Chereads / What's Behind Those Blue Eyes / Chapter 14 - A Bit Of Teasing And Annoyances

Chapter 14 - A Bit Of Teasing And Annoyances

The sound of a cry penetrated the fog of his mind, jerking him awake. He heard it again and then heard Amy say, "Too bad it is nap time, when you wake up you can play. Maybe your dad will wake up today." 

He relaxed back; he had at least an hour before he must get up and deal with him. He rolled to his side trying to decide if he was going to get up now. Checking the clock, it was a little after ten and yes it was past nap time. Tucking his other pillow under his arm he was hoping to go back to sleep.


"No mister James, he hasn't come out of his room this morning. Yes, I'm sure he is home," Amy said, making a point to be heard standing in front of his door. She figures he must have worn himself out last night to sleep this late. 

He wondered how she knew he was home unless she opened his door to check. Toby scrambled out of bed and jerked the door open extending his hand to Amy for the phone. He stood there in his boxers hanging low giving Amy quite a view. She only wished she had the nerve to back him into his room and jump him.

"Yeah James I'm here what is going on?" Toby asked while trying to find the button to turn on the speakerphone . 

"Well, we are about finished editing the movie. We wanted to talk to you about doing a few talk shows to advertise the movie."

Here we go just like Alli said, "sure," Toby told him.

"I thought we should have someone come and do a few mock talk show conversations with you. It'll help you know what to say and what not to say."

"Yeah, that would be good. When?"

"Let us set it up soon, so let's say Tuesday afternoon."

"Perfect," Toby told him, calculating how much time he had.

"I know you're fairly shy, do you think you can handle this?" 

"Yes, with some practice, I am getting better about talking to people so yes," Toby told him thinking about last night he was very talkative. Not his normal MO and that reminded him she hadn't called. Taking a deep breath, he went back to paying attention to James. He was talking about the movie and how well it turned out for a fairly low-budget movie. He knew the total cost was close to forty million. The fact that they considered forty million dollars to be a low budget completely blew his mind. They had allotted a hundred and twenty so forty was fantastic.

"Yeah just set it up and let me know the time I'll be here." 

They loved that Toby was so easygoing. It made life so much easier. He was a diamond and they have been talking him up to everyone. But they knew he was not adventurous. Flying him to New York or Hollywood will be interesting. They doubt he has ever been out of the state and have been discussing whom to send with him to the different shows. Missy has offered to go but they must work around her other movie's schedule. Plus, if they split them up, they can cover more shows. 

They have four weeks if they want a Christmas opening. They may wait for next year. They have so many blockbusters they hear are opening that time too. "A mid-January opening may be better. They can let everyone see the mega movies and then the nice romantic dramatic comedy comes out." James suggested a thought process for Toby. That sounds better for Toby he won't be going crazy at Christmas and voiced his opinion. 

After a brief phone call, a late January opening is agreed on. Now, James must tell Rob who has been pushing for a Christmas release about the change. He also needs to schedule the talk show helper to come in January. Toby sighed, he was relieved that he had eight weeks until he was pushed out into that world. He is confident that he can do this; he will simply try to act like a normal, outgoing person.

"Just set it up and let me know the time. I'll be here," he said, feeling a little uneasy. He was to go on TV and talk about this movie and act as if he knew what he was talking about. That will be his ultimate acting feat. Toby slipped on a pair of jeans and went in search of the base for the phone Amy handed to him. 

"So how did your date go?" Amy asked as they ate lunch.

"That is a good question. I told her to call me, but she hasn't," Toby complained he was starting to feel like Marcus and checked his phone to make sure it hadn't died or lost signal. Louise had him buy this fancy smartphone and he barely knows how to work it. He likes the GPS on it. That was the only thing he figured out how to use. Because of the installation jobs, he followed it all over town daily.

He would have had a difficult time getting home last night without it. She lives near White Rock Lake, and he had never been to that area before. There's a large theater supply store there; they were the ones who 'stole' Louise's other installer.

Juliet might be right; he may not have time for her with the movie coming out. However, he does like her. She has a quick wit, is funny, dresses nicely, is pretty, smells wonderful, and feels great to hug and hold. He wishes she would call him.

Amy watched him for a while, and he seemed to be in another world. His expression changed every few seconds. Whatever he was daydreaming about must be pleasant. "Maybe she is still sleeping. Maybe you wore her out," Amy offered.

He gave her a hurt look and said, "What? No!" He looked at her as if she were crazy. "We just went out. I know she likes me, but with the movie coming out, she's being cautious. I think it's causing her to shy away from me."

