March 31, 2525, 0800 hours
Location: En route to Lambda Serpentis system, UNSC Epoch-class Heavy carrier, Atlas
Third Person POV
As Tyler stood inside his room shirtless he looked at the mirror and observed his new muscular body, '1 am never going to get use to this Tyler thought as he started stretching his body, the more he looked at himself the more he noticed the scars on his body which he received due to the augmentations, Holy shit, I have just as many scars as dad and he is war veteran' Tyler thought. 'Heh, Andy would be jealous if he were to see me now, I should probably get some food.'
After a few minutes Tyler was seen walking through the halls of the ship passing by crewmen, maintenance crew and even marines, 'I wonder if I'll meet any of the Spartans' Tyler thought as he continued walking, he had a data pad in his hand which he got from Doctor Halsey so he could see what was going on inside the UNSC and alike.
As he entered the cafeteria he saw many people seated, most of them being the ship's crewmen but also some marines as well, as he got his tray of food and started walking down the cafeteria and found an empty seat in the corner where he put his tray of food down and the data pad as well next to it and sat down eating his food as well as going through the current reports and news about the UNSC, insurrectionist and more.
"No way" said Kelly as John finished his story of what happened the other day in the gym.
"So, this guy was a Spartan?" said Sam. "Then why haven't we hear of him before."
"What did Chief Mendez say his number was?" Kelly asked.
"071, I think." John answered,
"but no one has that number, not even the ones who washed out."
"Hey, is that him?" Sam asked pointing to a guy who was seated on one of the tables alone with a tray of food and a data pad.
"Yeah, that's him." John replied taking a closer look as he did so.
Kelly looked over at him, as she looked at him closer he seemed just as old as them, bust something about his face seemed familiar to her. To find out who this mysterious Spartan was, she decided to approach him.
"Kelly what are you doing?" John asked as he saw Kelly walking towards the guy.
"Going to talk to him" Kelly said as she started walking towards Tyler's table. Tyler looked up from his meal and data pad when she arrived. At first he didn't seem to recognize her without her blue hair but he immediately recognized her rough angular face.
"Mind if I sit here with you?" Kelly asked.
"Not at all." Tyler answered and Kelly took a seat across from him.
"I am Kelly by the way."
"I am Tyler" he said as he extended his arm out for a hand shake, Kelly extended hers and they shook hands.
"So Tyler, are you... I mean" Kelly asked.
"A Spartan? Yes" Tyler said finishing her question and answering it at the same time, "I got conscripted not too long ago to replace some of the ones you lost" he lied, Leroy had explained to him that if asked by anyone on how he was brought into the Spartan program he was to use this story.
"So you haven't been one for long" Kelly asked.
"Pretty much" Tyler said
John and Sam had also joined them by that point, John taking a seat next to Kelly while Sam took one next to Tyler, after the three had formally introduced themselves to each other, Kelly filled John and Sam with what she had learned, then Sam decided to ask Tyler a question. "So Tyler, John over here told us that you single handily took down four ODSTs?"
"That's about right" Tyler said, "Bloody bastards got on my nerves too quick."
"I must say Tyler, the way you took down those ODSTs was...unique." John said, "Where did you exactly learn how to fight like that?"
"I taught myself." Tyler lied
"No way." Kelly said, "John said that you fought like a trained killer."
"Did I really?" Tyler asked, "I don't think I did, if I were to fight like a killer then there would have probably been a funeral today"
All four of the laugh at that with Sam even putting his left arm around Tyler's neck like they were best friends, "You have a nice sense of humor, Tyler" Sam said. "I can tell we will get along just fine".
"Wait so are we already friends or something" Tyler asked.
"Yeah of course, you will need someone other than the Chief to show you around." Kelly said with a smirk.
"I agree, you did say you were new to the Spartans, so we could help you familiarize yourself with the others" John said.
'This was the last thing I expected to happen today' Tyler thought not expecting to become friends with blue team on his third day as a Spartan, but he nodded and smiled, "Sure." Tyler said
"Great we can-" Kelly said but before she could finish Chief Mendez arrived at their table. All four Spartans stood up and saluted him.
