I woke up in the school's main infirmary. Not to be confused with the infirmary they gave to Hendrix.
There was a teacher to my right and the principal was at the foot of the hospital bed. He looked lost and confused, he must not know that I know what he did.
"Why did you try to kill me Kamelio." He asked me in a absent-minded voice.
"What are you talking about? I was…" I tried making something up on the fly, but he cut me off completely.
"I know you're the masked maniac, the assassin who killed the king." He said looking highly annoyed.
"Yea right you have no proof." I knew he did but I had to make time to escape. Before it got too real.
"I KNOCKED YOU OUT REMEMBER!? Your mask faded off and I saw your face." He started yelling, but he quickly calmed himself before simply pulling out a dagger.
"What do you think you're gonna do with that? I'll escape before you kill me. Besides i doubt you could kill me, you don't even have what it takes you're not strong enough. The only reason you even won that fight last night is because you hit a pressure point to instantly knock me out." I smirked remembering how I was kicking him around with ease. "Speaking of which how's that arm of yours?"
"Its broken thanks to you asshole." His face was twisted in anger, I could tell he was pissed.
"Care to explain why you had Shan killed?" I asked him angrily, there was no need to pretend to be friendly anymore.
"What? Why would I want Shan killed? I simply gave him a mission, and he failed." The principal looked astonished as he spoke but he quickly covered it. However I noticed the shift in his facial expression.
"I know you had him killed you damn liar! I just don't understand why, but it doesn't matter if you end up being punished for your crimes anyway." I said my eyes darting around the room, I was developing a plan for when shit hit the fan.
"We all have to die someday Kamelio, even you must die someday. Shan was no different, it was just his time to go. Now because of your actions, your time has come as well." He spoke casually caressing his dagger. He wasnt paying attention I would make him for that.
"Why don't you go ahead and end it now?" I said closely watching the dagger.
"If you insist." He said lifting the dagger in the air.
I had let my raged form come and used the extensions of my elbows to cut the ropes. I had done it as soon as the principal stopped paying attention. Although the teacher was watching he wasn't watching close enough to notice the small change. So I was free unbeknownst to them. Now it was time to be patient.
The principal threw the knife at my head but that was too predictable. Noticing its speed was inefficient i evaded it just before hopping out of bed and breaking the teachers neck since he was too close to me.
"You won't knock me out twice. This time you will die." I mocked him pulling his own dagger out of the wall and throwing it at him.
"So fast!" He yelled as it flew right past him leaving a scar from his nose to the side of his face. "I dodged it."
"It doesn't count as a dodge if you were cut." I said grinning.
"It counts if im alive." He said before running out the door.
"Its a chase now." I said hopping out the window by the bed in hopes of cutting him off.
I then used my power to send my voice into my guards heads.
'Its time. Come and kill the principal. Be advised he's trying to be a trackstar.'
By the time i finished walking to the front door of the school he was on his knees with five swords aimed at his neck and three guns aimed at his chest.
I was impressed, my guards kept enough distance to where the swords slightly dug into his neck. But the ones with guards stayed out of arms length, keeping a distance of about 2 yards from the target.
"Did you want to do the honors sir." One of my guards asked me while holding his gun by the barrel. Extending the it towards me for me to kill the principal with it.
"Its not an honor. Don't get me wrong I'm definitely gonna kill this guy. But im not honored in killing him. I'm honored to be able to avenge Shan. No matter who i have to kill to do so." I said aiming the gun at his face.
"Bang." I mocked him. Then I gave my guard back his gun in exchange for a different guards sword. I then put the sword directly through his heart.
"You will die for this Kamelio!" He spat up a mouthful of blood, i could see it trickling down his chin. But he opened his mouth to speak again, showing his blood-stained teeth. "You have no idea…. What you've done."
"Shut up and die already." I responded irritated before pulling the sword out of his chest.
Everyone knew what my mask was now since the principal defeated me last night. I couldn't care less though, it didn't change my original plan which was now completed.
——-The Next Day———
The next day upon walking into the school I automatically noticed the girl who liked me. I looked at her trying to see if she was someone i could see myself being with in the future.
Even though I was scared to death about even thinking of asking her out. I wanted to at least see if I liked her or not. Too be honest i was starting too.
More and more at nights i find myself laying in bed looking at the ceiling wondering if i might finally get a girlfriend. Of course i shake the thought and decide to focus on my work. But It will be shown eventually.
I started walking when i realized she might notice i was looking at her.
"Kamelio!" One of the teachers said in a strong whisper. "I know what you did."
Then I felt something sharp and cold in my stomach.
I looked down an heard a scream just as i saw it. A sword was in my stomach, turning me inside out and making me feel sick. I looked to my right at the girl i was slowly falling in love with. My only regret was i didn't ask her out when i had the chance. I started hoping she would get someone who would treat her right as I felt myself getting so sleepy. I knew what it really was though. Death was on the horizon. As much as I wanted to speak something that would help them not forget me in 2 hours or so. But i was in too much pain. I finally gave in to escape the pain. The pain of rejection. The pain of losing someone. The pain of messing up. The pain of loneliness.
