Chapter 2 - The Jedi

As soon as Qui-Gon Jin touched down on the sandy desert of Tatooine he felt two massive Force presences. Almost as if a tidal wave of Force surrounded the two people who were on the other side of the planet.

The way they communicated with the force seemed untrained but natural as if they were of the force.

It had startled him and led him to bring Obi-Wan along as he looked for a hyperdrive in Mos Espa

His Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was also distracted; his feelings in the force easily read through their bond. Confusion and intrigue clouded his young mind.

The "Handmaiden," a very intelligent girl, could feel that both of her protector's minds were elsewhere and spoke.

"Let us make haste, my queen does not have time to waste, she needs to get to her people"

This took both Jedi out of their pondering and led them to make eye contact and proceed to role them.

They made their way to any and every junkyard they could find but came up empty-handed. Nothing matched the drive that would fit with their ship.

Finally, after a few hours of searching, there was a hint of something from a tech store owner, a rich Toydarion who seemed very prideful.

He wore a very colorful and rich fabric. It covered every inch of his blue body except his head as he stared at the group with contempt.

"You will find no Nubian Part here or anywhere for that matter"

Padme spoke with a steady voice, not showing her annoyance at the alien whatsoever.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you don't have any idea where we could find one?"

While she spoke, Qui-Gon waved his hand in front of the alien'ss fac,e, making his proud look slowld dazed.

"Well, the only chance you have would be going to the Lars homestead; just make sure to steer clear of Jabba, since if he catches wind, then they're dead."

Qui-Gon nodded at the beginning but became a little confused afterward.

"What do you mean if they are caught there dead?"

The Toydarion snorted even in his dazed state.

"The Lar's Patriarch Cliegg Lars is married to Shmi Skywalker who was once a slave. Her two children were also slaves. Those two children find junk and restore it to sell or help fix broken machinery, I'm the only one who knows they used to be slaves as they killed one of my men, Watto"

Obi-Wan looked concerned and looked at his master.

"We're going to look for our highly advanced Nubian Hper drive at a farmer's house?"

Qui-Gon shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you have a better idea?"

Obi-Wan thought for a moment but he really couldn't come up with anything except ask Jabba The Hutt, and he wasn't that desperate yet.

"The two children it is"

Qui-Gon laughed at his Padawan comment and asked the alien where their location was.

"There a few clicks in that direction, also tell them they owe me my payment so that I don't tell Jabba where they are, should be here by next week"

Padme tried to stop herself from sneering at the alien's last few words. This world confused her greatly, the slavery and other outlawed activities seemed to not even matter to the people here.

Even her Jedi escorts were doing nothing to help these poor people!

She looked at a specific boy who was in rags as he cleaned off the window of a shop and started to walk over.

Obi-Wan stopped her with his hand grasping onto her shoulder.

She turned around with a fire lit in her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Miss Handmaiden, we do not have time to help these people today"

"But this is again-"

Qui-Gon sighed solemnly and turned to the duo, his eyes stuck on the young queen.

"This is the outer rim, we do not have a lot of say here, and this is not our mission at the moment, to see all of this truly does sicken me Miss Handmaiden, but we just can't do anything about it at the moment"

Padme thought about the blockade that sat stationed around her planet and sighed, sadness and helplessness swimming around in her mind.

Qui-Gon patted her shoulder with as much comfort as he could while Obi-Wan did the same.

"Everything will be okay"

The trio set off towards the Lars homestead, there will resolute, to protect Naboo.


Bruce sat on the porch, and Anakin, Owen, and Cliegg sat before him.

In his hand, there was a set of playing cards he had created himself.

There was also a notepad.

Written on it was:

Anakin/Cliegg Bruce/Owen

6 Books 7 books

It seemed like Bruce had taught the family how to play Spades, the Earth playing cards game.

At the moment, Anakin and Cliegg had 5 books, and Bruce and Owen had 7; if Anakin and Cliegg won this last book, they would get 60 points.

If Bruce and Owen won, then they would get one sandbag, but 71 points, while Anakin and Cliegg would get negative 60!

They all stared at each other. Sweat ran down the side of their heads as their hands grasped their last cards.

Bruce's mouth opened.


They all threw down their cards at the same time.

Anakin threw down an ace of spades, one of the highest cards in the game.

Owen's card was a laughable 9 of hearts, an exasperated face from Bruce made the boy chuckle.

Cliegg had the Big Joker, the 2nd highest card in the game, and the 2nd only, too...

"The two of spades, read em and weep bitches"

Anakin slammed his head onto the table with an annoyed grunt while Owen shot up from his chair with a fist pump.

Cliegg snorted and spoke.

"Watch your mouth mister"

Bruce laughed as he grabbed the cards and started to shuffle.

Anakins head popped up quickly as he looked off into the distance.

