The PI agreed to come to the house ASAP, once Toby explained who he was, and the fact Missy lived with him, he was sure that spurred him on faster. They never got into what he wanted him to do during the phone call. Toby called the front gate and gave them his name and got ready for him to come. Blanca cleaned the house and was long gone.
For some reason, Missy was anxious waiting for this guy to come. Maybe she was afraid of what he may find and how it would impact Toby's world. He had gotten himself together and was feeling good about his life. Then to drag his father back into his life is a very bad idea. She knew it had been for her. Her father was a jerk. She gave him another chance and she now stays away. He would steal every cent she had as he did before she turned eighteen if she continued to have him in her life.
She was found as a young beauty. The movie that made her was when she was sixteen. She played a young vixen right on the cusps of breaking FCC rules. Well-placed stand-ins kept it above board. Her father spent every penny she made plus some, claiming he needed it to pay for her lifestyle. She was making another movie when she turned eighteen and the sensors couldn't complain about the boob shots. She was smart enough to know to use what she had to get ahead as quickly as possible. They claim she has perfect tits, so she uses them.
Like magic she was eighteen and free, she was able to save all her money. With just a little convincing, the director or producer would buy or rent houses so she was able to pocket it all. Just like this place, she will stay here until the last minute. What would they do, tell her to leave, when they are making money off her?
Missy was the youngest of three girls. Her father was a bit part actor never amounting to more than scale acting. Her mother was a soap opera character. Her character was trashy and slept with most of the male characters on the soap. By the time Missy came along the writers were tired of writing in another pregnancy story. Her mother's part died of some strange pregnancy-caused illness. She went on to do bit parts in made-for-TV movies, nothing permanent. A familiar face for Lifetime movies, she would be a best friend, the cashier, and an ex-girlfriend. As the years went by the parts grew less and less and they started pushing their children to act. A commercial or small part had paid enough to keep a roof over their heads in the expensive LA area.
Missy was the youngest her older sister had two babies when she was young. She claimed one was from the casting couch. Her parents did nothing about it when she bitterly complained about him. She later heard her father blackmailed a producer and they lived off that for a while. All her life she heard the story of how their mother lost her job because she became pregnant with her. Like it was her fault. They used exaggerated stories about the nice house they used to live in and how much better off they were without her.
They played on that theme every time she came around. They always wanted money and tried to make it sound like it was her fault their lives have turned to shit. She was lucky she was found by a nice director who saw her potential. She bought them a house big enough for them all and then Dad found a younger woman and left. So, Missy pays the bills and sends money for food and a new car here and there. Her estate planner takes care of that for her. She pays him well. She had a manager who stole from her too. She lost a few million before she woke up. But that one is in jail.
Her estate planner has his boss and the US government to answer to. So far so good, he is an older good-natured man so for the past four years he had held her estate well-guarded in his right fist. They have had a few arguments about how she spent some of her money, but she got her way. Toby's movie was one of the hardest-fought ones. The box office totals are high, so she made back her money the first day by dinner time and then a bunch more. She shall enjoy rubbing his face in the totals when she goes back to LA. There was nothing dumb about her no matter how blond her hair was, naturally.
She was sitting in the living room listening to the sounds of the house. Toby's bantering with Travis was so funny. He couldn't say much but he was not going to let his father have the last word. That was his latest game even if it was gibberish, he had the last word. Toby was not helping. He would laugh and then chase and tickle him.
He came out freshly shaved and smelling of his manly soap that sent a surge between her legs. One thing for sure one night was not enough, oh yes, the next morning too. She will give him a few days and maybe he will be horny enough to take her up on another deal. That is one man full of testosterone. He could have gone all night if he had not worn her out. The good thing was he was gentlemanly enough to not continue with her exhausted body.
Her second lover had been that kind of man, he would have fucked a corpse if he was worked up enough. She dumped him at the first opportunity. He wasn't even that good a lover which is why she wore out so quickly. He thought all that counted was how long you stay hard. Toby proved it had nothing to do with being hard.