"At ease." Mendez said and then looked over to Tyler. "I see you have already gotten yourself already acquainted, Petty officer."
"Yes, sir." Tyler said. "Was there something important, sir?"
"Yes, 071 report to the Armory at 09:00 for your test" Mendez said. "And wipe your face; it's got food all over it"
Tyler wiped his face with the handkerchief he was carrying and was slightly embarrassed at the fact that the Chief had to tell him that. As the four sat back down and Tyler finished his food Kelly asked him. "So you're a petty officer?"
"First class" Tyler said
"Uh oh John, looks like you're no longer the highest ranking Spartan." Sam said jokingly.
"I hope I'll get promoted in the future." John said
Tyler then got up from his seat. "Going already?" Kelly asked.
"Well don't want to keep the Chief waiting." Tyler said. "If you all want we could meet up at the gym at 15:00"
"Sure" John said also getting up followed by Sam and Kelly. "We'll see you there then"
As Tyler grabbed his empty tray and data pad he started walking out the cafeteria throwing the empty tray in the waste bin. As Tyler continued walking through the hall way of the ship he made sure to keep his data pad inside his room which he passed by earlier. As he was about to hit corner a he almost bumped into a girl.
"Woah, sorry there." Tyler apologized.
"It's alright, it should be me who should be apologizing not you." the girl who looked about his age said.
"No no it's my fault for not paying attention." Tyler reaffirms. "I am Tyler."
"I am Naomi." the girl said as Tyler extended his hand for a handshake to which she extended her arm as well shaking his hand. 'Are you bloody serious' Tyler thought to himself not expecting to bump into her. "Well nice to meet you Naomi, sadly I have to go now, got some important work to do." Tyler said.
"Oh, I see" Naomi said, "Well see you around then, Tyler" Naomi started walking away behind him. Tyler also continued his walk towards the armory.
As Tyler stood in the armory with Chief Mendez next to him, in front were disassembled weapons like the MA5B, M392, M6H and the M7 SMG. "You will be given 5 minutes to reassemble each weapon" Mendez said. "Are you ready?" Tyler nodded, "Begin!" Mendez ordered
As Tyler sprung into action starting with the M6D magnum as it was the easiest, and as a result he reassembled the pistol in about 49 seconds, next he went for the M7 which took him about 1:12 seconds to reassemble, next he went for the MA5B a classic weapon which took him 1:27 seconds to complete and finally the hardest for last he went for the M392 which had a scope as well to attach and as a result it took him 2:41 seconds to reassemble it.
As Mendez looked at his timer which he held in his hand he looked impressed at the speed at which Tyler reassembled all the weapons in as it had only been two days since he started his weapons training. "5 minutes and 21 seconds" Mendez said. "Very impressive, 071"
"I aim to please, sir" Tyler said to which Chief Mendez nodded.
"You are dismissed for today, 071" Mendez said.
Later that day at 15:00 Tyler started heading towards the gym where he told he would meet John, Sam and Kelly at. As he was walking towards the gym he met Naomi on the way who accompanied him as well, as they continued walking they talked about their day and Tyler told her that he was a Spartan as well who got conscripted to replace the ones they lost and soon as they continued talking they became friends.
"So why exactly are you heading over to the gym right now" Naomi asked.
"Well to meet some friends" Tyler said. "I said I'll meet them at the gym at 15:00"
"So who exactly are your-" Naomi was about to say but was cut off as they reached the entrance to the gym. As they entered inside near the weights were John, Kelly and Sam who was pulling the weights with ease which did not surprise Tyler as in the lore Sam was physically the strongest and tallest Spartans.
Kelly noticed Tyler enter the gym and waved at him. "Hey! Tyler over here" Kelly said as Tyler and Naomi walked towards the.
"Kelly? John and Sam." Naomi asked. "I am guessing you are the friends Tyler was supposed to meet here."
