Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 8 - Vol 1. Chapter 8 - Twins in the Royal Palace

Chapter 8 - Vol 1. Chapter 8 - Twins in the Royal Palace

Kingdom of Wessex, Winchester

/pov Achilles/

Im three winters old now.. atleast thats what ma tells me lately.. she used to tell me I was only 2 winters old.. she tells my sister and me we will have a younger brother or sister soon.. she says it's even possible we will have both a new brother and sister.. she says they could look just alike exactly how me and meda are.. I'd like being a big brother.. I would protect them like father protects all of us.. I'll be able to soon I know it.. I'm already much taller and bigger than other kids even ones a couple years older than me.. I'm quicker and smarter too.. mom says me and my sister are the smartest cutest healthiest little angels in the world.

Whatever an angel is.. I think it sounds nice.. anyway it makes me feel warm and important.. we have been staying with Father Beocca since dad left half a fortnight ago. He's 'cool' as my father would say.. my father talks different than everyone else I've ever met.. he's the only person I've met to say words like 'cool' or 'shiznit' and randomnly yell 'Leroy Jenkinsss!' or 'Yea Boiiii' lately he's been going around and yelling 'Flavor Flav!'… I just go with it.. I don't have to understand.. that's what father tells us.. that's good enough for me.. I guess me and my sister talk different than everyone else too.. Father says we are special.. more important than anyone in this world more important than even him.

I don't understand how that could be.. my father is the greatest warrior in the world hands down.. maybe I'm not old enough to understand yet.. I'll try to think about it again after I have four winters to my name.. by the time ma tells me I do ma will have brought our new siblings home from the post office whatever that means.. dad said she would pick our baby brother and sister up there after they get dropped off by a huge raven sent by the All-father at wherever this so called post office is.. sounds fishy to me but what do I know I'm three. Father Beocca told Andromeda and me we would enter a palace today and meet a prince who he was certain would be the next king he says he will be a great king too.. I've never met a king.. sounds fun to me I'm excited.


/pov Andromeda/

We get to meet a prince today. I hope Achilles doesn't embarrass me or mother or himself for that matter.. I know we are only three but he can be a twat sometimes.. I love him more than anything but I wish he would think before does things.. he can easily ruin someone's day.. my father says he will be a berserker.. don't know what it means but father says it means he will be loved by the gods.. he says I will make a great spear-maiden myself.. I will be great.. just like father.

Father Beocca is a nice and kind man. He tells us funny stories about father and uncle Uhtred.. he tells us about our home the castle of BebbanBurg and the lands that surround it that they have lost to our weasel great-uncle Aelfric they call him.. I hope his soul is sent straight to Nilfheim and he never tastes a drop of the golden meads they drink in the feast halls of my fathers peoples heaven they call Valhalla.. I hope he is sent to Nilfheim long before he ever takes glory for his forefathers.. If he can't be sent to Nilfheim I hope he gets sent to the Christian peoples Hell.. I'm not really sure what my brother and me are.. are we Christians?.. are we Pagans like father?.. he says we can be both if we want.. he says we don't have to be either one if we don't want to be.. we can be whatever we want he says.. that's how special we are.. I like when he tells us that.


/pov Father Beocca/

This last week has been a godsent blessing.. god it has.. I still can't believe what the man Aethred has become.. even Uhtred had grown so tall and strong very handsome and I can tell he is highly intelligent you can tell by the light his eyes carry as they watch his surroundings.. Aethred has done great work and built a holy family.. they practically shine giving off pure warmth and goodness.. I couldn't be more proud of these boys I consider sons who have grown into men taller and stronger than I.. that might not mean much now that I've grown old but when I was younger I was well known for smashing heads with my club..

Even at my peak I wouldn't want to face off with Uhtred.. hell Brida makes me feel like she could end me with ease she and Uhtred are only seventeen for goodness sake.. I sure wouldn't face Aethred he was like nothing I've ever seen or dreamed of.. god how I wish he would discard his false idols and gods and truly embrace Jesus Christ.. hell I baptized both these boys with these old aging hands myself.. I remember it was like it was just yesterday.. I pray one day he will embrace Christ.. I'll keep praying..

I turned to look at said family taking in their magnificence. Brunhilda.. A most beautiful blonde haired tall long legged woman of maybe danish stock there was more than Dane in her blood but I couldn't put my finger on it.. one of the best mothers I've ever seen by what I can tell this week the family has lived with me.. she will raise Aethred's children well.. can't be much longer and she'll be giving birth for a second time..

According to the twins their father told them their mother was pregnant with a boy and a girl and they would be twins just like them.. I just smiled and laughed at how adorable they were.. silly children they actually believe their father knows their mother is pregnant with twins or what genders the babes will be.. that would be a miracle though I can picture them already.. Achilles and Andromeda taking care of a little brother and sister who were twins like them. Would make for a lovely family portrait no doubt. Uhtred and Aethred should be back today.. I pray they return safely.. God please protect Aethred's family.. if anyone deserves your protection it's them lord god..