March 10, 2525, 2100 hours
Location: Epsilon Eridani system, Reach, ONI Medical facility Endurance
Third Person POV
It was about nearing midnight on Reach, Dr Catherine Halsey had just finished her final analysis of her Spartans who had under gone their augmentations not too long ago, as she was about to leave her office and head to bed she was greeted by the ONI liaison officer Lieutenant Benedict Leroy who had been stationed here by Vice admiral Stanforth to oversee the augmentation of the Spartans as well.
"Ah, Lieutenant, is there anything important?" Halsey asked, she looked at the Lieutenant with a somewhat annoyed look.
"There is something you should see Doctor" Leroy said while looking a bit concerned, without question Dr Halsey gestured the Lieutenant to lead the way.
After about 2 minutes of walking both Dr Halsey and Lieutenant Leroy arrive at the security centre where the facility is monitored from, in there was Chief petty officer Franklin Mendez standing next to a holographic projector where Deja was projected from.
"Report, Deja" Halsey said looking at the Al projected from the holoprojector.
"Approximately 8 minutes ago there was an energy spike in the lab complexes" said Deja.
"The Spartans?" Halsey asked the Al.
"They are fine, their power system is on a different circuit...but we lost another one just 2 minutes ago." Deja said.
Halsey's heart sank again; this was the ninth Spartan to die during the augmentation procedure, she only hoped that it would be the last one to perish as a result of the augmentation. Suddenly a marine Private burst in and whispered to Chief Mendez before handing him a data chip and left in a hurry.
"Doctor, I have just been informed that we may have an intruder on the station" Mendez said as he inserted the chip. The main screen changed to a video recording, but it was badly distorted.
"The security feeds have been damaged by the surge" said Deja. "This is as good as I can make it".
"That's fine" said Leroy. "Just play it".
Deja complied and the recording played, it showed the intruder although not clearly enough to see his face or identify him grab the gun of the security guard that was pointed at his head and threw it away while twisting the guard's arm in the process, before the guard could recover from his arm being twisted, the intruder then punched the guards right chest making him stumble and finally ending it by giving a round kick to the guards lower jaw knocking him out, possibly damaging a chord in his neck.
"Whoever he is, he's extremely well trained" said Mendez impressed but also alarmed by the skill that the intruder displayed.
"Interesting...this individual is highly trained, a killer that is...and a lethal one as well" Halsey analyzed the footage, completely engrossed in it.
"Trained killer or not, we will have to apprehend this intruder and question him how he even got inside in the first place" said Leroy putting his fingers on his chin. "He could be an insurrectionist spy for goodness sake"
"Doctor, I am detecting the use of the guard's keycard at the entrance to the medical wing" said Deja.
"Lock it out" said Leroy. "Chief, get the teams ready and sweep the medical wing, I want the intruder alive, and I'll get in touch with naval intelligence"
"Yes, sir" said Mendez and as he turned around to leave, Doctor Halsey followed him out.
"Doctor, what are you doing?" Mendez asked when they were out in the hall way.
"My Spartans are down.....and they're more vulnerable than ever and I want to see this intruder first hand" she said while walking followed by Mendez who kept silent and nodded
'Bloody hell it has been like what 8 or 10 minutes now since I started walking' Tyler thought as he continued walking through the seemingly endless hallways, the more he walked the more he questioned if this was actually a secret military facility.
Tyler had just passed through a door that required a keycard which said Medical wing. Thank god he took that keycard from that guy he knocked out earlier.
As Tyler reached another turn he decided to pull out my phone and try his luck again, taking it out from his pocket, he decided to dialed 999 to call the police or anyone to actually help him out of this damn place.
Tyler held it up near his ear waiting for the emergency service to respond, to his surprise it said loss of service which made no sense as emergency numbers function even without network well this is except if you are outside the UK, which continued to worry Tyler, he was sure he was either in Canada or God knows where.
"Bloody hell, I guess I am in another country then. Guess I'll have to do it the old fashion way..... Run away!" Tyler said to himself, as he placed his phone inside the pocket and continued towards the turn which happens to be a T intersection, as he was about to take a right turn bullets started flying pass his head.
"Don't move!" said one of the five guards that came up behind him their guns all aimed at his head.
