Louise came in all hugs and Frank was looking the place over as if he wasn't sure what was going on. She whispered in Toby's ear, "I didn't tell him anything about the movie. He hasn't asked about the store or me so his showing up was a shocker."
Hugging her tight he said, "I got it, won't he be surprised." He couldn't stand Frank; he was an inconsiderate user and his mother knew it. He acted the good host and shook his hand inviting him in.
Liz came in with a man shocking Toby. The way Liz clung to his arm she must think he is special. He left Louise, hugged Liz, and shook Steve's hand. He was a good-looking man who seemed to be about Toby's age. Bob was right behind him. He brought his brother and his wife. Her kids went to her ex's, so they took the opportunity to come with Bob and let someone else cook the meal. Both were excited to meet his friend, the movie star.
"We had to give blood to get by your guards," Bob complained with a grin.
"We had intruders not long ago and they were made new ones for letting them in the area. They just needed to check the license."
"I know, nice place you have here, need a roommate?" Bob asked.
Everyone looked at him waiting for the answer. They would all gladly move in with him.
"No, I'm expecting to be in California next month so no," he told him with his own grin. "Y'all come in and relax, there is beer at the bar or whatever you want. I need help in the kitchen ladies," Toby told them and then followed Louise out to her car to collect the side dishes she brought. Liz brought wine and Alli chips.
"Wow great side dishes," Toby teased as he made his way to the kitchen with seven women following. Showing them what they had to deal with he noticed his rolls had doubled in size that pleased him. He loved Bobbie's yeast rolls and couldn't wait to dip them in her gravy.
With a lot of delicious sounds coming from the ladies as they uncovered the food and placed them in the different ovens. The ladies were marveling over the nice kitchen. Leaving the ladies to snoop around the kitchen he found the men sitting around the living room making small talk mainly about the house.
"So, I hear you have the movie already, so what do you think?" Bob asked.
"Aah don't ask me. The first time I watched it I thought it was great then I started picking it apart. My nanny says it is great and that I am ridiculous."
"Probably right, you nitpick everything you were ever involved with. We had to give him more work on other projects, or he would start pulling something apart because he didn't like the way the wire was twisting, or this gap was too much for him. So yes, I can see that. Do we get to see this movie?" Bob asked.
"Yeah, after dinner that should be in an hour or so," Toby told them, and then asked, "So how have you been Frank?"
"Apparently, not as good as you, so I assume you were in a movie."
"I was, I was discovered by the director while installing the big screen here and yes I am in the movie," Toby told him dismissing the whole thing.
"So, Steve, are you dating Liz?" Toby asked, changing the subject not wanting to continue that conversation. Frank was being hostile for no reason.
"Yes, Sir we have been out a few times. She knew I didn't have plans for the holiday and asked me to come. I recently moved here and we are transferring our business here."
"Well it is nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy the meal. I have been anticipating this for weeks. You don't have to hang around for the movie if you don't want to. It is set for release in the middle of January," Toby told them.
"No, I'm looking forward to seeing it. Liz talks about you all the time. I was looking forward to meeting you. I have been a little jealous of you. She calls you her big brother and she thinks you walk on water."
"She is a sweetheart and I think of both of those girls as sisters and no I don't come near to walking on water. Everyone at the store has been good to me. They are all good people."
"Yeah I love this job and the girls are great," Bob said as Toby smiled, he knew he would love that job.
"So, what brought you to Dallas?" Toby asked thinking he may have to fight to get his job back when this falls apart.
"My company is transferring the whole business here and I'm one of the first to arrive. I must find the building to hold us all. California is too expensive, and the taxes are outrageous, and they just keep going up. So, we decided to pack up and move here."
Toby sat back so glad to talk about something else than him or the movie, "So how is it going?"
"Good, the buildings aren't as expensive, and the housing is so much cheaper. A small house in the LA area is half a million and here they are one-fifty. It is so much cheaper to live here. We were amazed at how many people were willing to move here when we announced the move. We thought we would have to hire a bunch of new people here but it's not looking that way now."
"I'm sure management hoped to have to hire locally. The pay here is far less because the cost of living is so much lower," Frank told him. He was talking as if he was the authority on the Dallas pay scale.
"I'm sure that was not anticipated, but we will survive this move with all the people. It costs a lot to train people too," he told him. "The taxes were our main problem and those keep going up," he explained.
"That is true. I just heard they plan to tack on more taxes. Your gas alone was a dollar more just in taxes than here in Texas. To me it sounds like they are trying to run the people off. I hope it all works out and make sure you send everyone to our theater store," Toby said.
Frank jerked his head and looked at Toby when he said our store. Toby noted his reaction and smiled at him.
"Oh, I already know that I met Liz there. She is a sweetheart."
"That is so true," Toby said, taking a deep breath the place smelled like Thanksgiving. Offering to get everyone another beer he had no idea what Frank was drinking as he made his way to the bar.
Frank followed and asked, "Are you having wine with dinner?"
"Yes, we have several bottles," Toby told him, cocking his head towards where the bottles were lined up on a sideboard, he was collecting beers for the others.
"I'll open some and let them breathe," Frank told him.
"Sure, that sounds good to me," Toby told him, thinking pompous ass. Handing out beers he sat back down, and they watched him uncork four bottles reading closely the labels on each one they assumed he was picking the best ones.
Steve noted he didn't open the one Liz brought; he hadn't been impressed either. He has noticed they have a limited wine selection in this area. He found a nice apartment in a high-rise close to the store. He came in to see what they had, and Liz has had his attention ever since. He didn't need a huge screen and she got him a great deal on the perfect set-up with the year-end close out.
Bob's brother, Joe shook his head at Frank and he and Toby shared a knowing chuckle. Several other people arrived, friends and cousins filling the house with friendly banter.
Liz came out of the kitchen asking, "So how are we going to do this? There isn't enough room on the fancy table for all this food."
Toby turned and scanned the table. "No, let's put the most important things on the table and the rest on the serving table." He knew that was how Bobbie did it when she served big meals.
He needs to get this thing on the road.
He went into the kitchen directing and finding baskets for the rolls. Everything was plated or bowled, and the meal was ready ten minutes later.
Louise stood back and watched him, so impressed at how he had changed. Gone was that shy man she met over a year ago.
The dinner was wonderful and as expected the talk turned to the movie. Alli explained how the whole thing went down to the other guests. They kept eyeing Toby as she told the story.
It was a different version than the one Toby told Bob, but it was from the woman's point of view. She went on and on about his looks and how Missy Collins fawned all over him. Turning Toby red as she spoke.
"Well if nothing else comes from this. It was interesting and I made some money, and I may be able to buy one of those small houses," Toby offered to get Alli off his case.
"Oh, come on Toby I know enough about that director he wouldn't have worked with you to make this movie if you weren't good. You told me they had someone else in the wings waiting for you to flop. Plus, it came in way under budget so stop with the, it is crap," Louise said forcefully swinging her half-empty wine glass as she talked.
"Yeah, Toby, you are always looking for the bad side sometimes things turn out great. Boohoo, Candace dumped me. That was all we heard for months. Then Travis came along, and you were all doom and gloom about him too.
You were sure you would do something wrong, you would break him, and he turned out great," Alli told him, trying to encourage him. Toby turned to look at his son and said, "Yeah, he did turn out great."
"Ok fine it is a good movie and I surprised myself at how good it was," Toby admitted begrudgingly.
"Ok that sounds better let's put this stuff up, watch a good movie and then have dessert," Louise announced as she stood, and the ladies got busy clearing the table as the men got another beer and watched.