Chereads / What's Behind Those Blue Eyes / Chapter 27 - Going Back Through The Open Door

Chapter 27 - Going Back Through The Open Door

Missy found Toby exactly where she thought she would find him. He was sitting on the floor putting the new things together. Travis was watching intently as he put a screw back in to hold the batteries in the game with a pin knife. 

"Hey guys how is it going," 

"We are great, just trying to put this thing together. Where is the horde," he asked and smiled to let her know he was teasing. 

"They are watching my movie right now. They seemed excited at the chance. We will see when it is over."

"Ah, you know it is good, now you're sounding like me," Toby said and turned the math tutor on. 

It was a cute program that starts very simple with one goat, and two chickens, and it tests the child often. Toby liked this one as he and Missy sat on the floor with Travis, as he worked the program. 

She wanted to play the piano. She had lessons as a child and wanted to see if she remembered anything. She was not about to try at the store and make a fool of herself when she couldn't even play Brown Button. 

It was a great little keyboard that had easy-to-hard settings for the learning program. The keys light up a tenth of a second before the note is played. You can chase the keys and play along if that is what you want to do. Missy plugged it in and the first song on the easy playlist was Old MacDonald Had A Farm. The one they sang in the truck, so she began to sing as the music played, which got Travis' attention quickly. 

Toby watched as she stood and began to dance to the music and sing along. Travis watched her for a few seconds and began to try to sing the words and dance with Missy. Toby joined in; he knew he looked like an idiot, but he didn't care if it helped his son not be bashful. They laughed and danced to the different songs as Travis learned the tunes. 

Missy played the Old MacDonald's tune on the keyboard and showed Travis how you can make the music himself. As he stood pressing the different keys Missy set it up to play the tune and he watched as the lights lit up for the correct key. She left him to work it out and went to see what Toby was doing. 

He was working on the word game by putting in batteries. "We may have lost him to the music," Toby said tilting his head towards Travis dancing to his own music. 

"Well if you can stand the noise, he seems content and he is up and moving," she said and turned to see him bouncing in front of the keyboard. 

He turned and smiled. He was making a racket and Missy went to dance with him. That seemed to encourage him, and he continued pressing keys and bouncing to the rhythm. 

Toby stood, took Missy's hand, and began to dance around the room. They started to hear the repetition of his playing. "You should show him people or kids playing the piano on YouTube and maybe he will catch on quicker," Missy told him. Hugging her tight he kissed the top of her head and said, "Thanks for being so good to us," then went to see what he could find as Travis played away. Missy came up behind him as he sat on the bed and lay across his bed up on her elbows to see what he could find. 

He got on YouTube and typed in PIANO and a couple thousand links popped up. He added kids to the search and had dozens to choose from. It ran the gambit of 'You've got to be kidding' to 'so amazing'. They moved on to genius kids and this group was amazing. A three-year-old girl already in Mensa with an IQ over 160 the members couldn't get a true test of her abilities being so young. 

Some say they are supposed to be Alien spawns left on Earth to take over. Toby remembers making him, so he doesn't believe that one. After dozens of clicks, they ended up with ancient artifacts from thousands to millions of years ago found in rocks. They discussed how a plug got in a fifty-million-year-old rock. Travis played his ditty he made up repeatedly adding more to the end each time bouncing and shaking his booty. 

Toby clapped as did Missy and Travis clapped and then went back to playing the tune. Rob and the two ladies stood at the door wondering what was going on.

"He is a genius," Toby said, pointing at him. 

Rob shook his head and laughed,

"No really," Missy said shifting to get off the bed she grabbed the tablet motioning for them to come in. Travis saw what she had and came to her side ready to work it. He seemed to like to show off Toby noticed.

"You go and sit down over there, and he can show you how smart he is. That is why we were out shopping," she said excitedly. She gave them a quick rundown of what he had been doing, showed them quickly what level he was at, and handed the tablet to him. He sat where everyone could see and started answering the questions on the third-grade level program with ease.

Rob shifted forward and said, "What?"

"I know he has progressed to this in five days," Missy said as he answered the word questions. 

"We bought a math game and that electronic piano just to see if he would be interested, and in thirty minutes he has worked out a song of his own." 

"Good Lord Toby, what are you going to do?"

"Well, we went to the school district and asked for help. Amy kept telling me he is so smart, but something clicked in him last week and everything is just flowing into him now." 

"I would say we need to get the camera crew over here and document this. This is amazing we knew he was a cutie, but damn Toby how will you keep up with him."