"Oh, sure I could see that would be a problem, once your famous women will come out of the woodwork after you. It will be hard to compete with that and the time you will have to spend away when you do other movies." 

"You think that is what it is. She just suddenly backed off. I thought we made a connection and then she told me, "I scared her and that was it."

"Well, that could mean two things. Physically you scare her, you are a big man. Or the lifestyle would be too much to take on," Amy offered.

"Yeah maybe both, we had been talking about the movie coming out and then I made a suggestion."

"So that may be it. I know I would be standoffish if it was me. You're about to go on a whirlwind ride and you don't even know it," Amy told him.

"So, I never have sex again because of the movie. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around. Get famous and have sex all the time. Women are supposed to throw themselves at me."

"Sure, if you want skinny plastic bimbos. But I have heard what you like and that is not that."

"Good Lord, is my sexual preference common knowledge?" Toby asked, sounding frustrated because people kept throwing it in his face like it was such a strange thing. 

"Around here, yes. Missy was hurt, you didn't come on to her and wondered why. Rob told her you like heavier women, so she understood you had a type. She had a type and she wanted you."

"I know she did, but she is not my type."

"I know. I'm not either," Amy lamented, and Toby heard the despair in her voice. Now he knows she also wants him.

"You could be if you ate some more," Toby teased as Amy eyed him. "I know you're wondering if gaining weight is worth it."

"No, you're a big man and that is scary."

"You are so funny," Toby said this was the second time in a day a woman is worried about his dick being too big. She and Juliet must not have much experience with men. 

"God didn't work it that way. No one has ever told me, nor acted like I hurt them. They have always asked for more, and no one has run away yelling, 'Get that monstrosity away from me'," Toby told her.

She couldn't tell if he was offering her to find out or just making a statement. 

"I guess if you're feeling bored and a little frisky, you could find out," Toby joked, leaving the subject behind. Amy stared at him, confused about what he meant. Both of them then shifted their focus to Travis and avoided making eye contact after Toby's remark. Suddenly, Toby added, "I mean, I'm a thirty-one-year-old man. At my age, I should be married and having sex regularly," he lamented, looking frustrated for a moment.

Amy looked at him and scrunched her eyebrows, "When did you have a birthday?"

"A few weeks ago," he said, frustration brewing. What was he supposed to do? Call Marcus and hit the bar scene again. But then he would be back to one-night stands, and he would never do that again.

"We didn't have a party, how did we not know?"

"I have never celebrated a birthday. For me, it has always been just another day."

"Ah that is so sad," she said looking around. There was no way to have one now everyone was gone. "Well I wish you would have said something we would have partied hard. Missy loves birthdays." She asked what day it was and planned to put it on her phone to receive notice before it came again.

"It's not a big deal. I had a birthday cake once when I was ten. There were no candles, and my dad didn't realize what was happening, so my mom and I quietly ate the cake. If he had figured out why she made it, he would have smashed it in our faces. So, no, I don't celebrate my birthday," Toby told her, looking like a sad little boy, and her heart went out to him. She knew he had a terrible father, but she hadn't realized it was this bad. 

"Well let's make sure next year we celebrate," she told him sadly. "Do you plan to have a party for Travis?" 

"Sure, if you would help to plan it. I wouldn't know where to start."

"Now that sounds like fun." She became excited to have something to do. "Yeah, let me plan it. I guess it will be all adults. He knows no other kids right."

"Right, the nurses told me to keep him away from other kids because he was a preemie."

"I think they meant as infants, not now. He could use some time with other kids. Maybe I could look for a playgroup around here. Does that sound good," Amy asked, not wanting to step on his toes. He was protective of his son.

Toby was embarrassed that he had been so dumb. He couldn't keep him away from kids forever. "Sure, find one. I'm sure he would enjoy playing with someone his own age."

Amy stood and smiled. She was able to do something different and get away from this horny sourpuss. "Ok let me see what I can find. What if it cost money?" 

"I think I can afford a little bit," he said and shooed her on her way. He had pouting to do. 

An hour later, with papers in hand, she found Toby in Travis's room doing sit-ups while Travis lounged across his chest. Travis grinned as she entered the room but made no effort to move from his spot; that boy loved his daddy. She heard Toby count to fifty-four before he dropped back down onto the carpet to see what she had brought. Travis lay still, and she was sure he was listening to his dad's heartbeat. If he stayed still for just a moment longer, he would be asleep. 

"I found three in this area. Two are church related and one at a place they use for autistic children. They have set aside time for a kind of mommy and me time on Wednesday mornings. They need to see a shot record. Well actually they all require a short record," Amy told him, handing him the papers. Travis, as expected was asleep on his chest Amy reached to pick him up and saw Toby smiling at her. 

