"Ok, so you think this Lawyer Linda Williams will be able to help Kate with this problem?"
"Yeah I do, she is good with abuse problems. How was dinner?"
"We had a nice dinner,"
"So, he has not been a problem lately?"
"Lately he is probably drinking too much to come out often."
"You think he will try to get in touch with you."
"No, I have no idea, nor do I think he was smart enough to use a computer that well."
"Not much about you on the internet before the movie." David pointed out.
"No not much, why were you looking me up?"
"To make sure you weren't some stalker. You could have been looking for her for your father."
"Oh, Ok that makes sense."
"So, what is next for you?"
"Well I have a new movie to do and I'm hoping they film it here in the Dallas area. I have in my bio that I only want to work in Dallas. So, they knew it was my preference when they offered me the part. But they have asked me to come to LA and meet with them so I'm not sure. The money is too good to pass up wherever they want to send me," Toby told the PI who probably added this conversation to his bill. "I appreciate the reference and information and I'll call her shortly."
"Call me if I can do anything else for you," David told him.
"I will and thanks again Bye," Toby said as Travis had one of his learning games going, it sounded like a full blast from his room. He didn't care that no one was home except Bobbie and him, but it did make having a conversation difficult.
Toby found him asleep on the floor. It looks like he passed out while trying to answer a difficult question. Leaving him asleep on the floor he turned the game off. Toby called the attorney and left a message. He told the receptionist to have Mrs. Williams call him and found out Mrs. Williams was a Miss.
Having absolutely nothing to do Toby called Momma Louise and told her about his dinner. She agreed they may be their own worst enemies. "You know some people can't walk away from the chaos," Louise reminded him.
"I can hope they get it together, but I can't demand anything from them. I gave her a lot of money and I hope she uses it well. I have a call into an attorney, and I'll let her work with her for a while. If she tells me to not bother, I won't stay involved with them. They may turn into a money pit. I'll keep tossing money at it and never see any results.'
"Oh, who knows they may surprise you and turn out great," Louise offered, and Toby's phone beeped.
"Got to go, I'll call you later," Toby said and answered his phone. "Yes hello."
"Yeah Toby, how are you?"
"Oh yeah Missy, do you have a date?" he asked because he knew no other reason for her to call.
"Yeah but I was calling to see how the dinner went," she told him.
"Oh, that is sweet, and it is a good question," Toby said and told her his impressions of them and his concerns. They talk for an hour in between Travis waking up and throwing a feed-me fit. She talked to him as Toby found him a snack. Taking the phone back she carried on about how much better he was talking now. It had been a week, but he was much improved.
Toby whispered so he wouldn't hurt Travis' feelings by talking about him, "I know it is like his brain is just opening up and every time he talks, he speaks better, and he knows how to answer questions. Now I haven't been around many babies, but this is weird."
"It is. My nephew can't even talk as well as he does."
"He is three, right?" Toby asked, hoping he remembered correctly.
"Yeah, and an idiot," she complained.
"Ah Missy, be nice."
"Why is it not my fault I didn't give birth to him?"
"No, you can't help it, he is an idiot," Toby said and laughed at her comment.
"So how is the family?"
"Fine, money hungry, it took my sister ten minutes to ask for money."
"Wow, ten whole minutes is that a record?"
"Close and I could tell she was chomping at the bit to ask the second I walked in the house."
"Did you tell them you spent it all?"
"Invested it in a new movie and watched their faces drop," She said and laughed.
"OH, hell I have to call my broker and have him round up some money."
"Really what are you doing?"
"I bought a house and told Louise I would buy her business."
"Wow, you have been busy."
"Yes, I have been busy, but I have missed you. I had nothing around here to keep me busy, so I spent money."
"Sorry about that. It was rude of me to run off like that."
"You want to explain why you ran off so fast," he asked and listened for a long time as she poured out her heart.
"Ah sweetie I wish I did, but you and I are as different as night and day. I love you and you changed my life and want to continue to be your friend and talk to you often and I hope to walk the red carpet with you any time," he told her around her tears. He knew she was as lonesome as he was, and her family had let her down again. They were always after her for money.
His phone beeped and it was the attorney, "sweetie I have to take this call, I'll call you back." He clicked off and answered the call.
"Yes, hello,"
"Mr. McBride, this is Attorney Linda Williams."
"Yes, thank you for calling back. I got your number from the P.I. David."
"Yeah, Ludlum."
"Yes, he has been really good about sending clients to me. How can I help?"
"Well, do you have time for a quick story?"