Tyler froze for a second until he remembered his instructor's words again When outnumbered by the enemy in a firefight, only speed and precision can ensure survival and victory' Tyler then quickly grabbed his captured M6H pistol and fired two shots hitting one of the guards in the right and left shoulder incapacitating him.
Tyler ducked into the right corridor for cover as the 4 remaining guards started firing their own guns. It was an all out shootout, something Tyler had always imagined was normal in places like the US
Tyler took a deep breath and in an instant got out of corridor and dropped to one knee and fired six shots, two of them hitting one guard in his left leg and right arm, another hits one of the guards in his left shoulder, another two hit one of guards in right arm and finally the last shot hits the last guard near his neck on his right, with that he neutralized all 5 guards who lay on the floor bleeding and groaning in pain, if he remembered correctly the M6H had eight bullets per mag so I still have about two rounds.
Without a second thought, Tyler decided to sprint heading back towards the right corridor, 'Holy shit, these guns are real...the M6H is real' he thought.
Usually he would be fanboying over this but right now his main focus was to escape, this place was hostile it was made clear by the first guy and now confirmed by these five guys who shot at him without a second thought.
As he sprinted through the hallway Tyler came across another turn, as he went for another turn around the corner he nearly bumped into a woman with raven black hair wearing a lab coat.
Behind her was another man with black hair with a little grey, with a cap on, I saw him reaching for his pistol, now Tyler could have pulled my own pistol and neutralized him right then and there but there was a civilian, or at least what he thought as the woman wore a lab coat, and so Tyler decided to run, sprinting as fast as he can back through the hallway from where he came.
"Wait, stop" Tyler heard the woman shout something behind him but by that point Tyler had already sprinted away.
As Tyler ran for his life, behind him were left Doctor Halsey and Chief Mendez who had his M6H out as well, both looked at where Tyler left sprinting away.
"He is quite fast as well" said Halsey, now even more interested in their Intruder.
"I have only seen trainee 087 run that fast" said Mendez who looked surprised at the speed that Tyler ran away at
"Speaking of 087 ...doesn't that hallway he ran towards lead to her room?" asked Halsey, Mendez and Halsey looked at each other and then started sprinting towards the direction Tyler ran towards hoping to catch him.
Tyler continued running at a speed that could probably match Usain bolt himself, he saw a door on the right side of the wall and as soon as he opened the door which luckily had a handle he went inside closing it shut behind him.
Tyler leaned down the door eventually sitting on the metal floor and catching his breath. Panting, he didn't remember why, or since when he could run THAT fast., but that was the least of his concerns.
"Bloody hell, that's probably the fasted I ever ran and I ever will" Tyler said to myself breathing heavily to catch his breath while closing his eyes to think about what happened a few moments ago. That woman looked familiar and sounded familiar as well' he thought.
He stood up after catching my breath, looking around the room that he was in, he noticed that it was a small room but large enough to accommodate at least one person.
That's when he saw a bed on the other end of the room, as Tyler got closer to the bed he saw a girl laying on it, taking a closer looked she seemed to be about the same age as him and it seemed she had blue hair, most of it seemed to have fallen out.
She was hooked up to an IV line and various other machines, as he examined the machines all of them had the insignia of the UNSC on them.."'m starting to feel this is very very real' he thought.
'But this can't be right can it? I couldn't have been transported to the Halo universe; this has to be a weird dream right? Tyler thought, arguing against his own thoughts.
But he was soon taken out of his thoughts as the girl appeared to stir and she opened her eyes halfway.
She let off a soft groan and then looked at Tyler; who leaned forwards a bit, and with Tyler being a gentleman as his father raised him, he took her hand in his own, it wouldn't take a genius to figure that she was in a lot of pain.
However he was taken aback when the girl actually gripped his hand tightly. Tyler swore she could have broken his hand if she wanted, but her grip softens and she soon closed her eyes and fell asleep again.
He went to the foot of the bed and it seemed it had a chart hanging off it and grabbed it. It had a lot of medical details about some complex surgery as it looked like, if there was one thing Tyler wasn't good at, it had to be in medical science.
Something he never really put too much attention to, and damn was that was a foolish decision. As Tyler continued to look over the chart, his gaze was turned to what looked like the name at the of the patient which was.....Kelly-087....that means…..this is! I dropped the chart and backed into the wall.
