It had been half a year since Zen caught Weedle. Yet, despite all the battles, training, and care, Weedle showed no sign of evolving.
The only change? Weedle had grown slightly larger than normal, and its body had taken on a subtle purplish-red tint.
Zen had no idea why.
Zen wandered through the lively festival, weaving through stalls and crowds.
His mind, however, was still stuck on the battle between Professor Oak and Mr. Stone.
The sheer power and size of Kangaskhan and Rhydon… they were giants compared to his small Weedle.
If I battled them… could Weedle even fight those monster in the future?
Zen shook his head.
No, I can't think like that. I believe in Weedle. We'll get stronger.
But as he searched the entire festival, he found no sign of anyone selling Beedrill honey.
"Ugh… where is it?"
Just as he was about to give up, Zen spotted someone ahead—a boy with spiky brown hair.
Wait… is that Gary?
Zen hurried over and called out.
"Hey, Gary! Why are you alone?"
The boy turned around and frowned.
"Gary? You know my little brother?"
Zen blinked.
"Wait… you're not Gary?"
The boy smirked.
"Nope. Name's Blue."
After a quick introduction, Zen told Blue about how he met Gary and the others.
Blue sighed, shaking his head.
"Ash, huh? That kid's always messing around with Gary. That's why Grandpa doesn't really teach him much about Pokémon."
Zen tilted his head.
"Grandpa? You mean… Professor Oak?"
Blue smirked.
"Yep. I'm his grandson."
Zen was surprised.
Blue then asked, "So, what brought you to the festival? It's not like my grandpa told about it much, mostly pallet town people was invited."
Zen scratched his head.
"I came with my friend's dad… but more importantly, I was looking for Beedrill honey."
Zen reached into his bag and gently lifted Weedle onto his arm.
Blue glanced at Weedle and nodded thoughtfully.
"Beedrill honey, huh? Yeah, I know where to find it."
Zen's eyes lit up.
"You do?!"
Blue smirked.
"Follow me."
Zen followed Blue through Pallet Town, eventually arriving at a large building with a windmill—Professor Oak's Lab.
Zen hesitated.
"Uh… is it okay to enter?"
Blue grinned and waved him inside.
"Relax. My grandpa owns the place."
Zen stepped in and was immediately fascinated by the lab.
There were rows of Pokéballs, neatly labeled with the names of Pokémon inside.
Some of the Pokémon he saw listed were:
• Pidgey
• Rattata
• Caterpie
• Ekans
• Vulpix
• Poliwag
• Machop
Blue disappeared into another room, searching for the Beedrill honey.
Zen couldn't help but stare at all the Pokéballs.
So many Pokémon… Professor Oak must have studied them all.
A moment later, Blue returned, holding a small glass jar filled with golden honey.
"Here it is."
Zen's eyes sparkled.
"Thank you! But… why are you helping me?"
Blue crossed his arms.
"Well, according to Grandpa's research, if a Weedle eats Beedrill honey, it might evolve faster. I wanna see if it works."
Zen nodded eagerly.
"Alright, let's find out."
Zen carefully placed Weedle on the floor, while Blue watched with interest.
Opening the jar, Zen scooped a spoonful of honey and held it out.
"Here, Weedle. Try this."
Weedle sniffed the honey before eagerly lapping it up.
Suddenly, a bright light surrounded Weedle.
Zen stepped back in awe as Weedle began to change shape.
"It's happening!" Blue said, eyes wide.
The light grew brighter, and Weedle's body expanded and hardened.
The glow faded—revealing a Kakuna.
But something was wrong.
Zen and Blue stared in shock.
Unlike a normal Kakuna, which was golden-yellow, Zen's Kakuna was a deep purple.
Its eyes were glowing red.
A strange energy radiated from its hardened shell.
Zen gulped.
"That… that's not normal, right?"
Blue stared at the Kakuna in disbelief.
"Nope… that's definitely not normal."
Zen's heart pounded as he gazed at his newly evolved Pokémon.
What exactly was his Weedle…?
Kakuna LV 7
Tackle [Lock]
String shot (poison)
Bug bite (poison) [Lock]
Poison sting
Arrrrrghhhh I accidently delete chapter 19