Someone had been very attentive. A limo was waiting for them as they stepped out of the airport. They had planned to catch a cab, but a driver was standing with a sign indicating he was there for them.
Missy met them at the front door. She must have been watching for them from the window. Toby was surprised to see she was back, but they only had five days left before the opening. He had spoken with at least one of the others involved with the movie at least five times a day, plus Louise. They critiqued his interviews on each show, but most importantly, they congratulated him on how well it went for a first-timer. Rob was convinced that his story would make people want to come out and see the movie just to see how well he performed. He was living every person's dream.
Missy was so excited she didn't even let them in the door before she accosted Toby. Telling him, "The local talk shows have been bugging Mike," his Agent, "to have you on their shows. He called looking for you but didn't want to bug you on your cell. I told him you would be home soon. The ads for the movie are airing and Ticketmaster is warning the tickets are going fast for the opening. Oh, Oh, Oh," she said excitedly, bouncing on her toes, "and the YouTube site of the trailer has ninety-three million hits and climbing, and it has only been up for the day," she continued talking to him as they came into the house.
Rob came rushing down the stairs to welcome them home. Missy had made a DVR of everything they were on plus every show that could have talked about him all the way down to Dish Nation. Rob had been viewing them and setting each one to the point that Toby, Missy, or both came on.
That was how they spent the evening watching the talk shows and picking on each other. That was easy for them with Toby. He took it and smiled. He felt he had done well as they watched one of his shows and then one of Missy's he felt she made a bigger fool of herself fawning over him. He had dismissed her every time as silly but sexy. But she accomplished what she wanted and women wanted to see him. If Missy thought he was scrumptious with her words he must be.
Rob told him, "But every time you dismiss her, women want to see how you handled her in the movie."
Toby looked around as if he didn't want anyone to hear and then said loudly, "Ever notice that women are crazy?"
"Yes, every time I talk to my soon-to-be ex," Rob told him and finished his beer.
Receiving a few sideways glances, they went back to watching the different shows and discussing Toby's antics.
He didn't care, he lived through it and that was all that mattered. Every commentary was about how handsome he was and apparently talented, so bite-it-haters was his attitude.
The next few days were busy; he did a couple of local shows. He had to find a tuxedo, which was not that easy to make. Trying a half dozen places they found one at the Big and Tall Men's store on the freeway. It was basic but Rob said he looked good in it. Louise offered to keep Travis with help from a neighbor girl, she knew she couldn't handle him, nor did she want to go to the opening. It all sounded so exhausting so she begged out. She had seen the movie, so she was good.
Toby has had many conversations with Alli and Liz about her declining health. But they were excited about all the new customers they had gotten from his plugs on the talk shows. Toby noticed that a few shows cut the 'plug', but it was worth the try. With Louise keeping Travis, Amy could go to the premiere. She was out excitedly searching for a dress for the premiere. Alli and Liz had theirs and they will come and walk the red carpet with Toby and Missy.
Both were excited at the turn of events, but Rob made the offer as Toby talked to them over the phone. High pitched squeals could be heard in the background and they both laughed. "I guess they want to go," Toby quipped.
Rob was enjoying his time in Dallas just like Missy. They had turned into a short-term family. Rob had another script he has been working on and will start filming soon but it was to be filmed in California he thinks. He will be back in his apartment and back to dealing with his soon-to-be ex-wife. She had become reminiscent of the movie, Taming of the Shrew. Depending on how this movie does and how much he makes dictates whether this house is to be sold along with the one Missy stays in periodically. She is after everything and his attorney is afraid she could win because of the photos. His focus will be to pay her off and walk away with visitation if he is lucky. She is out for his balls and the sack they hung in.
Toby and Missy did three daytime talk shows in Dallas and one interview with the number one news station for their five o'clock slot. Bantering back and forth picking on each other they filled the time and left in good a mood.
Rob has been enjoying the calm, friendly atmosphere of this place. Even Travis with his mega fits was amusing compared to the hassles in LA. He thinks a sixty-pound two-year-old will be interesting to handle. He remembers well his son's two-year-old fits and felt sorry for Amy and Toby for what was to come.
The girls hung a big banner in the front window of the store saying,
Open regular hours tomorrow.
Come and tell us what you think.
The girls were upstairs primping themselves and getting ready for the night. Rob, Alex, Toby, and even Travis have spent the last two days making sure everything is taken care of. The screen is in place. It was tucked in the rafters to be brought down for special occasions. The liquor was delivered to the owner's box for the after-movie party. That was also where the actors and director would sit to watch.