Quickly getting flustered she put him to bed for his afternoon nap telling Toby. "Let me know which one you decide on, and do you want to go, or should I take him." She quickly left the room and his overwhelming smile. After his teasing earlier, the urge to lie on his chest as Travis had, had been too much and she felt she had to go. With both being home all day every day it was wearing on them both. What they both wanted was right there in front of them, but neither one was willing to take the chance of being rejected. 

Amy has had her share of boyfriends over the years. She lost her V card to her first long-term boyfriend at seventeen. They lost touch when they split to go to different colleges. She has been with a couple of other guys. Not too adventurous so she dropped them. She can't claim two years like Toby, but it is close, and she is now pissed he brought it up. She had been fine and now all she could think about was having sex with him. She wants nothing else, just some good sex he claims he can deliver on. Now she must decide if she has the nerve to take him up on his offer. 

Amy was in the dining room folding clothes. With only the three of them there she washes just one load all together. Once she folds them, she puts them away and she has nothing else to do. Blanca only comes in the morning for about an hour. She dusts and vacuums twice a week and that is all they need now that the place is basically empty. Amy was missing the commotion, the different personalities, and the distractions. She needs someone to distract her from what she has thought about all morning. 

Folding Toby's boxers she saw him in this morning only brought her back to thinking about sex. Damn him she flushed as she finished folding them and set them down, she looked up and Toby was standing there watching her lovingly fold his underwear. She turned bright red and lifted her hand off them. 

"What did you think of the one at the Baptist church? They say they have a large group, and it is just up the freeway," Toby asked, ignoring her embarrassment. If he was folding her underwear, he would have done the same thing, he thought. He shook his head and wondered where that came from. 

"Yeah, I like that one. They say they have a huge area dedicated to kids in that church. I'm not Baptist, are you?"

"Nah I have never been," Toby told her and then said, "If I was a good father, I would take him to church." 

"That is silly, he would sit in a nursery every Sunday. Babies don't do well sitting in a pew at church. Wait until he is much older and can understand what is being yelled at him. We can take him to the play day, just donate occasionally is all they ask," Amy told him thinking he was clueless. But he is a man, and no one could deny he is a good father and as sexy as they get. 

"So, what is the time, and do I take him or are you," Amy asked.

"How about we both go and let's see what we are getting into," Toby suggested. "Maybe even try out a few others and then decide which one we liked best."

"Sure, that sounds good to me. Which one is first?" Amy asked, happy to have that decision made.

"The Baptist they have it three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from nine to eleven. They say 'come at any time'."

"Ok, so you find his shot record and we will go Monday and see how he does," Amy said, and he walked away. She heard his cell phone ring. He had a strange ring so he could tell it was his in the sea of other phones in the house. 

"Yeah hello," Toby called out hitting his bed at the same time.

"Hi, it's me, Juliet. I spent the morning visiting with my mother. I expected to pop in and pop out, but she wanted to visit. I want you to know I had a good time last night."

Toby sat back waiting for the BUT. He heard it the second she opened the conversation. The slight hesitation and tone was his cue. 

"I just don't think right now is a good time for us to try to make a connection as you call it." And there it was.

"Sure, I understand maybe when this has all settled down. Bye," Toby said and pressed end. "Why keep talking," he asked. What did she want him to do to talk her into seeing him? "Maybe I talked too much with this one. I may have told her too much about my life." He looked up and Amy was at his door with his clothes. "Nope, maybe later, she is not willing to try."

"What an idiot," Amy said softly and lifted the stack of clothes she was holding. "May I put this up?"

She enters and puts the stuff away. Toby lies on his bed looking at his phone as she walks out. 

"Idiot," Amy said, wondering what he does to run women off. This one and Travis's mother dumped him too. Why? Was it bad timing? Maybe chubby women think in the long run they can't hang on to him. Maybe he is too aggressive once he finds what he wants. For sure if he wants something, he could take it easily, but that just doesn't seem to be him. He is a gentle sweetheart is all she has ever seen from him. Going into the kitchen she looked for something for dinner. The chef always leaves plenty to reheat, but she doesn't work weekends anymore at Toby's urging. "I bet when Rob comes back, she will," Amy told the inside of the refrigerator. 

"Who will come back when Rob does?" Toby asked, making her jump.

"The chef, I was looking for dinner."

"Let's go out. I am so bored here. I want to go to Olive Garden and eat a big salad." 

