The house was beginning to smell like Thanksgiving. Toby and Amy went out and bought three of those aroma pots and had them set up around the house. One was in Toby's room. He loved the smell; it reminded him of the store and the people he loved. They also bought winter clothes for Travis and cheesy decorations for the table. He wanted the centerpiece as tacky as he could make it. She figures he had seen them somewhere as a child and it was a good memory. He was adamant they bought them when he saw them at the party store. The excitement in his eyes was comical to her so she didn't argue with him. At some point, he had an enjoyable Thanksgiving meal he wanted to remember.
Travis was thrilled, he loved them all. "That just proves they are tacky when a baby is excited to see them," Amy complained as he opened the puffy turkeys and cornucopia tissue baskets, calling them so seventy's tacky. "They probably had them in the store for the last forty years," she complained as Toby bent the wire to keep them open. She shuttered in disgust.
"It is supposed to be funny, aren't you glad you're not going to be here," Toby teased but not happily. They had plans to take her to the airport later that day so she could catch a flight to LA and spend the holiday with her family. She would also see Devon. He is still working on the screenplay for Rob's new movie.
They were able to go ahead with the new movie because they had so much left from Toby's movie. The name hadn't been decided on, but Toby called it, The Beast, and the Diva. He got first billing because he was the star which was unbelievable to him.
Rob and James both have been calling often and they are excited about the opening. She thinks they are concerned he will chicken out on the talk shows, so they keep talking it up. They have scheduled them to be in LA on the fifth of January to do the mock interview and to be seen around town. Toby is to be single, and Amy understands. She has had his undivided attention every night and most afternoons. She knew this wasn't going anywhere. As soon as the women of the world get a look at him, he will be lost to her. It was the same thing Juliet thought and didn't want to live with the heartbreak. But she walked into this with her eyes wide open. She has been around the Hollywood people all her life. Her father is an agent, and she grew up in the craziness.
That is why she went to school for something different from her family. Then her cousin dragged her right in the middle of it with the job offer. She had been excited to care for a baby but the hunk that came with him was amazing. She has learned just how amazing he really is. He didn't just put the effort in the first time he did every time, and her body reacts every time she looks at him with anticipation.
Amy packed the last of her warm weather clothes. Her mother told her that it is in the eighties so she hoped she would leave the cold behind. It had been unseasonably cold for November in Dallas. She will miss Toby and Travis terribly, but is looking forward to visiting friends and family. Even if she can't claim him as her boyfriend, she was happy with her life.
It already smelled like the holidays, Bobbie was baking pies with Toby watching attentively. Claiming he wanted to learn how to bake. More like there to steal bites of the pie fillings. Bobbie was a bake-from-scratch type of chef and Toby found it fascinating. He was an out-of-the-can baker. She was lucky she had enough apple slices to make her pies with Travis and Toby sneaking slices. Plus, he was bored out of his mind and not happy Amy was leaving. He worked out daily, had sex as often as he could, and spent the rest of the time pestering whoever was handy.
The TV was boring, his movie was good, but he had watched it so often he was picking it apart. Amy took it from him and told Louise in a phone conversation where to find it when they came for Thanksgiving dinner. They planned a viewing, but she told her to not watch it with him. She loved the movie, but Toby was being Toby, finding fault with his parts. He saw a blemish on his shoulder during his love scene and carried on about it for half the day. He was mad the make-up girl hadn't covered it. Amy laughed at him telling him, "Everyone has zits, it makes you human. It was not even gross, it was just a little red mark. It could have been a mosquito bite or Missy could have scratched him."
Amy closed her suitcase they had three hours before her evening flight. When she talked to Toby about taking Travis with her his face went white until he realized she was teasing. She found them eating cherries as Bobbie tried to de-pit them fast enough to fill a pie before they were all eaten. They were happy talking about other holidays as she worked. Amy stopped short when she went to collect them. Travis would need a clothing change, and it would be interesting to see what it would take to get the red stain off his face and hands. His clothes most likely had to be tossed, unless the washing powder could work miracles.
