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Draven Youngblood: I Relived My Life As a Vampire God

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God had a son, so why not Lucifer? Draven Youngblood, born to fight Jesus, took an unexpected turn when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Left without a purpose he decided to conquere by infiltration when he accidentally created a foe that wanted to destroy everything he has built. Fighting hard to stay alive and trying hard to protect everything that he loves while slowly realizing that there is an enemy controlling everything from behind the scenes. ** Title abbreviation DYS Draven Youngblood Series **** I only posted this on WebNovel for a test run. If you are reading this anywhere else you are in violation of US Copyright Law. If you got this far then please join my Discord Server TikTok @DraxberWebNovel - Book @DraxberFaber - Personal Instagram @DraxberWebNovel - Book @DraxberFaber - Personal © Alexander B Faber AKA DraxberFaber 2025. All rights reserved”

Chapter 1 - The Question


This is a copyrighted story created by DraxberFaber

AKA Alexander Faber

Any copying - posting on other platforms or use of any characters along with manipulation of any part of the story is a violation of US copyright law and will be taken seriously.

I'm looking at you Light Novel

© Alexander B Faber AKA DraxberFaber 2025. All rights reserved"

Now enjoy my test run


Masses of people clogged the still hot sidewalks, milling around like nomads who had lost sight of the North Star. Some were smiling, others were laughing, and several bore streaks of once perfect make-up application now marred by multi rivulets of dried tears.

But the main thing I love about Vegas (no, not the gambling or the women) is the freedom it affords me. Not only can I walk among these unsuspecting mortals, but most importantly, they have no clue how close to death they are because of me.

It's only ten in the evening, early by Vegas standards. I'd made my way from the Luxor, you know, the building which looks like a giant pyramid with a bright light glowing brightly from its uppermost peak.

Oh yes, memories of the good times I spent in ancient Egypt locked in mortal combat, blood spraying all around me, play like DVR reruns. I can't help but smile, just a little. That little bit of a smile has opened many doors. People just automatically drop their defenses when they gaze upon an unexpected expression. Having perfect teeth helps, too.

I pass yet another realm. This time it's the crazy cartoon-like Camelot Castle monstrosity of a hotel property.

More memories, only this time it includes raucous slaughters on the battlefields, dealing with The Knights of Templar, that sort of thing. (The knights were before my time but we're talking about the supernatural, not all things die here).

The light changes and I quickly cross the side street, having decided in mid-stride not to pivot and cross over Las Vegas Boulevard and mill around the vast MGM Hotel.

I particularly like to observe the freely roaming Lions and Tigers content prisoners within their luxurious glass enclosures, yes, another reminder, oh yes, my times in Southeast Asia.

Instead, I opted to gaze up at New York New York with its familiar skyline – the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty with a roller coaster packed with screaming passengers defying death with each steeply angled climb on its python like track careening as if out of control. But to date, no souls have been thrown out of their cocooned seats of safety.

Oh, by the way, my name is Draven Youngblood. I've been alive for two Millennium, and I know, I've seen and lived more than what I should have, or anyone else for that matter. Not something I dwell on. Or I should say, not something I like to dwell on.

Las Vegas Boulevard is my tonic, I am taking in the spectacular lights and thoroughly enjoying myself when a random sobering thought permeated my reverie.

Was it all worth it? Being the first of my kind. Pure in every way. Evil like no other. Yes, yes it was worth it and still is! But what if? Those pesky what if's catch me every single time.

I shake my head, allow a slight smile to break the rigid line of my jaw and a soft chuckle manages to escape into the celebratory evening. Who am I kidding? I'm so predictable, to me. I already knew what I was going to do.

Take THE TRIP of my lifetime but not the kind of trip mere mortals plan for each year. Disney with the kids. Viking River cruises with the spouse. No, this one would be using time regression through the memories within my head, two Millennium worth.

Perhaps I should not have waited so long to take this trip. Ha Nevertheless, phase one is about to be put into effect.

Making certain that everything is in order before I leave. In fact, I'm meeting the man who will be in charge while I'm gone in a few blocks. He's pretty famous in his own right, Attila the Hun, my faithful fourth General.

I turn the corner and walk along beside blissful vacationers crowding next to each other on the still warm sidewalk. On my left is the front of NEW YORK NEW YORK, parallel with the façade of the MGM GRAND across Las Vegas Boulevard which at this moment is in gridlock mode.

It's a good thing I have a few moments to myself to review some things. I can block out anything. All clamor and noise cease to exist. I am of PURE BLOOD, Ruler of all Vampires, Emperor of All. Me. Me. Me.

Then there are the generals and admirals. The Generals have all of the powers I have but can only utilize 90% of the power levels I possess. That keeps them in permanent check. Furthermore, I can only gain one General every time I gain a new source of power.

To date, I have at least fourteen Generals. These Generals are one hundred percent mine. I control their minds 24/7.

