Chereads / Love and Honor (BL) / Chapter 13 - Lepidus's Summer Somersault

Chapter 13 - Lepidus's Summer Somersault

After being scolded by his father's wives, Lepidus went to Marcus's house. Sporting a red handprint in his face, a sign of the verbal and physical scolding went wrong. Marcus, who welcomed him did not ask but hands him a damp and cold cloth from the nearby bowl of water on the table, for Lepidus to use on his reddened cheeks. Seemingly familiar with how his household treated Lepidus.

"You're new look suits you", Marcus teases Lepidus to lighten the mood. While sitting on the floor.

"Ha ha, this is a new style of fashion..", said Lepidus while laughing lightly.

The coolness of the damp cloth helps ease the stinging sensation. "Well if it's a new style, im sure Caligula Dulcis will be thrilled," Marcus says, raising an eyebrow.

Lepidus playfully rolls his eyes, wincing from the pain. "I'm sure he'll be impressed, that a pleabian like me is updated with fashion", his voice a bit bitter.

The two suddenly stop talking, each with different thoughts running in their mind.

Marcus is curious who in his family would hurt his friend, thinking of how to comfort Lepidus, but knowing him, he wouldn't want that.

While Lepidus thinking of how he will show up to Caligula's family residence looking like this, not knowing that there is a drama unfolding at Caligula's triclinium at the same time.

'I can't let this opportunity fly out the window..' Lepidus thought. He is determined to get closer to Caligula. Specially now that he knew from what Lucius told him, that the talks about Caligula's engagement is almost at the final stage, with his childhood friend Junia Claudilla from the Junii Silanii family.

There are two consul serving the Emperor, one of them from the council faction, Junia Claudilla's father, and the other is from the loyalist faction, Marcus Aemilius, Lepidus's father.

'I have to atleast establish a connection with Caligula before he gets married..', Lepidus thought bitterly. He knew that it is impossible to have a relationship with Caligula, one of the main reasons are, because they are both male, the public wont take kindly to them. While he doesn't care about his own reputation, he is worried how people would view Caligula. And the fact that they came from different factions.

He knew how Caligula is too proud of his noble blood and his family's reputation. Yes, Lepidus has already long accepted that fact. That his love is doomed from the start. And he knew, Caligula won't like him like that. But still, he wants to get closer. He can't help it if his heart wants to.

'I'll have to be content with just Caligula knowing me'. He smiled bitterly. When the damp cloth has already lost it's coldness after a long silence, Lepidus stood up, startling Marcus who is in a deep thought. "I'll have to go now." Marcus nods, "Come by later, and goodluck!"


As he made his way to Caligula's residence, his thoughts are a jumbled mess, 'What should i do? I hope Caligula would agree with me taking him to the forums', which is very highly unlikely. Lepidus is worried.

But he is unable to finish his thought as he is greeted with a sight that took his breath away. Caligula standing under a shady tree outside the hortus of their domus adjacent the road. His blond hair almost gold, gently swaying in the gentle hot breeze of summer air. He is wearing a blue tunic, a white expensive looking cape draped over him, wearing a leather sandals to his pretty feet, and his blue eyes is... looking kinda, 'Sad?' He stopped in his tracks. 'Whats got you looking like that?', he thought.

Caligula, staring straight to Lepidus eyes, "You are late. Ive been waiting here for like forever."

Lepidus heart swings with joy despite noticing Caligula's sad eyes. And his voice so melodic but so lonely.

"Lets go". Caligula said, and he started to walk where Lepidus came from.

Speechless, Lepidus stayed rooted where he stand. Caligula sensing that Lepidus is not following him, "Are you coming or not?" Caligula frowns while looking back to Lepidus.

His feet move on their own accord.


Lepidus cant believe, that he is now walking side by side with Caligula, he sense that there is something wrong, but his young heart, is busy somersaulting in his chest.

'Just walking together like this is already heaven'. Lepidus's excited mind can't seem to think of anything else.

"Don't stare dumbly. Where did your confidence go?" Caligula asked while walking.

"Ahhem, i just cant believe that you would welcome me like this. I thought i'll have to wait for you to go out until the sun set, or call you out." Lepidus spoke the truth.

Caligula snorted, "Oh please, you think i, will go back to my words?", in truth, Caligula really decided to go back on his words. He almost forget even the promised made. 'He's just a pleabian, nobody would believe him even if he shout it to the world that-i-Caligula go back to his words'. But he wont admit that of course.'If it weren't for what happened earlier...' Caligula stopped his train of thoughts. Not wanting to think of what happened. 'It'll just ruined my mood'.

Caligula looked at Lepidus's right side profile, as they walked. Not seeing the other side of his cheeks where the redness is still a bit visible. He studied him a bit. 'He really is handsome'. "Now, what do you want?" Caligula asked, a bit curious.

"Oh i thought you have plans to kill me and dump me somewhere." Lepidus in a light mood said. "I never said anything about my wish yet and here you are already aggressively taking me out on a date?" Lepidus bowed his head a bit in a teasing way. "I am honored."

Caligula's eyes widened, "You say a date? A date?"

"I knew that the word date is the only one you'll pick up in my words.." said Lepidus.

"This is bullshit, im gonna go back home..", His face reddened a bit and Caligula started to turn his back, but Lepidus's fast reflexes caught Caligula's cape, careful not to touch his skin.

"Wait wait a minute. Fine it is not a date. You are just granting me my wish, i say." Lepidus tried to appease Caligula's growing irritation.

Caligula glaringly let himself go,"Dont touch me carelessly pleabian."

"Fine fine.. but call me by my name."

Caligula frowned," Why should i?"

"Well, this pleabian here saved you. You should atleast have a decency to call your savior in his name." Lepidus reasoned.

"But you are the reason i almost got hurt too! Now that im thinking about it, i could have just dodge it if im looking! but you shoved me! you know what, this is really bullshit. im gonna go back" Caligula almost stomped his feet.

"Hang on.. hang on. But you waited for me? When you shouldn't have.. and i think there are reasons behind this.." Lepidus said gently.

Caligula has gone quiet. He stopped walking and sighed. Debating whether to answer or not. After for what feels like an eternity of silence, Caligula spoke, his voice soft and almost sound like a confession.

"I just.. i just dont want to stay there today and... Asprenas is busy, i send a word to him. But you got there faster. I dont have anyone to accompany me." Caligula said, lying, he never send a word to Asprenas, he'll never admit that. His vulnerability is showing.

"What happened?" Lepidus ask. His expressions softening.

"Don't ask. Now tell me what you want, i'll buy it for you." Caligula stopped Lepidus's prying. He can't just say it. Specially to someone like Lepidus. He already have confessed about not wanting to be alone. Caligula has no clue why he said that. Maybe because of the atmosphere. The gentle warm air, the deserted road, only the two of them is walking. And the way Lepidus's face look, like he really cares.

Lepidus stop talking and thinks hard. "I think i know where we'll go." Wanting to lift Caligula's spirit up, he thought of going to the beautiful and noisy Basilica Julia.

And with that, Lepidus walked ahead of Caligula, Lepidus's steps are light.

Caligula carefully following him.