Amy knew Toby was in no rush to drop her off, but this was silly. She will not miss her flight and he can't keep her here with his childish games. These plans were made long before Toby set his sights on her. She could call an Uber if she has to. He did remind her they would be in LA in January, and she could visit then. She knows she will be busy taking care of Travis while Toby is carted all over the area. Then he is flown to New York to do it all over again. It will be cold there and she plans to live in the warmth of the indoor pool area at whatever high-priced hotel they stay at. Travis will love it; he misses playing in the pool here. She will tell Alex to make the reservation at a hotel with a great family indoor pool.
Toby grumped and moaned the whole way to the Airport. He wanted his family at the dinner, and she has become a major part of his family. Going against the main part of rush hour they made it there quickly. With quick kisses, she took her bag and walked away. Toby wanted to scream for her to come back. There went his sex life plus he likes her. She was fun and she kept him entertained whether in bed or out. The police officer waved him on, he had to go. He was hoping she would turn around and come running back to him. The officer shot him an angry look and waved him on again.
He handed over his ticket at the toll booth and was waved on. It hadn't taken long to lose her. He knew he was being silly and she would be gone only a week. He must be back here to pick her up in one week and then his life will go back to normal. He has never had someone he could be with at a moment's notice and can see why men get married. Was this love or just happiness, he needs to decide while she is gone. His phone rang as he hit the freeway scrambling to answer he put it on speaker and called out, "Hello"
"I just want you to know I miss you already. Can I call you often?" Amy asked, sounding down, which was strange for her.
"I would love that, and I miss you too, yeah please call me and let me know what you're doing, who you see, and I miss you," Toby said, sounding lost in thought.
"Ok sweetie I will, but for now be careful and I'll call when I land."
"Perfect I'll hear from you soon," thinking yes, she cares. His heartbeat raised he thought he wouldn't hear from her at all, and it was exciting to him that she would call. In the back of his mind, he could hear the guys from Field and Son teasing someone about being whipped. Toby could never understand the concept but now he does. She has him wrapped around her little finger all she has to do is smile and he is following her anywhere and would do anything to keep her smiling. A big smile plastered itself across his face and it stayed there until the traffic jam made it drop. He wondered why she chose to take a flight in the middle of rush hour traffic.
Toby got back to the house as Travis woke from his nap. He slept the whole time and now he was ready to go. He took him into the kitchen. Bobbie was long gone but dinner was in the oven keeping warm. Toby took a deep breath thinking how spoiled he was. Bobbie had asked him what he likes to eat a few weeks back so she could make his meals.
His mother had been the queen of the casserole when he was growing up. His father was a police officer, but they still didn't make much, so they had noodles or rice for most meals. He told her different kinds of casseroles, and she has been making him all kinds. Of course, hers were a thousand percent faster than his mother's had ever been. They were great for Travis so they were easy to eat. A nice salad, some fresh baked rolls, and the casserole of the day and he was a happy man.
He brought Travis's highchair into the kitchen following him right behind. He knew this room and good things were right behind that door. They were both ready to eat. Travis was standing at the counter beating on the cabinet, his fussing growing louder impatiently waiting to be picked up.
Toby shook his head as he picked him up, washed his hands, and sat him in the chair. This screaming monster was not even a year old, and he had gone from a tiny infant to this demanding king. Amy keeps talking about the terrible twos and Toby wonders how he could become worse. Oh yes, he will be able to run and talk. His demanding ways will be verbal. Settled in his seat Toby dished out his dinner and sat blowing on it as Travis ate a slice of fresh bread. He stuck his finger in the food. It was warm, not hot. He placed a plastic fork in his hand and watched as he dug in.
Amy worked on him for a week to hold his fork and it seems to have stuck. He used his other hand to hold the food on the fork, but he used it. Toby thought she was pushing him as the fight went on, he can see now she was right he is smart and can do this.
She was teaching him hand signals, so he stopped his screaming demands. Tapping his palm with his fingers meant more, patting his chest meant up, and on, and Amy wouldn't do anything with him until he gave her one of the dozen signals she taught him. She would show him as he threw his fit. Slowly he figured it out, but he knew Toby would jump at his fits. Toby finally got him settled and hoped for a quiet dinner.
His phone rang and it took him until the third ring to place it on the table. C Masters showed on the display, so he sat and waited for the message signal. Losing his appetite quickly he waited. Piling more food on Travis' plate he has lost his fork but at this point Toby wasn't in for the fight. He thought about changing his number, but he knew she would find it. He picked up his phone and text her.
