Chereads / CRASH / Chapter 7 - chapter 7: escape

Chapter 7 - chapter 7: escape

Chapter 7: escape

As I walked into the room, the door suddenly slammed behind me and the room lit up a dark blue, my mother's disfigured fingers let go of a finger from Vicki's body with a sly smile latched unto her face.

She pushed the table over, and with the snap of a finger reverted to a beautiful young lady dressed from head too toe in a dress.

'odd choice for a casual fight ' I thought.

She had a mutilated arm sticking out from her back, and her eyes were all black. The walls looked like dripping flesh, honestly they disgusted me.

"What are you just gonna stand there silently at your mother, why don't you tell me how beautiful I am", she said with an annoyingly loud laugh afterward.

"I usually have a snappy comeback when you talk, but now I literally just wanna beat the Living shit out of you".

She giggled as her fist slammed into my chest in an instant. Before I could react I had already bounced off the wall.

She ran towards me throwing another punch at my head, I regained balance and evaded as a giant crater was left behind by the punch she had thrown.

I couldn't take this fight lightly, that punch could've easily been the end of me, a line of flames burst out the side of my eye as I engulfed my fist in the looming dark flames.

This time though I had more control over it, I flung my arm into the side of her jaw, lifting her slightly off the ground with haste I followed it with a heavy head butt smashing her into the floor below us.

A single line of blood rolled down my head with her body still spot less not even a scratch. She couldn't stop herself from laughing, as the tone changed over and over her voice morphing into something more sinister.

Her body grew in size and the beautiful dress she had on grew into various body parts turning a light grey with the bones and flesh visible moving and reshaping through her body.

The sight was horrid, but I wasn't just gonna stand and watch. Both my arms caught ablaze as I bombarded the disgusting display with flames.

I lifted my body slightly off the floor with fire under my feet and intensified the flame towards the carcass.

The body was pushed all the way across the room, but as I stopped too check my body had taken a whole new form.

A black monster that oozed of death, the aura was as thick as air, almost choking. She smiled at me as she set her too hands by her corner with the finger tips growing too sharp blades.

We bolted towards eachother, meeting at the centre of the room. The black aura was scattered across the room the black flames mixed in as our fist met.

We exchanged a fury of heavy attacks with neither of us letting up. Evading and attacking in seconds between eachother.

She managed to grab my hand as she hoisted my body up over her head and hurdled towards the walls, She leapt in immediately after me with her fist at the ready.

I bounced off the wall in an instance digging my feet into her stomach, she flew off to the side, being met by a heavy right hand, accompanied by a heel kick from the left before i gathered flames in both my arms and lunged them into the tip of her jaw.

Her body bounced up and down the room before hurdling off a wall in my direction.

I decisively forced my knee into her throat shattering whatever form of vocals she had left. Before grabbing her head with both hands and slamming her into the ground.

I stomped off on her head, to avoid giving her a chance too get back up but that's when I heard an eerie voice behind me, laughing.

I turned back and saw her in the same dress as a himan with her left hand in her mouth giggling at me stomping on her body below me?.

I stopped moving horrified by the sight, when I took a peek downward there was nothing there, the monster I had been fighting since was gone.

"Oh Ryan, your really cute you know that. You really thought you were fighting me?, like that?, oh don't make me me laugh boy".

"What but I --- I've been, I beat you, I was stomping on your b--"

"Oh hush boy, your gonna make me crack a rib laughing like this", she began frannctically waving her hands back and forth like I was some sort of circus act. To say I was pissed off was an understatement.

"We've fought before, and you were some sort of black monster with your pretty little flames and what not, and I still beat you with a single hit, so you think you can beat me now with just your black candle lights",

"Well they aren't candle lights dumb ass so yeah, your wrong",

"That supposed too be one of your snappy comebacks, *hiss* pretty weak son", she began walking up too me slowly with a simple smile on her face as she continued on.

"Now let's really end this".

My body was, it was shaking. I was frozen there in fear, for the first time in my life, I was scared of death.

