Achilles surveyed the scene and then asked, "Death Dealer, Elemental, Draven." We turned toward him. "Why are you doing this?"
"Isn't it obvious?" I declared to Achilles. "I have enough power for two generals and you two will make the perfect generals."
Elemental stared at all of them then looked directly at me and announced, "Well clearly my anti-smoke form works."
Not to be left out of this conversation Death Dealer added his two cents to the pot. "My anti-teleport spell worked." He bowed down, "you're welcome." There was no applause.
"It is time that …" Achilles charged into me at full speed.
"I guess you're done talking," I laughed.
His spear changed into a sword. He proceeded to efficiently cut off both of my arms and sliced me in half below my belly button. Then he kicked me. Back to my anatomy, I split where he cut me. My top half soared into the air about five feet then it stopped and held steady.
My blood oozed out of the cut points and reached toward each other as if they were magnets reuniting. Once the blood touched, it pulled my upper half and reattached itself to my lower half and healed. Next, my arms grew back. My two bracelets that had been on my cut-off arms reappeared on my freshly regenerated arms.
Achilles gasped. "What the heck?"
I glanced at him and lazily replied, "insane accelerated healing. Or, if you prefer, IAH." I paused. "Yea IAH doesn't work."
While talking I transformed both of my bracelets into two spears and put them
together. Now I was actually holding a spear in its super form which includes lightning crackling around the spear but what's a few lightning bolts, the tingling sensation felt good. I noticed that Alexander the Great had slipped around behind me. Achilles charged straight at me like there was no tomorrow.
I took the spear and using its butt as a ramming weapon, I slammed it unmercifully into his gut. I then placed my hands at the end of the spear and again without mercy I hit Achilles in the head. I watched his dark eyes widened, he stumbled backwards from the force of my blow and hit the ground.
From behind, Alexander approached, ready to attack. I spun around, swung my spear at Alexander's head. He ducked but before he could recover his rhythm, I smacked him with the butt of my spear.
Achilles had recovered enough to get back and swung his spear. I counteracted this attack and dislodged his spear from his hand and happily smacked him in the face with the butt of my spear.
I then took my spear which is still crackling with electricity and tried to plunge it deep into Achilles. It was deflected because of his impenetrable skin but nevertheless, the lightning on the spear sent Achilles flying backward, again, slamming into the ground.
Alexander tried to stab me in the back, but I spun around, smacking him with the butt of my spear. I lunged at Alexander; I bit deep into his sweaty neck and released the General venom into him and let go. Achilles attacked. I let go or Alexander and delivered a tornado kick dead center. His body flung backward yet, he miraculously landed on his feet. Pure rage stared back at me.
I glanced back at the demon that I had bit; Alexander was now standing upright looking stronger than ever. I smiled to myself. "Draven," He directed sternly, "you have to stab Achilles in his left heel."
I nodded.
His loyalty was mine now.
"By the way," said Alexander, "call me Mr. Great."
Joseph Klein appeared. "Finally," he clasped his hands together, "another general, welcome Mr. Great."
Achilles was not one to be overlooked. "Hello Julius," he mocked, "so now you're going by Joseph, fine by me."
The spear he had in his hand transformed into a sword. He ran at me with amazing speed but not quite as fast as before. Mr. Great, Joseph and I attacked. I must admit, Achilles was an amazing fighter especially since he is 99.6% invulnerable.
We went back and forth like a tennis match, finally Mr. Great took my lightning spear and tossed it into Achille's left heel. He screamed in pain. Bright white cracks appeared all over his body and connected. He exploded; the pieces went everywhere then turned into energy.
Achilles was still standing there two feet from me and oh yes, a little shorter. I'm a reasonable vampire, so I asked, "any last words before I turn you?"
Achilles blinked then muttered through clenched teeth. "In due time my power will return."
Having said that he swung his sword at me. I ducked, grabbed his throat and sunk my teeth deep into his neck and released the general venom. All of the sudden I felt this swarm of warm power flowing through me. Achilles stood up now my third General.
"What you are feeling is the Achilles heel power, named after me as you know. If you accept the power, it will come with a price. Do you wish to accept and pay the price?"
I was ecstatic. "Yes!" Without any fanfare I could feel the power merging within me I also felt something disconnect. Not good.
Achilles looked calm for a change, but his words stung. "My price was that I couldn't choose my weak spot. Now concentrate on where your weak spot is going to be."
Oh, hells bells no. I concentrated. Where is the hardest spot to hit? My Back, perhaps? I thought about a place on my spine. Brilliant. I pictured a tiny spot about 2-inches above my butt crack! "Got a spot," I announced.
Achilles looked pleased. "Good, don't tell anyone including us generals. You'll feel a tingling sensation.
My body glowed bright white then stopped as if a power chord had been pulled from its power source. "I thought you said I would feel a tingly sensation?"
Achilles shrugged and countered with, "no big deal, I guess it depends on the person."
None of us had time to ponder anything about tingly sensations happening or not. Out of nowhere a portion of the sky turned purple. Followed by a single purple lightning bolt blasting through the heavens and striking the ground. The bottom portion of the bolt started to take on a form. The sky cleared, the lightning bolt vanished and standing in our midst…was Sermoff.
One chapter everyday at 10 AM EST (11 pm CST) if I happen to post a second chapter, I will post it 1 minute later.
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© Alexander B Faber AKA DraxberFaber 2025. All rights reserved"