Chapter 6 - Draven’s Palace

After looking down I then looked up. Nothing generally impresses me but this first sight of my palace and surrounding area was mind boggling. It was HUGE! If you've seen New York City and thought, it was big! NYC looks like an ant village compared to this.

The whole place was in a big dome. Just a big black rock dome. We soared upward and leveled off to about 2500 feet above the area. I was thoroughly enjoying this plush insanely fast moving elevated "air-train". Directly below us I noticed a vast uninhabited no man's land of nothing about 28.3 miles, separating the edge of the dome we had just left exited and a massive outer wall which was rapidly coming into view.

I estimated that this massive wall reached at least 500 feet in the air while its foundation bore a continuous path across the ground. Even with my vampire eyesight, I could barely detect the curve of the wall as it wound along the surface area finally disappearing into nothingness going in both directions ultimately and as logic would have it, meeting on the other side and solidifying the security of the complex housed within its secure walls.

Thus far, I was impressed with the design of this first line of defense. Passing over the outer wall and once inside this fortification I was awed by the sight of massively tall (think skyscrapers on steroids) buildings erected next to each other with alleys dividing each massive structure from its neighboring building.

I calculated that this impressive urban sprawl must have again covered at least 28.3 miles in width, it was hard to discern the length because it continues into the curve and beyond. This wall, the first line of defense for this new entity was an excellent beginning. I glanced over at Lander and said, "it's big."

Lander gave a half laugh and answered, "just for future reference, it will get bigger every 300 years."

The elevated air-train continued over the sprawling city. A second gigantic wall cut through the landscape below. Behind that, stretching for 28.3 miles where a small clump of factories 10 to 15 scattered here and there were belching black smoke out of their massive smokestacks.

Fortunately, the landscapers left lush grassy areas dotted with what appeared to be giant Sequoia tress and pines, evergreens and spruce trees of lesser heights. Also, in this sector held emerald green areas dotted with massive brownish red clay rectangles which appeared to be training fields.

This was a welcome contrast to the stark concrete jungle of the cityscape and the drab nondescript factory buildings.

"Are those all weapons factories?" I asked confused. I would've thought it would've been in a different area so that more of a city can go here. "Why have they been built in this location?"

"Quite simple, really," Lander replied. "We need weapons to arm our army who will need to defend what's behind the factories."

"What's behind the factories." I asked now being impatient. I just really wanted to know what was behind it.

Lander smirked then said, "you'll see." He crossed his arms across this chest and stared down at the passing scenes below. Silent.

I followed suit and gazed downward. The air-train passed over the rest of the factories. When we finally cleared the black smoke, I saw it. I'd never seen anything like it in all of my travels anywhere. Positioned behind yet another bigger wall stood MY Palace. Massive columns, a combination of Greek and Roman architectural styles held up a flat portico facing west.

A massive dome inlaid with what glistened like pure 24KT gold was positioned in the middle of the palace roof area about 100 feet above the roof making it the highest building in this massive fortification. The outside marble clad walls glistened in the light. A dozen multi paned windows measuring 80 feet high by 20 feet wide flanked the front of my new palace.

The doors fashioned out of a metal forged on-site at one of the factories was as wide as a four-lane highway and 100 feet high. They opened inward. There were no visible handles on the outside. On the underside of the dome there was my symbol again, a black and red face, open mouth with fangs.

Our train slid into the station next to the glistening dome hovering 100 feet higher than the palace. Simultaneously, the intercom announced, "now arriving at the Central Power Core." I leaned forward on my cushioned, throne-like couch, and repeated, "Central Power Core, really!" I had never seen one before.

Lander grinned. "You will absolutely love this!" He said why gripping his black half-moon-shaped serrated warrior pickaxe in excitement.

We exited the train and walked in unison through the 20-foot-high double doors. I found myself in a mammoth room surrounded by equally gigantic statues totally in proportion to the size of the room. I stopped dead in my tracks.

There I sat right smack in the middle, I mean, there was of statue of me in complete Demonic form sitting on an Imperial style throne which reached halfway up the wall at its highest peak.

To my left but my statue's right stood WAR wrapped in his metal skinned Warrior state. To War's right is none other than DEATH in his what else, his deathly form. To my statue's left is good old Death Dealer boasting his Demonic form. And to his left is Elemental in his natural form.

