Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 10 - Vol. 1 Chapter 10 - Aethred Returns

Chapter 10 - Vol. 1 Chapter 10 - Aethred Returns

Kingdom of Wessex, Winchester

/pov Uhtred/

"Hahaha.. I still can't believe we sent Storri back bare assed with a branch shoved up his ass straddled across a fucking donkey hahahah." I couldn't help but bust out laughing again thinking of watching him in that poor situation.. I bet he is really embarrassed now. I turned my head to look at my older brother wondering what was going on through his head as we reached the gates of the city of Winchester.

The guards at the gates are obviously off put by us and I don't blame them.. luckily enough they collect our copper coins to pay for the toll to enter the city and let us pass.. We continued to make our way through the paths until we eventually reach the house Beocca lived in.. I bet the hellions missed their favorite uncle.. I shake my head clearing my thoughts ready to see them again.

/pov Beocca/

"hahaha look at them they're finally back thank goodness.. come in come in you need to get ready to enter the palace there's not much time I thought you would make it here earlier in the day." I hurried the three In the house after we got their animals settled in the barn.. the wolves gave me the most human look I've ever seen as if begging me to let them in the house.. I paused for a second then shook my head then shoo'd them on in the barn.. no matter how majestic the mutts are they'll never step foot in my home.. imagine the saliva and fur they would leave everywhere..

"Come Brunhilda grab the children let's make haste to meet the Prince and Princess it's important we make a good impression on Alfred hopefully once he's king he will grant Uhtred lands for you all to live and thrive on." After saying that we rounded the twins up and Brunhilda almost waddled following behind her children to climb into the carriage.. I give it a month and a new life will be born into this family.. mark my words.. I noticed the children taking in everything as they watched us near the gates of the magnificent home of the Wessex Royal family.. it's truly breathtaking.

/pov MC/

"Father Beocca make sure Uhtred is granted good lands and given a good wife its very important we have a promise for these things from Alfred before we leave here today." I told Beocca as we were ushered into a waiting room for guests.. everything was very fancy.. wasteful as far as I could tell.. while the peasants are slaughtered and taken for slaves by the Danes.. the nobles fill their homes with worthless antiques and other wants instead providing the simplest of necessities to their peasants.. who they were supposed to be responsible for.. who starved to death every passing day.

Weakness is a cardinal sin.. unpreparedness is a cardinal sin.. being kind to your enemies is a cardinal sin.. underestimating your enemies is a cardinal sin.. I would never commit any of these.. I would never allow myself to.. I have a mission and I will complete at any and all costs.. destiny is all.

/pov Alfred/

Finally I will set eyes on this holy family Father Beocca my spiritual advisor has been mentioning to me frequently these past few days.. interesting.. I can see even from all the way down at the beginning of the hall a large man atleast two heads taller than Father Beocca..

This man was big and long limbed.. he had a gait about him that looked as if he was prepared for an attack from any direction at any time I couldn't tell if he was actually touching the floor as walked towards me and my wife or if he was floating across it.. with what looked to be like one other male pagan not as impressive as the leader but he looked like a warrior for sure and a beautiful Christian mother who looked like she was about to burst with a very pregnant belly..

then there were the two most angelic children I've ever seen following behind them turning their heads in all directions as they were looking at all the decorations of my family's palace.. it must amaze them.. haha children are so simple.. they look so pure complete opposite of the large man in the lead.

"Welcome Ealdorman Uhtred and Aethred of BebbanBurg.. I've been looking for meeting you both and your beautiful family I've heard so much about from Father Beocca. I already know what you need Beocca has informed me.. so I have an offer to make you.. Pledge your swords to me and I shall grant you Uhtred the lands of Coocham.. you will be a landed Ealdorman of Wessex from this day forward.. and also you will marry the current heir of Coocham the Lady Mildreth if you so accept my offer.. You Aethred can be Uhtred's head of household guard.. 1 year of service thats all I ask from you both then you are free to do as you please."

/pov MC/

Slimy weasel Alfred looped Uhtred into swearing his sword to him for a wife and a small village on the border of Mercia.. that would come with a substantial debt to the church that Uhtred would of course later come to find out about.. and then be very pissed about it.. go off and accidentally kill a priest then get punished by Alfred for killing said priest.. yea that wouldn't happen in this timeline.. I won't let it.. I have big plans.. so many big plans.