"That we are, Naomi." John said. "So how did you two run into each other?"
Then Tyler went on to explain to the three about how after leaving the cafeteria and heading towards the armory he nearly bumped into Naomi and how few moments ago they ran into each other again.
"Damn Tyler, look at you already making friends left right and centre" Sam said with a smirk
"It's all on accident you could say." Tyler said.
"So, Tyler how exactly did you a meet up Kelly, John and Sam?" Naomi asked
Again Tyler went on to explain from the beginning in the gym where he saw John getting harassed by the ODSTs and how he decided to help him by beating their ass inside the ring and how today Kelly approached him inside the cafeteria alongside John and Sam and how they became friends after a short but friendly conversation.
"Wait so you single handily took on four ODSTs alone?" Naomi asked.
"Yeah, it wasn't that hard." Tyler said. "Their attacks were sloppy and predictable any of the Spartans could take them on."
"I can't wait to spar with you inside the ring." Kelly said slightly nudging him.
"Wait a minute, what do you mean by spar with me?" Tyler asked
"Oh yeah, Kelly was talking about how she wanted to spar with you to test your skills" John said.
"Although. might say she should reconsider"
"Come on John, I'm not that badly roughed after the augmentations" Kelly argued, it had been clear since the first time they met that Kelly was by no means at one hundred percent.
'What the hell' Tyler thought, "Uh...l think we should do it some other time, haha" Tyler said nervously.
As Tyler backed away a bit Naomi pushed him forward from the back. "Go on Tyler, I want to see your skills as well Naomi said with a small smirk.
Before Tyler could even react Kelly suddenly grabbed his right arm and dragged him towards the ring with Sam cheering him on, "Good luck, Tyler, show Kelly what you're made off"
As Tyler and Kelly got inside the ring both standing at opposite corners, while Sam, John and Naomi just stood by the sidelines. As Tyler hesitatingly got ready Kelly simply gave him a playful smirk.
'I am so screwed, there is absolutely no way I can match Kelly's speed' Tyler though as he gulped fearing for the worst.
"You ready?" Kelly asked to which Tyler nodded.
Then immediately Kelly went in for the attack with her unmatched speed going in for a punch to his jaw, but before the punch landed Tyler hit her chest with his knees sending her back a bit.
'Holy shit I actually managed to hit her' Tyler thought as he continued to stay on guard and on the defensive.
Meanwhile Naomi and Sam both had their mouth slightly agape at the sight of Tyler hitting Kelly before she did. John also had a surprised look not expecting Tyler to be able to react that fast which seemed like in instant.
"Holy shit he actually hit her" Sam said.
"His reaction speed is definitely faster than Kelly's" Naomi said to which John nodded.
Back to the match as Kelly regained herself clearly surprised that Tyler actually hit her before she hit him, then Kelly went for a kick to his sides which Tyler avoided by jumping into the air, as he landed he went for a roundhouse kick for Kelly's face which she dodged by ducking down and going for a leg sweep which Tyler saw and jumped back.
'He is fast' Kelly thought, 'I think I'll have to go a bit faster to beat him'
As Kelly got up she soon went for a series of punches and kicks which Tyler either dodged or blocked with his hand, fatigue and the effects of not fully recovering from the augmentations were starting to kick in for Kelly.
As Tyler stumbled back a bit after Kelly had struck him on his abdomen with a kick, before he could recover Kelly went for a final kick to his face as she saw an opening.
Time slowed down for Tyler as he saw Kelly's kick coming to hit his face, as he turned his eyes he saw that time had actually slowed down for him which was strange as Spartan time didn't work against other Spartans... atleast so he thought... Tyler decided to end this now.
As Kelly kick was about land on Tyler's face it stopped a few inches from his face surprising Kelly who then noticed that Tyler had grabbed her leg with his hand, and without warning Tyler Spun Kelly's leg dropping her to the ground and went for a punch which stopped at her face.
"I win" Tyler said sweat dripping from his face.
