Chapter 8: A crash
I stood at the centre of the desert floor the ground was scorching hot, and the three of them were still passed out behind me, but honestly I was pretty clueless about all this.
Thank God for the system though.
[Congratulations, you are the first player to survive a crash]
'A crash?'
[Correct, your world is currently in the process of resetting, Once it is complete a new player will emerge And all NPCs will be returned back to their place of origin.
Time left---25 days 7 hours and 56 minutes]
'so what do you mean I'm the first, how many players are there?'.
'ah, no answer cool. So what is this place?, How exactly did I end up here'.
'urgh whatever if you ain't got anything useful too say you can get out of my head now!'.
[A reward has been issued for being the first to survive a crash]
[You have obtained item (storage) allows you to store an infinite amount of weapons and goods in a pocket dimension at all times].
[You have obtained item(store) a place were accumulated points can be spent]
[Item (corrupted syche) has been up upgraded a tier]
[Additional points has been added]
[Number of points -- 20].
' are you done now?'!
'then fuck off'.
My mind was evidently in a rut, for some reason the calm collected voice of the system pissed me off.
The scorching sun didn't help either, my cloths were almost completely destroyed, Lucy was barely breathing behind me, my brother probably betrayed me, and Vicki, meh Vicki's just Vicki.
I sat looking up at the sky, thinking of what I should do next, I couldn't think properly but I knew I needed some new clothes.
I opened the store and saw a number of options, ranging from knight gear to more modern options.
The knight gear though were more expensive that others and had weird names like dragon took something, so I just got a head warmer, a black jacket and geans, it was an odd choice for the desert, but it fits.
[Five points have been spent in the purchasing of these items].
The good thing was they were all supposedly enchanted, so they could withstand my flames, i looked by my side swaying my head left and right frantically as I searched for the syche i had with me earlier, then i saw another message.
[ The corrupted syche has been placed into storage involuntarily].
'i didn't exactly ask', I thought to myself.
Then I heard some scuffling behind me, I turned back and saw that Lucy had woken up, I rushed over to her side, I had forgotten she had really bad injuries on her body.
Her body felt like a million ants were nawing at her skin, and she woke up screaming in pain. I held her up in my arms clueless on what to do.
Then purple mist gathered around here body, consuming her whole, I looked up and saw Vicki with one of her hands stretched out.
"What exactly are you doing?", I asked concerned.
"What does it look like dumbass, I'm healing her", she replied getting up too her feet.
"I said stop!!", I screamed at her as fire built up around my body.
She immediately let her hand down, stopping what ever she was doing and taking a few step back with a look of confusion on her face.
Victor stood up next, looking at Vicki oddly frightened, and I glaring at them both.
"Wait, wait what's going on", he said pressing his hand against his forehead.
"Don't act like you don't know, brother".
"What?, know what".
"You were working with mom weren't you", victor froze solid as he heard those words, his eyes wide open in shock.
"What, what gave you that idea", he said dusting himself off and getting to his feet.
I stretched my left arm forward, as the syche materialised on my palm, I wasted no time bolting towards him as I screamed.
"Don't play dumb with me, you tried too kill me twice now".
With the flame engulfing my hand and blade I swung at him with all my force. He managed to raise his sword defending himself with the body, but the attact still send him flying, his body hurdling and smashing through the sand.
"Please brother just calm down", he said trying to reason with me. But the black boney wings burst out from my back, and my speed only increased.
Our blades clashed as he was sent flying each time, Vicki stood still behind us, and Lucy still screamed in pain.
As I continued my onslot of attacks, victors blade began to crack, with the crack growing more and more with each waking strike.
I dragged my blade through the ground floor, swinging it towards the sole of his skull (the jaw), his eyes shun green as my body was now stuck in place with similar green outline encircling it stopping my attack mid way.
"Please, Ryan just listens it's not what you think " he continued on with one arm firmly Infront of his body.
"I'm done listening to you", I said as the lines that ran across my body caught fire decipating into the wind, before i struck at his neck.
He again managed to get his sword up and stop the attack. But immediately after his jaw buckled as my fist met it with full contact.
He was sent flying, as his body glided through the sky, before he crashed into the desert floor.
Blood ran down the corners of his face, with the side of his head being torn open.
He stood up with his sword in hand, gasping for air, as U flew towards him again ready to strike. In sync we boty swung our blades at eachother.
The impact throwing out bodies back miles away from each other.
A single line of blood ran down my face, but the wound itself had already healed. With almost no damage I began running towards Victor's body, his blade shattered beside him.
And blood soaking the floor beneath him.
