Chapter 7 - The Enemy

Today is the 5th of July. The year is 398 AD. It has been 365 years since I had been introduced to Easlum.

I am currently 20 miles from the city of Athens in Greece. Nothing too exciting, just stealthily stalking, yes, stalking a group of people at the edge of the flatlands. Julius Caesar appeared next to me.

"What's going on?" he asked wondering what I was doing.

It has been years, and the same things have been happening. Earth had already been heavily infiltrated centuries ago.

Easlum keeps him busy or entertained but

every once and awhile something needed to happen. He believed that this was the


"Well, I had another future vision. It was a bit disjointed but the gist of the scenario, I will be able to get an ally." I waved my hand in the air, "I know, not exactly what you were expecting to hear." I continued, "besides that, nothing else important has happened in centuries." I looked him straight in his eyes, but you already knew that."

Julius nodded in agreement. "So, what are you waiting for now?"

I remained silent and inclined my head toward the rather rag tag looking group of people. Then I spoke, "I'm waiting for them to fight." Nothing happened, I turned to face Julius. "Maybe I'm a bit early?"

"You could be," he said while looking at the group of people. "I mean you do have future sight that you can't control. I find it pretty good that you got this far." He said with a satisfied expression.

"Maybe," I replied looking back at the group. "So, what do you want to talk about while we wait?"

"Like, what distinguishes the lower vampire ranks from each other?" Joseph asked even though he already knew the answer.

"It's sad how there is literally nothing else to talk about except things we already know."

"Yea, it is," he replied.

"As you know, we don't spend any time with the lower ranks, so here is the gist of it. Below the Lords and Counts are the Alphas.

The Alpha's do not have superpowers, but they are excessively strong and are more durable than humans. They are sensitive to sunlight. Baron vampires are next. They are stronger than humans but weaker than Alphas. They are also sensitive to sunlight.

The final and weakest rank are the soldier vampires. The soldier vampires are just a little bit stronger than the average human. The soldiers just like the other two are sensitive to sunlight. The rays won't harm any of them, just on-going irritation, and the three groups become weak in the sunlight.

The Alfas being stronger can push through this irritation more than the others. All vampires can eat human food or drink blood except for the soldiers who can only drink blood.

Any rank of vampire can turn anyone into any rank, but it must be below them, except for the soldiers who can only turn people into soldiers."

It was as if my words prodded them into action. Julius and I stood mute, watching.

Person #1 pulled out a leather bag full of gold bars (literally). Person #2 took the bag and started to run. Person #1 pulled out a knife from his waistband and threw it at Person #2. His aim was perfect. The knife blade landed up to its hilt, deep in the victims back.

The man fell forward face first into the hard terrain. Person #1 took control of the bag for the second time and with an uncanny burst of speed started running across the area with everyone except person #2 running at top speed after him.

I observed that person #2 had not moved much less attempted to get up. I left my vantage point and headed toward the fallen man. Julius tagged along, a pace behind me. I knew what he was wondering. He didn't disappoint.

"When are you going to create a second general?" Julius wondered.

It has been at least three centuries since he had become a General to Draven. He suspected that Draven could've had at least three more now but didn't. He considered himself lucky to be Draven's General even if some of his mind was being held by his emperor.

I love being right all of the time! I smiled to myself. I kept walking, "whenever I find someone who is very cruel or has leadership qualities or is unbeatable in combat. Ideally, said candidate would have all three qualities."

"You might have a long wait," Julius observed.

I continued. "Also, because there is no one around with power so that I can absorb various energies required to make a general."

I had reached the downed man's body. Actually, both Julius and I stopped about 2 feet away from the person I had dictated as person #2. Now, getting down to business. I levitated the knife over from out the victim's back and into my waiting hand. Even though the knife was forged iron, I pulverized it into iron ore dust.

I then placed my hand flat on person #2's back and utilizing magic, I healed him. He stood up on his own and looked around bewildered.

He focused on me and asked a perfectly logical question. "Who are you?"

"First things first," I stated, "who are you?"

I noticed a slight glint in his eye. "I'm Sermoff. Now, I'm asking very politely, sir, who are you?"

I gave him my most wicked smile. He blinked. "Let's just say that I am someone who wants to give you something, but for a price."

I could actually see the realization of who I was wash over his features. But I'd play with him a tad longer. Things had been rather boring lately except for the knife throwing and stolen gold bars.

"Wait, are you a vampire?" His eyes widened.

I guess he knows of our existence, I thought. It's no bother, nothing can take my empire down.

I tried to chuckle. "No, of course not," I waited a moment then confessed, "I am."

Sermoff nodded in agreement. "of course, you are. Word has it that there are ranks. What rank are you?"

I smiled showing my perfectly pearly white teeth. "You might say that I'm at the top."