My eyes opened and I was looking at the ceiling of the infirmary. The bright light and the cubed walls never change.
"Why…" Someone asked beside my bed. It sounded like a girl. But i was so out of it i didn't know if i was correct.
I looked to my left and saw two girls. After staring at them collectively for a second i realized one was the girl who likes me and the other one was her friend. I could only wonder what they were doing here.
"Kamelio." Her friend said. I didn't know their names but somehow they knew mine. "You are like a legend! Everyone knows about everything you've done so far."
"Cool." I stammered uncomfortably. I was always shy around strangers. Well, shy isn't the word exactly. I had my guard up is what was going on. I was only shy around a girl i liked. I had been keeping my feelings for her underwraps for fear of what could happen. I didn't want to slip up and break someone else's heart. Or even ruin any chances i had at not being forever alone. She seemed genuine. The fact that I knew she liked me back helped my confidence and self esteem a little.
"So are you ok? Are you gonna be able to get revenge on the teacher?" The girl who liked me quickly said blending her words. It's a miracle i understood.
"Yea. He's a dead man walking." I muttered thinking about the cold of that sword piercing my stomach.
"Silly us we forgot to introduce ourselves!" The girl's friend said. "I am Sanika. This is Lapsa."
"That's my code name." Lapsa whispered. "My real name is Terva. But just call me Lapsa."
"I like Terva though. The name suits you." I said as the schools nurse came in.
"Kamelio you're free to go." She said helping me out of bed.
"K then. I'll be going." I started walking out with Terva and Sanika following me.
When we got outside it was dark meaning school hours were over.
"Sooo. I believe Lapsa has something to tell you." Sanika said grinning widely.
"It… it can wait." Terva stuttered before stumbling when Sanika playfully pushed her.
"I'm going to my house. It's over there so cya." I said speedily making my way to my dorm.
"Our dorms are over there, in that building." Sanika said pointing to a huge building with at least twelve floors.
Terva ran to the building and went in. Sanika started to follow her but stopped for a split second.
"She likes you ya know." She said keeping her voice down.
"It's old news." I said hiding any emotion i would've showed for knowing i did have a chance at getting a girlfriend. A good chance.
"So do you like her?" She asked me in an unusually serious voice.
"Well…" I started trying to think of different conversations. They were like streets with a five way intersection, alongside a highway entrance. But i didn't know what to say or which route to take.
"Just say it. Yes or no. She is wrought in trying to find the time to show her feelings. So help her out with a simple yes, or no." She said folding her arms.
"Yes." I said finally giving in to what had been gnawing at my conscience. I liked her. There was no way around it.
"I'll go tell her!" She said running off to their shared dorm.
I went to my house and hopped in bed. I thought i'd never get a girlfriend. But with the way things work, I might have a shot.
I just hoped in the future. I wouldn't regret this decision.
Before I went to sleep Terva came to confirm i liked her and Sanika hadn't tricked her. She was so happy when i told her i did. She left smiling and I went to sleep. Yet for the first time in a long time. I too, was smiling.
——-A Few Months Later——
I was at a small restaraunt with Terva and Sanika. It was a Sunday evening, the sun was setting, showing its golden rays to the world one last time before it set for the day.
"Terva why are you blushing like that come out of your shell already!" Sanika said nudging and picking with Terva.
"What…? Shut up!!!" Terva said hiding her face in embarrassment. Although we had been together for a few months already she was still very shy around me. I didn't mind it tho, in fact I found it attractive.
"Cmon Terva yall have been together for five months already did you even kiss him yet? I bet you haven't." Sanika was still playfully messing with Terva i was trying not to laugh. But i couldn't help my smile while watching them. I loved seeing Terva happy.
However my facial expression changed once I saw the men across the street. They all had hoodies on, they stood perfectly still their eyes trained on me.
Sanika and Terva continued their conversation but I could no longer hear it as I had already tuned them out. I was on full alert now, I knew a problem when I saw one.
"Hey I think it's time to go." I said interrupting Terva and Sanika.
"Why? This is fun!" Sanika said laughing and pointing at Terva.
"I'm not ready to go back to that school" Terva quietly added in twiddling her thumbs and giving me puppy eyes.
"I wasn't asking, now don't turn around. But pull your phone out and point your camera behind you towards that building across the street. There are assassins there watching me closely." I said signaling the waiter to bring us to-go boxes. "Let's leave while we can, if something goes down in public it'll cause trouble for us with the law."
We immediately packed up the food we had left and exited the restaurant. Luckily the assassins continued to watch, but they didn't make any hostile movements. This was a reminder for me to stop giving my guards the slip.
Being in public without them just proved to be more dangerous than I thought. Even if I can defend myself, it's not guaranteed I can protect Terva or Sanika at all times.
Especially now that I know there seems to still be people who have bad intentions with me. I'm sure they wouldn't mind hurting those I care about if it meant inadvertently hurting me.