Lets goooooo 10 power stone
Here extra chapter
Professor Oak was the first to act. He grabbed a Pokéball from his lab coat pocket and threw it forward.
"Go, Kangaskhan!"
A large, powerful Kangaskhan emerged onto the field, letting out a deep roar. Its massive body and muscular arms made it clear that this Kangaskhan cant be underestimate
Rock cheered loudly.
"Whoa! I didn't know Professor Oak still battled!"
Zen watched closely, fascinated.
Mr. Stone simply smile and pulled out his own Pokéball.
"Alright, time to show them your strength, Rhydon!"
He threw the Pokéball, and with a burst of light, a massive Rhydon appeared, stomping the ground with enough force to shake the battlefield.
Its thick, rocky armor gleamed under the sun, and its drill-like horn spun slightly, ready for battle.
Zen's eyes widened.
"Rhydon… it looks even cooler than I imagined."
Professor Oak didn't hesitate.
"Kangaskhan, use Fake Out!"
Kangaskhan dashed forward, closing the distance between itself and Rhydon.
Its palm struck Rhydon's face with a sudden burst of energy, creating a shockwave that made Rhydon stagger backward.
Zen was amazed.
"That move… Fake Out always makes the opponent flinch, right?"
Rock nodded.
"Yeah! It's a strong opening move, but it isnt going won't work for second time, not agains my dad."
Mr. Stone crossed his arms.
"Its look like you still have your touch oak… but it'll take more than that to stop Rhydon."
Professor Oak continued, "Kangaskhan, follow up with Power-Up Punch!"
Kangaskhan pulled back its fist, energy gathering around it.
Then, it slammed its fist into Rhydon's chest, making a deep thud.
Rhydon staggered slightly,
Mr. Stone smirked.
"Nice hit, but now it's our turn. Rhydon, use Hammer Arm!"
Rhydon raised its massive arm, then swung it down with brutal force.
Kangaskhan was knocked back several feet, skidding across the ground before regaining its stance.
The force of the attack left a visible dent in the battlefield.
Zen and the other kids watched in awe.
"That was so strong!" Ash shouted.
Professor Oak didn't look worried.
"Kangaskhan, use Drain Punch!"
Kangaskhan rushed forward again, its fist glowing green.
It landed another powerful punch, but this time, green energy flowed from Rhydon into Kangaskhan, healing some of its wounds.
Mr. Stone nodded in approval.
"Good strategy… but we're not done yet. Rhydon, use Earthquake!"
Rhydon slammed its foot into the ground.
A massive shockwave spread through the battlefield. The ground cracked, sending Kangaskhan flying backward.
The entire battlefield trembled, and even the spectators had to hold onto their seats.
Zen and the others were stunned.
Rock grinned.
"That's my dad's specialty! Rhydon's Earthquake is my dad strongest attack!"
Kangaskhan slowly stood up, clearly injured from the Earthquake.
Professor Oak narrowed his eyes.
"We have one last shot… Kangaskhan, use Outrage!"
Kangaskhan's eyes glowed red, and it let out a ferocious roar.
It charged forward wildly, attacking Rhydon with a barrage of punches and slashes.
Each hit echoed through the field, and Rhydon was forced to take step after step backward.
Zen leaned forward.
"Is this it? Will Kangaskhan win?"
"Rhydon, use Horn Drill." Shouted Mr Stone
Rhydon's horn spun violently, glowing with dangerous energy.
Just as Kangaskhan went in for another attack—
Rhydon's horn pierced through Kangaskhan's guard, landing a direct hit to its chest.
A single, devastating strike.
Kangaskhan's body froze for a moment—then its eyes rolled back, and it collapsed onto the ground.
The battlefield was silent.
The referee raised his flag.
"Kangaskhan is unable to battle! Rhydon wins! The victory goes to Mr. Stone!"
The crowd cheered loudly, and Rock jumped up excitedly.
"YES! Dad won!"
Zen let out a deep breath.
"That was… intense."
Professor Oak walked over to Kangaskhan and gently patted its head.
"You did well, old friend. Rest now."
He returned Kangaskhan to its Pokéball, then turned to Mr. Stone.
"That was a fine battle. Your Rhydon is truly impressive."
Mr. Stone grinned.
"You weren't bad yourself, Professor. If that Outrage had lasted a little longer, you might've won."
They shook hands as a sign of respect.
Zen, Rock, and the other kids rushed forward, still excited from the battle.
Rock beamed.
"Dad, that was awesome!"
Stone laughed.
Zen looking at Mr stone and Prof Oak.. he thought...
One day… I want to battle strong trainers like them too.
For now, though, the festival was still not over yet, it just the beginning.
And Zen still had a mission—finding Beedrill honey.
Hope you guys give me honest review :)