Below me, meaning my statue, stood the statue of Luck with his golden eyes which shone as brilliantly as polished 24-KT gold. Last but definitely not least standing in-between my Statue and Luck's stood the ghostly statue of "The Primaral" God protector. The fact that Lucifer had designed everything. I thought. This probably took awhile.

 I took one last look around then commented. "It's impressive."

Lander sighed and said, "look in the middle."

I looked in the middle of the room but couldn't see anything. "There's nothing there." I answered.

Lander audibly exhaled, immediately put his fingers next to his right temple and slowly massaged the area as if to relieve the mounting tension. He then released his fingers from their task, shook his head and said as calmly as possible considering his frustration, "look up!"

Sometimes I can follow directions without saying anything. This happened to be one of those times unlike some humans. I looked up.

I saw a white energy ball, surrounded by what appears to be a clear black energy shield. The energy ball pulsates spikes of specifically choreographed sequences of energy directed at specified areas of need; produce markets, production lines of weapons. The more I stared at this marvel, it became clear to me that the glistening ebony shield truly protected this invaluable power, the lifeblood of Easlum's existence.

When I spoke. It was a statement. "So, that's the power

core, our lifeblood, our key to existence."

Lander nodded then affirmed my assessment. "Yes. That's where the energy, power and magic originate. It's very versatile, it has been designed to create the entire food supply for both human, all creatures and vampires residing in Easlum."

I muttered, "I see." Well, I would in time. At this moment as far as I was concerned, everything was still under my skeptical review.

"And, one last thing," Lander paused then added, "it's also connected to you."

What! I somehow managed a calm reply. "Can you be a tad more specific?"

"It's tied to your Lüke Bond and it also comes with some benefits. For example, if you, your generals or your Primaral gods "die", they will revive in half the time."

My eyes widened in excitement. If I could be revived in half the time then my empire can last longer. I've never experienced death yet so I still don't know how the process works though.

"Because of this power core?" I asked as I looked up at spikes of raw energy swirling around far above my head. It reminded me of a Sci Fi movie I had watched on television in my 2005 life. (My past self didn't know what a movie is yet).

"Just remember," Lander cleared his throat for emphasis, "should the power core ever be destroyed, it cannot be revived or 'fixed', it will be the end of Easlum. Done." He snapped his fingers.

"So," I repeated to make certain I had totally understood the importance of The Power Core to all of us, "Easlum must have the power core to exist."

Lander jumped back into the conversation. "One last thing, Luck has to be dead in order for the clear black energy shield to be completely taken out."

"You mean, all our enemies have to do is to kill Luck to destroy Easlum? That's a rather poor design for an energy core." I folded my arms across my chest.

"Oh, my stars, really?" Lander said in irritation. "You're not listening. Should the energy shield become damaged, it can go down to 1% but it will never be taken out unless Luck dies."

"Oh," I exclaimed. 

Lander explained further, "if Luck dies before, then the shield will be at 99% but you will still have to destroy the rest of the shield. The shield self-repairs over a short period of time."

"I see. That makes sense." I responded with a happy expression as I gazed up at the power core.

Lander barely paused, "Now on to a completely different topic." He looked straight into my eyes and commanded, "release the gods!"

"What!" I felt annoyance creeping up my spine. Somehow, I managed to remain outwardly calm. Lander appeared oblivious to my mood.

"Oh, come on now," Lander started off as if tutoring a slow child, "remember, Lucifer gave you the souls of a group of gods that he called the Norse gods; in addition, he gave you Typhon who belongs to the Greek line up as opposed to being a Norse god."

"I see." I replied. "So, how do I release them?"

I knew Lander was on the verge of rolling his eyes at me but thought better of it. Instead, he said, "simple, just think release."

I sighed, followed by thinking, "release". Holy hell, my chest felt warmish as it glowed and opened up to a black nothingness, releasing a group of miniature flying people, yes, they were all flying out of my chest. When the last figure in the group departed, the warm sensation ceased and my chest closed up. I gingerly patted my chest. It was clearly closed and firm and the glow was gone. Just for the record, my clothing was intact too.

I heard someone clearing their throat as if to catch my gaze. I looked toward the noise. Directly in front of me was a gathering of a sizable group of people.

