Chereads / Love and Honor (BL) / Chapter 18 - Slave's Journal

Chapter 18 - Slave's Journal

**Slave POV**

I woke up with a start, still feeling tired from yesterday's hard work. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, trying to shake off the fatigue. The dim light of the room filtered through the small window, casting a pale glow on the rows of pallets where my fellow slaves slept. And as i lay there still feeling sleepy even though i tried to rubbed the sleep off of me, listening to Corvinus's obnoxious snoring. I suddenly remembered how i was punished by the vilici because of that oaf. The sudden rush of anger envelops me, making me suddenly wide awake. 'I want to smack that face', the slave Nubias thought. But he dropped the idea as soon as he think of it, Corvinus is bigger. 'Ahem'.

So, another day had begun. Another hardworking day. I sat up, stretched my stiff body, it feels heavy. But i have to begin my morning ritual before i start attending my duties, so i unwillingly stand up, and left the room to do a quick wash of myself with cold water, do a silent prayer to the gods, and a brief moment of reflection and encouraging myself to do better today.

As i made my way back to our quarters, the chill of the morning air clung to my wet skin. The dim light of dawn cast long shadows across the courtyard, i got scared so i walked faster. Once i get back to the quarters, feeling a bit sweaty, my breath is already a bit labored, i glanced around the sleeping slaves.

I was expecting to see the same old slaves, but found five slaves was gone. Elara and her brother is also nowhere to be seen. The young girl who always smiled at me, she's so pretty when she smile, i had a crush on her. 'Ahem'. I reddened a bit and look forward in seeing her later today. As for the others that wasnt here, I shrugged it off. It wasn't uncommon for slaves to be summoned to their duties early.

Especially after last night - I'd seen dominus Germanicus stumble home, drunk, and dominus iuvenis Caligula had returned even later, out of breath, his face pale as if he'd seen a ghost. He looked unkempt, unfitting for the refined young master who'd left the domus after meridies. I felt a faint pang of concern, wondering what had troubled him so.

I can hear movements all night until i fall asleep. This is the first time this happened, they say a troubled masters are troubled servants. So im a bit troubled too. But i also shrugged it off, it was quickly replaced by the familiarity of my daily routine. I had more pressing tasks to attend to.

My assignment for the day was to clean the wide hortus. I made my way to the storage room, gathered my tools, and began the familiar rhythm of sweeping, pruning, and watering. The physical labor was soothing, and my mind began to wander.. and before i knew it, it is now time for lunch.

As i made my way to the culina, but before that, I changed directions quickly. I have to peek inside the triclinium to see if the masters are already done eating, maybe i can pick up a half eaten panis focacius. But when i get there to quietly peek inside, i saw that there are still people sitting inside the triclinum. I quickly hide, but then slowly peek inside again to see how long they have eaten to calculate the time when they are done. As i peek, i couldn't help but notice the tension in the air.

The master's family was always eating together, there are usually warm small talks and all, but today felt different. They all sat in cold silence. Germanicus is can be seen holding his head perhaps nursing a hang over, Drusus is nowhere to be seen as always, Julia eating quietly. Agrippina is her usual cold self, Livilla pale and picking her food, and Caligula also picking his food?! This is a first. He always eat his food. I can't also see Nero Caesar and his wife, they do not live here but they often come every ientaculum and sometimes stay until prandium. 'Why they are eating so slow?'

Only Agrippina is the only one eating. Not minding the people infront of her. Something is wrong.. 'but please eat quickly!'

Then suddenly a shadow loom over me, i gulped. I was caught peeking! i turn my head to look but the shadows owner has already made his way inside the triclinium. I paled. But as i caught a glimpse of the figure's back, i recognized it as Asprenas. I almost peed myself. The people i know not to cross would be Agrippina and Nero Caesar. They are both scary.

I instantly saw Caligula's face snapped back to how he always look. Whew, now one of them is back to normal. I quietly retreated back to the culina. I looked around and saw familiar faces, but not the face of someone i want to see the most.

"Have you seen Elara?", i asked Saba, Elara's friend. But all i heard was a quiet "No." then Saba resumed eating. "Then her brother?", i asked again. Saba shakes her head.

I feel that something is not right. Ah maybe she's cleaning domine iuvenis Julia's cubiculum or Livilla's. Or she's with the vilici and off at the market. As i make excuses to shove the feeling of unease within me, i calmed down.

What would i even tell Elara if she ask me why im looking for her? im at loss. I can't tell her i like her or can i? i mean, she always smile at me. But she always smile at everybody!. Now im at two choices. Should i just tell her i like her? Maybe she'll agree then we'll be a couple! Now i feel thrilled! i forgot all the feeling of unease and uncertainty.

Then reality set in when my stomach grumbled. First i have to eat something.

After finishing my meal, i returned to my task of sweeping the wide hortus. The warm sun beat down on my back as i worked, the rhythmic swish of my broom a soothing accompaniment to my thoughts.

As i rounded a corner, i caught sight of Caligula and Asprenas standing in the patio, their heads bent in conversation. Their voices were low, but their gestures suggested a serious discussion. I kept my distance, not wanting to intrude on their privacy.

Then another visitor arrived. It was Junia Claudilla. Also a childhood friend of Caligula. Agrippina has welcomed Junia and led her to tablinium. 'Why are there so many people today?' The usual tranquility of the domus is seemed disrupted. I quickly finished my task and finish for today.

When i entered our quarters, i saw Corvinus and Lydia, and other slaves. I still do not see Elara and her brother. Then Saba entered. When she sees me she immediately took my hand and led me outside. Im confused. But my confusion did not last long. I heard her quiet voice. "Elara and her brother is not here."

"Well where are they?" Nubias asked. Feeling an ominous sense of foreboding.

"Nobody seen them since last night"


"I think they're gone.."

My heart stopped beating. I felt a chill down my spine. Saba's eyes mirrored mine.


1. prandium - lunch