Chereads / What's Behind Those Blue Eyes / Chapter 32 - Time To Spend A Ton Of Money

Chapter 32 - Time To Spend A Ton Of Money

"Boy, that took a long time," Louise announced as Toby stepped in the door. 

"No, it took no time, he wouldn't do it. The house is too big for his crew. We have been out looking for signs advertising other homes that are being remodeled for the last hour," he said, raising the bags to show them lunch.

"You know they have websites for that," Liz called out. 

"Fine smarty pants, find me someone who can come out and give me a bid," he said, giving out hugs and kisses and dropping the names he collected for her to call. Passing out little chocolate boxes of treats he was two days early but may not see them Easter Sunday. He received hugs and kisses and a few tears as they opened the boxes. 

Two hours later Liz found him three people who do work in the area that will furnish references. She even liked their websites. They have done some nice work on other places locally. She showed the site to Toby before she called them. She matched the names he gave her with the website. Showing him his driving around was useful. 

They will come and tour the home with him and give him an estimate and suggestions. Liz did it all acting like his employee which she will be as soon as the papers are signed. 

Liana called telling him she was on her way when he told her he was at the store, and it would take a while to get home. She offered to come there. So now he has Liz trying to find a suite in the area for him to stay in. Highland Suites off the freeway just up from the place he lives now was his best bet. 

"That is two hundred and eighty dollars a day times a month. That's six thousand dollars to start then add meals," Liz said gazing at the thought of spending that much when he has a free place to live.

"But I don't want to overstay my welcome. Sure, he is still making money off me, but I need to move on. He has a whole new group there and I'm not involved in this production. I'm honestly sick of hearing about the new movie they are making now. It sounds like half a dozen I have seen on these TVs."

"Just come and stay with me. I have three empty rooms, but you have to clean up after yourself," Louise offered and warned as Liana came through the door 'all smiles'. "My maid only comes once a week" Louise finished her statement as she went to hug Liana. She has known her for the last twelve years or more.

Travis ran ahead of her calling out Liana's name. She lifted him with a grunt and met Louise in the middle of the showroom. 

"I was so happy to hear you're working with Travis. He is such a dear and so smart," Louise offered as the hug broke.

"I know what a small world and yes he is so smart every time I come to see him, he shocks me at how much he has learned," she said, hugging Travis tighter. "He is the talk of the district. Someone is always asking me what is he doing now," Liana told them. 

Louise introduced her to Liz and Alli as Toby waved to her to follow him. "It's pretty bad when I have to chase down his father to be able to work with him," Liana complained jokingly as she went into Louise's office, and they heard Toby complaining about the guy he found to remodel the house. 

"Aah," Liz groaned. "He is like a dog with a bone, so how long do you give him before he hits on that pretty Liana."

Louise laughed and said, "He would have already, but he was afraid I would object so he held back. She would be perfect for him; she is such a dear girl." 

Toby announced coming out to the showroom. "We are so lucky she came prepared I have nothing for him to work on with me," 

"She has a trunk full of toys, we used to tease her about carrying around a toy store," Louise told him. "Your Attorney Hamish called while you were out looking for the remodel person."

"So, what is the verdict," Toby asked,

"He has the paperwork to sign, and Chuck has the money, so it is up to you when we do this transfer," Louise offered. All ears and big mouths were listening, so he took Louise by the hand and escorted her to the comfortable chairs. 

"No, the question is are you ready, and what does Frank and Stanley Jr. have to say about you selling the place to me."

"Yes, I'm ready and I don't have to get permission from my sons to do anything. This is my retirement, not theirs. I told your attorney I wanted three hundred thousand. That is what you can make in two years and that includes all the contracts with vendors and the lease agreement for the store. We set a good low rent rate years ago and that will stand until you move out of this location."

"I was set to pay you a whole lot more. Why so low?" Toby asked as the sound of Wheels on the Bus came wafting through the store. They all smiled as Travis' voice could be heard singing along.

"I don't plan on making my sons rich when I leave this world. They can both kiss my ass as far as I'm concerned. And if I must, I can sell my house and move into a senior living center. But I'm not going to worry about that for now. We can put the sign up in the window advertising for a manager. I bet some of the women around here would be interested in the job. Maybe I'll come out to LA and visit with Liana and Travis while you work.

Toby smiled he would love that, but that puts staying in a hotel out the window. 

"Sounds like a great plan. I need to talk to Mike and find out what the studio's plan is so we can make arrangements to stay somewhere," Toby told her looking at Liz, she may be looking for housing in LA for all of them next. If she thinks six thousand is high, she is going to shit bricks when she sees the prices out there. But hey he got what he wanted, an invite to stay with mom, so he is happy.