Next will be an Admiral who will operate on the same level and power as the Generals. I have at least 1. (I don't want to tell you everything.)

My father decided during my creation that the Admiral position would be held for my permanent lover, in that way, she would be able to defend herself. That's the main reason anyway. It also doesn't have to be. Enough said for now. Moving on.

A familiar smell awakened my olfactory senses. I glanced up and over to my right, pinpointed Atilla's location, along with his friend, Sebastian Nightshade.

They had stopped on the sidewalk across from me. The four-lane boulevard was still jammed with vacationers and taxis. The locals knew better than to drive on the boulevard during this time frame. Atilla instantly teleported across, leaving his friend to zig zag his way through the idling cars. No surprise there.

I crossed my arms across my chest and studied Atilla. I have never regretted making Atilla the fourth of my AT LEAST 14 Vampire generals. A couple more generals followed him over the past two Millennium, but Atilla had been with me from almost the beginning.

That is why I had set up this spontaneous meeting. Sebastian broke my reminiscence. He had stopped in front of Atilla, panting heavily. The light changed to green. A Lamborghini almost had a new emblem melted into its body, me.

His dark eyes flashed, "how did you know he," then nodded at me, "was over here?" 

Atilla laughed, "you can't be serious! I am the fourth Vampire General; I am connected to Draven."

Sebastian noddedin understanding, "yep, that makes perfect sense but leaving me standing on the sidewalk was just plain rude."

"Finished?" Said Attila.

 Sebastian knew when to quit. "I am." Both men turned in unison to look at me who had remained silent while observing their childish banter.

Without any warning I launched into what I wanted to tell them. I didn't want to waste any more time. "I am going to take some personal time off. Is there anything I need to be warned about before I leave?" Sebastian and Atilla locked eyes.

Atilla replied slowly, "not unless you're talking about that jerk robbing a bank about a mile away."

"No," I said within the sigh I exhaled, "I was referencing a powerful being."

Atilla's eyebrows rose now realizing what I meant which giving him a clown-like look. "Are you sure you want to relive your past? Even for you, it's pretty messed up. Especially when it comes to your good old buddy Sermoff."

"True and perhaps, that is one of the many reasons I need to take this journey now." I dismissed Atilla with a slight wave of my hand and gave Sebastian my full gaze and asked, "remember when I made that magical deal with you? What was it again?"

To his credit, Sebastian stood firm, met my gaze and answered with a steady voice, "super-strength and immortality."

"Knock that light pole down." I ordered.

Without hesitation, Sebastian balled his large hand into a tight fist and punched the light pole dead center. Bong! Sebastian looked down at his still balled fist then back at the impressive dent in the pole. Why was the pole still standing? Then he remembered. He looked at Draven and answered his own question aloud.

"Your soul power is making me weaker. I can't, no matter how hard I try, make this pole fall over with one hit."

I remained stationary in my spot on the sidewalk, not one muscle moved. An unexpected shock of unwelcome knowledge surged through my body. I looked down and noticed the dim orange glow emanating off my human form. I haven't needed to use this power for awhile, so it activated when I thought about going down memory lane and reliving those horrors.

I said to no one in particular, "I remember now, I've got to go." I swallowed. "Thank the gods I remembered this one!"

Istretched my hand outward." The orange glow had faded into a wispy black as I teleported to my cave which is a mile or two from my birthplace near Jerusalem.

In less time than it took me to think about anything, I appeared in the cave still clothed in my Las Vegas 2005 outfit. I knew I wasn't born here. What I did know was that I was born right outside this sealed space about half of a football field away.

In the middle of the vast cavern was a glowing magical fireplace with no chimney, no smoke and a monstrous throne carved from a single boulder. The wall on the opposite side of the room used to be where the entrance was, but I closed it off to prevent anyone from wandering in unexpectedly.

I walked over to my throne, climbed the rounded smooth steps, sat down on the stone, its seat felt warm. I rested my forehead on the back of my right hand for a second or two, took a deep breath (I don't need to breathe) and closed my eyes. For a split nanosecond, I knew I must have resembled the pose of the famous French sculpture, The Thinker.

"Here goes nothing," I said now feeling the pressure what I was about to do.

I took another deep breath, the air was surprisingly pure, I could feel it filling my lungs. As if on cue, I raised my right hand to my head. As I touched my head, my vision went black.

A kaleidoscope of bright flashing colors shot around in my mind's eye. Arctic blasts hit my senses. I felt goose bumps forming first on my hands, creeping up my forearms past my biceps and over onto my shoulders. Then, intense heat swirled around, washing away the raised goose bumps as quickly as it had formed. Blue, green, yellow, orange flashes gave way to black, red and lightning bolts of white.

I slipped away into my memories.


The first 5 chapters will be posted right away. One chapter everyday at 10 AM EST (11 pm CST) if I happen to post a second chapter I will post it 1 minute later.


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© Alexander B Faber AKA DraxberFaber 2025. All rights reserved"