I jumped as high as I could with the entirety of my strength, as I held my syche over my head, preparing to force it into my brother's body.
The monster that had been conjured from my flames earlier, formed behind my back ready to gobble up whatever remained from my brother.
My body shook uncontrollable as my speed grew more,
Just then a cloud of smoke appeared before me, and out of it came Vicki with her staff in hand, she flung it across the face of my body, probably rupturing a few ribs and sending me crashing into the ground.
Almost immediately I shook the sand of my body, getting ready to get up and strike, then I felt a hand on my shoulder and a familiar voice call out to me.
" It's okay Ryan, I'm okay", Lucy said softly as she embraced me from behind.
I let my weapon go, and held her by the arm wondering what happened to her wounds.
"Vickie fixed me up". She continued on.
"Now let us explain". Vicki shouted.
I turned back looking at Lucy for her opinion, she looked back at me and nodded in approval.
"Now what victor was trying to say before you knocked him out...we didn't sell you out. We were just trying too get your mom's attention, and using you as bate was the only way".
"So that's why she knew exactly when and where to find me",
"Yes that's why", she concluded.
I sighed actually quite relieved, i didnt really want killing two family members crossed of my bucket list. Not that it's on the there *wink*.
My body felt heavy all of a sudden, it seemed as though using all that power was finally coming back to bite me.
I fell unconscious in Lucy's arm barely moving.
"Great, now both the boys are down", Vicki said with a sigh.
"Tell me about it", Lucy continued.
I woke up hours later in a fully constructed wooden tent, with Lucy sitting by my corner, my head was pounding but I raised my body up none the less.
Victor had gotten up much earlier that me and was in the tent beside ours.
"Oh your finally awake", Lucy exclaimed as she wrapped me round her arms tightly.
"When you fell unconscious in my arms I didn't know what to do", she said sobbing I guess.
"Doesn't mean your off the hook, creep", she said pushing me off her body.
"Whaaa, what'd I do this time", i said as my head bounced off the ground floor.
"You left me laying there screaming while fighting for no apparent reason", she continued pounding at my chest.
"Oh that, okay okay I'm sorry okay, just stop hitting me it still hurts" I said straining at my chest.
"Oh yeah sorry ", she said taking her arms off My body.
As I finally sat up right, I took one more look at her, and for some reason I just laughed.
"Why are you laughing?". She asked clueless.
"Nothing, nothing I'll tell you later, so did they tell you anything about what happened back in town and how exactly we're here?", I replied.
"Yeah, but they said they'd tell you themselves".
Victor, stumbled into the tent, clutching at his chest and stumbling on his feet before sitting down before me.
*Hiss* "Oh yeah, sorry about that", I said looking at the severity of the wounds.
"I guess it's somehow my fault for not telling your dumbass what the plan was, but that's besides the point".
"Who you calling dumb" I said straining to get up, but I was quickly pushed back down by Lucy.
"What we just witnessed was a crash,and sadly it's not the first of its kind, I've actually seen a few myself ". He continued on
"And you survived?"
"I'm here ain't I, listen this place we are. I've been here before and the people here don't take kindly to strangers. I'm sure you remember when I tried to kill you".
"Oh how could I forget " I said rolling my eyes.
"Well a similar turn of events occurs in every single one of these different towns, the things is, the characters and landscapes are different in eachone".
"Characters?, like a game or book?"
"Exactly, and just like in our world it always occurs with just one glitch, then quickly spreads and becomes what we just went through".
"Our world?,So if you've been here before, Why'd you leave?" I asked curious.
"Because, a crash occured".
"Yeah, I thought of the name cause of the way it all plays out, like a laggy video game. Either way I knew the former MC of this world, and she was a girl, now it's a young boy, but I didn't have time to actually study him or get to know him",
"They don't like strangers remember".
"Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh, well continue"
"This place, it's like a fantasy novel or video game, there's all kinds of messed up shit. So just zero your mind in cause we're in store for a lot".
"So do you know the way out".
"Actually yes".
"So how do we get out".
" We have to cause another crash"
"That's the only way that the end of the world is defined, or else it'll just be infinite".
I layed back down on the mat I had been sitting under and sighed as I said.
"I get it, we'll uhhh I don't know look for the boy tomorrow".
"I already know were he is",
"Well you'll take us to him tomorrow ", I continued on rolling over to my side to rest.
"Whatever,", he exclaimed as both he and Vicki left the room, still stumbling away.
"Soooo...", Lucy said with her arms crossed.
"Sooo, what?" I replied.
"Why were you laughing?".
I scoffed at her, sitting up once again before placing my hand softly on her face as I replied.
"I think, I think I might love you".