The fight began immediately after the trumpet's loud blare faded away.
*Boom boom boom*
The air reverberated with a deafening crash as the two gladiators's weapon collided, the sound of shattering steel echoing through the arena.
A sturdy veteran murmillo named Gracchus, charged forward, relying on brute strength and his shield to try and overpower his opponent.
'I'll make my name known', Gracchus arrogantly vows in his mind. Driven by a strong desire for recognition, respect and fame as a skilled gladiator.
His gaze sweeping over his opponent, he can see himself as the bigger, stronger warrior, his muscles honed from years of combat.
The other gladiator, a newcomer, an agile thracian named Atticus, uses his speed and agility to dodge and weave around Gracchus's relentless attacks, sending sand flying everywhere as they clashed. Sand clings to their sweaty bodies, but the two gladiator in a one-on-one match didn't seem to care.
'Ha! The big old oaf murmillo thinks he's tough with his big shield and fat body? I'll dance around you all day!', young and cocky Atticus thought.
Blood is yet to drawn. The two gladiators were evenly matched with their shield and unusual sword clashing as their main weapon.
Gracchus, trying to land a power strike, looking for a chance, but Atticus is slippery and quick. And even though Atticus showed a lot of holes in his defense and lots of opening, if Gracchus can't land a blow, the murmillo wont be able to win.
'Focus, Gracchus, focus! I'll just have to hit him with my shield just once, come on!..', Gracchus thought.
The crowd booed at Atticus, they are blood thirsty. Wanting to see blood on the first fight, and they did not like Atticus's constant evasive maneuvers. Gracchus, hearing the crowd *boos*, decided to use it in his advantage to catch the slippery Atticus.
'This is why you are a newcomer, we are here to bleed like a cow, not to show off our talents'.
Gracchus decided to change his stance, he roared at Atticus then got on a defensive mode, while sublty goading Atticus to try and do his best to attack.
Atticus, bothered by the crowd's jeers, decided to play the game.
'Fine, i'll cut you off!' gripping his sword in his right hand, a traditional thracian sica, with it's curved blade and hooked tip, he charged at Gracchus, unleashing a flurry of swift jabs that forced Gracchus to open his defense.
The sword feels sweaty in Atticus hand. Gracchus, who belittled Atticus's attack realized his plan backfires.
'Vae victis!' Atticus stepped back then seizes the opportunity to land a killing blow, Atticus, drunk with euphoria seeing that his opponent is losing his ground, gave it all for this final blow to gain cheers from the crowd,
But he miscalculated, Gracchus regained his strength, enraged, gave all of his might, blocking the sword with a force so great that the sword flew out of Atticus's hand outside the fighting ground, with how much force Gracchus swung his shield, the sword soars perilously close to Caligula's face.
**(Less than an hour earlier...)**
Lepidus, Lucius and Marcus is standing at the thermopolia's stall on the side of the road. They've been waiting for the street foods that they would sell for the spectators watching the munera today at the Circus Maximus. The owner of the stall is arranging the food neatly in a flat wooden rectangular tray, the smell of the food is mouth watering, making their stomach grumble.
Just then, a loud voice pierced the air. " should have been Drusus or you! You're the only one that has brains and the looks in your family!".
Lepidus's ears perk up, he recognized whose annoying voice that is, he heard it a dozen of times. Always hovering around Caligula. 'It is Asprenas', he thought. '..and.. if he is here.. then.. Caligula', Lepidus looked up. He is actually hoping to get a glimpse of Caligula from far away inside the arena today, he cant believe his luck.
Caligula, who is wearing a simple yet expensive looking tunic with the soft fabric shaping his thin athletic body with every move, walks slowly toward them. Still with his annoying friend, followed by two slaves, ' i wish im his slave..', Lepidus thought with his eyes full of wistful thinking, looks down at Caligula's sandals wearing feet not bearing to look that long in his face, his piercing blue eyes still makes his knees feel weak.
'A living God..' Lepidus still stand to his statement from years ago. He would worshipped every ground Caligula walks on if he could. He would bow dow and tenderly kiss that feet.
Lepidus look up in time and his heart skipped a beat as Caligula raised his eyebrow, his expression hinting at a frown. Lepidus had studied Caligula's face from afar and knew that look, he studied his face to the best of his abilities so he knew all too well. Caligula still talking to Asprenas, quietly said, "My older brother is perfect for the role". His voice voice sent shivers down Lepidus's spine.
As Caligula passes by, Lepidus felt a pang of dissapointment at not being noticed. 'He didnt see me, did he?', Lepidus whispered to himself feeling bitter.
Caligula and the annoying Asprenas were already ten steps away, almost dissappearing into the crowd of on-goers. Lepidus, in his panicked state, told Marcus to hurry up as he forcefully push the two trays each with streetfoods to Marcus and Lucius arms.
Then hurriedly dragged the two of them away who was still talking with the owner of the stall.
Lucius and Marcus, puzzled by Lepidus behaviour asked, "what, whats gotten into you?" but Lepidus, his mind already focused on locating Caligula's back, can't be bothered to answer their questions.
Lucius looked around and spotted Caligula a bit far ahead of them, pointed it to Marcus. They both understood why Lepidus is like a lovestruck puppy.
They can't deny it, even to them, Caligula's appearance is like an otherworldly being and it's not just them that find Caligula's look heavenly, every person in vicinity just can't help but look at him, there is something elegant and graceful with the way Caligula moves.
They whispered in Lepidus's back, they started to scheme, then without warning, they grabbed the startled Lepidus, hurrying him along. They dragged him forward, ahead of the people infront of them, weaving through the crowd.
They overtake many people and dragging Lepidus they settled him to walk two people ahead of Caligula.
'What the hell are you guys doing!' Lepidus whispered yell to his friends, 'sssssh!!!' Marcus whispered back, 'you want to be noticed right?' 'We'll go on ahead and wait for them at the entrance of Circus Maximus, im betting they are on their way there', while balancing the tray in his arms Lucius explained. 'Just follow our lead!''
1. murmillo - roman gladiator
2. thracian - agile gladiator
3. thracian sica - curved sword
4. vae victis - woe to the defeated!