Chereads / CRASH / Chapter 9 - chapter 9: a whole new world

Chapter 9 - chapter 9: a whole new world

Chapter 9: a whole new world

A few days went by and I, I uhhhhh. I actually can't remember what happened from here on out, that's strange but uhh I'm gonna leave it to whatever god's out there to give you steller narrative, or something.

A few days went by and victor and his crew had be----

Uhh uhh, Ryan and his crew not victor.

A few days went by with Ryan and his crew scouring the landscape of the desert in search of some sort of civilisation.

Victor had been here before, but his memory of this place was still a bit fuzzy, the sun had been unrelenting, and the sand beneath their feet adding to their torment.

They hadn't encountered a single drop of water, and for the first time in his life, Ryan had gone hungry.

As they ventured through the unforgiving terrain, they encounted a group of travellers, 30 or so in number. They had most likely been travelling from place to place, And knew of a place with food and water.

They were accompanied by large lizards , who towered meters above them and carried the majority of their belongings.

Their clothes were stained by the sands of the desert floor, and they wrapped scarfs round their head to conceal their faces, protect their eyes,as well as a number of other things.

Victor was the first to approach them with the rest of the team sitting back to catch their breath. They all looked and felt rather weak, so they had no other choice.

"Excuse me sir, you wouldn't happen to know were adventurers like us could find a few pints of water would you ", victor said politely extending his hand for a hand shake.

The men stood silent at first, rather cautious of the strange man that stood before them. Finally the oldest of the men stepped up.

His body looked extremely frail and his legs shook were he stood, he held a large stick by his side to keep his body upright and his age was better emphasized by his lack of hair and his wrinkly skin.

"Why would, adventures such as yourselves venture this deep into the desert?", he said with a frail and shakey voice.

"Well we uhhhh, we were actually on our way from a quest, yeah, but got lost on the way back. If you would kindly tell us what way to go we'd be on our way". Victor continued with an awkward smile on his face.

The old man stood there stroking at the at the empty space were a beard is supposed to be, an odd thing for a person to do.

"Common, master you can't really be buying this shit, we should, we should report them". One of the men whispered into the old man's ear.

The others that stood behind him grumbled in agreement. The old man sighed, extending his arm back and shaking victor, victor was stunned to say the least.

He wasn't exactly deaf, so he heard exactly what the men were whispering.

"We shall direct you to a kingdom were you can rest your tired bodies, but in exchange you must ensure us, safe passage through whatever obstacle we meet", the man said.

"Of course, anything", victor replied.

"Well, my name's obidiah thornhill, I'm the head our small group of travellers and a high ranking druid, hope that won't be too much trouble ",

"Oh no sir, and my name is Victor, the head of uhh whatever you call the four of us and thank you for having us", he replied with a kind bow.

"Well id we're gonna be travelling with eachother we should at least get properly acquinted don't you think ", obidiah said taking his hand off victors and walking off.

The other travellers evidently detested the idea, . These people didn't take kindly to strangers and victor looked all too familiar to them.

Victor could sense the malicious intent, but they couldn't just keep walking blind hoping to stumble into a town or village.

This was their best hope at finding something to eat, so he just shrugged it off and got the others.

The travellers were reluctant questioning the decision of their group leader. But they just pulled on their giant lizards behind them and continued on with their journey.

"Don't faulter child, we might leave you behind", obidiah said as they continued walking off.

Victor rushed over and dragged the rest of them to their feet, so they wouldn't lack behind.

As they walked behind the group of travellers, everyone noticed the glares they had been getting from all corners.

"Hey, victor what's up with the glares", Ryan asked curious.

"They don't like strangers remember, just try to ignore it", he replied.

"Well I honestly don't like the way they're looking at me, just saying".

"Ryan, don't do anything stupid. This isn't your world , no one listens to you here",

"I mean yeah, but----".

"No Ryan, no buts in here we are all, nothing but NPCs! ". He lashed out pointing at Ryan's chest.

"Wow, pretty harsh don't you think",

"Yeah well try living with it for your whole life", victor concluded, walk-in further into the crowd.

Lucy walked up to Ryan, seeing their slight confrontation and just held on to his hand leaning on his body as they kept on walking.

"Think he hates me?", Ryan asked

"Well I don't know what happened before, but you did try to kill him for no reason", she responded.

"Yeah, yeah no your right but he did the same when I was kid",

"Doesn't make it any better", she replied with a sigh.

"Ohh, look at you sounding all wise and shit", he said with a smile on his face.

