March 12, 2525, 1000 hours
Location: Epsilon Eridani system, Reach, ONI Medical station Endurance
Third Person POV
Tyler was currently inside the small room he was temporarily assigned to, he looked at the box on his bed, inside was his blue trouser, his Lord of the rings shirt and all his personal belongings kept inside as he soon closed the box, "Well goodbye old life." Tyler said as he then sat on the bed as he went through the realization that he may never see his friends and family ever again, wearing his new uniform, Petty officer First class Tyler-071, it was quite itchy on the neck, Is this what mom has to deal with whenever she wears her uniform' Tyler thought, then a knock on the door came, as Tyler went to answer the knock Doctor Halsey came in.
"I see that you are already in your new uniform" Halsey said. "How is it?"
"It's quite itchy on the neck other than that it actually fits perfectly" Tyler said. "If my dad saw me wearing this he may actually flip, well at least I'll give my mom a smug face."
"And why is that?" Halsey asked curious.
'Well my father was in the Royal marines, a hero if you ask me, that Victoria Cross was actually his that he gave as a token. My mom on the other hand was in the Royal Navy" Tyler explained.
"I must say Tyler your family really intrigues me, to have both your parents in the military must have been quite the life" Halsey said. "Oh, and here is the thing you asked, hopefully its big enough" Halsey handed him what looked like a small book from her lab coat.
"No, it's actually perfect. Thank you again" Tyler said
"So, are you ready?" Halsey asked.
Tyler took a deep breath. "Yeah I am, let's get this thing over with" Tyler said as both him and Halsey walked down the hall way ending up at an elevator which took them to the Medical wing, Halsey then escorted him to the surgical bay.
"Here put this on" Halsey asked holding a hospital gown in front of him.
"Ah bloody hell, just when I thought the itchiness couldn't get any worse" Tyler said as he took the gown and went behind the a curtain that was inside for changing and came out wearing his gown his black uniform in his hand which he then handed over to Halsey.
"Tyler, I hope you know that there is a chance that you may not survive or come out crippled... we already lost 11 now." Halsey said.
"You lost 29 who died and 13 who got crippled only 33 survive in total, but I think some of the washouts can be rehabilitated." Tyler said as he then got injected with a sedative, "Don't worry doctor...he survived...he always does and always will." Tyler finally drifting away to sleep and Halsey left the bay and went to the observation room overlooking the bay. She stood next to Chief Mendez and Lieutenant Leroy who were looking down through the window as the medical technicians began the operation on Tyler by injecting his bones with the first dose of augmentations.
"Do you think he will survive." Said Leroy. "I mean don't get me wrong he has good genes but...what if he gets crippled or maybe doesn't make it?"
"He will" Halsey said. "I know he will because something tells me that fate has something else stored for him"
"After what happened in the past few hours, that's the least abnormal thing" Leroy said to which Mendez nodded while looking at Tyler who even after the second dose didn't even flinch.
"He definitely is unique" Mendez said.
Location: Unknown
Third Person POV
Tyler suddenly found himself in vast empty grassy plains, as Tyler walked around hoping to find where he was at he heard the same mysterious voice that he heard when he was blinded by the light.
"Who's there?!" Tyler shouted. "Hello!"
As Tyler continued endlessly walking in the grass plains he saw something at the distance, it looked like a table which was coloured white. As Tyler got closer he noticed the table going farther and farther away. Soon Tyler started sprinting after it hoping to make sense what it was and where he was at.
As he got closer he suddenly fell to the ground as if someone tripped him, 'Damn did I step on something?' Tyler thought but before he got up he heard the same mysterious voice again. "You have a Job to do." and soon Tyler's vision went dark again.
March 29, 2525, 1100 hours
Location: En Route Lambda Serpentis system, UNSC Epoch-class Heavy carrier, Atlas
Third Person POV
As Tyler regained his vision he found himself inside his private recovery room on board the Atlas, Doctor Halsey was sitting in a chair next to his bed and had noticed him open his eyes.
"Welcome back." Halsey said.
"How long was I out Doctor?" Tyler asked.
"For the time you were sedated for your augmentation you have been out for almost 3 weeks, 18 days approximate"
"Damn, I guess I did take my sweet time sleeping" Tyler said with a chuckle to which Halsey chuckled as well.