I won't listen to your messages, nor do I want to talk to you and stop calling me. He pressed send as the voicemail chimed.
He prayed that would be the end of it as his text alert signaled him.
I just want to make sure you know I'm sorry. I want to know how he is doing. I was a fool. Please.
Blowing out his frustration he texts back. NO
He wanted to turn it off but was expecting a phone call from Amy and was not going to miss that for her.
I know I'm a bitch. No one here lets me forget what I did. Again, I'm sorry.
I can't make you feel less guilty. Leave us alone. Toby typed in and his phone rang. A. Wilcox showed on the screen.
"Yes hello," Toby chimed happily, so relieved to be done with Candace.
"You made it ok?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm on my way home now the flight was smooth," she told him.
"Good, I'm glad to hear it."
"So, what are you doing?"
"Eating dinner,"
"Is it some kind of casserole?" she asked.
"You know it. I like them and it is easy for Travis. I just have to add salt."
"Yeah lots," Amy smarted back, not liking these casseroles they are fattening.
"We miss you," he said as she laughed about his dinner.
"I almost cried when you walked off and the police had to force me to leave."
"You lie," she said and laughed again.
"No, it was not a lie," he said sounding shocked by her implications that he would lie.
"We are pulling into my drive," she said to let him know she had to go.
"Ok call me back, even if it is late. Bye," he said, holding the phone tightly and the text signal went off.
I didn't realize you were so unforgiving. I hope you don't talk bad about me to the baby.
You don't know me. All I was to you was a good fuck. Good luck finding someone as good as me. Good luck with the nurses, the ones I spoke to despised you for how you treated my son. Leave us alone, he is happy and healthy, and I have never spoken to him about you nor will I ever. He ended his rant and pressed send.
I found three already better so get over yourself.
Ok, that pissed him off and he wrote.
Wow, what a whore. I hope you can find them if you get pregnant again. Go to hell, Candace. Toby typed in and yelled in frustration, scaring Travis. He went into a full-scale meltdown.
Dozens of, I'm sorrys and paper towels later, Toby took him to his room collected a few toys, and climbed the stairs, he needed to escape, and something had to be on TV worth watching.
He watched the end of some fantasy movie with some strange fox creature and a murder mystery was on after. Raiding the fridge for beers he relaxed in his favorite recliner.
Travis was too quiet, so Toby went looking. He found him chewing on the cord for the popcorn machine and freaked out. Unplugging the machine, he inspected the cord finding tiny teeth marks and he tucked it up high as Travis fussed at him. Toby realized he needed something to help with his back teeth. He had forgotten all about the Tylenol for his pain. Finding Travis' teething rings in the freezer in a special container, he handed him one wishing Amy would call him back. He needed some entertainment, and she was the best at lifting his spirits.
He made his way downstairs. It was late evening but too early for either of them to go to bed. With a quick dose of painkillers, he turned everything off and headed to his room.
Amy called as Toby added more hot water to Travis' tub, he had been sitting on the floor letting him play for as long as he wanted. His Angry Bird aim was pissing him off as the phone rang. Seeing her name, he answered quickly.
"Hello from the other side of the world," he said thinking he was so clever.
"Hi," she chimed.
"Hi! To you too. How is the family?"
"Great but busy. I sure miss you two."
"Good, glad to hear. We miss you too."
"Good, so what are you doing?"
"Me, I'm bored to death. I hadn't realized how entertaining you were."
"I do know a thing or two about entertaining you."
"Yes, the best kind," he said and then told her, "Candace called a few times well not called but also texted. She called first and I texted her back telling her to leave me alone and it went on from there."
"How many times did she text you?"
"Oh, around six I think, but I think she got the clue, and I haven't heard from her."
"So how did you leave it?"
"I got kind of rude and called her a whore," Toby told her, embarrassed to admit he was so rude.
"Wow, that was rude."
"I know but she said she found three other guys better than me already and I thought what bullshit."
"Yeah, it was she was trying to hurt you."
"Yeah, I figure that too. She was lying. So, am I good?" Toby asked sweet and sounding needy for reassurance.
