"I'm afraid I didn't catch that," said Lisa crossly, her lips were tightly pursed.
Lisa pulled away from him on the bed.
Her pulse raced as Lisa's eyes widened with terror.
Bane saw the panic in her eyes but did nothing but frown at Lisa.
"I wonder if you would be so upset if it was my brother standing here in my place?"
Irked, Lisa swung her knee upwards determined to let Bane feel it where it hurts the most for making such an unfair accusation.
Moving quickly as if he sensed her wicked intent he used his hand to block her knee before she could fully aim it.
A nasty pain shot through her leg and Lisa felt it throughout her body.
With his right hand Bane held her leg so tightly that the more Lisa frantically struggled the longer he gripped firmly.
His nails dug so deep into her skin it felt like they were sharp enough to draw blood.
"Calm down," he repeated, "stop being so sensitive. I'm willing to marry you for your own benefit, not my own."
Lisa huffed angrily, "What the hell you're that Banis...idiot!"
"You're just realizing that now," Bane expressed mild disapproval at her naivety.
"Why else would you be in my room?"
She ignored his question and glanced down at the marriage license that picked up with her right hand.
"You're not American?"
"I moved here recently. My people have slavic origins as nomads and we can be found throughout Eurasia. I wrote the name of my birth certificate to avoid any complications."
She looked at him in disbelief and was slow to react when he used his left hand and took the slip of paper from her grasp.
"You bastard, what do you think you are doing!" she screamed while grabbing the paper out of his grubby paws.
Then she proceeded to rip the paper to shreds as if wishing she could do that to the man in front of her instead.
"Feel better?" he asked amused. "That's just a copy, the original is already locked in my vault."
Before she could get mad at his cheekiness his next move shook her equilibrium.
When he bent over and licked the blood from where his fingernails had pierced her skin.
Her eyes widened in horror as Bane's wet tongue massaged the area.
Even if she wanted to ignore him she could not miss the look in his eyes.
So dark and mysterious, he watched Lisa's reaction as his tongue moved simultaneously.
His movement was so gentle and tender in comparison to the volatile look in Bane's gaze.
Lisa could not move as muscle as she surprised herself by letting out a soft skittish moan.
The stimulation from his tongue allowed the broken skin to heal itself from his saliva.
She couldn't believe what she just saw with her own two eyes.
Lisa pushed him off her and he stepped backwards from her unexpected action.
Even though her body was still tired and hungover she scooted off the edge of the bed and was on her feet in a jiffy.
Though she wobbled she ignored the queasiness of her empty stomach hastily ran towards the door determined to make a quick exit.
"You are not normal, only an insane person like you would act like some bloodsucking vampire," she yelled.
As she made a beeline through the door not waiting for a response from Bane.
She ran down the stairs and saw two doors.
Not knowing which door to choose and sensing movement behind her she quickly chose the left door and was relieved that there were no locks and it easily opened.
Only to realize the door led straight into the kitchen of her own private suite.
This whole time she had been under the impression that it was Tristan who arranged the suite for her, not his deranged brother.
After using the last of her energy to run down the stairs it felt like she had run herself ragged as she struggled to catch her breath.
Heavily panting, she heard Bane's heavy footsteps as he followed behind her coming down the stairs and entering the kitchen.
She felt so thirsty that her eyes kept returning to the kitchen sink.
If she had enough time to drink tap water Lisa would have enough time to escape.
Reluctantly she ignored her brain signals telling Lisa to quench her thirst.
Instead Lisa reached for the largest knife she saw from a rack on the kitchen counter.
Her hand was trembling, as she waved the knife frantically at him
"You…you…you sick freak.. Don't.."
"Don't what?"
Don't come near me, she wanted to yell at him but his next move surprised her.
It was as if Bane did not see her as a threat even though she held a sharp knife in her hand and was ready to stab him like her life depended on it.
He walked towards the fridge and pulled it open, pausing contemplatively to study the ingredients in the fridge.
Then he leaned into the fridge and she heard bottles clinking as he shuffled objects around in a bid to find what he desired.
Her jaw dropped, Bane left his back unattended, was she the one going crazy not him?
She watched as he reached for a tall glass, mixed several ingredients and then casually walked up to her and said.
"You must be thirsty with such a horrible hangover from last night. Don't drink the tap water as it will only make you feel worse. Try this instead, it's just like my grandma used to make it."
Just then nausea rose up from the pits of her stomach, she ignored him and ran to the kitchen sink.
As leaned over dry heaving, trying to bring the contents out of her stomach nothing came but intense pain.
Even though she was angry, the pain from her stomach was so awful tears came to her eyes while her head felt like it was going to split open any second.
For all she knew it could be poison or some knockout drug to leave her unconscious, it took her a split second to reach a decision.