"Shut it before I cave your skull in", she replied, as they both chuckled at eachother.

"So what does this mean?", he asked.

"What?" She said looking at him.

"This ", he replied lifting their hands into the air.

"Oh. Umm, I just didn't want you to get lost", she said with an awkward smile.

"Your a bad liar you know that", he said shaking his head as he scoffed at her.

They had been walking for hours now, and the gift of day light quickly ran out. Victor seemed frustrated or just annoyed at Ryan and refused to even look him in the eye.

The group of travellers decided to stop and take shelter for the night, so Ryan and the others also had to take shelter.

"Well uh, we don't have enough tents for you lot, so your gonna have to figure out your sleeping arrangements", a traveller said barely withholding his laughter.

"I can see the 5 extra in your hand", victor mumbled to himself.

"Don't bother with them, they're like little kids, just let them be", obidiah said sitting with his legs crossed on the ground and a wooden pipe in hand.

"Wait, you smoke?", victor asked astonished.

"I am not without blemish dear child". Obidiah replied laughing as he lit the pip.

"---Come sit, tell me about some of your great adventures, stories are the only things that keep me going these days",he continued on tapping at the floor beside him.

Vicki went to a Secluded area by the corner of the other tents, and used her mist to conjure up some tents.

"I always wondered how you do that", Lucy said as she walked up to her.

Vicki sighed, as she layed in the bare floor below her before saying,"Do what?".

"I still don't get how you create these things from just smoke", Lucy continued on, hoping to the ground."

"I don't get anything that happens around me or has happened or will happened, it's all so confusing".

"Yeah, but how exactly did you get them",


"I mean, me and Ryan got ours some time before the crash, so what's your story ".

Vicki fell silent, and her over all demeanor changed, the smile she always wore, was gone. It was a topic she wasn't quite yet ready to talk about.

"Could we talk about something else, I can't really, I really cant talk about, about any of that ".

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean t---",

"No no, it's okay don't worry about it let's just talk about something fun". She interrupted as she got up to her fit and held Lucy by the hands with her crazy smile back on her face.

Victor had been telling obidiah some stories, majorly formulated, but some actually real life events that he had experienced from his short time in this world before.

He knew extensively on their culture. He usually took his time to know where ever he was, and he knew exactly what a druid was, so he had to do his best to stay in obidiahs good side.

Druids were spiritual entities, basically the strongest form of mages, he noticed from the start that obidiah was no push over but hearing that he was a druid just confirmed his suspicions.

They usually had large followinig with them, so it explained their large gathering. As he continued on with his false story.

Obidiah couldn't help but chuckle at him, he stopped wondering what he had said.

"What, what's so funny?", he asked laughing awkwardly with obidiah.

"You really think you can fool me child, I must look really old then".

Victor felt goosebumps up his spine, a little shook by what he said, but he showed nothing on the surface.

"I don't know what you mean sir", he said with a cold expression.

"You are not of this world, and you have been here before. Merely a few years ago in fact you were the hottest thing on the market, what was your name back then?".


"----ahh yes, something old and mythic like Percy, you caused a lot of havoc here. You even stole that there sword", he continued on pointing at the shattered blade on victor's waist.

"What gave it away", he asked dead serious.

"Oh nothing dear child, I was merely guessing and you just confirmed it", he replied as he began laughing histerically.

"Listen I didn't come back here, on my own if I had I choice I wou---",

Obidiah raised a single finger silencing victor. "Let me stop you there, I do not care for whatever you did in the past, I may be a druid but the sins of others is not my burden to bere.

As long as you get me to were I'm going we won't have a problem".

"I..... I can do that, just please don't tell the others", he pleaded with obidiah.

"I am no tattle tail child, just tell me real stories from now on, where else have you been, and how'd you get here anyway".


For the rest of the night, they exchanged true stories amongst eachother, telling of their various adventures as well as other things.

Deep into the night, when most of them had already slept. Ryan sat at the top of a hill staring into the clouds with one thought running through his mind.

"NPCs huh",

The only other person still awake was obidiah who he was unsure if he was sleeping or meditating.

As he sat there lost in his thoughts, the ground below him shook. At first just a little, but then the shaking became more violent.

He saw large trails of something big running through the sand, the shaking woke the rest of the men, and the first traveller that noticed it.

Rushed back to alert the rest of the men screaming,

"Death worms, death worms are coming".

Ryan got to his feet with the black wings sprouting out from his back. He smiled at the view and clenched his fist, ready to attack.