"You are beyond good, so she is full of it."
"Thanks, so do you miss me or us?" he asked, adding Travis to the mix.
"More than you know," she said in a breathy whisper she knew that would get to him.
"We miss you," he told her and admitted, "I found him chewing on the cord to the popcorn machine."
"Oh, Toby, you have to be more careful with him."
"I know but he is fast, one second he is in front of you, and the next he is getting into trouble.
You shouldn't have left us alone, I hope we survive."
"Don't try to blame this on me. So where is he we have been talking for a while?" Amy challenged.
"He's right here in the tub, and no he is not blue. I keep adding hot water."
Toby puts the phone next to Travis's ear and calls out, "Ok talk to him."
He watched as a smile encompassed his face and he began to sound out her name. "Amoo, Amoo" and his smile was gone, and he began to cry as he looked around the bathroom for her. Taking the phone back he told her what happened he hoped to make her feel bad, so she won't leave them again. He thinks it worked. She sounds like she is about to cry. Mission accomplished. They talked a while longer as he calmed Travis down and said good night.
He put warm jammies on him and closed his drapes in hopes of him sleeping in but remembered he promised Bobbie he would peel the potatoes for her in the morning so no such luck.
Everything is to be placed in baking containers and all they must do is heat it. He was so excited the pies alone made the house feel more like a holiday home. He went to the bar got another beer and sat down to go over his texts. Amy said she was lying, no one was better than him, which made him feel good. So why had it upset him that she had three other guys? Maybe because it took him almost two years to get over her and she is out whoring around. Sharing what he desperately wanted with others.
'Hey buddy, how do you think you got her?' Toby reminded me. Maybe he just wanted the mother of his child to be a decent woman. Maybe he wants her pining away for him as he did her until; oh, I had your baby and plan to get rid of it as if it was a disgusting thing.
"Thank God she didn't have an abortion," he said to the vast cavern of the living room. That thought brought him down badly. Just the thought of not having his son was scary.
Toby went into Amy's room looking for some dirty clothes, something he could smell so he could feel her closer to him. He didn't like being alone in this big place. Finding her hamper, he pulled out the shirt she wore yesterday and held it to his nose. Ah, there she is with her perfume and body wash, he looked for underwear but remembered she hadn't been wearing them much. They were a hindrance to his access to her. He could walk up behind her, slide his hand in her jeans, and find what he was looking for. She would lean against his chest and let him play until her knees gave way. He gave up his quest and walked out with her shirt.
He washed up for bed and grabbed his computer and logged on to YouTube. Sitting back, he enjoyed what was popular on the site. He woke up with the computer still in his lap and he was sitting up, but it was a commotion that woke him. Travis was crying but it was still dark outside. Why wasn't he asleep Toby wondered as he made his way out of bed? Travis was on the floor crying, not too happy as he entered his room.
"What the hell," he knows he put him to bed. He can't be climbing out of bed this young. He does climb just about everything: couches, chairs, the stairs, the gym equipment, and now out of bed. Toby sat in the rocker to comfort him and rocked. He was glad he had a thick carpet in his room. Even so, the fall had to have hurt.
He settled quickly against his chest as he has all his life. Toby started thinking about the first time he held him and how tiny he was barely a handful and now he covers his whole chest plus. He wondered how big this kid was going to get. According to the WIC people he is in the upper ninetieth percentile for his age. He was all muscles, just try wrestling something from him, and you know he is strong.
He woke up sitting up in the rocker with Travis patting him on his cheek and it was barely light outside. Making him a bottle he hoped he would go back to sleep. He wasn't much of a bottle drinker since Amy introduced sippy cups to him, but Toby was tired and hoped it worked. Twenty minutes later he heard what sounded like a fall, a slight whimper, and the sound of toys banging against each other.
"You little snit," Toby whispered knowing he did it again. He was just glad he shut his door, or he could have been on his way to the kitchen. Which reminded Toby he had a mess to clean; their dinner mess was still on the counter. His clock read 7:01 as he rolled to look at the monitor. What is he going to do now? He can't even depend on putting him to bed to keep him safe. That was it he had to get up.