I don't know if it was pure instinct but I began moving back with my shaky legs horrified mortified, honestly laughable.

I thought I was the king of the world, and now this is how I die, scared shirtless of the woman I had mocked for all those years, fighting the people i called pigs and trash, the way they behave definitely isn't normal but thinking back i was pretty trashy.

Maybe all this hate is deserved?.

Maybe I deserved to die all those years ago, at least being killed by victor is better than being torn too pieces by this bitch.

Even as I felt remorse for all I had done, something popped in my head.

I wondered How my mother would know exactly were too find me at the exact time I woke up if she didn't have any help, I knew I could trust him. A moment later everything around seemed to slow down as a message popped up in my head.

[Since you are in a dire situation you are being given an opportunity to access the shop early, would you like to purchase a weapon to help you in your fight?]


'so I need to be dying for this system to be helpful?, duely noted' I thought too myself as I chose yes.

[Points available: 10]

[Weapons available]

[1. Corrupted syche- 10 points]

'aint there supposed too be like a list or something I can pick from?'

[All other weapons are out of your price range]

'ahh so I can't afford anything else '


'thats definitely a first. Wait you can hear me!!!?'

[Also correct, would you like to purchase the weapon?]

'uhh yes, yeah '.

Suddenly everything was back too normal, but a finely made long syche with a black handle and blood dripping off the top of the blade. It had black and red entrails running past it all.

My mother seemed too notice and sped up, reaching the side of my head in a second with her hand at the ready to strike. With no other options I blindly swung my syche with all I had at her, the head of the weapon was caught ablaze as my body began vibrating once again.

It pierced through her chest with ease, as large amounts of flames burst out her back, her whole body caught ablaze from the inside as she flew back first into the wall. Fazing seamlessly into it.

"Why , why can't I move", she said frustrated as she tried mustering herself off the wall.

I laughed as I walked over too her

"Ever heard of friction", I said cockily.

Before I could move any further I felt a heavy thug on my shoulder, I looked too the side and saw Vicki standing over my shoulder.

"Aye yo what the fuck!!", I screamed looking back and forth from the limbless body on the floor and the full one standing behind me.

"Calm down, did you really think she could take control of my ability, we don't have much time though. She can't see me but that your little attack won't hold her for long".

"Alright, alright I still don't get it but let's get out of here". I replied as we both made out way out.

Seconds later we were out of the whole murder house and we spotted victor with Lucy on his back yelling something.

I couldn't here him correctly but I squinted my eyes as dead his lips.

"We gotta runnnn!!!!!", just behind him a hoard of glitches were making there way towards us.

' these things never run out do they'? I thought too myself as I frantically started running off with Vicki.

I turned around for a second and saw the the large house of smoke that she had made begin to decipate into the wind.

"Is it supposed to do that", I asked her.

"Nope your mom's probably escaped". Before I knew it, she had reverted to her large monstrous sef as she blasted through the smoke and began chasing after us.

I looked too my left and there victor was with Lucy on his back.

" H---"

"Don't ask" he interrupted.

As we ran I saw a giant crater ahead, no it was a large valley, something that I shockingly had never seen before.

"What do we do now?", I screamed.

"Jump" he replied.

While running, everything behind us began glitching just like a video game, but this time it was allmore violent buildings began falling and the glitches screeched in pain.

Parts of the background began disappearing, and the bodies of the glitches withered away.

"Do you think you can escape me Ryan, I won't die, I can't die there's no were you'll go and no where you'll hide that I won't come back and find you. I promise you". Those were the words my mom screamed behind me.

Lines of tears ran down my face as I turned back and uttered.

"I'm sorry mom", before we all jumped off the edge.

As we glided through the air my body suddenly felt a heavy force press against it. A green outline emerged Infront of our bodies as we simple faed through whatever that was.

Everything went dark for a second.

Then before I knew it I was in a large empty desert with Vicki and the rest past out besides me.

I looked left right and centre but all I saw was miles and miles of deserts.

"What the fuck?????".