Everyone associated with the movie was invited and ticketmaster sold out after two days. Toby was excited to meet up with the Marines and see what they have been up to lately. As far as he understands they have been in three movies since this one. He was feeling a little jealous but thrilled for them.
Mike has been keeping him apprised of their exploits. He is shocked at how popular they are with the casting agents already. If you want big menacing men, you have four to choose from. They are quick and get the job done. So far, they have gone as a group. None of them have families so they are free to travel and will do their own stunts. Mike was telling him as they made plans for the premiere. He was thrilled one of his actors was making it big. Their agency has signed dozens of hopefuls with the Marines' success. Toby's mentioning his name one time on a talk show sent the phones ringing. Mike and his two bosses are coming to the opening. They are sure thrilled with whom they signed from a single phone call that they thought was a BS call. Mike was the most excited, he was his talent, and he was making a name for himself.
Alex and the caterer were left to finish as Toby and Rob returned home to get dressed and go right back. Travis could have stayed home but if he slobbered on a dress the women would have been livid no matter how much they loved him. So, for his protection, Toby took him and dropped him off with Louise on the way home. Her pretty neighbor answered the door as Toby stood on the front porch waiting. Toby cleared his throat. She would have been perfect if she was even five years older. Tall, a little thick with an athletic build, flawless skin, darker hair, sparkling green eyes, and a smile that could set him on fire. But she was a baby Louise told him when she described her helper. She has known Leila her whole life and spoke of her with pride. Toby now understands why she spoke of her so highly she was a prize. Travis took one look, grinned, and went straight to her. Toby thought, look out world, he is going to be 'trouble' when he is older.
Louise walked up as Toby stepped in the house, he couldn't stay but hadn't seen her in weeks and wanted to at least hug her.
Smiling brightly, she approached and slipped into his arms hugging her tightly he could fill her ribs and felt her frailty. Once the movie excitement is over, he needs to spend time with her. Hating to do this but he had to go. Kissing her cheek, he whispered, "I have to go Momma, but we will visit this weekend." Not wanting to let her go. This night is the make or break for him whether he will be able to buy her out or not.
Pulling up to the house there was a strange car in the driveway it will cause the limo some trouble. Toby walked in looking for who was there he knew his ladies were parked on the sides leaving the limo room to pull through. They all knew that was their ride for the night.
Steve sat in the living room looking bored but stood as Toby and Rob entered, Toby approached him. No one told him he was coming. "Hey Steve, could you move your car to the side of the house? The limo can't pull around the drive with it there," Toby said as they shook hands. "I'm not trying to be rude, but like a big glorious booty, it will be difficult to back that thing up," he joked as he headed to his room.
"No problem, I wasn't sure where to park. Thanks for the invite, this is exciting," he said heading for the door. Liz stood on the stairs watching him leave. Toby could see the concern in her eyes.
"He is just moving his car sweetie. I just didn't know he was coming."
"I'm sorry it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, he said he had been trying to get tickets for us."
"Right we spoke about it at Christmas dinner," Toby told her and wondered when he tried to buy them. Because tickets have been sold out for a while.
"We did but Rob just asked us to come the other day."
"True I didn't know who all I could ask. Anyways he is invited it is not a problem. I need to get dressed," Toby told her. He stepped into the shower, and it felt strange to not have Travis at his feet. A quick shave and brush and he was ready. His haircut was simple, a bit of mousse and it stood out well with a young punk look. That is what Amy calls it.
Amy claims it makes him look younger and of course sexy.
That was about all he could do with this frickin short hair he has without a stylist. Younger-looking kind of concerned him, but he found out thirty-two was old for a first-time film star.
Four gorgeous girls came down the stairs looking like debutantes bringing that Texas swagger. Alli was wearing a daring number and Toby saw Rob's reaction and punched his arm and they both grinned. Beautiful women shall surround them tonight. It will add to his ex's vengeance when she sees this group exit the limo on TV tomorrow. Rob thinks this movie will make so much it won't hurt to give her her share.
Toby collected Amy after giving kisses to the others. She treated this dress like a wedding dress, not wanting him to see it before they were ready to go. She did look good but Alli wow. Missy was looking good, but he was sure she wasn't happy with the attention Alli's dress was getting. She picked it up at some outlet mall at a good price. Steve was gobsmacked with all of them and stood grinning as Liz approached. The three stylists stood at the head of the stairs watching them prepare to leave.
They waited in a long line of limos every dignitary in the area and State was invited. Mayor, Senator, Governor, basically everyone in public office in the Dallas area, the rich, and elite all were in front of them as they pulled up. He was glad it wasn't prom time, or they would have all been screwed. They could see Alex checking off the list as he welcomed them. Ushers took them to either the owner's box or to good seats for the premiere that started in twenty minutes. Rob had no idea who all these people were, but they were invited. They were surrounded by the public who purchased tickets and they seemed very attentive waiting for the stars to walk by.