"Yes, tell me how I can help you."
"Ok great," Toby told her a very quick rundown of his life story and how he met his half family. He gave her Kate's number and all his information so she could bill him for her hours.
Thanks, and call me for any other information," Toby told her, he loved her voice and would love to meet her. There goes the mister testosterone again, but he would love to hear that voice calling out his name.
Travis was finished and had gone into fit mode again apparently that was the only way to get his father's attention. Bobbie came out of the kitchen and got on to Toby for not paying attention to him.
"Ok damn-it I was on the phone," Toby shouted, and both shut up as his phone rang again this time it was Liana. "Oh, hell I have to call Chuck," his money man, Toby grumbled as he answered.
"Yes hello," he snapped.
"Is it Ok if I come over?" she asked tentatively.
"Yes, I'm sorry Travis is on my butt."
"Is he a handful?"
"Yes, please come right now he is too demanding."
"He can't be that bad," she said with a laugh."
"No, you wait and see," he snapped. "He is talking his head off."
"I'm coming, just hang on."
"Ok great we will be here."
"Liana is coming you can demand your little head off to her I have had it," Toby told him and went to his room.
Travis followed complaining about him not listening to him.
Toby told him, "It is called 'ignoring' mister smarty pants."
Liana was on her way so he would wait for her to come and then make his calls. Travis stood with his hands on his hips glaring at Toby. He cracked up laughing, snatching him up, tossed him on his freshly made bed, and tickled him as they both laughed.
"You know sometimes I have people I have to talk to and just need some time. Young man, you need to have some patience."
"But I'm little,"
"So, I'm big and I have calls to make," he said as he got off the bed.
"So, I'm little and you have to help me," he said in his garbled way. His speech was becoming clearer by the hour Toby noted. Toby didn't say another word because he knew Travis would keep talking to have the last word. Now he sees why his father would have no backtalk. It is annoying.
The doorbell rang and Travis took off running yelling, "Mine."
"Yeah but you can't open the door, it's locked, smarty pants," Toby called out as he followed him. They could see it was Liana, Travis grunted and pointed at the door, "See my Liana."
"Yes, I can see but I still have to answer the door," Toby said as he unlocked the dead bolt letting Liana in.
She walked in seeing the fight was still on Travis took her finger and pulled her to the hall.
"Have fun he is on a tangent," Toby whispered as she walked by.
"If not you ignore me," he retorted.
"And I will continue to, you little smart aleck."
"No, you are," Travis growled at him.
Taking Liana by the arm he said, "I'm going to line up the money for your house and a couple of other things just call out when you need me."
"Go call people," Travis smarted back, stopping Toby's exit.
"Travis, I love you, but you have to stop talking to me like that, or you're going to learn what time out is early," Toby snapped at him. Toby let go of Liana's arm and the tug of war was over.
Travis started to say something, but Liana put her hand over his face as they continued to go to his daddy's room.
"Travis, he said to not do that. It is rude to your father."
With his frustrated growl he said, "I want to talk on phone." he explained his side.
"Well sometimes daddies are busy, and you need to be patient. You have a very good daddy, you need to be good and wait," Liana explained.
Travis growled and went to his math game and turned it on ignoring her.
Liana sat shocked he was on twelve, when she left Friday, he was on nine. He was adding everything to twelve, and she wondered why she was there. He seemed to be ignoring her as she set up her area. Apparently, he was pissed at her also. She brought markers and paper so he could learn to write. So far it was all electronic. She put the markers on the far end of the table, paper next to that, and sat on the floor. She picked up a marker and drew flower petals and picked up another and drew the stem. Leaving the game, he slid down to watch. She filled in the middle with yellow and then picked up the brown and made the ground.
Sliding one piece down to him, she opened a blue marker. He touched it to the paper and giggled. She could tell he had never drawn before, not many one-year-olds have she reminded herself. Writing the word flower, he again giggled and attempted his version on his paper. Taking another page, she drew a truck outline as close as she could get and wrote the truck below.
He took a red marker, made a circle, and wrote apples. He was smiling so proudly; she drew a puppy, a little leggy, but a dog, and wrote puppy. She drew dots and then numbered them. They counted and drew for an hour then she wrote his name. "This is how you spell your name Travis," she told him.
With an unsteady hand, he wrote his name proudly. Knowing it was time to go she said, "Go show daddy." He ran from the room calling, "Look, Daddy."
That was something a four-year-old would do. How advanced is the kid going to get? She was following behind him and watched as Toby praised him. Someone on the phone was making him smile as he listened. Waving, she left as the praise continued.
