Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 9 - Vol 1. Chapter 9 - Family meets Alfred the ‘Great’

Chapter 9 - Vol 1. Chapter 9 - Family meets Alfred the ‘Great’

Kingdom of Wessex, Winchester

/pov Brunhilda/

Time seems to still whenever Aethred is away.. ow ow.. damn these pagan heathan children always tossing and kicking around in my poor stomach.. they will be as strong as their older siblings.. I have dreams some nights.. some nights I have normal dreams.. dreams like everyone else would have I would assume.. but other nights.. not the ones I sleep so peacefully and restful I don't have any dreams at all.. those nights are usually after a long day of running around.. chasing after a wild boy who never seemed to tire or run out of breath for some reason.. now that I think of it those days I chase him, sit down, take a break and try to catch my breath, clean, cook, I guess do whatever else besides just chasing that little shit to no end.. praying he doesn't get himself hurt by his sister or some random stranger that would not doubt love kidnap a child as perfect as mine.. the little damn fool damn Achilles.. god such a perfect name for him.. I picked the perfect name for the little shit he better be grateful.. Aethred damn him for forcing me to curse like I this..I don't want to Im just tired and feel so weak.. so long as I can safely give birth this time I swear Aethred shall never touch me again.. he promised he wouldn't get me pregnant again after the first birth..

I try so hard to forget only to fail because it was so painful and so dreadfully long I never want to experience it again.. I made him give me his word he wouldn't get me pregnant.. and low and behold the filthy lying pagan lies.. hahahahah.. hah.. hahaha hahah.. o god.. o god no.. I'm losing my mind.. no! Noooo!.. I'm okay.. it's gonna be alright.. breathe.. just breathe Brunhilda.. you are strong.. you are beautiful.. you are wise.. yes.. yes I am.. I am all those things.. I'm special damn it.. I'm different than the rest of those bitches that think they're so pretty and perfect yet can't even think for themselves.. pitiful.. no one will ever remember them or anything they ever do with their lives except for that fact.. the fact that no one will ever remember them or anything they ever did.. that's one thing my pagan husband has right.. being given the blessing of life only to waste it.. all because after your life is over you will no longer exist because they you are so boring and plain no will remember who you are..

He claims he will make me a Queen.. not just a Queen.. but one that would never die.. one that would be written into books written on papers that's would go on to become the very fabric of the worlds history.. he can truly be romantic.. I guess that's how he tricked me into falling in love with him.. filthy bastard him.. trickster thats what he is.. cunning scheming ruthless trickster.. I believe he is most like the Pagan god 'Loki' I've heard him talk about in some of the stories he tells to our children before they would rest for the nights..

I loved it when they rested.. they are absolutely perfect when they sleep.. I don't understand how they do it but they do.. I wish I could sleep like them I bet they never have bad or strange dream.. right.. back to the dreams that make no sense and scare the life out of me.. I don't know if they're real.. I don't know if the things that happen in my dreams are happening out there in the real world or if these are events from the past or future.. they are battles.. terrible battles.. the lands are destroyed in dreams.. long scary gashes scarring through the lands leaving them ravaged with gashes or like maul wounds.. the same is happening to the peasant folk.. I hope they go away soon I don't like those dreams..

I'd much rather have Aethred here even if it means he will be here.. him.. and his damn pagan mumbo jumbo gibberish.. his mumbling and rambling passes the time so much faster than being stuck here without him and me being here alone.. with my son.. who is unfortunately too much like his father and my perfect angel daughter.. who fortunately is perfect in every way and nothing like her filthy pagan father.. except for the fact that she is almost as strong as her twin brother but she is well more than just quicker or more agile than her brother..

She was amazing what she could do.. I swear to god hand on the Bible.. she could move like a apex feline predator she was so limber and light on her feet.. once they didn't notice me watching them..they weren't paying me any attention so I sat there watching them from the window..

Before her brother could even begin to try to make a move she was already almost upon him.. she charged two blinding quick steps so swiftly and closed whatever little open space that was between them before his mouth could open to yell and scream for his mother.. one of her feet was already stepping flat on his face.. while he could only stand there plain and simple and have his face smashed straight down.. ending with his sister just daintly stepping off his face with her other foot.. only to flip backwards and gracefully spinning in the air.. so embarrassingly slowly for her brother.. he could do nothing..

I just watched my daughter float back in the air away from him.. almost like a leaf in the wind.. then gracefully landing perfectly like an angel with that perfect angel smile.. whilst his face continued on a downward path till inevitably arriving at its destination.. the ground.. then she just turned around and immediately fled from her mother's reach.. only to hide somewhere safe for a few hours till the coast was 'clear'.. to return home usually via a small window in the corner of a storage room in Father Beocca's modest home..

He does well for himself.. after all he is the spiritual advisor to the apparent next in line to the throne of the Kingdom of Wessex.. beings that the current king's only son is an imbecile from what I hear.. meeting Prince Alfred and Princess Aelswith sounds wonderful like a dream.. can't wait to meet royalty.. only noble I've ever met is Aethred and Uhtred's father.. he was not a very exciting noble to meet.. Im sure a Prince and Princess of the last true Saxon controlled kingdom on this island will be different.