"I know we have been looking on the internet looking at other geniuses and one parent was talking about special classes," Toby told them as Travis worked on his new game. He brought over the math one to see if he could interest him and they traded. He was at the very beginning of the program. He worked on it for a few minutes, looked at his daddy, and said, "I'm tired,"

Toby seeing the time said, "Ok big guy bath and bed ok?" He handed Rob the device, took his hand, and told them all, "Nighty, night," and headed to his room it was later than he realized. 

Toby called out, "I'll see y'all later," 

"I know it's amazing, we have been trying to find help for the last few days. Toby does well to get on the internet," Missy told them.

"I heard that," boomed from the bathroom.

"You know it is true," Missy shot back and laughed. 

"Just finding stuff, not all of it," he called back, and the room filled with laughter. 

"So, what did you think of my movie?" Missy asked once they all relaxed.

"Well that was why we came down here, we loved it," Rob told her. 

"Thanks, we are going to cut some of the long scenes and add an at-home scene. Toby couldn't tell it was me the way they had me dressed and my hair all pulled back."

"Yeah, I noticed a couple of the guys were asking if that was you halfway through the scene," the tall blond said. 

Missy looked at her and realized she met her once at a party. She was kind of thirsty, showing way too much boob in her opinion for the occasion. But apparently, it worked because she got some part in this movie. She didn't think Rob was dumb enough to make her a girlfriend. The other one she has never seen before. She wonders if she is a new love interest for Rob. She is a pretty girl but nothing Toby would be interested in. 

"So, you just found out how smart he is?" Rob asked.

"Yes, he had too much energy, so I got my iPad, and he took to it and has worked on so many programs. The district agreed he was as close as they have found to a genius for a one-year-old," Missy whined.

"He is only one year old?" The maybe girlfriend asked, sounding shocked. 

"Yeah Cheri he is almost fourteen months old, but a big one," Rob said. 

 "Yeah that is genius, I thought he was at least three and just short," Angie said. 

"No, he is a big baby, he will be a big, tall, and handsome man who is way too smart," Missy told them. "So anyways the school district is supposed to get back with Toby with suggestions or a teacher that can travel with him." 

"So, you and Toby?" Rob asked and fluttered two fingers back and forth. 

 "No, Rob, you know he is not interested, I wish." Amy said "He is amazing, but no. You noticed Travis didn't even get upset when she left. I think he understood she screwed over his dad." 

"So, he told them he would be leaving the area," Rob asked, not even discussing that whole mess.

"Yeah he plans to come back ASAP, but someone needs to work with Travis all the time he gets bored so quickly."

"Smart, well we are leaving it to you. Good night," Rob said as the women followed. 

"Sounds good I'll be up soon," Missy said and then realized she had all the local news to scan for them. She walked them past Travis' room and slipped in, to wish him good night. Toby was just finishing dressing him. He had freshly brushed his curly locks framing his angel face. Missy smiled watching Toby work with Travis with loving care and patience.


She wondered why he couldn't find her fascinating and wanted to be with her. She had ten times what Amy had going on, why can't he see that? Stepping into the room Travis saw her and smiled Toby turned and watched her coming in. "Yeah sweetie, I noticed everyone leaving," Toby said and stood Travis up on the changing table. He hung over the side but at least it was somewhere to put him to change. He was too smart to still be peeing and pooping in his diaper; he hoped whoever they found could work with him on potty training. He didn't have a clue how to do that. 

"Yeah, I guess they have had a long day. Um, I taped all the news programs to see if we were on them. Do you want to come up and see what we find? We can just quickly scan them until we see a familiar face."

"Sure, let me make a bottle and he should be asleep quickly." 

Toby placed him on the bed and Missy knelt and laid down next to him half on and half off the bed that was still on the floor. She rubbed his back and sang the sleepy little baby song at least the few words she knew. She sang as Toby made a bottle. He knows Amy had him off them, but it was so much easier to get him to sleep with one.


Toby followed her up the stairs watching that nice ass swing in front of his face, and he wondered if she would be up for an abbreviated repeat of the other night. He had had a long day too, but she did look inviting, and his testosterone was peeking its ugly head out again. There was noise coming from most of the rooms, but in Rob's, they could hear both women talking and laughing as they stepped to the landing. Toby looked at Missy and cocked his head towards Rob's room. "You think he is taking them both on?" 

"Knowing him no, they are probably going over lines. He is not that adventuresome, but if he is, I hope they are quiet. My room is next to his."

"Well you can always sleep in my room, and we can make some noise of our own," Toby offered as he took his seat. 

"Thanks for the offer, are we going to moo like cows?" Missy asked, leaning in and kissing his cheek. 

That cow-eyed girl flashed in his head and didn't want a repeat of that. 

"I was thinking more like monkey sounds, eek, eek, you know sexy monkey sounds," he offered and pulled her into his lap wrapping his arms around her he began kissing her neck and nibbling her ears setting her on fire. 