Toby had been busy. He had Chuck who was working on pulling together the money to buy the house and he knew a good real estate attorney, so Toby called him. Albert Hamish got busy with the house and the Theater store purchase. He called Louise and told her he had an attorney. Then he called Juliet to find out who did her house remodel. He liked what he saw at her place. She was nice and friendly to him and gave him the name, not interested in continuing the conversation. Snub taken.
Javier Sanchez was his name, so he called him. They will meet tomorrow morning at about 9:30 at the house to discuss what he wants. When Travis came out with his name written he was talking to Missy, he wanted to fill her in on what all he had accomplished without help. He could take care of himself with a lot of help from professionals, money, and his phone.
Travis took him to his room to show him the drawings, but Liana had collected up the markers leaving only the papers. Upsetting Travis terribly, he wanted to keep drawing and had no markers.
Taking a quick trip to their local Target they went in search of those magic markers that only color on the right paper. Toby was no fool and this was not his house. They both went in knowing what they were after and were stopped by all the bright colors heralding spring. Easter was coming Toby hadn't thought about anything but what was going on with him. Travis may be right, he has been ignoring him. Watching Travis' eyes as he scanned the place, he needed to pull his head out of his ass and pay attention to his son.
He was just thinking of no more women when a woman walked up smiling and said, "Toby McBride, how exciting to see you here." Taking her in she was perfection 5 foot 10 in her high heels, with long blond hair. He also took note that she did not have much make-up on and she had a small boy riding in the back of the basket just like Travis had, even though the sign warns you not to do that. Travis was too big to sit in the cart properly and it appeared her son was also.
"Yeah that is me, we came to find markers so my son can draw," he told her and hoped he didn't sound as stupid as he thought he did.
"I saw your movie, it was so good. We just moved here from LA. I love it here; it is so laid back."
The boys had noticed one another, and Travis stuck out his hand to shake and Toby wondered where he learned that. Her son just looked at him as if he was a freak.
"Yeah I like it here too, but we are just about to fly out to LA to start a new movie,"
"How exciting for you, well it was nice meeting you."
He watched her walk away as Mister Testosterone reared his ugly head. He blames the women in his life. They give him all the sex he wants and then walk away. He can't just turn the spigot off so easily.
They found the toy section but too many things caught Travis' attention as he looked around. With trucks and cars and noisy toys all around them, Travis was in heaven.
He let him pick two toys and found the markers and paper in another part of the store. Selecting some summer clothes for Travis. He realized that Easter Day was coming soon so he bought for the ladies in his life. They went to check out after spending over an hour in the place and getting plenty of attention. Toby needs to pack up his old toys and clothes. He had outgrown most of them and figured it would be best to take them to the WIC office and stop being so lazy. The time to leave is quickly coming.
They got back just in time for the horde to be exiting the limo. The need to move again hit Toby; he knew he was taking up room and space he could probably use for the actors in his new movie.
Mid-February all he needs is to make it two months and he is out of here. He is calling Mom so she may help. He would rather stay with her than here. If she had a shower in the store restroom he would stay there.
Travis wouldn't care if he had the games and Liana's attention. Chuckling at that idea he would sick Liz on the problem he may just have someone build one out in the back area. He needs to call Louise to call the Burkhart's to let them know he is coming in the morning with the contractor.
He has already told him he can't start yet he must finish the one he is doing now. The Burkhart's will be happy to hear they don't need to move out yet. He would prefer they stay if possible. An empty house is an invitation for trouble. He and his friends spent some good times in a few empty houses as teens. Toby thought about those good times as he set Travis up with the markers so he could make his calls. He was hoping to catch her before they closed for the night.
"Louise, hey could you do something for me?"
"Sure, and I'm doing just fine thanks for asking," she said to let him know he had done something wrong.
"Sorry Mom, I miss you and want to come and see you tomorrow."
"Sounds good, what is it you need from me, now that you made up for your rude behavior."
"Yeah, thanks, could you call the Burkhart's and let them know I have a contractor coming tomorrow at 9:30 to check out the house for me? But tell them there is no hurry to move. He is working on another home already so it will be a while before they have to move."
"Ok, I will when I get home and I hear Liana is working for you what a small world."
"I know, I forgot to tell you she is so good with Travis. And no, I'm not making a move on her. I learned my lesson, leave the nanny alone," Toby told her, so she doesn't start lecturing him like she did with Leila.
"Don't be silly she is twenty-six and would make a wonderful wife and mother," Louise said with a laugh.