As Tyler got up from his bed and started stretching his arms and legs; he walked over to a mirror and took a look at himself. His black hair was all but gone but it would grown back, his eyes which were crystal blue were now sapphire blue, he noticed he was also slightly taller, actually no really tall as he stood at 6'5 compared to his previous 5'8, he was also more muscular than before, his eye sight was more sharper and clear. Tyler suddenly felt something in the back of his neck where his brainstem was and moved his hand and went to touch it. "Damn so you put a neural implant as well"
"Yes it is standard issue." Halsey said.
'I feel like I could enter the matrix at any point..... wait a second I feel like this particular thought has happened before, Déjà vu?' Tyler thought, " many survived."
Halsey had a serious look and said. "Well it seems some changes had occurred" confusing Tyler. "You see unlike what you said about 29 of my Spartans dying, only 27 actually died."
"Wait what?" Tyler said looking even more confused, 'this was not supposed to happen…did the butterfly effect occur or something'. "I think the butterfly effect just occurred."
Halsey gives him a look of curiosity."That could be possible but also improbable" Halsey said, "Whatever it is we will figure it out later."
'Could that mysterious voice be related to it' Tyler thought, "So what am I to do now"
"Get some food to eat." Halsey said. "Your new augmented body will require the protein to function properly."
March 30, 2525, 1400 hours
Location: En Route to Lambda Serpentis system, UNSC Epoch-class Heavy carrier, Atlas
Third Person POV
For the next and previous days Tyler had spent his time eating high protein meals and having occasional sparing matches with Chief Mendez who was even more impressed at Tyler's speed and precision, other than that he would be with Mendez who would show him around the Armory and show him how UNSC weapons like the MA5B or M392 DMR worked.
Tyler usually mastered it really quick as he was the gun enthusiast back in his universe. Discipline and basic military protocol was not a problem as he had already learned that at young age of 6 by his dad who taught him how to properly salute his superiors and also at the academy where he learned some leadership qualities.
As of currently Tyler was inside the Gym of the Atlas where he trained using the weights and the punching bags to test his Taekwondo and Karate skills as it had been a while since he had last used them.
As he was sitting on the bench nearby as a new guy came in the gym, the guy had short brown hair, blue eyes and few freckles splattered across his face. The newcomer went to the leg machine and then moved over to a tether ball.
'No bloody way…...could it be him?' Tyler thought as he watched the new guy who looked about 14 years old by his face remove a pin from the bench press. Well I'll be damned it is him Tyler thought, 'but that means...'as he was about to finish thinking four more people entered.
"Aw bloody hell the damn ODSTs." Tyler said under his breath as they began harassing John until they started grabbing him by his arms, 'Alright Tyler, it's time to make your first change in the Halo universe,' as Tyler got up he started walking toward the ODSTs and John who looked like he was about to kick One of them in the nose.
"Ol! What the bloody hell is going on here mate." Tyler said as he slowly approached the ODSTs and John who all turned to look at him.
"What do you want punk" one of the ODSTs which seemed like to leader of the bunch said.
"I should be the one asking you that" Tyler replied
Then the ODSTs leave John instead start surrounding me, "don't try to act smart punk ass" the leader said.
"Or what" Tyler asked agitating the ODSTs even more. "If you really want to throw your hands then get in the ring, I could use some stretching as well"
"Tch, it's on then" the leader said and then all of the walked toward the sparing ring that was in the centre of the gym, both Tyler and the leader got inside the ring taking opposite corners, around them the 3 ODSTs were on the leaders side, while John was on the side line giving me a curious look.
"Get ready to get your ass kicked punk" the leader said with a cocky grin.
Tyler remained quiet and soon the match started and both him and the leader moved towards each other, the leader went for a punch which Tyler easily dodged, the leader went for another punch this time to the face which Tyler dodged by ducking down. As the leader continued to throw punches, not one of them landed as Tyler kept dodging it like nothing.
"Damn you, punk, stop running and fight like a man" the leader said, then without warning Tyler went for a roundhouse kick to the neck knocking the leader down the floor, who then went unconscious.
As Tyler looked at the downed leader he looked at the other ODSTs who in turn all entered the ring all together outnumbering Tyler 3:1, John seemed like he was about to move in to help him but Tyler gave him a look saying that he got this.