"I'll keep our messes picked up and if need be, I will pay to have the maid come more often. Thank you for offering to let us stay, sweetheart."

"That's Ok, I plan on letting you pay for groceries too," Louise smarted back as Toby reached to hug her.

"You have a deal. I wish I could steal Bobbie and take her with us now," he lamented. She was the main reason he wanted to stay in that house. At least, Rob had Blanca come and do the cleanup after dinner now. It was so easy to guilt him into things. "Ok, I'll start moving this weekend just let me know when it is convenient."

"Basically, you have clothes and toys right."

"Yeah, and I plan to box up all Travis' old stuff and take it to the WIC place. That should clear out a lot. I'll do that tomorrow."

"You should go over to the BB and B and ask for boxes. They had a truck come in this morning and should have plenty," Louise suggested. She knew they would be thrilled to see him. The ladies have missed not having Travis to cuddle with when he left. Of course, he is not much of a cuddler anymore. 

Checking the time, he patted Louise on the knee and said, "I'll do that now before they end up in the crusher," 

She watched as he made the trip across the parking lot. Louise stood and said, "Let's make a sign for the front window. We are looking for a manager. Someone we can all have a good relationship with and won't be fawning all over Toby. Bob came in the back door and said, "Then it needs to be a man. I haven't met a woman yet who doesn't want to jump him, and some men are questionable."

The women all laughed. It was so true.


Toby went to the Bed, Bath, and Beyond store looking for a familiar face. He found Midget behind the registers; she seemed to be just watching the girl doing the checking out and he wondered if they had a numbers problem too. Midget was not her name, but he called her that because she was so short, that was easy to remember. 

"Toby, sweetheart, what brings you in here," she called out before he could say a word. The whole front of the store turned to look at him and he blushed. 

"I need boxes and Louise told me to see you. I'm making a new movie soon," he said and that got everyone's attention, "and I need to pack up some of Travis' old things for charity." 

"Oh, how exciting I loved the other one, so sexy," she said with a grin. 

He blushed again, "Well this new one is about Aliens, so I don't think it will be sexy," he offered.

"Too bad, let me get Jamie to help you, we have a bunch in the back," she said and picked up a walkie-talkie.

"Thanks, I'll see you later," he said as she called for Jamie to come to the front over the PA. Expecting to see some pimply-faced guy show up he got a sexy redhead walking toward him. 

Midget called out, "Help him find some empty boxes." 

They both did a once over, she smiled and turned to go to the back storage area. "Follow me," she said, and Toby thought to the ends of the earth. It took everything he had not to reach out and run his hand down her back just to feel the silky softness of her hair. 

"So, Jamie, how long have you worked here," he asked because he would have noticed her if it had been a long time."

"This is my second week. I'm about to graduate from college with a BA in Business and I need a job to tide me over until I can find a good one. I like it here and I hear you can move up fast so that is good," Jamie told him as they went through the swinging door to the back. A stack of boxes three feet tall greeted him.

"Take as many as you want, we just dump them at the end of the day," she told him, leaving him to the task. 

Selecting a dozen medium-sized ones, he tucked them under his arm. He found Jamie putting toasters out as a display and thanked her again. "The Theater Store is looking for a manager you may want to stop by and put in an application," Toby suggested. He could see her and him spending a lot of time in that office together. 

"Oh, thanks but I don't want to work retail after this place."

What! Slapped Toby in the face, she just talked about moving up in this store. Again, flakey women Toby thought and left the store with a wave of his hand to Midget. He could not remember that woman's name to save his soul. So, he saves them both the embarrassment of calling her by her nickname. Dropping the boxes in the bed of his truck he went to collect Travis. Liana had to be done with him by now. 

Travis was a giggling mess running from Alli as she threatened to tickle him. Scooping him up as he made his second lap around the customer service desk Toby gave out kisses and the promise to come back tomorrow. He swiped a roll of packing tape that had been sitting in the same spot for six months. He needed it for the packing he planned to do tonight. He has spent too long, in a wait-and-see mode, and plans to get on with life starting today.


Travis watched every move his daddy made because this was new. He was taking his things and putting them in boxes and that was alarming. Sitting on the floor Toby started with the bottom drawer folding each item and remembering him in each one. He has grown up so fast Toby was thinking about folding the first pair of jeans he ever wore as it made it to the box. He should have done this months ago. His drawers are stuffed with clothes that don't fit and haven't for a while. He is shocked Amy didn't pack this stuff away. Giving a box to Travis he told him "Pack your old toys we are going to live with Louise for a while." 

The hated noisy train was placed in the box and Toby was glad to see it go. 

Toby moved some things to other boxes as he wrote WIC on some, and the others he labeled Travis', those go to Louise's. 