"I guess you do" Kelly said with a smile. Tyler retracted his punch and held his hand out to help her get up. As Kelly took his hand and stood up, Sam started clapping.
"That was amazing, Tyler" Sam said as he, John and Naomi made their way towards the ring where Tyler helped Kelly out as well.
"That was pretty good, Tyler" John said.
"Pretty good? Come on John that was amazing" Naomi said, it was weird to see a SPARTAN who in the books was somewhat reserved being that friendly…..well who was he to question, this is still twenty seven years before the main events.
"That was the hardest fight I ever had in my whole life" Tyler said. "You are really fast Kelly"
"But you still beat me" Kelly reminded.
"And not to mention you seemed just as fast her Tyler" John said.
"It's probably just my reaction speed" Tyler said until Sam put his arm around Tyler again.
"You hear that Kelly, you finally have someone that can match you in a sparring match in terms of speed" Sam said grinning.
"That's why he will be my sparring partner from today" Kelly said with a playful smirk
Tyler just seemed confused as to what was going on and how it went from a simple meet up to a sparring match and now a sparring partner.
'Just what is going on today' Tyler thought.
After that whole ordeal in the gym Tyler had made his way back to his room and immediately collapsed onto his bed not even bothering to take a shower and soon went into a deep slumber.
Tyler woke up and found himself standing in the same grassy plains again, the one he found himself when he was sedated during the augmentation. As Tyler started walking around the grassy plains he noticed a pond nearby with some trees, it seemed like an oasis except it was in a grassy plains and not a desert.
As Tyler got closer to the pond he noticed some moving behind the trees and went to investigate while keeping his guard up as he moved closer to the trees he was grabbed by someone or something and soon found himself being drowned in the pond, As Tyler tried to resist he started running out of air and soon started losing vision and suffocating. Before he blacked out he heard the mysterious voice again.
May 1, 2525, 0600 hours
Location: En route to Epsilon Eridani system, UNSC Epoch-class Heavy carrier, Atlas
Third Person POV
As Tyler jolted awake from his bed he found Chief Mendez inside his room, immediately Tyler got up from the bed and saluted
"At ease, 071" Mendez said and Tyler relaxed although still in an attention position
Was there something important sir?" Tyler asked.
"Yes, you are to report to cryo bay 2 to enter cryo, I was here to escort you there as this would be your first time entering cryo" Mendez said. "Wear these black body suits, I'll be waiting outside"
As Mendez left his room Tyler started changing his clothes and wore the black suit which were extremely uncomfortable, "Damn now I miss the hospital groom" Tyler said under his breath and soon stepped out his room to find Mendez standing by the Door. "Ready to go, sir"
Few minutes later Tyler entered cryo bay 2 escorted by Chief Mendez, inside he saw Blue team or John, Sam and Kelly, all inside their own black suits, John was the first to notice us enter and Saluted followed by Sam and Kelly.
"At ease" Mendez said, "117 I am leaving 071 under your care as this is his first time entering cryo"
"Yes, sir!" John said and with that Mendez left the cryo bay leaving Tyler inside with John, Sam and Kelly.
Kelly was the first to approach Tyler, "I was wondering when you would show up" she said, "Ready for cryo?"
"Well not really, this is my first time so" Tyler said until Sam joined in as well and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Tyler, John here will show you how it's done" Sam said.
"I thought you said you will be going into cryo first?" John asked
"That was before Tyler entered." Sam answered. "And it's the job of the leader to show the new guy around."
"Fine, let's go now" John said and the rest including Tyler followed him.
As they reached John's cryo pod there were some technicians working on it, and soon John stepped inside the cryo and the lid to the pod closed and John went into cryo.
"That looked simple" Tyler said.
"It is, so no need to worry Tyler" Kelly said as she entered her pod as well.
"See you at Reach, Tyler" Sam said with a wink and went inside his pod as well.
"I guess it's my turn now" Tyler said under his breath as he looked at his pod which was open as well and was next to Kelly's, "Alright, let's do this" with that Tyler entered his pod and saw the lid close and soon everything went cold and black.