Chereads / What's Behind Those Blue Eyes / Chapter 18 - On With The Show

Chapter 18 - On With The Show

Toby sat on the stairs Travis was climbing up and sliding down the stairs on his stomach legs first. He had turned it into a game and Toby could watch him and listen to the people watching his movie. He could tell by the remarks and music where they were in the storyline. 

"Woo, woo, Toby nice ass," Alli and Mag yelled and clapped. Turning red he smiled knowing it was the fantasy scene when he and Missy first met. Hearing the bar scene start he wanted to watch. That was his favorite part; he had enjoyed the play fight and the music. His mind flashed on Juliet and then Amy filled in that space, and he smiled. 

Alli called out, "Back off woman you're not heavy enough for him." he laughed, she hasn't met Amy yet. He heard them laughing as Missy pursued him. He sat listening and realized it was good. Sure, you can find problems, but you can in every movie. 

He watched YouTube videos about the different mess-ups in other movies, at least he didn't find those kinds in his movie. Travis disappeared so Toby went downstairs to find him. He was asleep on his rug in his room. Placing him on his bed he covered him and closed the door. He already knows to knock, and his dad will come. 

Hearing the love scene music as he climbed the stairs, he sat on the floor by the door to the theater room. He heard one "whoa," and it sounds like Liz. He knew that the scene was intense and the girl got what she wanted. He knew they had about ten more minutes so he went downstairs and set out the pies and whip cream he knew he would get an ear full once they came down. 


"Toby," he heard yelling coming down the stairs and looked up from his apple pie. He couldn't wait any longer that pie was calling to him.

"You do realize that you are the star of that movie," Alli screamed charging at him for a hug. "It was so good you are crazy to think it isn't. That is going to make so much money. This is so exciting," she gushed as Louise stood before him waiting to congratulate him. 

Pulling Alli away she cupped his cheeks and said, "I'm so proud of you, that was a great movie, and you look so good even with the short hair." She kissed his cheeks and said, "You are going to make millions. Has Mike seen the movie?"

"No, I haven't called him yet. I see so many things wrong and on top of that I had a zit starting on my shoulder."

"Who the hell was looking at your shoulder when you could look at the muscles? You're crazy, it was perfect," Alli exclaimed, shaking her head in disgust. The man was crazy. 

"And the guy that followed her. The bitch deserved it, she shouldn't have left you. Oh my God," Mag exclaimed excitedly with her cousins behind her smiling. 

The others laughed at her swooning. 

The four guys just looked at him. The whole group stood disbelieving how good it was. 

"When you hear his story, you think it would be crap," Steve told them, receiving a few sharp looks. 

"Bro that was a good movie, kind of a woman's movie but enough action to keep a man involved and then the bits of Missy, Wow," Bob said.

"What not impressed with my bits?" Toby teased.

"Oh yeah nice butt shot," Bob smarted back. 

Steve took a piece of pumpkin pie and sat at the table. Once everyone settled, he said, "It was good Toby. I'm impressed. When Liz told me they just picked you up off the streets I thought how good can it be, but that was good. There were a lot of known actors in this film too. Bess Armstrong was the mother and David Mores was the bad guy. Steven Tobolowskys was your boss, he is in so many movies. Did you have to go to Afghanistan for the battle scenes?" Steve asked, sounding so excited.

"No, we shot that in the Austin area. Looks real didn't it one day is all it took," Toby told them. "You sure know a lot about movie stars," Toby said, trying to keep him talking. They won't pick on him if he is talking.

"When I first went out to Hollywood, I wanted to become an actor. When I was in college I was in plays and got the bug, but it was not for me. I was not lucky enough to be found like you. I'm impressed Liz said you had no training?"

"No none but if I get another movie I'll see if they have something for you. Those rough-looking Seals were real Marines just home from Afghanistan. They taught me to shoot and fight. I asked them to be in the movie after spending the day with them. They even got to do the bar scene with me, did you notice?"

"Yeah, that was a fun looking scene," Louise said. She brought out the pot of coffee Toby made and found the cups in the cabinet. 

"It was, we had a hard time not laughing during most of it."

"It was impressively good. Ben Affleck couldn't have pulled that off. Missy was right that part was made for you and your handsome self," Louise told him, talking to him like a baby patting his cheek as she poured coffee.

"Thanks, Louise, you know I'm always looking for rejection."

"Well when it makes a hundred million in the first weekend you will know I'm right," she told him.

"From your mouth to God's ears," Steve said because he would love to be in a movie and show his mother it was not a pipe dream. Even bit parts would be fine. He would gladly be a bit part actor and be in hundreds of movies. So many of the known ones are getting old they will need to slip some younger ones in now and again. 