Toby saw the Marines as they stepped out of a Hummer limo in front of them. Toby smiled and wanted to jump out and see them. He was glad Rob had made such an effort for them and then he saw Bob. He was standing to the side and wondered why he hadn't ridden with them. Maybe he felt he hadn't been invited. Now he felt bad. He hoped he didn't buy a ticket that would be a waste of money. Why hadn't the girls brought him along?
Toby got out first, Rob stepped out and he helped him with the ladies as they grinned at one another. Rob has made this the best movie-making experience ever for all of them. He was pleased with the locals' reaction to the movie. The filled arena will only add to the hype of the movie as a dozen news crews filmed everything going on. They were speaking to several people as they made their way into the stadium. Excitement was everywhere as the line moved on. Women in evening gowns and men in suits or blue jeans, everyone came to the premiere.
Toby waved to Bob and called him over. Chastising him for not coming over to the house they walked towards the entrance. Joking with one another he didn't seem upset as Missy walked over and looped her arm around his and told Toby, "We are the stars we are supposed to be together," she informed him. With slight embarrassment, he looped his arm around her and walked towards the press. It was cold, but no one wore a coat for that short walk. The crowd was screaming his name and waving as they got it together and walked the red carpet.
Rob walked with Alli, Liz with Steve, Bob stepped up and wrapped Amy's arm around his. They entered the building and were escorted to the elevator to the top. They will have a fantastic view of the movie screen and the floor below as the building fills.
Everyone Toby knew from the movie was there, even the silly women who walked around the office. An announcement said ten minutes and the owner's box emptied out and just the main people remained Toby was glad to see the Marines were still there. Taking a beer and their seats they sat back to watch the movie with excited smart-ass banter filling the room. The Marines hadn't seen the movie and were excited to see their work.
Amy kept her distance talking with a few people she knew from the set. She has seen it seven times but was excited to see how everyone reacted to the movie. Lights went down and the battle scene erupted on the screen. People laughed at the right time and moaned at the bad parts as they should. The Oh no's were heartfelt when Hank came home to the cheater. They cheered when he brought the trash can in and they heard a few yeses as he trashed things. Women gasped as the man grabbed Missy.
Toby was doing the same thing Amy was listening to the audience's reaction. She kept looking back at him and would smile when she caught his eye. Things were going great. Rob told him the investors loved it. But at that time Toby was only thinking about the mistakes he saw. He wanted to make sure no one pointed them out.
The movie was over, and the audience began to applaud, cheer, and whistle. Some blooper reel came on he had not seen, and the audience returned to their seats quickly and laughed quite hardily at the screw-ups. Toby did think they were funny and laughed along with them. He remembered every one of them when they happened. Some happened when he didn't think they were filming.
The bar scene was the best with all the people laughing as the fights ended. Missy's fit-throwing scenes were too funny. They had screwed up so much, that made Toby feel better about his acting. Adlibs couldn't help their mess-ups. He hoped the DVD had the bloopers they were funny, and he would love to be able to see it slower on some of those scenes.
The lights came up and everyone went into congratulations mode.
Keith, George, Bart, and Jim the Marines were on him within seconds thrilled with the outcome of the movie. They have been working for months but hadn't seen anything they had done, to them this was a treat. Bart was complaining he didn't realize he looked like he did. They weren't sure what he meant, but Mike had talked to them about a part in a superhero movie that came in.
They would only be in a small part but are to be huge menacing aliens standing behind the main character. Kind of a Thor-type character but not a Thor movie. Keith wants to talk to Toby and maybe Rob about it over the weekend. They are afraid it is one of those made-for-Syfy channel movies. They have only been in well-known director's films and don't want to slide down that hill yet. That wasn't even anything Toby had thought about, those boys are smart.
They set a time to talk to Rob on Saturday. He hasn't said anything about leaving town so they should be good. Right now, he is talking to Mark Cuban and the Mayor Mike Rawlings. They both seemed pleased with the movie, Missy swooped in when it looked like the conversation was over and brought Toby over to meet them. Bending over to listen to Missy as she filled him in on who he was meeting and what they did, she escorted him over.
The place was getting crowded. It looked like people from the general audience were coming up to the party. Toby only had himself to blame; he had invited them to come to a party after the movie during the Fallon show. Of course, he didn't think they would take him up on the invite. Lesson learned.