Her first lover was a boy in the teen movie she was in. He was a slam bam and I'm gone boy. The last was on the camera crew. He was a handsome man, lusty in his looks each time they worked together. He seemed more excited about who she was than to be with her. It showed in his abilities. He was a one-time man with no imagination. No Toby was the best. He could do things she didn't even know you could do. Whoever he learned from, needs to give lessons to the rest of the men, he was too good. She will miss him desperately when she must leave.
She has not had one thought in two days that didn't revolve around Toby and his magic mouth, hands, or penis. He used them all to perfection. The sight of him had inspired all these thoughts so she had better pay attention to him. She looked up and smiled as he entered the room. He has been friendly but not suggestive with his friendly banter. He did what he said he would do, and now it is over, is what he put out. She hoped not.
He walked up and sat right next to her and kissed her cheek. "He should be here any minute if he is true to his word," Toby said looking anxious.
"Don't worry Toby if something is going on you can step in and offer them the opportunity to walk away from him and not cost you a fortune," Missy told him. She knows it is so much cheaper to live here. The house they are in now would be twenty million in the LA area here it is four at the most.
"Yeah, the question is do I want to become involved at all."
"Wait and see what he finds out, maybe they are fine, and don't need anything."
"You saw how my father looked, there is no way they don't need help. But I know being poor is not bad, but if they are poor and abused then I will step in. If they will leave him behind..." The bell rang as he was about to go into a rant. Missy could see it coming. That man set him off so quickly.
Toby answered the door and in walked a nice-looking middle-aged man with a friendly smile. Missy stood and approached him. The man knew who she was and she saw it in his eyes. Just a glimmer of lust which she found enduring, then she thought maybe not if he thinks she is with Toby.
"Hi, please come in," she said and turned to walk towards the sitting area. "May I get you a drink, coke, sprite, or coffee anything?" She offered, playing the perfect hostess as Toby followed them. Travis came to the living room holding the tablet looking upset. He had Daddy fix it written all over his face. He brought him over to the couch as Missy entertained the PI at the bar. Travis had finished the Pre-K to First Grade; he had an eighty-two percent pass rate. He wanted to say do it again and try harder and that sounds crazy. Lucky him he just had to activate the rest of the program and he sat down and started working on it. The bad thing was it was in the middle of his meeting. Scooping him up he took him to his room and closed his bedroom door to keep him in. Leaving him content on the floor in his room Toby went to talk to David Ludlum about his concerns.
When he returned David was sitting with a yellow tablet in his lap waiting sipping a drink.
"OK," Toby said with a clap of his hands he started laying out what he needed. The only thing he could give him was a name and a Denton address. Oh, and that he preferred them to not know he is investigating them. "Casual information from them and anything the police can tell you," Toby told him at the end of his request.
"Ok, I can do this, and I will get back to you as soon as I have any information," David told him, putting the paper back in his briefcase and pulling out a contract that told him how much he costs and the time frame he will work for him. Toby signed and David told him he would send him a bill and the information he gathered.
Toby sat reading a copy of what he just signed after he left. The small print he must pay for him driving out there at the tune of a hundred and fifty an hour. Oh yes, he now has to drive back for another hour. Looking up Missy smiled as she came back from walking him to the door. "Are you concerned what he will find?" Missy asked.
"I don't mind helping them. I just don't want to see my father. David will have to get them someplace away from him before I will speak to them. I'm much larger than he is now, and I might hurt him if we end up in the same room," he told her she saw the anger building as he spoke. "How dare he say he is proud of me? I'll take his family away from him if he is abusing them. He will never find them," Toby said venting his anger at the paper in front of him. Visions of putting his fist in his face filled his mind and watching him fall to the ground.