"So that is my movie. It doesn't have a Title yet, and the male star is an unknown actor so good luck talking about it. But please do I need it to make as much money as possible? I only get 5% so that is going to take some time to start adding up." 

Chuckles went around the table as everyone finished off they're made to perfection pie. 

"So are you prepared for black Friday," Toby asked stretching. That turkey was pushing him to take a nap.

"Yes and No, the experts say that this will be a better holiday season for sales and like Steve said we have a lot of new people in the area. We may be swamped," Louise said with a hint of help in her voice. 

 "We know you're bored. We could tell by how many times you call us, so come and work with us for a few weeks," Alli begged, batting her eyes at him as if that would help. 

"That would be helpful if we talked about hiring someone, but it is hard to bring a newbie up to speed for such a short time," Louise offered with the request.

"I'll come help but the nanny won't be back until Tuesday so you will have to contend with Travis," Toby offered he was thrilled to have something to do. 

"Yes," Bob said loudly, grinning happily. "I was worrying about leaving them to do all the installs."

"See you have fallen in love with my girls," Toby offered he knew he would.

"Them and the job but I'll still give it back if you need it," Bob offered but there was a concerned tone to his teasing.

"So why are you worrying? Have you had problems?" Toby asked, displaying his protectiveness of his women. 

Frank didn't turn to hear the response. Did he even care about this answer? 

"Our back door had damage like someone was trying to break in. I don't know if someone came by and ran them off or they just gave up, but we had to have it replaced Monday. I picked a sturdier one so we should be good," Louise said, sounding very concerned looking to Toby for help.

"And how is it that I'm just now hearing about this?"

"Because you couldn't have changed anything, and I didn't want to worry you. We are fine Toby nothing happened, we have no one to chase off," Louise said, patting his hand. 

Toby noted that Frank said nothing. He is an inconsiderate jerk. He couldn't even comfort his mother. Toby knew it had to have scared all of them to see that damage and to know someone was trying to invade their world. Louise had very faithful employees. They had created a family out of the people who worked for her. Toby knew he loved her like a mother that he needed so badly. Frank was a fool to not realize how lucky he was to have a mother like her. 

Travis woke and banged on the door calling out Da and Toby went to him immediately. He didn't want him to freak out because the door was closed, he needed to know someone was there for him. Toby remembered being locked in his room so many times by his father and his mother never came and saved him. He knows she was afraid his father would beat the crap out of her if he came back and he was not in his room. 

Toby wondered if the bastard was still alive. That would be Toby's luck that he was dead, and he couldn't throw his success in his face. He hated that man just thinking about him made his stomach churn. He didn't need that on the best day for eating ever.

Toby stood at the front door with Travis in his arms as they told everyone goodbye. He didn't feel so sad because he knew he would see them tomorrow. He was almost giddy at the prospect of going back to work. 


Collecting up part of the colorful pen they used at the sound stage and a few of Travis's favorite toys he filled the bed of his truck. He knew exactly where he was going to cage Travis and hoped he couldn't climb over it. Toby took Travis to the kitchen to look for leftovers. Bobbie will be back tomorrow, and she will make wonderful things out of this leftover food, he thought, pulling dressing out of the fridge. Travis sat anxiously waiting for something to eat which is something they had both done for the last three days, is eat. The thought of a normal life excited him. 

Toby woke to the smell of bacon cooking and apparently Travis did too he heard him waking up and a few Da's. They have had a few problems getting the door open with him standing in front of the door. They need to figure that out and he hopes Amy has an idea when she comes home. That is something he can't wait for. He wants his woman home. 

He pulled up to the store a little before ten and realized he had forgotten they open early after Thanksgiving. When he came in, they already had customers. He passed Travis to Alli she was the one who held him the most. He went back out and brought in an abbreviated version of the pen and set it up at the back door. Bob excused himself from a customer who was more interested in what Toby was doing than paying attention to him and the description of the system. They made fast work of the set-up and Louise passed him a new teal store shirt. He put Travis in the pen, and he immediately stood looking out to the store. Smiling for the ladies he had fans that fast. 

Toby stayed back not wanting to steal anyone's commission; he only approached customers when everyone was busy. They had a brisk business as they assumed they would. Travis was an angel all day, of course, he only stayed in the pen when his daddy was busy and then he just watched him talk with people. Louise bought Dickey's Barbeque for lunch, and they took turns eating in her office. At the end of the day they sold twenty systems as Louise locked the door, they gave each other a high five. 

 Louise told Toby to come in at ten tomorrow; they didn't have many sales in the early mornings and that he could go home after six if he wanted because it slowed down then too. "It makes a long day for you both," Louise said looking down at Travis sleeping on his pallet made from the old small crib mattress she had for him in the office.

