Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 6 - Vol 1. Chapter 6 - The Wolf and Ragnar

Chapter 6 - Vol 1. Chapter 6 - The Wolf and Ragnar

A.D. 873 Former Kingdom of East Anglia, Eorferwich

We were closing in on the former capital city of these lands the king who ruled them King Edmund the 'pious' at this moment is breathing in his last breaths after being struck by 4 or 5 arrows atleast by some of Earl Guthrum and Ubba's men to test if the Christian God would protect the so called Christian king.. he took his last breath.. he remained dead.. the earls continued discussing their plans to attack the Kingdom of Wessex.

/pov Aethred/

It was time.. I closed my eyes.. Brida and Uhtred paused looking around noticing something was in the air. They stared at me waiting to see what I was stopping and closing my eyes and listening for.. now they noticed it all our horses were still with eyes closed listening as well the three wolves doing the same.. the eerie pause ending and the cold air lifted and left once I opened my eyes and took a deep breath in.

"Uhtred.. Brida.. don't talk again until we leave this place and are on our way back to Wessex. Just follow me do what I say and never open your mouths to speak this is my orders."

They took in the seriousness for a second and nodded. I continued "I'm going to grab a girl we will take her to find Ubba's Seer Storri. If anyone stops and asks us don't speak I'll tell them exactly what I just said we are taking a whore to Storri. Earl Ubba ordered us to." Then we did exactly that.


/pov Storri/

I have been trying to find signs from the gods for the foretold victory my wealth-giver Earl Ubba has ordered me to find. This winter was harsh still harsh winds just turning the new year just beginning Earl Ubba has ordered if Wessex is not his by A.D. 874 he will leave to raid Ireland hoping for better chances at glory and wealth without having to venture to the feast halls of Valhalla.

"it's quiet as the depths of Nilfheim tonight Freya's wonderful tits it's cold.. hmm.. gods are your here?" He asked out loud to himself in his hut. Only to be answered by a deep cold soul chilling voice.

/pov Aethred/

"No Storri sorry.. no gods just me unfortunately for you.?"He paled and went quite as death itself. My seax was at his throat you see just a little twitch and that would end it.

"just breathe Storri but don't speak.. take me to Ragnar the Younger" he just blinked really hard like ten times before I could understand he was still in Ireland raiding he must not be here yet. "He's not here huh.. no matter tell me where is Ubba or Guthrum doesn't matter which hopefully they're together just got a message to leave and I'll be on my way"

"They are in the Church m'lord please don't kill me lord please Im useful by the gods Im useful Im a Seer I can communicate with our gods boy I could be your Seer please lord".

"Enough you fool.. I tire of listening to the gods you insect.. your only alive because your useful shut the fuck up"

I took Storri outside to Uhtred and Brida who followed my orders to take Storri hostage like in the show we will leave him riding on a donkey naked with a branch in his anus like in the show back to the earls while we return to Wessex. for now I headed to Ubba's to Guthrum to tell them to let Ragnar know that I killed his family's murderers and I will give him his family's silver when I see him.