He popped Travis' door open and said come on. He wasn't going to pick him up. He could walk-crawl to the kitchen and may wear his smart little butt out. He could hear him fussing and laughing yelling out "Yeah it is a long way," He had the walking down well but still fell and crawled just as much.
What pissed him off most was how filthy his knees and hands were by the time he made it to the kitchen. It took a while to wash the ground in dirt off his hands. He was going to save the sleeper to show Blanca. It was not like they had people coming in the front door ever.
Travis was not happy with the scrambled eggs his father made him. Toby was sure he preferred the pancakes Bobbie would make for him fancied up with bananas on top. "Then you shouldn't have woken up so early," Toby told him and put more eggs on his tray. He was finishing washing the pan he used to make the eggs when Bobbie came in carrying what Toby hoped was more food for him. Travis heralded her arrival as Toby asked if she needed help taking the bags from her. She smiled brightly at him. To her, he was such a dear boy. A joy to work for and how lucky was Amy to be with him.
"Yes, there are a few more bags in my car, and then lock the door please," she announced and went to pay attention to Travis. Hours later they had a dozen sealed baked wear stacked in the refrigerator and seven pies ready to eat. They had one pumpkin pie with three slices missing made just for their consumption. Bobbie bought a can of whipped cream since she wouldn't be there to make it for them. The turkey and ham were both ready to go. Toby just had to put them in the oven at the set times tomorrow.
Louise called with a final count; it was eighteen which was fine as Bobbie showed Toby where the plates, glasses, and silverware were kept. They had plenty for a group of twenty-four or more if they did not care if the dishes didn't match. She also showed him where the extra liquor and beer were stored. Toby was amazed at what was in this house. Quick hugs and kisses sent Bobbie on her way to do it all over again at her home. Amy also calls many times during the day. She was too interested in what was going on there. He could tell she missed being home.
Putting Travis' mattress on the floor was her best suggestion for his climbing out of bed. He was informed that the Allen wrench to disassemble the crib was in the top drawer of his dresser Amy told him during her last call. He had an audience taking the crib apart.
Placing the crib in the closet and the mattress on the floor in the corner Travis was thrilled and climbed on the mattress and lay down grinning. "I'm glad you like this just make sure you stay on it all night," Toby told him sitting next to the bed he rubbed his back to get him to relax. It had been a long day for both. Travis spent most of it in the highchair, but he stayed busy eating and playing with food as Thanksgiving came together.
Amy called at 11:30 and talked him through a satisfying hand job with sugary sweet talk, including how much she missed him and how sexy he was. He was sure most of it was BS but appreciated her effort. He fell asleep quickly once she hung up. Travis fussed twice during the night he heard toys banging together but he went quiet each time. Toby wondered what he would find in the morning. He needs to buy one of those monitors that shows the room. He will pick up one Friday in the middle of the black Friday madness.
Going over the list Bobbie left, the turkeys were the first thing to go in the oven. The rolls need to warm up and rise starting at two. By that time Louise will be here to help so he can relax. He was glad Amy had called as often as she had, she had proved to him she missed them. He knew he missed her and was anxious for her to come back. He found Travis on the floor when he went to get him this morning.
Sitting in his highchair they ate pumpkin pie for breakfast with lots of whipped cream. He thought it was a great way to start Thanksgiving Day. He loved Thanksgiving. He has had a few very good ones and hopes this one will be the best. When he was younger, they would spend the day with his grandparents. She was a great cook. His father was always on his best behavior around his in-laws.
Those were good times with his cousins playing and eating the day away. His mother always brought home plenty of leftover turkey. That is where the love of turkey sandwiches grew. Not the thinly sliced crap you get at the store but actual turkey meat. Bobby picked up a couple of big ones so they would have leftovers for those sandwiches and several casseroles she planned to make for him.
Once they get a shower, he will stock the bar fridge and bring out some wine. He also needed to set the table. Bobbie left one place setting to show him how it should look. She explained the placements and what each fork or spoon was for so he would know. They had white wine, red wine, and water glasses and they could get fancier. He drew the line at those, his head was already spinning with information. He could duplicate what she had out on the table but don't expect him to school anyone on the proper usage.