"Hold your anger until you know something. They may be fine," Missy said as she sat next to him. That thought made him even madder. What had they done to deserve to be abused by him and not the new family? His father makes him so mad so quickly. She knows he used his anger at him for lots of those scenes in the movie. It sounds like he is making new ones for the next movie.
The movie has made three hundred and eighty-five million in the last three weeks. Exceeding the expectations of everyone. Missy is counting her chickens and is looking for the next project. She was not interested in the Alien movie. She is a love story kind of girl and has her feelers out for a project. Rob is not courting her for money; she wants too many points per movie. Now that she is paid back, he was going to use the leftovers to finance the next one. Missy would be great for the film as the love interest, but they don't want to be known as a franchise filmmaker. The description of the girl in this movie could be several actresses in Hollywood. She is not just anyone she informed him.
Missy didn't want to stay home. She wanted to see the expression on those people's faces when they saw what Travis could do. So, as Toby packed his diaper bag she waited in his room. He was shocked at breakfast when she told him she wanted to go with them.
He hadn't been thinking when he agreed to a 10:30 appointment at that place. He also didn't realize the district building was across town until Missy asked where they were going. Having to leave immediately they hit the road. Toby never claimed to be smart. Travis was out within seconds and Toby hoped he got his nap in before they got there, or he would be crabby and he didn't need that today. They found the building in a bad part of town. It was huge and no one told them where to go once they got there.
Five minutes before his appointment they entered the building and thank God they had an information desk. Missy told them they wanted early childhood development. The tacky woman smacking her gum at the information desk begrudgingly gave her the room number. Missy took it from her hand. "Thanks for doing your job," she said rudely and walked over to where Toby was holding a slowly waking Travis.
Going up the stairs to the second floor they found room 227 and entered a small sitting area. Sitting in the room they could hear women talking and a few sounded like they were having a good time. Toby tried the door, but no one knew they were there. Knocking loudly, he waited for an answer. Travis woke up as he knocked. A woman stuck her head out the door, "yes"
"We have a 10:30 appointment and have been waiting," Toby told her. Travis stood by the chairs with Missy. She opened the door wider and said, "Oh yes the one-year-old genius," she said, sounding skeptical. At first, it pissed Toby off, but then he thought about all the YouTube videos he had seen. And all those people claiming the child is a genius, but they haven't seen his son he snidely thought.
"Yeah sure something like that," Toby said as Missy walked Travis into the room. She had his tablet, and he was not leaving her side. This was different and scary. Lots of people were looking at him.
Toby sat down with three women and told them what he needed from them. Two knew who Missy was so they paid closer attention to what Toby was telling them. She passed the tablet to Toby and Travis moved to be closer to him. He now had his tablet because he was explaining to them what he had been doing. Toby turned the thing on, and Travis got excited, swatting his leg and demanding, "Daddy me up," as clear as day.
Scooping him up he sat him in his lap, and he took the tablet over. It started up where he left it on fourth-grade level words.
"As you can see, he is very fond of this thing and has been working on four different programs for what?" Toby turned to ask Missy.
"Since last Thursday night." She answered.
"Yeah so," he said and counted on his fingers too, "so five days he has worked on the programs and he's now in the second half of this one doing fourth-grade work. He had never been exposed to a computer or these types of games before," Toby said as the game exploded with congratulations because he got another answer right. Smiling happily, he went to the next one. It told him a word Toby would have trouble spelling and he found it as his little mouth sounded out the word as he searched the six different words to pick from. Selecting right he jumped with excitement as the thing went into its congratulation explosion.
A couple of the teachers set the paperwork aside knowing he has surpassed every test they have for his age group.
"He will keep going until he has done the whole thing. The last two he passed with eighty-eight and ninety-four percent. I don't want him to have his head stuck to this thing all the time. He is smart, too smart. He is thirteen months old, but he was born six weeks early. My question to you is what do I do for him? He will surpass my intelligence in three weeks," Toby told them. He assumes they took it as a joke, but it was not.