"You make no sense, woman, but tell them about tomorrow and I'll come see you guys after we finish with the tour."
Going to his next call, "Mike I'm glad I caught you.
Yeah, it's Toby, did you hear from the Aliens people about where the movie is going to be shot?"
"Why is there a problem?" Mike asked.
"Well, I need to make plans for me and my son."
"Is there a problem?"
"No, I need to move, I'm sure I have worn out my welcome."
"Did he say something?" he wondered because the man was still making a ton of money off Toby.
"No, you just know when it is time to go. Rob came back with a new group for his new movie and I'm sure they could use the rooms."
"Ok, I'll find out tomorrow for you."
"Please do, I'm either renting a suite short term or an apartment. I did find a house, but it needs a bunch of work."
"Ok, I got it, you need to know which way to go," Mike offered.
"Yeah, call me when you find out. Bye," he said, trying to remember who else he needed to call. Checking the time, it was too late to call Chuck to see if he had the money ready. That should have been the first call without the money. Nothing else happens. Chuck told him to give him a couple of days which will be tomorrow.
A classic fifties Ford truck painted teal and cream sat out in front of the Burkhart's home. Here Toby thought he would be early and speak to Louise as she pulled out to go the work. The truck was immaculate, which impressed Toby too. He unloaded Travis as a light mist started to fall. Crouching down low he told him. "I need you to not get into these people's stuff."
"Ok, I can do that," Travis offered.
"Thanks, sweetie," Toby said then turned his attention to the man, "Hey I'm Toby and you are?"
"Javier Sanchez it is nice to meet you, but Sir this house is much larger than any I have worked on before," he said as they shook hands, he was looking over the house.
"Are you saying you don't want to try?" Toby asked, kind of shocked by the reception.
"No, sir I'm just not sure what time frame you're talking about?" Javier said, looking the front over.
"There is no rush, six months or so I have another movie to make," Toby told him as they walked towards the front door. Ringing the bell Linda Burkhart answered as if she was waiting for them.
"Hi, come on Louise said you'd be coming."
"Yeah, I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt, but I need to get this all figured out before I leave town," Toby told her as Javier looked around.
"Well make yourself at home. Your attorney called this morning and said as soon as the money comes in, he will set up a closing."
"Sounds good but until Javier here is ready to start on this place, you can stay here while he works," Toby told her.
"Oh, thanks, that would be nice, our youngest is graduating and a move right in the middle of that would be difficult," Linda told him as they walked around. He could tell she had been doing some cleaning. Slipping his arm around her shoulder he told her to stop. "This place is going to be torn apart, you're wasting your time and energy to relax and enjoy your freedom."
She laughed and walked away. Toby caught up with Javier and Travis was good at staying with him. They went to the kitchen and Toby was telling him what he wanted and how he wanted to open it up some more. The two refrigerators, four ovens, a large stove, and two dishwashers he wants in the kitchen. Displaying with his hands the large island he wants of granite.
"Sir, I'm not sure we could do this house, I do little homes. Let me give you the number of another person who does remodeling. He is used to dealing with fancy homes," Javier told him, shaking his head at the prospects.
"You won't even try there is no rush?"
"No sir, I know my limits and my crew is small and on the other side of town. Hang on and I will bring you his business card," Javier said and left quickly.
"I heard, is that bad?" Linda asked as she walked towards him.
"Apparently it's too much work for him and his small crew."
Toby said, trying to think of how he could find someone else. He thought for sure this guy would be happy to take this on.
A quick tap on the door and he brought in a card, exchanging niceties he left Toby standing there.
"You know there are a lot of homes in the area that are having work done. If you drive around and look for signs in yards maybe you can find some names," Linda told him as a suggestion.
Toby remembered before seeing large dumpsters in drives and work trucks at some homes, as he installed systems, so Travis and he went driving around the area. He has a business card but wants more contractors to talk with.
"It can't be that hard to find someone looking for work." He felt like he was driving the streets in Lavon again and had to keep reminding himself to stay in the fancy neighborhood. To stay with the larger homes, he was also shocked at how many were for sale and some he liked the looks of and wished he had done a little more looking around.
Again, he screwed up and jumped before thinking. But he did find a few names and two houses had the same name on them blocks apart. Putting a star by that name he went to the store to see the girls. Getting close to lunchtime he swung by Dickey's and went to the store. Travis carried the bag of beans as Toby brought in the rest and as expected the place was empty. Reminding himself it was the wrong time of the year and to not freak out. He'll make money just like Louise does.