Doing the same in his room he packed his winter and summer in different boxes with his computer on top. That was all the toys he had. One box was stuffed with shoes. He has more shoes now than he has had his whole life. He can blame that on Deb from the wardrobe. She kept giving him stuff to take home. The best quality was all she ever bought, and she knew not many people would wear worn size fourteen shoes in this business. 

He told Rob at dinner he was leaving, and a couple of people asked for his room, reinforcing the need to move. Plus, Rob didn't ask him to stay. They spent the next thirty minutes talking about his next project and reminiscing about their movie that was still going strong in the theaters, hanging on to second place close to two months in. That was not bad for a winter release. 

He was up at the crack of dawn and he was ready to go. Loading his boxes, he was having a debate about taking his bedspread. He didn't know if someone else would want to sleep under that thing after he had had sex on it so many times. It was full of his DNA, so he folded it neatly, shoved it in a box, and pulled out the old flowered spread Blanca had placed in his closet months ago. He tossed it across the bed he knew she would need to put clean sheets on it for the next person. 

His trip to the WIC office was quick as the women fawned all over Travis, shocked at his verbal skills. Toby gave them a quick rundown of the last few months. Once Travis turned one, he quit going. They did a quick weight and height check, and he is in the 98% group for his age. As Toby unloaded the boxes, Travis entertained them by spelling the words they suggested. Some stumped him but he worked them out close enough. More than half would have stumped him too. 

He stacked the boxes where he knew the donations went and watched as Travis entertained the women. He loved the attention and Toby feared for the ladies' man he would become. No one has ever told him he was ugly or stupid only handsome, cute, and smart. Being raised in a different world was making all the difference. It took Toby thirty years to believe he was handsome and was still working on the smart compliment. 

Toby swung by the store a little after ten. He parked so the back of his truck was visible to the front of the store. He didn't want to lose those shoes. Fourteens are hard to find in this town. That was the main reason he had so few before, they were too hard to find.


It was a cool late March day, but the trees were budding so spring has sprung already. He and Travis walked in about as happy as they had been in a long time. The suggestion was made to leave Travis here, so Toby didn't have to worry about him as he moved their things. Louise stood with her purse and keys in hand waiting for the debate to be over when a man dressed very properly walked with a briefcase in hand.

"Aah, Mr. McBride, your housekeeper told me I might find you here. I'm Albert Hamish, your real estate attorney. I have papers for you to sign and checks for your purchases," he said walking towards him.

"Oh, wow perfect timing shall we go into the office," Toby suggested and took Louise's arm to escort her back to where she came from.

They did their business Albert handed Louise's check to her. She looked it over and smiled. This should last a good long time. Not having to dip into her savings to keep the store afloat should alleviate most of her financial problems. Toby knew the ins and outs of the store; she didn't lie to him about its shortcomings. Plus, he starts with money, not like her pinching pennies the first few years. Placing the check and contracts in her purse she shook hands with the attorney and left them to discuss the house purchase. 

"I spoke to the homeowners, and they had no problem with me handling this transaction solo."

"Sounds good so what now?" Toby asked.

"I have an appointment with them in about thirty minutes if I could find you."

"Did you try calling me?"

"I did but it went to voicemail. That is when I called your house. I knew you wanted to get this done quickly." 

Toby pulled his phone out and it was off. He tried to turn it on, but it turned right back off. "I guess I didn't charge it last night." Of course, the charger is packed in a box.

"Ok, that is fine, Louise and I were about to drive to her place right now. She lives next door to them," Toby told him, collecting the contract and other papers he just signed. "Louise, I will call when we are finished so we can meet at the house," Toby told her and followed him out of the store.

"They didn't pay their taxes for last year, so I took that off the bottom line. You're not responsible for paying old taxes," Albert told him as they left the store.

"Thanks," he hadn't even thought about having to pay taxes and wondered how much they were a year. "If you follow me, I'll get you there in no time," Toby offered, leaving Travis at the store. 

They pulled up and the front of the house was lined with black garbage bags and boxes. Liana was dragging what looked to be a heavy bag out the door. Yelling back into the house, "Mom they are here," she smiled that big bright smile at Toby as they approached. She was such a pretty thing he wondered why he was not interested in her. She is everything he looks for, but he feels nothing, his heart doesn't even pick up when he sees her all he feels is gratitude.

"Finding a lot of stuff to trash?" Toby asked.

"Oh sure, something I drew when I was ten, and a participation trophy when I was twelve, and in volleyball, you know junk like that."

"Oh, that is not junk that is a lifetime of memories," Toby whined back to her scanning the line of bags and wondering what all they had tossed. He has nothing to remember about his school days. It was all lost when his father put him out. He wondered if he looked at his stuff as he trashed all their stuff or if he hired someone to trash his life.