The ladies seemed dumbfounded.
"I would gladly pay for someone to come out and work with him. I'm thinking math should be his next challenge, maybe he can be an astrophysicist at the age of seven," Toby offered as a joke, but no one smiled. Travis got another word, and he slapped the tablet he needed to level up and Toby had to approve the move. It went into a quick rerun of what he learned as they watched him answer the question and received a ninety-seven percent correct rating on fourth-grade level work and Toby threw up his hands. Missy took the tablet and set it to start over from the beginning and passed it back to him. "I want you to see how he works through the levels," Missy told them. He was so quick he was getting frustrated with the long celebration for being right. He worked as the women started taking notes and out of the blue, he said, "Daddy, I'm hungry," and stopped working.
"Ok sweetie, we can go eat soon," Toby told him. "As you can see, I need help. I will gladly pay for the best teacher you have. Money is no problem.
I would prefer someone who could travel with us. I have another movie to make soon and I'm not sure where they are shooting it."
"Sure," one woman said, "we have several people who could help you. Let me call around and get back to you." The woman who answered the door told him. She didn't seem so skeptical now.
"And you are?" Toby asked.
"Oh sorry, I'm Mrs. Baker, I run this department. And yes, your son is as close to a genius as I have seen. Sure, let him work on math and I'd buy him an electronic piano and see if he has an ability with music. That may use up some of his energy."
"Excellent idea we don't play a lot of music in the house maybe he would like that," Missy said
Travis turned the tablet off and handed it to Toby; he was ready to go. Taking his hand, he said again "I'm hungry."
"Ok let's go," Toby said and started walking out he followed and so did Missy. "Please call me as soon as you can. I need help."
Sitting in his truck at a light, Missy looked for a math program that would go from pre-K to high school. As Toby looked for a place to eat. Making a quick escape from that area he found a Barbeque place that looked good on the highway. Nothing fancy but he knew they had salads for Missy and Travis would eat the potato salad, beans, and chopped beef without complaining if they were lucky. Toby's mouth began to water at the thought of a good brisket sandwich. Bobbie's food is wonderful but sometimes junk food is too good to pass up and that is the best kind.
He signed an autograph finally. Several people came up and asked excited to see them both. Travis ate happily as Toby and Missy talked about where to find an electronic piano. A woman close by suggested Best Buy after hearing them talk. Missy thanked her and looked them up on the phone and found several in the Dallas area. Toby picked one and they headed out once Travis had his fill.
Toby was excited everywhere he looked. It was something cool. The guy at the door told them where to find the electronic organs. Putting Travis in a stroller they headed out. They were recognized immediately but the people mostly left them alone. Some followed with their cell phones but gave them space. Toby could tell they were taking lots of photos and he expected to see them on the news tonight. They played around with the pianos and Travis did seem interested, so Toby settled on a cheaper one. He'll see what he does and then upgrade if needed. They placed it in the cart, and they continued the shopping spree.
They found some kid's electronic games and Travis was fascinated with two of them, one was for math. Those went in the cart as they continued to shop. They went by the TVs and Toby was not impressed. He picked up a small but nice compact stereo and then they went to the music department. He picked out a few CDs, a couple for kids, one with piano music, and a couple more with artists Toby liked, Missy handed him one she wanted.
Standing in line they garnered a lot of attention and conversation around them. They heard Shattered Dreams coming from a lot of people. Toby was excited to hear they knew him from the movie, not just a pretty face with Missy Collins. Toby paid and when they walked out, a van from Channel 8 News was parked out front. A perky young woman came up and started asking them questions. "So, are you two together now?" She asked. Toby smiled and let Missy answer that question. He will go with whatever she says.
Missy laughed, "I wish, who wouldn't want to be his girl." She looked up at him and he smiled as the camera panned the scene of people watching as they interviewed them. "He likes thick girls and I'm too skinny to get his attention. We are just friends, he is a great guy," Missy told her, "we have been out finding stuff to entertain his son. We both will be gone soon in different directions making new movies. So, watch for them." The reporter moved to stand near Toby and asked, "Your movie did very well, did it do better than you expected."