Julius interrupted, "I'm just a general."

Sermoff had a huge smile inside. He couldn't believe that his plan to run into Draven had worked. His friend was right that Draven would be here. Now Draven was offering him a trade. Something that Sermoff had already had a plan for.

Sermoff turned and pointed his right index finger at me. "My gods, Greek, Roman, Christian, whichever one works," he sputtered, "no way, you're Draven Youngblood! You're real. I'm talking to the Draven."

A little flattery can go a long way, but this was absurd. I cut him off. Not literally. Just held up my hand to shut him up. "Yes, I'm Draven," I replied in a neutral tone. "Do you want power or not?"

"Oh, yes, please," I want power.

"See how simple this can be?" I could tell he didn't have a clue or so I thought. My younger self thought that nothing could contest with my empire. I thought Sermoff had just nodded to please me. "What do you want?"

There was no hesitation. "I want to be a witch."

I was not expecting that request. I cast a sidelong glance at Julius, he just shrugged.

"Let's clarify, you want to be a witch like the witches who are already out roaming around already?"

He shook his head; his slicked down black hair didn't move. "No, of course not. I want to be the first real witch."

"As you wish." I wasn't getting any good vibes from Sermoff. In hindsight, I had hurried the process and didn't pay attention to the details. Apparently, Julius was asleep at the reigns as well. I continued, "but the price will be your soul." Sermoff commenced muttering under his breath.

"So, Sermoff," I stated sternly, "is it a deal or not?"

"Yes, it's a deal." He replied smoothly.

Like the gentleman I am, rather can be on occasion, I outstretched my hand, we connected and shook hands. Sermoff glowed purple and stopped. A purple orb flew out of his chest. It was his soul.

I naturally reached out to claim his soul which was by all rights mine now. But with a slight of hand and before I could insert his soul into my body, Sermoff grabs it reinserts it into his body and of all things, energy punches me. Me!

I flew unceremoniously across the grassy plains and landed on my feet. Much preferred over landing on my butt. I cast my gaze across the field and saw Julius Caesar locked in combat with this scoundrel. Upon taking a second hard look, it appeared that my first general was defending himself rather than attacking Sermoff. Not a good sign.

Things only got worse. Out of absolutely nowhere a mammoth stick flew directly into Sermoff's hands. I watched in horror as Sermoff rammed it into Caesar's heart. He usually wore a breast plate, why not today.

My first general's eyes widened in shock then went dark. He dropped down onto the ground, dead.

Sermoff had tricked me and I was not about to let him get away with this treachery. No one had dared to defy me! Everything had gone right until now. Right there and then I swore I will take my revenge.

I yelled in rage, using my super speed powers I hurtled toward Sermoff. I changed my right bracelet into a sword. I swung a hard right but the light that surrounded Sermoff bent into a trident and blocked my sword.

We went back and forth. Finally, I grabbed his leg and threw him across the grassland about 100 yards.

He got up, dusted off his robes and just looked at me. He was poised to run toward me but surprisingly, he held steady, his gaze locked onto something just behind to the right of me. I stole a peripheral glance. Standing there was my Primaral god, DEATH.

He raised his right hand; it withered down to the bone. The ground rumbled and cracked open. The dead climbed out, dressed mostly as fallen soldiers from past wars from all countries. Much like ants evacuating a nest in the ground, these soldiers kept streaming out and began to form ranks.

The odd thing, most of these soldiers were 90 percent intact, some were a little less so, but none were more.

When the earth began to close one lone soldier flew out and landed next to me. I blinked twice to clear my vision. The last soldier was a dead, really dead this time, Julius Caesar, my first general.

He opened his mouth. A horrifying scream, something I'd never heard before filled the air. It was deafening. The dead Joseph is a super weakened version of his alive self. Dead Joseph was still strong in his own right.

Sermoff folded his arms across his chest and just stared. A smirk formed on his face then went into a huge grin

"Interesting development." Sermoff said laughing like a maniac now.

"You should have listened to me mumbling. I honestly thought you were going to catch me whispering for extra powers. I was so worried for a moment but I guess I had nothing to be afraid of."

The sad truth was that Draven didn't know that Sermoff was mumbling for extra powers. No one had dared to do that before.

The questions going through Draven's head now were, why did Sermoff do this? Who was Sermoff working for? Who was his friend who gave him the information?

Right in the middle of his thoughts Sermoff continued.

I also knew that I would get my powers and be able to get my soul back. See you around Draven. Thanks for well, you know." He said while giving a wink, he then snapped his fingers and vanished.


One chapter everyday at 10 AM EST (11 pm CST) if I happen to post a second chapter I will post it 1 minute later.

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© Alexander B Faber AKA DraxberFaber 2025. All rights reserved"