"Sure, let's watch this first," Missy suggested and was helped out of his lap quickly as a door in the hallway opened. Apparently, neither one wanted the others to find out they had been together. 

They made two different news programs of course channel 8 had Toby's rant about his father and the other was cell phone footage of them shopping and someone in the background saying they looked like they were getting ready for a party, and they were right the cart was packed with all kinds of crap. 

"Let me go see if they are being noisy and I'll be down nice and clean," Missy offered with a pat on his arm.

He watched her walk by, smiled, and quickly got up. He needed to be clean too. She did that one thing so well, he thought and quickly went downstairs. Turning on the baby monitor he watched for a moment as Travis slept so sweetly with his knees tucked under him and his butt in the air.


He got his shower done quickly and knowing how women are he knew she would be a while. Collecting his laptop he looked up the news station and watched himself talking in the interview. He wondered if people could see the anger and hurt in his eyes as he spoke about his father. He watched again and this time he watched Travis' expression as he began to speak of his father and the hurt he saw on his face. That boy understands so much more than he thought. 

Checking out YouTube he typed in his name and was shocked at how many more posts there were of him. Several of them had Travis in them and the comments were so sweet about what a cute baby he was. Now that Candace has seen him, he doesn't care if the world sees his handsome son. Which is good because he is all over the place, they even have them at the district building. He read the caption below as the tape rolled of them walking down the hallway. Seeking help for his learning-disabled son. 

That pissed him off again that the press was wrong. He typed in the comments along with a dozen people voicing their concerns for him and his son, so he typed. 

Wrong! Seeking help for my brilliant son, looking for a teacher to travel with us. He is doing fourth-grade work at the age of one. Thanks for your concerns but he is great. Again, the media gets it all wrong. Toby Mc.

"Yes, they are noisy, and no it is not sex they are just talking non-stop," Missy said, slipping into his room. She had on a robe and what looked like a tee-shirt-type nightshirt. "I know it's not sexy, but I want to be able to say I was down here, but not for sex."

"Why don't you want people to know?"

"Same reason you don't. I don't want to be perceived as a bed hopper."

"Ok, come and hop in my bed," he said and smiled, patting the cover as an invite. He knew what she liked, and she knew how to make him happy, so the night was on. 

Missy's last orgasm coincided with Toby's final push as he exploded and hit deep. Missy came up off the bed as the surge engulfed her. This was a first for Missy. She has had plenty orgasms with external stimulation, many she found by herself, but internal this was in her opinion, 'Oh my God the best'. Her body was humming as she tried to relax and enjoy the afterglow. Toby collapsed to her side and pulled her to him, hugging her close. He was breathing heavily, and she could feel his heart pounding. She may have worn him out. 

He chuckled lightheartedly and said, "Girl that was good."

She rolled to him sliding her leg over his thigh and lying in the crook of his arm she relaxed in his embrace. She felt covers being pulled over her a while later. They had both cooled down and it was time to sleep.

Missy stretched as Toby grumbled, Travis was awake and was playing the piano, something Toby mistakenly placed in his room last night. "Boy it is the butt crack of dawn what are you doing up," he grumbled, if they didn't have a hall full of people, he would just turn down the monitor, but the place was full. Toby slid out of bed as Missy lifted leaning back on her elbows, he tossed her shirt at her. "Damn you look good enough to eat," he told her, slipping his boxers on. "Put that on, I'm bringing him back, he has a fascination for boobs."

"Sounds like your son," she said and slipped the shirt on. 

Growling he went to get his son before the whole house was up. Missy watched the monitor as he scooped him up, turned the piano off and Travis began to fuss. Bringing him quickly to his room Toby sat Travis in the middle of the bed, grabbed the tablet, and told Missy, "Start it over from the beginning of any program and turn it down low. I want to hear he is right on every one of them." He got back in bed and looked like he planned to go to sleep. Getting totally bored after a while Travis lay down and went back to sleep too between them.


Hours later with the sun streaming in Missy woke with Travis crawling over her side. He seemed determined to lie across her chest, but he was barely awake. She pulled him up and he seemed to want to cuddle so she held him for a while until he finally woke up all the way. Missy got up, slipped on her robe, and took Travis to change him leaving Toby to sleep. He had been masterful last night and deserved a little more rest. 

Receiving several vulgar comments as she came from the hallway she said, "No, I came down to get away from the giggling coming from the other room and Toby was awake looking at the internet and we fell asleep period," Missy said putting Travis in the highchair. "It is kind of hard to do anything with a kid this size between you." 

"Aah huh but you would have," Cheri said like she had found a secret.