Amy thought about him and his pasta, this was a switch. "Sure, I'll go and get ready." She sprinted out of the room smiling. That was another brain fart, but he needed to get out of there. Making his way to his room he heard Travis's I'm awake call out, so he went to collect him. Ten minutes later he is crawling around the shower floor chasing the soap bubbles as Toby showers. He bent down and soaped Travis up with some of the best manly-smelling soap he had ever used. They both will smell good tonight. 


Amy packed a diaper bag and was wearing her best casual clothes as she waited for signs, they were ready to go. 

Toby emerged from his room in just his boxers, carrying a naked Travis. Amy couldn't take her eyes off him; she figured he knew exactly what he was doing. It had turned into a game for him: see how long it takes Amy to come to his room. The offer had been made, and now the ball was in her court. He thought to himself, let me show her what she could have. There was no way he could go to her room; that would be too inappropriate. So, he decided to show her what she could have while keeping the more revealing parts covered.

"Hey Sweetie, could you dress him, and I'll be with you quickly. Your outfit looks cute, it fits you well," Toby told her admiring her outfit, and watched her turn redder before he left to go dress. He snapped his fingers as he closed his door. He knows she is close. Women don't tell a man she is horny unless she wants him to do something about it. That is what he took from all her statements. 

He adopted his clothing style from Deb, dressing casually and in layers. He knew it was cold outside but not cold enough for his heavy coat.

Amy waited in Travis' room for him to come back, he was pulling out all the stops tonight and she knew it. How was she going to resist him? Lord give me strength for no other reason than to keep my job. She has been looking but it being the middle of the school year she could find nothing. In Texas or California people seem to be hanging on to their jobs for dear life right now and she was doing the same. 

For a roll in the sack, she could lose a good-paying job with room and board with lots of excitement, most of the time. She just didn't see him as the type to run her off once the deed was done. Maybe he would keep her around for seconds or fifths she could only hope. Maybe he would get used to her being thin and be Ok with it. 

She stood Travis up on his changing table. He looked very handsome in the Western clothes Deb had picked out for him. He smiled, and she thought he understood that they were going somewhere. Drawing him closer, she inhaled the scent of his neck and said, "Boy, you smell good." It was very different from his usual baby soap.

"I'll let you smell me, I smell good too," Toby teased looking very GQ standing at the door. 

"I'm sure you do, let's go eat before the crowds are too thick on a Sunday night," Amy said as it was already dark outside winter was taking a hold of the day. Toby took Travis and she pulled her coat tight around her bracing for the cold wind forgetting they were going out to the garage. 

They missed it by a long shot. The place was packed with a twenty-minute wait, something Travis didn't understand. If someone is eating, then he should be too. Toby thought this was a bad idea as his fit escalated when a waitress brought him a breadstick and put a stop to his fussing. She became Toby's new best friend. Too bad she was old and motherly. No wonder she knew what to do.

Amy carried Travis as Toby carried the highchair to the side, he heard in a raspy voice call out, "Didn't take you long."

Toby turned and saw Juliet. She sat with three other women enjoying the remains of their dinner. She didn't look too happy to see him with someone else so soon. Toby kept walking, he sat Travis up and got Amy seated and went back to answer her insinuation.

"She is the nanny. I didn't hire her, the director did for me. We have no chef for us on the weekends," He leaned in close and said, "Besides, you know she is too skinny for me." Turning his attention to the others he said, "Enjoy your dinner," then he returned to his table. The waiter was taking their drink orders. Amy was fussing with Travis putting a bib on him; she knew this was going to be a messy meal. Truly every meal with Travis was messy, he demanded to feed himself. 

Toby looked back at Juliet as he sat, they all had their heads together talking and told Amy, "That is who I had dinner with last night. She seems jealous I'm out with you."

"Well, she is an idiot. She isn't that heavy," Amy said looking over at them. She was older than she expected, she was closer to Toby's age. She expected him to like younger women as most men do. 

"I said thick, not fat. I just don't like the feel of ribs."

Toby caught her feeling her side moments later. "Can you feel them?" he teased.

"Barely," she said and blushed.

"Are you going to let me find out?" Toby asked as her blush deepened. "Okay, I'll leave you alone. What are you having for dinner?"

Travis was fussing again and the waiter hadn't brought the breadsticks or salad yet. He watched the ladies leave and thought damn she didn't even say goodbye. Apparently, there was no connection at all.

To keep the mess down he ordered the macaroni and cheese for Travis and a three piece special for him. Amy got tortellini and ate a lot of salad. She could tell he was angry about that woman again. Of all the places to eat there she is. Toby was keeping true to form and kept quiet at dinner. 

"I'm amazed by all the restaurants she would be here. Is that why we came here?" Amy asked.