"Oh, I think every first-time actor expects to flop. I was just lucky to be found by Rob Stringer. He is a great director and so easy to work for. I was blessed with a great cast and Missy was a dream to work with. So yes, the movie did better than I thought it would. I think better than any of us expected.
"I noticed the other day my father was spouting how proud he was of me. I haven't seen that man in seventeen years. He was never a father to me, just some abusive jerk. So, take anything that man says and dump it down the outhouse hole. He knows nothing about me and never did anything for me. Yes, the movie turned out great," he said and pushed the cart and Travis back to his truck.
"Well that was interesting," Missy said as she got into the truck.
Toby looked over the seat as he buckled Travis in his car seat, he handed him the math game still in the box. It needs batteries, but he can look at the pictures. "Yeah I know I wanted my fifteen seconds of fame too. I just started thinking about him talking to the press and got pissed and it came out."
"I hope they don't start chasing the story," Missy offered as he got in."
"Yeah, I thought about that after I opened my big mouth. Maybe if they do investigate him, they will find the truth. He is a jerk and if I'm lucky he will be found out and regret opening his mouth about me."
"You want your dirty laundry hanging out for the world to see?"
"I haven't seen him in seventeen years and three before that he was gone. What can stick to me except he is a jerk? People can't help who their parents are. If I could, Louise would be my mother and my life would have been totally different."
Missy smiled at his statement which was so sweet. Opening one of the CDs she pushed it into the player. Kid songs played and Missy sang along, Toby was shocked she knew all the words. She started it over after three songs and sang the first song again. Repeating it three times she called out, "Sing with me."
Toby was not sure who she meant so he sang and quietly in the backseat Travis started singing along with them. They played the CD ten times before they got home, and he was singing louder when they stopped in front of the house. A limo was in the drive. Missy smiled as they drove on, "Rob must be home," she said excited to see him. Toby was not thrilled his life was invaded again.
They walked into the entry and the living room was full of people. Rob smiled when he saw them. "I was afraid you two left already," he called out when he saw them.
Missy rushed to hug him and said "No we were out shopping is all. We need something to entertain Travis."
Toby walked up and shook hands with him, and Alex was back plus a dozen others. Rob started to introduce him to everyone there were a couple of good-looking women in the group. Toby figures they were the actresses for the new movie. Travis came out and all the attention went to him as the women fawned all over him. He was in heaven as they talked to him and ran fingers through his hair. Someday I need to cut that mop of hair he has, Toby thought as he watched them. Missy seemed to know most of the people and was talking away to several people. Suitcases were being taken upstairs and a couple went to his hall. He saw Bobbie looking from the kitchen door as if she was doing a headcount Toby walked towards her. She slipped back into the kitchen looking upset and he followed.
"Looks like we have a house full again," Toby mentioned.
"Yeah, and he called me minutes before they got here. I don't have enough food in this place for this crowd," Bobby complained frantically looking around for what to feed them.
"Do you need me to go pick up something? I could go just about anywhere," Toby said looking around the kitchen. That was unfair of Rob to do this to her.
"You are so sweet; I just wish he had given me some warning. Even an hour would have helped."
"I understand and that is why I'm offering to get something. I could run to the store and pick up some chicken or steaks whatever you want to make. Are you sure they aren't going out to eat?"
"No," Bobbie said not knowing what to do as she dug around in the kitchen for something to inspire her.
"Ok let me go ask and we will figure this out."
"You're such a sweetheart thanks," she told him, sounding desperate for an out.
He smiled and went to find out their plan.
Twenty minutes later after leaving Travis with Bobbie, Missy and Toby were walking into the grocery store across the freeway. He was after chicken parts and Missy was after salad fixings. Bobbie was making fried chicken and potatoes for the men tonight. If the women want salad Missy has them covered as she selected all the ingredients to make a fattening salad.