"You're gonna pay for that, prick" said one of the ODSTs as all three of the started surrounding Tyler, the ODST all went for an attack hoping to grab Tyler and beat him up.
Tyler who saw it coming jumped into air and gave a double kick hitting two ODSTs in the face knocking them down on the floor, as the last one got closer and went for a punch, Tyler grabbed his punch and twisted it almost breaking the ODST's arm, as he released the ODST from his grip who in turn stumbled back, Tyler gave the ODST a 540 degree kick knocking him out cold in an instant.
As Tyler got himself back together he looked had John who had widened eyes and looked at him with shock, amazement and curiosity. Tyler then looked at 4 ODSTs who were all on laying on the floor 2 of them unconscious while the other 2 were groaning in pain. 'I went easy on them, didn't I?' Tyler thought.
As Tyler was about to get off the ring on of the 2 ODSTs groaning in pain suddenly grabbed his left foot.
"You damn bastard you will pay for this." the ODST said as he went for a punch at Tyler's knees. As Tyler was about kick the guy with is right foot a voice stopped
"That would be enough!" the voice belonging to Chief Mendez said, both me an John immediately stood at attention, soon another man entered the gym, Tyler noticed the name tag on his uniform which said, A. Silva.
"Would someone explain, why four of my men are on the floor unconscious and injured?!" Silva asked with a commanding tone.
"Sir." Tyler said while saluting him since he was a 2nd lieutenant, an officer, "Your men were harassing a fellow crewman." Tyler looked at John.
I simply asked them what they wanted but instead they responded to me in a hostile behavior, I simply asked their leader to go into the ring with me to settle this, but after he lost the other 3 also came inside the ring, all I did was simply humble them in a fight, Sir."
Silva gave Tyler a look and nodded, "I see, did you critically injure any of my men?" Silva gave Tyler a glare, he damn sure was protective of his boys.
"No sir, two of them I knocked out with a kick, they should be fine if they get medical attention" Tyler said to which Silva nodded again and then looked at Chief Mendez.
"He is definitely not what I was told they would be like." Silva said and left.
As Tyler got off the ring soon medical teams arrived and started treating the 4 ODSTs that's when Mendez approached Tyler who stood in attention, "Sir!" Tyler said.
"At ease 071, Doctor Halsey would like to talk with you at the observation deck" Mendez said. "117, stay back."
As Tyler started to leave the gym John gave him one final glance before Mendez approached him as well. As Tyler started walking through the halls of the Atlas he passed by some naval personals aboard the ship and soon made it inside the observation deck where Halsey was seen standing.
"I saw what happened" Halsey said looking at Tyler. "And I am sure you knew that it would happen".
"Yeah I did, the fight was in one of the books, and instead of breaking it I decided to...minimize its overall consequences." Tyler said.
"What do you mean by overall consequences." Halsey asked.
"You see, John was about to kill two of them if I didn't interfere, and that would result in a deep hatred from the ODSTs towards the Spartans, something I would not like to see." Tyler explained.
She sighed, "Promise me that the next time you do something like this, you do it without getting too much attention, I cannot have ONI getting suspicious about you, we've already taken a very big gamble sneaking you in the program."
"Alright, fine I promise." Tyler said with a sigh.
As Tyler entered his small room he went near his bed and pulled the box under it, as he opened the box he took out the diary from inside it and began writing his first day as a Spartan and his first attempt at changing events in the Halo universe.
March 30, 2525
Dear diary,
Today marked my first day as a Spartan, it was a rather unusual experience my new augmented body proved to be way more different than what my original body was, but it was expected. I have noticed that my reflexes and reaction speed is 5x faster than before with me at times feeling as though time slowed down, I guess this is what entering Spartan time feels like. My first attempt to change the course of events in the Halo universe was somewhat successful I hope, I managed to stop the chief or John 117 from accidently killing those ODSTs as he did in the books, instead I decided it would best for me to take the initiative and challenge them to a match inside the ring, I knocked two of them out and broke the noses of two others. I had to explain to their commanding officer as it seemed, one A.Silva. I must say unlike the books he was quite the patient and calm headed individual, hopefully my small change would prevent the hatred the ODSTs had for the Spartans as a whole.