"No, I have the good ones still in my room, this is trash. I was just too lazy to toss before. People can be such pack rats," she offered and continued to drag it across the yard.


Linda met them at the door bidding them to come in. Allen Burkhart was coming out of the kitchen wiping his mouth with a paper towel. "Toby nice to see you and Mr. Hamish I assume."

"Yes, I have your checks, titles, contracts, and deeds here," Albert told him, raising his briefcase. 

Allen led them to his kitchen table removing a few dishes as they sat down. They started going over the paperwork piece by piece as he did with Louise. He had a contract for the work he was to do and a payback clause if he was unable to finish the job. Toby was impressed he made a contract for his services. He told Albert about the deal just in passing, not expecting a contract. If nothing else the man is thorough. The only thing he didn't do was a survey of the land. The fence line tells the boundaries as it has for forty years so Toby told him it was not necessary. The title search was good, the taxes were paid, and the mortgage loan was paid off, so they are set. 

Linda was packing the good dishes in the kitchen as they went over the paperwork. All they needed was her signature and Albert could go. He will submit the papers to the proper channels, when he is all done today, to have the business and home put in his name. 

"I have a contractor coming in a few minutes. I hope you don't mind the invasion," Toby told them, almost forgetting the man was coming. This was not the way he planned this day. 

As he walked Albert out a truck pulled up and a man about his age stepped out. At first, he thought it was that Vanilla Ice guy that did that one show on the DIY network but when he turned to face him, he saw it was not. Thank God that guys' homes are too garish for him. 

As Albert waved goodbye, the man stepped forward, "Hello your secretary called and made an appointment with me."

"Yes, I was waiting for you. We just finished with the purchase so yes come on and let's talk about what I want done. I'm Toby McBride and you are?" 

I'm Sam Hancock, I do a lot of remodels in this area,"

Good, that is what I need. I see you have a photo album, is that a representation of your work?" Toby asked, trying to not sound like some hayseed country boy he could take advantage of.

"Yes sir, this is a beautiful old French Provincial home. So, no realtors?" he asked, not seeing a sign. 

"No, I know the neighbor," Toby said as Sam passed the album to him."

"That is good saved them eighty thousand dollars right there," Sam told him looking the place over. 

Toby did the same thinking what is their percentage. He opened the book, and the first page was before and the second was after with a dozen pictures on each page. Looking closely at the after he was impressed with his work. After the last page, he closed the album and said, "Ok let's look around and see what all needs to be done."


With a yellow legal pad in hand, they started on the outside with him pointing out problems. Leveling the house alone will be thirty thousand to start. Cracked plaster was the tell. He pointed out cracked roofing tiles and how the roots on that nice tree he had bragged about were breaking up the sidewalk. Walking to the side Toby just now realized it has a four-car garage with a drive that needs to be redone. Groaning as the problems are pointed out. Sam laughed, telling him, "This is not bad for a home this old, it has good bones, just blemishes," as they walked into the backyard the price kept going up. They had a covered breezeway that he wanted built in. He told Sam seeing how easily a person could gain access to the house. The pool required a complete redo. Again, the concrete needed replacing everywhere outside. He could blame the shifting soil in the Dallas area. 

On the far side, it appeared they had a dog area that needed some work. He has never had a dog before, but he thinks Travis would like to have one. He told Sam to fix it up so they could have one, and to replace the fence all around the property with an eight-foot cedar fence. Toby told him why he wanted the fence and his concerns about not having protection in the front. Sam told him he could have burglar bars put on the doors and windows, but they would be beautifully sculptured metal work that would work with the French design of the home. 

"Plus, a very good burglar alarm built into the replacement windows," Sam suggested. He could also build a gate across the drive to block the back part of the property from people gaining access. He was convinced Sam had no idea who he was. 

Toby thought about Candace's house, and it may be overkill but he would think about it as they continued the tour. Coming in the back door at Linda's encouragement the sliding glass door was to be replaced with French doors. The cost just kept going up as they walked on, adding wood floors throughout the house. 

Sam stood adding up the cost. "I can hand you back a beautifully redone home for two-eighty. The leveling will be on your dime, and it must be done before anything else can be started. The outside concrete also needs to wait for the large trucks to be able to pull up and work on the house. Once that is done the drive will need replacing," 

The next day he walked two other contractors through the house. Both were a lot higher, and one didn't even talk about the leveling that needed to be done in their presentation. Allen told him he knew it needed to be done but again money was an issue. Toby was telling him what he was doing. He told him, "They got into this house by the skin of their teeth expecting his pay to increase and make paying for it easier because Linda loved it so much. Kids kept coming and Linda is a spender so he could never get ahead," he lamented as Toby went over the bids.