"No, I like eating here. She lives on the other side of town. I never expected to see her here. I wouldn't have done that to you or me. I guess I don't know how to pick them."

"Toby, that is why you go out with different people. It is called dating. It's to find out who they are and if you get along. Just because she looks the way you like your woman to look, doesn't mean she was the right person for you. She was not brave enough to take you on or your lifestyle," she told him and looked to see what he was looking at. "You will have to keep looking, broaden your horizons, she may be thin now but thicken up as she gets older you never know. You want more kids and that thickens every woman up," she told him, noticing the other women in the restaurant. "You know a woman who is thick now will probably be fat as she gets older, and you don't like fat right?" Amy pointed out.

"Good point, but I was not thinking long-term yet."

"You are so bad," she said, shaking her head at his gall. 

"Yeah well, I am a man, but she is pretty right?"

"Yes, she is, and apparently you like thick dark-haired women."

"Nah I like blonds too, really I just like women. I'm just too shy to approach most." 

"You shy?" Amy asked, right after finishing her tea. She turned away while she was looking for their waiter.

"How many months have I known you and I'm just now getting to know you," Toby says.

"True, but you have been busy." 

"That is true, but I do want to tell you I appreciate the way you take care of Travis. He really likes you."

"He is the best baby I have ever been around so thanks. You raised a wonderful child," Amy said, and Travis dropped his breadstick and watched it fall to the floor then looked upset it was gone.

"I blame that on Missy, she encouraged that behavior," Toby complained and picked up the tiny stub placing it on the far side of the table. Travis was working himself into a fit when the waiter brought a basket of breadsticks and Toby's much awaited salad bowl.


Travis went silent as the food was placed on the table. His eyes grew big as he eyed the selection. Toby passed him a sliced tomato; he quickly picked it up and munched down on it. He made a sour look but kept eating. Amy watched him carefully. She didn't like the shape of the tomato; it was too easy to choke him. He downed it with his little beaver teeth and reached for more. 

Toby settled back to a comfortable mood and thought about Regina and wondered how she was doing. Amy was taking care of Travis as usual which gave him time to scan the restaurant. He now knows hundreds of people in the area and dozens of maids. Not seeing any friendly faces, he turned and looked at the front door as he did all the time at the store. 


Juliet was at the door talking to the hostess. She smiled when she saw Toby looking at her. He smiled and thought he needed to call her, the comeback kid. He watched her making her way towards him, thinking why do I get involved with the crazies. 

"Hello Juliet, what is going on?"

"I just wanted to apologize. I was rude this afternoon. I'm sorry."

"Why? You aren't interested, and I accept your decision. You're probably right, I am going to be busy soon so don't worry." He hopes she feels as dismissed as he did. He was not going to play her game. "I found out this morning they are sending me out to do the talk show circuit in January. So, you're right I'm going to be busy. It was nice meeting you," Toby said dismissing her again hoping she felt brushed off. He has never been good about running people off, but he hopes she goes away. 

"Well I just wanted to apologize again," Juliet said, looking from Amy to Travis and then back at Toby. 

Toby raised his hand to stop her and said, "No need I got it. My feelings aren't hurt. It didn't work out you can go," 

"Ok thanks," she turned to leave with a hurt look on her face. 

"What the hell was that?" Amy asked as she watched her leave.

"I have no idea. I'm not playing her game. Oh, I want you, oh I don't, and this is the third time for this woman. Nope, she can go away."

"You know some women are crazy," Amy said and shook her head.

"I just need to figure out what I am doing wrong. The last three women I have had relationships with have been as you say 'crazies'."

"Ok let me ask you this. How long have you known them?"

"You mean before we had sex,"

"Sure, we can narrow it down to that criteria," she said and smirked thinking he was the crazy one. 

"Hours I guess, and Juliet I could have had if I worked it differently. But I swore I wouldn't have another one-night stand after Travis' mother. So, we called the night over early, and I told her to call me as you know. But she is right to the point I am going to be busy. But if you were interested in someone, wouldn't you at least try to work with them?" Toby asked and looked to make sure she left the restaurant and that she was not coming back. 

"You need to spend more time getting to know the person before you jump in bed."

"That was my plan with Juliet, but she was too chicken to go anywhere with a relationship."

"Ok, so why was she a chicken? Did you two talk about your background?"

"Some, she remembers Candace being at Red River looking for me. She was married to a jerk, and he couldn't stand heavy women, so she gained weight to run him off."

"Ok, so she has trust issues, and you know how destructive men can be. How long has she been alone?" Amy asked.

"I don't know if she didn't expound on her relationship. She didn't seem to want to talk about him, I guess. She was complaining more about how she couldn't lose the weight now."