On Saturday, they didn't leave until way after seven. A customer came in with two daughters when he heard the woman say she was almost one Toby had to see. He approached them with Travis in the crook of his arm. They had one daughter who looked about two and was walking while the other girl was held by her father. She was a tiny and delicate thing much like her mother Toby noted as he approached. 

A seventy-two-inch screen had quickly stolen the father's attention. Alli was talking to the husband, Bob had a couple on the far wall looking at a massive screen, and Liz was writing up the order while Louise waited to check her addition. 

"Mine will be one December 19th," Toby said tilting his head towards Travis as he spoke to the woman. 

"Oh my, he is huge. Mine will be one on the 16th. She was premature a few weeks," she clarified taking the little one from her husband so they could visit.

"He was too, six weeks early he weighed five and a half pounds."

"Oh, lucky mother, if he had gone full term, he would have been ten pounds easy," she said, reaching out to touch his hand. Travis went into flirt mode. 

Her little one had all Travis's attention. He had enjoyed the playgroup, but the women acted like over-sexed groupies when Toby walked in, and he was uncomfortable going again. The Baptist didn't do it for him. Then he had Amy to pay attention to so the play group was put to the side. Plus, they didn't like the snotty noses.

Placing Travis on his feet he stood sure-footed looking up at the baby girl. "My look at him standing so tall," crouching down she tried to stand her little girl holding both hands. She was a head shorter than Travis. Squatting he looked her in the eyes and smiled Toby thought Oh Lord what a flirt. "You can tell he was raised around women," Toby offered, smiling at his son and he didn't know he could squat. The mom picked her daughter back up as Travis patted his chest to be picked up. "Well she is a beauty," Toby said, patting her hand and walking away. Her husband kept looking at him and he was not happy with the attention he was paying to his family. 

Two new customers walked in, and the man appeared to be already angry. Toby wondered how this would play out, so he put Travis in his pen. Hoping that his larger size would intimidate the much smaller, furious man Toby approached. 

"May I help you?" Toby asked. Given Toby's stature, he surprised the man. The woman, however, was not surprised since she recognized him.

"Yeah, we need a new flat screen, ours got broken." The man sounded stupid in his attempt to sound overly 'urban'. Oh, hell who knows, maybe he is 'ghetto'. You just don't hear people talking like that around here. 

"Ok, what size are you interested in?" Toby asked, taking a better look at the woman. He knew her and thought, 'Lord didn't set this man off by saying HI! Toby'. 

"Yes," she said, turning to show him the fear in her eyes. He knew better than to greet her with a casual "Hi, Melina." She had been a wild goth girl with whom he had a one-night stand. He suspected she was still seeking danger, which he thought was why she was with this guy.

"We had an incident and ours broke, sixty inches."

"Yeah we bought the damn thing two months ago," the man complained. 

"Did you charge it," Toby asked.

"Yeah," Melina said, going into her purse to find the card. He hoped they used American Express; they have a 90-day replacement policy.

Bob came over and he had installed the screen and wondered what was the problem. He stood next to Toby to see what was going on. She was one of those he could have had sex with no problem, so he remembered her well. He had politely told her no.

Toby could see it was a Visa card. "So, what happened?"

"I got a little overzealous when the Cowboys fumbled," the man said.

"Now he owes me a new set," Melina said, not sounding too happy either. 

"So, it was not due to installation?" Bob asked.

"No, he jerked it from the wall," Melina said and patted Bob on the arm to assure him it wasn't his fault.


Toby led Melina away from the man as he looked over the different sets in that size checking prices. He was standing with his arms crossed looking pissed. "I hope that is not your husband because you're in for it if he is."

"No, he just got carried away about the football game."

"So, you can afford to buy another big-screen TV. Sounds like you have gone up in the world," Toby said as he picked Travis up, as he had just started to fuss. He should take him home since it is getting late.

"Looks like you have done some changing yourself."

"I have and it is a long story. So, are you paying or are you going to make him pay?"

"Aah, he doesn't have that kind of money. I'll have to pay."

"Well if you dump him, I'll see what kind of deal we can make you. But that man is trouble. If he can pull a mounted TV off the wall, he can put you down easily," Toby warned walking her to the customer service desk. "I know, but he was set on coming here talking all big, but the price tags have floored him I can tell. I didn't buy a cheap set. I expected it to last," she said loud enough for him to hear. 

"Ok let's do this. I'll make up a receipt for him and another for you and then he will probably leave, and I'll take you home. If you swear to never see him again, we will work a good deal," Toby said quietly so he couldn't hear.

"Yeah let's see how he reacts," Melina said excited to see how this turns out. She didn't want him hanging around anymore anyway. She was also excited to see Toby again. After all, he was hot, and she remembered their time together well. Too bad he looks like he is with someone. Probably one of those girls since their baby was here. 