The one closet to me and more than likely the one who had cleared his throat had lightening flickering around him. He was holding a hammer in his right hand, a shield in his left hand, one sword was attached to either side of his trim waist. He, also, had two double bladed axes strapped to his back. He spoke.

"I am Thor." He turned slightly to his right, pointed to a nicely robed man holding a staff. and said, "this is my father Odin." He raised his right hand and pointed to three more gods, "Loki, Frey and Freya." Thor chuckled adding, "And, there are a bunch of other gods that aren't really as important as me."

"Hey," the other gods protested.

Lander, looking like he sees this every day, gradually stated, "These gods obey your every command."

"Against our will!" The one named Loki said with a growl.

"You submitted your soul," Lander added angrily raising his pickaxe weapon, "which is your will to Lucifer and now your will is to Draven!

"Can we at least have kids?" Loki asked.

Lander's face scrunched up in confusion and asked, "why?"

"Yes," I said before anyone could say anything.

"Again, Why," Lander asked for a second time.

I quickly interjected, "I have my personal reasons." Just more people on my team. I could have a group that my enemies won't know about.

"Ookkaayy," Lander gave up, "anyways," he continued, "Typhon, that one over there." He pointed to a humanoid figure that looked like dark storm clouds. "He controls all of the monsters in Greek History."

I knew he was the father of monsters but I didn't know that he can control all of the monsters. Maybe he couldn't before and he can now. I mean Lucifer is a lot older than me.

"Tell Typhon to summon a hydra," Lander commanded.

I looked at him confused.

"Why not you?" I asked.

"I don't have his soul," Lander replied, "so only you can."

I looked at Typhon and he looked at me. I sighed then commanded, "Typhon, summon a hydra."

He dutifully replied. "Yes, my lord." White energy appeared in his hand, he tossed it in front of him and a person appeared.

Strangely enough, he waved then he started to melt and grow. His head morphed into a dragon-like face, then two more heads on each side of the middle head started to form. Each head continued to grow longer, and the body expanded at the same time. One could clearly see the Hydra's true size. Its body was huge and muscular with a long tail. His five heads all looked like dragon heads.

Suddenly and without any warning, the middle head gave out a roar then spits flames into the air. What a sight!

"Lander, what happens when the gods or monsters die?" I felt that it was a reasonable question. But before Lander could answer. A 20-foot-tall man appeared out of thin air clad in armor from head to toe. On his chest piece was my symbol, the symbol of the vampires, or me. He had a very long weapon which looked like a finely forged spear-sword combination.

He looked straight at me then at the Hydra. He nodded, then ran toward the Hydra all while lifting his spear-sword upward and with one powerful downward motion, sliced the Hydra cleanly in half, starting directly from the Hydra's middle head all the way down its body to and through the tip of its tail.

Lander sputtered, "what the --" the giant armored man started advancing towards the gods.

I yelled, "STOP!" He looked at me and poof, he disappeared. Ian immediately appeared where the 20-foot-tall man disappeared.

Shaken, Lander managed a hoarse, "what the heck was that?"

Ian smirked, then said, "none of your concern demon." He snapped his fingers. Lander vanished.

Ian finally got his payback in at least scaring Lander for all of the things that he had did during the creation of Easlum.

Thor, Loki and Odin chorused in unison, "What was. that?"

Somehow, I knew what he was, and I answered the three gods, "that rather tall armored figure is one of four Power Core guardian Reaplum's of Easlum. Just remember that there is also an Alpha one."

Thor asked. "How did you know that?"

Ian interjected himself into the exchange. "The connection to the central power core to Draven is complete, which in simple terms means that Draven knows everything about Easlum. This includes about what happens when the people whose souls belong to you die; their invisible essence will return to you and after 24-hours and you can release them again.

I wasn't about to dispute Ian's explanation. I said, "Good, Death Dealer!" He dutifully appeared.

"What do you need, my Lord?" He said with enthusiasm.

I rubbed my palms together. "Figure out a way to make certain that only people I can control can teleport to my palace in Easlum. I don't want any uninvited guests, ruining my plans."

"Yes, my Lord."


Chapter 7 will be posted in a couple of minutes.

One chapter everyday at 10 AM EST (11 pm CST) if I happen to post a second chapter I will post it 1 minute later.

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© Alexander B Faber AKA DraxberFaber 2025. All rights reserved"