"Everyone knows I have the hots for Toby who doesn't, but I'm not his type," she told the ditz. She had already seen how her eyes followed him everywhere yesterday. 

Toby came out of his room looking like he barely pulled himself together. "Oh, I thought he got off the bed by himself, I forgot you were there," Toby said, "You know that YouTube has everything you can think of on it," he told the group and Bobbie came out when she heard his voice to take his breakfast request. 

Missy smiled knowing that Toby had charmed old Bobbie too. It was as though no woman was immune from his good old boy country charms. 

Missy excused herself to go clean up, they may have believed her that they didn't have sex, but if someone got close to her they would know better. He had turned last night into a game of smearing her juice all over her and then licking it off. His abbreviated claim lasted a long time as they played. She did have to agree she did taste good. Turning red at the memory she approached the stairs remembering the orgasms she had last night. Mumbling as she climbed the stairs, "Why can't he want me as his girlfriend," she knew he was looking for someone otherwise he wouldn't have held on to Amy for so long. 

Toby was sitting on his loveseat talking on his phone and Travis was sitting on the floor working on the math program. Missy looked in and Toby waved her in, patting the loveseat for her to sit down. 

"Ok 10:00 is a bad time for him, he usually is napping. Could we be there at 1:00 he will have had his nap and eaten lunch and will be in a good mood and ready to work," Toby told, assuming the teacher at the district office. 

"Ok, perfect, we will be there at 1:00.

Yes, I will bring all his different games. Do you want me to bring the electronic piano? 

Yes, he has been playing for a few days and has composed a song.

Yes, he repeats it often and is adding to it each time so yes, it is his. 

Yes, ma'am, I do find that amazing. That is why I need help. He is too smart. He will surpass me in another week. I have never been known for my brains," Toby told her, sounding frantic.

He laughed and said, "Ok at 1:00," He lowered his phone and asked, "You want to come?" He asked as she listened to the one-sided conversation.

"Sure, so they found someone?" she asked. Hell yes, she wanted to see if she was some young woman he would be interested in. 

"She thinks so they need to do some testing on Travis and find a good fit for him. She said they called in a few teachers to talk with us. I figure you would want to help pick someone ugly and skinny," Toby said and grinned teasing her as he looped his arm around her neck pulled her to him, and kissed her long and hard.

Pulling back quickly he told her, "Oh the PI David called he said she left him ten years ago and never married him at least not legally. He calls them married but they aren't. He said they are Ok living poor in an apartment, but a lot of people live poor."

"I told him to find the woman and tell her to find a decent house and I will buy it for them. That is the least I can do for them." According to his finance guy, he has millions in his accounts. Finding it hard to believe but he knows he can help them. 

"That is very sweet of you. Do you plan on meeting them?"

Missy asked, he seemed to be lost in thought. 

"Yeah, I made the offer for dinner, you know, meet in a neutral place for the first time. I was just glad to hear they weren't with him anymore."

"Apparently she is smart," Missy said, and Toby jumped in and said, "Yes, smarter than my mother." 

"Ah sweetie, different time, different location, he had you guys out in the middle of nowhere, with no money, and no place to go," Missy offered. 

"You're right and my mother never worked a day in her life outside of his house. She barely worked in the house either."

"Isn't that the way of most abused housewives? They live their lives in quiet desperation with nowhere to turn."

"I assume otherwise it wouldn't keep going on. It is sad to think about all the bad stuff that goes on behind closed doors," Toby whined as he went to see how far Travis had gotten with the math. He kept hearing, trying again, and knew he was having trouble. At least this one wouldn't let him keep going without getting it right. 

Toby was completely lost, and he complained, "It must be that new math they have been yelling about. No wonder he is lost." He traded the math for the spelling one which seemed fine with Travis. Checking the time Toby decided to put him down for a nap a few minutes early he will have to wake him to get lunch and be there on time. His phone rang as he changed him Missy took over for him and said, "It is David" she said and again she listened to a one-sided conversation as he took it.

"Yeah, hello.

What is going on?

That was quick.

Ok and. 

Sure, no problem let's say two hundred and she can decide how to spend it.

Well, does she seem like a drug user or a drunk?

Good then make the offer and ask about dinner somewhere out there. Tell her to make the reservations but not a coat and tie place. 

Yes, tell her to text me the place and time.

Thanks, and send me your bill. I appreciate your work.

Again thanks," Toby said coming back into Travis' room Missy had him on his bed rubbing his belly as she sang her sleepy baby song. Travis was playing with her hair and sucking his thumb looking very peaceful. Passing her the bottle he walked away she would come out when he was sleeping. Women seemed to enjoy doing that and touching his hair.