Scanning the area, he saw Amy and Alli surrounded by men and Liz was standing on the perimeter watching as Steve tried to keep her attention. He knew they had been drinking champagne and appeared to be getting drunk. One man had his hand on Alli's shoulder and seemed to be massaging her. She didn't seem to mind because she was smiling at him.
They were partying. He had seen this scene a hundred times. He had been involved often in the same ploy. If she lets you touch her, she is interested. Toby's concern was the guy with Amy. He was working his hand up her thigh as they sat talking in a group. That was interesting so he watched her reaction and she smiled leaning in to talk to the guy. Toby gave it to him; he was younger than he was and cute so where does this leave him.
Missy noticed his distraction and followed his line of sight. Seeing Amy very close to kissing some man. Cute but Oh Lord what was she doing? She had had enough conversations with her to know Toby was a fantastic lover so what was she doing? Yes, this guy is cute but ao what Amy? Missy thought and brought Toby's attention to her. She didn't want to see him rip that guy apart right here and now. Toby had a good seventy pounds on that guy. The bold man moved her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek and she leaned in. That was it for Toby. She had been playing him all this time.
No wonder she would not commit to him apparently, she was too young to be settling down he realized. He is looking for someone to settle down with and he was looking in the wrong direction. Too skinny anyways flashed in his mind and he started paying attention to the others around him. Slipping his arm around Missy when someone mentioned the chemistry in the film. He smiled and wished he had chemistry with Missy. He knew she wanted him. But for how long? He knew he couldn't trust her either. She'll have some movie to do and be gone. Women frustrate him but damn he does like sex.
Missy and he talked and laughed with a group of people that surrounded them talking about how good the movie was. Glancing back weeding through the heads of people around him he saw Amy kissing the guy, shifting a little more he assumes it has been going on for a while. The way they were sitting and the posture of her body he hopes she has his number because she has lost her job and home. He hasn't needed a nanny for weeks.
Taking Rob by his arm he led him to a quieter area and said, "I need to go and get Travis, Louise will need to go to sleep," he told him as his excuse to get the hell out of there. "I'll take the limo and send it right back for the rest of you." He kissed Missy's cheek and went out the door being congratulated on the way to the elevator.
As he made his way to the front of the arena his driver jumped to attention and rushed to open the door for him. Being told how much he liked the movie Toby smiled at him but underneath he was livid. What is it with women or at least the women he gets involved with? A bunch of feckless idiots Toby decided as they pulled up to Louise's house. Good riddance.
Missy pointed out the problem to Rob as Amy continued to sit close to this groping man. They both watched her wondering how this was going to manifest at home. "Idiot," they said in unison.
Leila met him at the door looking sleepy as she let him in. Travis was sleeping on the couch that was covered with a sheet. He was sure Louise was trying to protect it from his slobber problem. He has so many teeth trying to come in at once Amy kept him dosed with Tylenol to help with the pain. He will have to remember to do that when she is gone. Hey like everyone says he is a movie star he can get anyone he wants, too bad the one he had didn't want to stay got caught.
Taking Travis, he thanked her and handed her a hundred-dollar bill folded up so tight she couldn't complain before he was in the limo. The driver was buckling the car seat in as he entered the other side. Travis fussed a tiny bit and then went back to sleep. He has had a long day as has his father.
Toby was settling into his empty bed. Travis had been fighting sleep once they got home, until Toby gave him a bottle of warm milk. That settled him finally. He knew Amy would have lain on the floor by his bed and rubbed his back until he went to sleep, but Toby was past the pampering Travis stage. He loved the boy unconditionally, but he is becoming too demanding.
As he understands when he turns two, he will be hell on wheels, so he needs to watch out. So, he needs him to have some discipline at least to start with. Right now, he is a climbing maniac that is hard to handle. He needs to use some of his smarts Amy claims he must control himself. Amy should have used some of hers too, but she is out. Toby set in his mind as he pulled the covers up; it was cold out there.
Toby woke to closing doors and hushed talking hoping they wouldn't wake Travis. He needs his own place also set in his mind he was tired of the wait and see life he has been living. He was used to knowing what was coming next. This job, this place and this money and he thought he had this woman, but no.
To his surprise, Amy came into his room and climbed into his bed. With one move of his left leg, she went flying halfway across the room. Toby rolled and looked out at her; the exterior light bathed the room in a soft glow, something he had always loved. He could see her reaction to what he did. Now it could show her how angry he was. "Did you get his name and his number," he asked. Even in her drunken state, she knew what he was asking. She has heard his story about Travis' mother and how much that hurt him.
"No," she said, working to stand.
"Too bad he could have taken you in. I want you out of here in the morning."
"What! I was only playing with him to show everyone I was not with you."