It was well known they were there by the time they checked out as cell phones were held out. Toby had gotten plenty of chicken and hoped they would have plenty to eat cold later.
Toby brought in the salad fixing, potatoes, chicken parts, and bottles of oil. She normally doesn't cook with oil, and she is sure it was Toby's idea to have fried chicken, but she will make the best tasting for them.
Travis was still sitting in his highchair eating a carrot like a rabbit using his front teeth munching away happily. Toby set the chicken at a side sink and began to pull the plastic wrap off so he could clean the chicken. Bobbie handed him a tray to put the clean pieces on and acting like an assembly line they got to work.
Missy, Toby, and Bobbie got the meal ready to eat as the other settled into the house. Toby was thinking this should be interesting. Bobbie set aside a leg for Travis to cool down for him to eat. She had three skillets going with fried chicken, one with potatoes boiling and the kitchen smelled like heaven to Toby. Missy acting domestic had put the mixed salad in a large bowl adding mushrooms and fake crab. She also bought a big bottle of French dressing. She knows Bobbie makes a great dressing but sometimes you just want good old cheap dressing. The one she had at lunch was so good. It had inspired her that she was content with her masterpiece.
Bobbie turned the potatoes into a hot German potato salad. Toby watched fascinated as she changed what he thought was going to be mashed potatoes into something festive. He knows it will be good cold with the cold chicken. He was looking forward to that and hoped these other guys aren't pigs so there will be leftovers.
As the last pan of chicken finished frying Bobbie plated the food. Toby opened the Hawaiian bread rolls, found the basket for bread, and pulled them apart. They had thought of everything except dessert. Once dinner was served Bobbie was going to make a run to Sam's and stock up. Apparently, she is going to be busy for a while. She needs to call Blanca and warn her that their vacation is over. She hugged Missy and Toby and they laughed at how fast they got a meal put together. He helped her quickly set the places thinking this was ridiculous for Rob to do this to her. Toby took the big platter of fried chicken out to the table.
"What are you doing?" Rob asked as he stepped into the dining room.
"I'm helping get dinner on the table Rob. You give her a few minute's notice you're bringing over a dozen people home when she is prepared to feed three and you expect her to be able to handle it all by herself," Toby told him, sounding frustrated with him.
Looking around Missy came out of the kitchen with her huge bowl of salad smiling so proud of what she accomplished. Seeing Rob there she raised it and said, "I made it,"
"Sorry Bobbie I will give you days' notice next time I was not thinking apparently," Rob said when she brought out the potato salad.
"Thank you for helping me. But these two have been a Godsend, great helpers. Patting Toby on the arm she said, "This one is a man of many talents," she said and headed back to the kitchen.
He looked at Missy and said, "Sorry I wasn't thinking,"
"It is Ok I had fun," she said, put the bowl on the table and ran upstairs to have the DVR record the four local news stations. She was sure they would be on TV tonight somewhere too many people filmed their every move to not be. Coming back down the table was ready and Rob called out dinner. Missy hoped these people didn't think they had to dress for dinner. It wasn't going to happen tonight she was too tired it had been a long day.
The sound coming from the house reminded her of that scene in Sound of Music as the children came from their rooms after their father blew the whistle. All the closing doors she laughed as she made her way down the stairs ready to sing DOE, RAY, ME.
They were all smiles as they took a seat. They were in Texas after all. Toby was still filling water glasses as Bobbie filled the others with tea. Going back in the kitchen he picked up Travis's highchair and all and brought it out setting him in his usual spot. Breathing a sigh of relief, he and Missy sat down next to him. As the food was passed the talk of the new movie started and Toby knew he was doomed. That was all they were going to hear from now on. Except the moans and groans over the food as they ate. Toby hopes they thank Bobby for the good meal, but he doubts it.