"Ok let me go talk to my boss," Toby told her and went to Louise's office.

"Ok Louise I need a deal for a customer," he said and walked to the monitors, "Mister angry here broke her TV and she doesn't think he has the money to replace it. I told her to dump him before he jerks her to the floor, and we will make her a deal."

"Sure, cost and taxes you don't get a percentage. Hand him to me," Louise said, reaching out to take Travis; she didn't want him involved with this mess. 

"Thanks, Mom," Toby said with a grin.

"Sure son, I remember that sale it was only last month, tell her to let Bob bring it back and I can claim it as broken in the box. Work the deal and run the jerk off," she told him, paying attention to the monitors they seemed to be arguing already.

"Thank you," Toby said and left grinning like a Cheshire cat.

He will change out the sets for her. She was one of his hump and dumps. She tried to see him again, but it didn't feel right so he wouldn't do it. He just ignored her advances. At least she caught on quickly and hadn't turned into a pain in the stalking ass. 

Making sure 'Mister Angry' was keeping his distance Toby grabbed a receipt and filled it out with the full cost of the TV. Showing it to Melina he said. "I made a good deal with my boss, let's see if he runs," Toby said and walked toward the man as Melina followed. 

 "Here you go sir, she said you will take care of this. That is a nice system," Toby said, handing him the bill for eighteen hundred dollars plus change. She had picked a top of the line system when she bought it almost two months ago. He was lucky she hadn't bought a big one.

His face flushed red as he looked it over and then looked at Melina. "We need to talk," he snapped, walking them away from Toby. 

"No, you need to pay this bill so they can order my new set," Melina told him, sounding pissed. 

He grabbed her arm pulling her to him. "I don't have this kind of money," he told her.

"Then why did you break it and why did you say you would replace it? Get out of here and don't ever call me again you jerk," she said as he made his way to the door. She didn't have to tell him twice.


She turned, looking triumphant, the crew and customers watched him tear out of the parking lot. 

"Let's get this order in," Toby said, escorting her back to the customer service area. "Ok what we are going to do is exchange your set for a new one and send yours back as damaged. "I'll call you when it comes in and install it for you. Please stay away from him. Anyone that can show that much anger over a football game is dangerous."

"Toby, I know, but if he would pay to fix the TV then I was going to play along and then dump him. I'm not that dumb he has never been violent towards me, but he is a jealous person."

"That makes him dangerous," Toby told her trying to remember where he left his son, he said, "Ok well let me collect my son and I will take you home."

Melina didn't live far, and it was a nicer older home with big, beautiful trees. It was one of those homes people bought then tore down to build mini mansions on the lots taking the shade trees down in the process. Hers was still surrounded by the old-growth trees. 

She told him her grandfather died leaving her the house and a good amount of money. She tried to get him to come in, but Toby used Travis as an excuse to not go with her. Plus, he was good, Amy would be home soon and he remembered her well and no thanks. Lots of work and no payback. Something was off with that girl. He may just let Bob do it after all but then Louise would have to pay him. He would figure it out later.


That is what he loved about Amy; she gave as good as she got. That was what he was thinking as he drove them home.

The hours flew by until Tuesday he left work early to pick Amy up at three. Sales have been going well. Bob is gone most days all day, so Toby was kept busy. He will be glad to let Amy keep Travis he has learned if he fusses just a little someone will pick him up then he is in the middle of the conversation. You must or he will try to climb out of the pen. He thinks he is frickin Spiderman. 

Amy thinks he is crazy going back to work when he has hundreds of thousands of dollars in his account. She also knows he is bored out of his mind. She could tell even at work he didn't want to let her go when she called him. 

She watched his taillights go around the corner as she stepped out of the terminal. She waited for him to drive around the underground parking lot making a loop. The Cops wouldn't let you sit for long and she was sure he had been there a while. He came around the corner dodging a dozen cars making his way to her. She watched as he slammed the truck in park, jumped out, ran around the front, and snatched her up. Swinging her around so happy to see her. Finally standing still he took her mouth and settled in for a long satisfying kiss until the police officer tapped his shoulder sending them on their way.


Amy had to sit sideways in the truck to be able to pay attention to Toby and Travis. When Travis heard her speak, he woke and started fussing and would only settle if she put her hand on him and talked to him. The traffic was at a standstill, so Amy climbed into the back-covering Travis with kisses. Settling in she put her seatbelt on and relaxed as Toby told her his tails of the last few days. She knew them all but listened constantly, glad to be home. She had missed them desperately and knew when this was over, she was going to be devastated. So much for walking into this with her eyes open, she was doomed.