"No one has ever thought you were, so thanks for taking care of that for me," Toby told her lying back he said. "No wonder you couldn't commit, go Amy."
"Oh, come on Toby."
"No, you were waiting for the shoe to drop. Well, it is raining shoes now. There is a difference between showing you are not taken, and that you are available. There were so many people there that saw you making out with some random guy. You took it too far. You made me look like a fool in front of my friends, the people I see as family, hell even the whole world, I could never forgive you, so go. Hell, I had planned my life around you, and I was just waiting for you to give me the go-ahead to let the world know you were mine. I could never forgive you, so 'mic drop' you're out."
Hearing Travis' door open he watched her lay down next to him and run her hand over his back. Travis woke and he heard him say "Amo," so sweetly and he appeared to fall right back to sleep. Toby started to feel guilty. Not that he was taking Amo away, but for allowing her to take such an active role in raising his son.
He is going to give it a week and see how the movie does then get a realtor and find a house. Maybe Melina would sell him hers, he liked the location. He could build a nice place near the store. Maybe move in next to Steve in that high rise, while it is being built. He has options, he has money. The sky's the limit now that Amo was out.
This will be the only movie, he wants out of this lifestyle. He had felt so uncomfortable with those people tonight. Of course, Amy hadn't helped knowing what was going on behind his back. He had expected to announce to the world he had fallen for the nanny and legitimize the role of nannies, but that is over now.
The smell of bacon and coffee woke Toby and Travis. He could hear the fussy whine he used to wake himself up. The light coming in was dim and Toby was not sure if it was early, or an ugly day was brewing. It was the middle of January after all.
Rolling to get out of bed he saw it was almost nine o'clock and knew Bobbie was using the smell to wake the place up. That kitchen may be behind a door but the smell penetrates the house through the A/C vents quickly. He felt that was a building design flaw and may be why the house was put up for sale.
Toby went to collect Travis; he planned to take a quick shower and then eat. He was a happy boy when Toby opened the door. He hadn't gotten off his bed, yet he was filling his diaper with his early morning business. Now he missed Amy, he noticed her door was open and hoped she was already gone.
Stepping out of Travis' room he heard her talking to Missy he hadn't gotten that lucky. A quick clean up and he took Travis and his naked butt to his bathroom. He could hear the girls coming into the hallway and hurried back to his room, closing the door quietly. He was in no mood for a confrontation this morning.
She just needed to go, the movie filming was over and so were they. Toby dropped his boxers and stepped into the shower, setting Travis on the floor so he could chase the bubbles as usual. He would sit under the lowest shower head and enjoy the heat the same as his father. Toby was just finishing his hair when he heard someone clear their throat. "I want to talk to you."
"Do you mind waiting until I'm done," Toby said angrily as he turned to see who was talking, he knew it was not Amy.
"Missy, do you mind." Attempting to cover his naughty bits.
"I have seen it all except what was covered in a sock. Come on Toby Amy is dying out here. She had too much to drink and too much attention from men other than the one she wanted it from."
"Oh, is that what she told you? So, it is my fault I wasn't holding her hand and soothing her soul. So, she accepts just anyone's attention? To what, make me jealous? It worked and I'm not good at forgiveness. I was raised by a man who beat the hell out of me and would come back as you're nursing your wounds and tell you he will never do it again.
And guess what he did... next time he was rougher just to prove he could. So, no I do not take I'm sorry, I screwed up. I will never say Oh sure I forgive you. It is not me; this doesn't work for me. She is out of our lives period. If she is standing behind you tell her to learn from this, we could have had a good life.
One other thing she should have realized about me. When I commit to something I go all in when it is jerked out from under me, I go all out," Toby said, giving her a full-frontal view that was what she was after anyway. Yep, she was vulnerable, Toby was standing in the shower baring his soul. He hopes she is happy. Looking back Missy was gone so he got busy washing Travis. He bent over making sure his ass is facing the back wall. That view was a little too much for anyone to cope with.
Standing in his room wrapped in a towel he called Louise and asked to come home. Giving her a quick rundown of his problem. He just needed a few days to get his life in order without women bugging him. He knew Momma would understand he would swing by the store and get her house keys.
Toby packed everything he could into his truck. Using trash bags like the ones he came with, he made four trips to Travis' room collecting as much as he could. Leaving behind the toys and clothes he has outgrown. He'll come back later, pack the rest up, and donate it to the WIC office. Travis has received some mighty nice things while he was here. He started to fuss as Toby heard Rob talking to Amy and Missy. He needs to man up and go speak to Rob and thank him for his new life. He quickly dressed Travis and went out to the dining room.