Toby stepped out of the shower and wrapped Travis in a towel when his phone rang and vibrated on the counter in the bathroom. Reaching for the phone, he answered, "Hello," he said happily thinking it was Amy or Louise.
"Wow, you answered I'm shocked."
Toby's stomach dropped damn-it he hadn't checked before he answered. "What do you want, Candace?"
"I was just going to say happy holidays. So how are you doing?" she asked, trying to sound friendly.
"We are fine, goodbye," Toby said and pulled the phone away to turn it off when he heard her yell, "Wait please," she begged loudly.
"We have nothing to talk about," he said as Travis fussed to get down, a toy was calling to him. He leaned down and let his naked butt loose and listened to what Candace had to say.
"Toby please I was not thinking clearly. I regret letting him go. I regret how I treated you. I'm sorry for it all, please talk to me. All I do is think about both of you. Every baby I see all I think of is my son, is he that big already? I let my family dictate what to do and I was a fool," her verbal vomit rolled out turning his stomach.
"Candace, I have full custody of him, and I have moved on. I have a very nice girlfriend and she treats him as her own. We don't need you messing up our lives."
She cut him off, "I... I don't want to mess up your lives and I know you have custody. I received the papers in the mail."
Travis started calling out, "Da, da, da and banging his truck on the floor he wanted it to go across the floor and still hadn't figured out how to do it and Daddy needed to fix it.
"Oh, is that him? He sounds so big."
"He is big, he is almost a year old. Candace leaves us alone. We are fine. He is healthy and strong and is going to be a big boy. I have no interest in becoming involved with you again," he said and hung up. His phone rang seconds later and it was her again. He could not believe he spent almost two years brooding over that woman. His phone chimed as he pulled the truck back again. He got both of them dressed and headed for the kitchen. The turkey needs to be put in the oven and the ham in the other. His phone rang and this time he checked before he answered. "Amy," he said, "Thank God," he mumbled as he answered.
"Hello sweetheart," he announced happily.
"Are you up?"
"Yes, we are up and I'm setting the temperature on the oven for the turkey. How are you?"
"Bored," she complained.
"Good, are you ready to come home, because I'm ready for you to come back," Toby told her as he set the temperature on both ovens checking the list Bobbie left so he didn't screw up.
"You just miss my body," she teased.
"Well yes, I miss that too, but we miss you. I know Travis has been looking for you everywhere."
"Oh, good, guilt trip me," she laments.
"I'm not using guilt just stating facts. I screwed up big time. I thought it was you calling earlier, and it was Candace."
"Oh Lord, no wonder you're in a bad mood."
"Yeah, I talked to her for a few seconds."
"So, what did she want?"
"Nothing, same old line, I'm sorry."
"So, what was her excuse?"
"I didn't listen. I hung up on her. She was just going on and on. But she did receive the custody papers. She knows he is all mine."
"What did she have to say about that?"
"Nothing, just she received the papers," he told her as Travis banged the truck on the cabinet."
"Oh, I hear him, let me talk to him."
"No, I'm not going to let you talk to him, he got upset last time. I tell you he misses you, he isn't going to let you go when you come back."
"So, you're not going to invite Candace to dinner?"
"No, I'm not going to invite Candace here for dinner, are you crazy. Why do you want me upset?" he asked, ready to hang up on her too.
"Because it is so easy with her," she teased.
"You're so funny. No, I only want you as skinny as you are."
"Oh, you want me," she teased.
"Yes, I want you. You had better be prepared because that phone call last night is not doing it," he told her as Travis started throwing a fit. Apparently, that pie was not filling. Telling Amy to hang on he took Travis to the sink, washed his hands, and put him in the highchair. After dropping Cheerios on the tray he picked the phone back up to finish this conversation with Amy.
The oven dinged as he started to speak, he took a deep breath getting pissed. She left him by himself so he could use some help.
"Ok, as you can tell I'm busy so call me in fifteen and maybe I will be able to talk to you."
"Ok, bye."
Toby started to dig through the refrigerator to find something to pacify Travis for a while. They had three refrigerators, one was filled with today's food, and the others had leftovers and a few things Bobbie left for them. Toby gave him fruit that was cut up for him and shredded cheese. He loved eating handfuls of that stuff. He wondered how that would work without a crib to keep him contained.
