of my back taking the shape of two wings as I smiled saying.
"Found you".
The beast had lost his cocky smile and now had a dreadful look filled with the fear of his own death .
He attempted to run but before he could his body was already half way through the park, and i had barely moved a muscle.
I couldn't help but smile in excitement as i saw the cocky bastard so terrified of death. He managed to excape from the floor and attempted too muster up some flames too face me he turned around with his fist clenched, but soon his mouth fell wide open as my fist had been buried into his gut in a moments notice , without time to recover he felt a buckling pain at his jaw, chartering every single bone there.
The floor beneath us was destroyed as hd was sent gliding 40 feet in the air. He tried controlling himself in mid air but before he could do that i was already there with him flying by his side, i clenched my fist and pulled my arm back as the tattoos spread to my fist as my arm began shaking violently at a very fast speed even I couldn't keep up with it, I slammed my single fist through it's chest multiple while grabbing unto it's head.
I tossed it to the side but it seemed unfased, I at that moment was lost but then I heard a familiar voice.
"It's nothing too worry about it's just one of my many abilities, simply put I'm using the power of friction",
It was the voice from earlier that said it was me.
"See friction is the force that opposed motion between two or more objects, basically it makes objects slower and ristricts the speed, i am able too reduce the amount of friction between my arms and anything even air, making some parts of my body infinitely fatser it could also be used for other things".
Frankly I was shocked as I thought that I wouldn't be hearing from him again but that wasn't the problem here
At this point the black flames that eminated from the different parts of my clothes and body had began burning me as they intensified in heat that my body wasn't ready too take.
As the beast stood up and attempted too tackle me but was stopped as four great holes opened across the face of his body.
"AHH it's finally kicking in" the voice said.
It could barely see me as my whole body was basically sliding through the air, thanks to his ability. I stopped moving as I finally bolted towards it and swung my hands into his face destroying what was left of it, I rained a series of combos before sending him flying with a round house kick.
As i finally stopped my onslot, i grabbed him by the neck, I could actually talk although nothing else was in my power. Holding onto his unconscious i said.
"So this is what the old woman was talking about, you are the thing that we were suppose to fear".
Of course i expected nothing of it seeing as how it was a mindless beast but just then he shocked me.
"[Coughs] i never said i was the one the woman speaks of, you yourself know everybody in this town seems to all be living the life of a side character in your story they smiled when you wanted even without you asking they never complained and did unspeakable things for you, it drove you mad you hated it they seemed like worthless NPC's, well now I'm going too change that for you the mindless world as you know it is over from now on nobody is the m.c there is only blood "
He laughed histerically as he uttered those words, like as though he had already won, but i had enough of his bull shit I wrapped my fingers around his head and focused all my fire power into my finger tips I lifted him off the floor and smashed him into the ground.
A large thud was heard followed by and uncontrollable outburst of the black flames, the blast consumed more than half the town in a scorching blaze.
It was in the mist of this madness that it finally hit me.