"This can't be has to be a dream...a deep dream... a really deep dream…..did I drink again?" Tyler mumbled to himself.
'Holy shit this was the Halo Universe; and if It was real then I ended up in the one place I would not want to be at...Medical station Endurance' Tyler thought, he decided to look outside the small window, at first it was pitch black outside, but then I looked down and I saw the Planet Reach, to add to my shock ! saw a Paris class heavy frigate outside cruising by.
"Holy shit, it is real or is it? This shouldn't be real... am I high or something?" he said to himself, Tyler was in total shock and disbelief, this was some straight fanfiction getho stuff.
"Why wouldn't it be?" A smooth female voice from behind me said.
He spun around and saw the same woman from before standing there, behind her was the same soldier or guard or well if he could guess.... This time however, Tyler was not ignorant and looked at her nicely, she looked to be around mid thirties and looked familiar...very familiar...too familiar...then he saw it...the tag on her coat, C. Halsey.
'Oh...shit' Tyler thought as he collapsed next to the window, with some sort of self calmness which was a miracle, Tyler managed to sit up on the floor, 'Holy fucking shit...shit, shit, shit... either l'm fucked or I'm totally fucked.'
"Hey, it's alright" Halsey said as she knelled down and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just calm down, it's okay".
Tyler looked at her with a look of disbelief and horror, "Bloody hell, can you slap me in the face?" he asked Doctor Halsey, who in turn gave me a confused look.
"Why should I slap you?" Halsey asked, instead of slapping as I requested she instead put a finger on my chin and started looking at me as if I were a patient...or if worst, a lab specimen
"Look can you just give me that?" Halsey asked pointing toward the M6H which he held on as tight as he can, Tyler threw it away towards Halsey's feet as if it were the dirtiest thing he could have ever seen, which was strange even to Tyler as using weapons was something he was very very familiar with.
"Can you tell me your name?" She asked.
"T-Tyler...Tyler Williams" he said, looking straight into her eyes.
"Okay, Tyler can you tell me how you got here?" Halsey asked me
"I don't bloody know! One moment I am walking outside an alley way and now I am here in the Bloody Halo universe!" Tyler screamed, he realized what he had spewed but it was too late...all he could hope was that they didn't catch on.
"Okay, calm down now" Halsey said "My name is-"
"I know...its Doctor Catherine Halsey" Tyler said earning a surprised look from Halsey "That girl on the bed....that's Kelly" he pointed towards Kelly who was still Lying on the bed.
"And If I am correct you are Chief Franklin Mendez" Tyler said looking at Mendez who had his eyes slightly widened.
"How do you know that?" Halsey asked me.
"You'd never believe me" Tyler said.
"Try me" she challenged. Yep, it was confirmed, this was THE Doctor Halsey that Tyler had seen in basically almost every Halo book, THE Creator of the SPARTAN Ils, of Master Chief, blue team and so many more.
'Goddamnit this woman is so adamant...lore accurate I guess, haha' Tyler thought, "It'll take some time" he said hoping that she would give up.
"Then let's go somewhere else and let Kelly here rest, the last thing we need to do is to disturb her" Halsey said standing up.
'Holy fuck' Tyler mentally cursed, Wait if I knock myself out I would wake back up and this would all end up being a bad dream'... "Before that" he said standing up, "I'd like to try something"
"And that is?" Halsey asked, and without warning Tyler karate chopped his own neck immediately knocking himself out...a stupid decision, and a confusing one to anyone else...
As Tyler fell unconscious to the floor by knocking himself out, Halsey and Mendez just stood there dumbfounded at what just occurred
"Did he just?" asked Mendez clearly surprised by what Tyler decided to do.
Halsey simply chuckles, "I think he just did" Said Halsey while looking at Tyler's unconscious body, "We should take him into the interrogation room" Mendez Nods and picks up Tyler on his shoulders.
As Halsey and Mendez walk out of Kelly's room, outside was Leroy with a squad of marines all armed and ready to burst in, "So? How did it go?" asked Leroy.
"He Knocked Himself out" said Halsey while pointing at Tyler who was being carried by Mendez.
"Wait, this kid's the intruder, how did a kid manage to get inside a classified facility?" asked Leroy flabergasted at the fact that the intruder is a kid who looks no more than 16.
"We're going to find out by asking him" said Halsey.