He put the turkey and the ham in the ovens and sat down exhausted already. Another piece of pie was calling him. A little dab of whipped cream on Travis's tray and they were both content.
Toby moaned, enjoying the flavor of the pie tasting the ginger and cinnamon making this a spicy pumpkin pie. Bobbie had asked how he wanted them, and he picked them spicy. He was going to miss Bobbie when he moved on. Rob and Missy will be coming back, and he will have to make plans to move.
He knows Rob is trying to keep him here to make sure he can find him for the movie's release and advertising. Being new and stupid to the ways of the world he was staying put for now. He also wondered what Amy was being paid to help with Travis. It sounds like she will be as busy as he will be soon.
He ran his hand over his head and was glad his hair was growing out and thanked God he was not losing it. He made Travis a bottle and prepared to put him down for a nap. Toby tossed all the toys in the closet as Travis lay on his bed and watched while drinking his bottle. Without them as a draw he may stay on the bed and sleep, Toby hoped as he closed the door.
His phone rang, expecting Amy again. I looked like a fool once, he thought as he checks the caller info, and it was Louise.
"Hey Lady, how are you," Toby asked happily.
"I need to add one more to the guest list."
"Sure, no problem."
"It's Frank are you sure," Louise told him she knew he didn't like him much. Or more like the other way around.
"No really, I was just setting the table so one more is fine we can fit up to twenty-four at this table easy. So, he just showed up huh."
"Yeah, he rang the bell like I'm here to feed me. So how is the turkey?"
"In the oven already, I have it covered."
"You're the best,"
"Yes, ma'am I am the best."
"So, do we get to meet your nanny?"
"No, she went to her family," Toby told her as he set the flatware down.
"When is she coming back?"
"Tuesday and I can't wait."
"Are you having trouble with Travis?"
"No, we are fine but if we keep talking, we won't have anything to talk about when you get here."
"True, love you."
"Ok, love you and I'll see you at three."
He was becoming anxious that they are going to want to watch his movie, but they must wait until after dinner. He will ply them with copious amounts of alcohol in hopes they will love it and overlook the flaws he noticed. He just knows it will be one of those films on YouTube with all the mistakes. Let them count the ways.
Amy was calling so he pressed the speaker so he could keep setting the table. They talked as he worked, they mainly teased each other but he could tell she would rather be with them. Her ideal family meal fell apart as her family members made other plans. Amy was devastated when she found out her mother made plans to go to a local restaurant instead of cooking. She complained to Toby when she finally explained her sour mood. He promised to save her plenty of food. That promise seemed to pacify her.
Travis was up beating on the door, Toby thought it wasn't too bad he slept for an hour. Letting Amy go he had forty-five minutes and the crew would be there. Even Bob with his brother and his wife coming. Even Frank was coming. He just showed up at his mother's expecting a meal, it should be an interesting day. Back to the kitchen and more Cheerios and Toby checked the list of when to put stuff in the oven and found he forgot to pull out the rolls. They should have been warming an hour ago. Placing them near the ovens he hoped they would turn out Ok. The turkey was starting to smell good, and she had decorated the ham the old fashion way with pineapples, cherries, and lots of cloves poking out all around it. Toby was excited about this meal he could already tell it would be the best.
This kitchen was built to have parties; it had six ovens and a huge eight-burner stove. At this point he only had three going but the place smelled like heaven all warm and cozy. Filling Travis's mouth with whipped cream they both laughed as he made a mess. Two more squirts and he took him to clean him up.
Combing his hair after yet another bath, Travis' hair was hitting his shoulders when his soft curls were pulled straight. Amy told him he couldn't cut his hair before he was a year old, or he would go bald when he was older. After laughing it off, he agreed to not cut it to appease Amy. He was so cute with that soft dark hair around his angel face.
Alli was the first to arrive. She brought her cousins. Margaret, she called her Mags. Toby had heard so many stories about this girl he felt he knew her too well. She didn't look as wild as Alli made her out to be.
Alli took Travis from him, lavishing him with attention. The other two were quiet girls Mandy and Georgia. They took off looking over the house like Alli owned it. That was fine with him, his bed was made and the others were pulling up. Anything that mattered was behind a locked door so he thought and went to the front door.