Zen pushed open the glass doors of the Viridian City Poké Mart, stepping inside for the first time.
The place was bigger than he expected. Shelves were packed with colorful items, and a few trainers walked around, browsing.
Weedle chirped happily on Zen's shoulder, wiggling excitedly as he looked around.
Zen walked straight to the front counter, where an old man stood.
"Excuse me, sir!" Zen asked. "Do you sell anything for Pokémon?"
The shopkeeper nodded and pointed at a nearby shelf.
"Of course, kid. Here's what we've got:"
• Poké Ball – 200
• Antidote – 100
• Paralyze Heal – 200
• Burn Heal – 250
• Potion – 300
Zen's face fell.
"...All of this is too expensive."
He only had 100 Pokédollars.
Zen sighed and wandered around, looking at other things on the shelves.
The Poké Mart sold more than just Pokémon supplies.
There were vegetables, Letters and envelopes, Bottled drinks and Snacks
Zen scratched his head. "Maybe I should just buy a snack…"
Then he heard slurping behind him.
Zen turned around and his heart almost stopped.
Weedle was on the counter, eating honey straight from an open jar!
"WEEDLE!" Zen grabbed his Pokémon, pulling him away.
He bowed deeply to the shopkeeper.
"I'm so sorry! I'll pay for it—"
The shopkeeper just laughed and shook his head.
"Don't worry, kid. It's fine."
Zen blinked. "Huh?"
The shopkeeper smiled. "Looking at this little guys, im pretty sure he only eats leaf, Weedle needs honey to grow up. Leaves alone won't cut it."
Zen looked at Weedle, who was still licking his mouth happily.
The shopkeeper nodded. "If you really want Weedle to grow well, try getting Beedrill honey. It's much better than regular honey."
Then, to Zen's surprise, the shopkeeper handed him a small jar of normal honey.
"Here, take this."
Zen's eyes widened. "For free?"
The shopkeeper chuckled. "Consider it gift for new customer. Take good care of your buddy."
Zen grinned and bowed again.
"Thank you!"
As Zen walked back toward the orphanage, he looked at the jar of honey in his hands.
Beedrill honey, huh?
But where could he get some?
Zen sighed.
"Weedle, how do we even find Beedrill honey?"
Weedle just chirped happily, rubbing against Zen's cheek.
Zen smiled.
"I guess we'll have to figure it out."
The moonlight shone through the window, casting soft shadows on the walls.
Zen lay on his small orphanage bed, staring at the ceiling.
Weedle curled up beside him, breathing softly in his sleep.
But Zen couldn't sleep.
His mind was racing.
Zen sat up and whispered to himself,
"I have to get Beedrill honey."
He thought about how to enter Viridian Forest without getting caught by Miss Clara.
Miss Clara was strict.. If she caught him sneaking out, she'd lock him inside orphanage for weeks.
So, Zen began planning:
• Step 1: Leave the orphanage after everyone sleeps.
• Step 2: Use the back exit so Miss Clara doesn't hear the front door.
• Step 3: Avoiding the main roads.
• Step 4: Sneak into the forest without attracting wild Pokémon.
• Step 5: Find a Beedrill hive, take the honey, and run.
• Step 6: Return before sunrise.
He stared at his plan, feeling proud of himself.
Or so he thought.
Zen sat on the bed, legs crossed, and thought about what could go wrong.
"First… How do I avoid Miss Clara?"
He realized he didn't know her nighttime routine.
Sometimes, she stayed up late to do paperwork. Other times, she'd suddenly check rooms to make sure the kids were in their room.
Even if he somehow avoided her, what about return without her noticing him isnt in his room?
"Second… How do I even find Beedrill honey?"
He had never seen a Beedrill hive before.
What if Beedrill chased him?
What if Weedle got hurt?
Zen's grip tightened on his blanket.
Then, a final thought hit him.
Even if he somehow succeeded, what would he do if he got lost?
Zen sighed deeply, running a hand through his messy hair.
"This is stupid."
If he went into Viridian Forest now, he'd be risking everything.
His life.
Weedle's life.
Even if he made it out alive, he'd probably be grounded forever.
Then, another thought hit him:
Why now?
Why not later?
Three years.
That's all he had to wait.
By then, he'd be ten years old, a real Pokémon Trainer.
He'd have stronger weedle. He'd have more experience.
And Weedle could have evolved during that duration, who know 3 year is quite long, it almost half of his life already.
Zen exhaled slowly, staring at the moon.
"Alright, forget the forest."
Zen needed a different way to get strong.
"I need money."
Without money, he couldn't buy items.
Without items, he couldn't train well.
Then, an idea came to him.
"Battling other trainers!"
If he challenged trainers, he could win prize money.
If he earned enough, he could even save up for a Poké Ball.
Maybe… just maybe… he could catch a second Pokémon.
Zen grinned to himself.
"That's a way better plan."
Zen turned toward Weedle, who was still sleeping peacefully.
"We'll battle stronger trainers, Weedle."
He gently placed a hand on Weedle's small round body.
"We don't need to rush. We'll get stronger the right way."
Weedle chirped softly in his sleep, rubbing against Zen's hand.
Zen smiled.
He lay back down, eyes finally growing heavy.
As the moonlight shined through the window, Zen and Weedle drifted into sleep.
Here another chapter :()