"3 people are coming, two are the Jedi we talked about earlier"

Bruce nodded at this while Cliegg looked a little nervous.

"Why would the Jedi be coming here? Do they want to take you guys away or something?"

Anakin shook his head.

"Jedi don't do that dad"

Cliegg just nodded not completely believing the boy. Shmi walked out of the house with fresh Bantha milk for her boys.

"The Jedi are coming mom"

Bruce turned to his mom and saw that her eyes had lost a little bit of their luster.

She didn't want to lose her two boys, they had carried her through the most difficult time of her life and had even saved her from it.

They were her two saving graces, and she didn't want to shackle them to this small little desert planet in the middle of nowhere, but she knew they were set to do incredible things.

It was just a lot of conflicting feelings and she really didn't know what to do about it.

Bruce walked up and hugged his mother; Owen looked a little confused, while Anakin sighed and did the same.

Owen whispered to his dad.

"What's going on?"

"I'll tell you later bud"

Owen nodded and looked back to his new family.

"Mom, I'm sorry but this is what I want to do with my life."

Anakin looked up and spoke with a heavy heart.

His mom sniffled and wiped a tear from her eye.

"I know honey, and I support you in anything you want to do, it's just hard for me, I just love you so much"

Tears were now streaming down her face as she squeezed them both.

Cliegg brought Owen inside at this point as the boy was starting to get angry instead of confused.

"What is happening?"

Owen was pulled into the house.

"We'll visit mom!"

Anakin spoke in a panicked voice, not used to his mother crying; even when they were slaves, she never shed a tear.

She was the strongest person he knew. Maybe going to the Jedi wasn't the best option.

He could stay on Tatooine, with his family. Fixing gadgets and just exploring would be cool, too!

Anakin went to speak but his mom cut him off.

"Ani, Bruce, you were destined to do great things, you two are so smart and so strong, and I hope you both remember what I've taught you and what Cliegg has taught you"

Anakins eyes started to water as he spoke.

"Mom it's okay I don't have to go with the Jedi, I can just stay here"

Bruce spoke the time, saving Shmi a response.

"She knows what you want to do, Ani, we're going to the Jedi; that's what we want and what the force wants; it's just hard saying goodbye."

Anakin gulped and separated from his brother and mother.

He looked out into the sands, the Jedi would be here in a few hours, but there would be a sand storm tonight; he would have one more night with his family.

Cliegg finally started to tell Owen what was going on and he wasn't happy at all.

Owen busted through the door Cliegg hot on his tail.

Tears were also streaming down his face as he tackled Anakin.

"You guys are leaving? Why! Don't you like us? Did we do something to make you angry?"

He was confused and hysterical as Bruce picked him up from Anakin.

Bruce sighed and hugged the boy pulling Anakin into the hug as well.

He was going to miss his family dearly.


Qui-Gon Jin felt a disturbance in the force as the beings of Force up ahead grew confused, excited, and sad.

"It seems like they have noticed us Obi-Wan"

Padme looked confused.

"How could they have found us? The Toydarian said 10 clicks but we've only walked 6?"

Qui-Gon spoke with patience and with a little weariness

"The two boys he was talking about seemed to be force sensitive"

"Like a Jedi?"

"Yes, but they seem to be a little different from us"

Padme looked even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

Qui-Gon paused for a moment, giving himself a second to think.

"If we are rivers, letting water flow through us into a bay, then an ocean, then these boys would be the ocean, having all bays and rivers connected to them. The force is encompassing them, more than anything I have ever seen"

Padme's eyes widened, as did Obi-Wans.

"Even more than Master Yoda?"

Qui-Gon looked at his Padawan.

"Yes, even Master Yoda pales in comparison"


The three boys were still on the front porch; this was the time of year when the suns weren't too bad, and they liked to take advantage of this.

Anakin was playing with action figures, Bruce was reading a book, and Owen was staring off into the distance at the three blobs coming closer to their house.

His teeth gritted in anger as he saw the people who would steal his brothers away from him get closer and closer.

But he wasn't allowed these feelings for too long.

"Hey, Owen, chill out, man."

"Easy for you to say, your gonna be off in space having adventures while I'll be all alone here"

Bruce sighed and stopped reading his book.

Anakin stopped playing with his action figures as well.

"Come on Owen, were going to come back and visit"

"Yeah only if you don't forget about us"

Anakin put his head into the sandblock below him in frustration.

We're not gonna forget you Owen we love you guys"

"Owen we can always take you off the world once we're Jedi"

Bruce spoke with an easy going tone.

The boy turned around with a humongous smile on his face.

"Are you serious! Could I go to Coruscant?"

"You can go wherever your heart desires little buddy"

Bruce smiled at his brother and ruffled his hair while Owen pushed his hand away.

We are the same age, you are like a month older than me"



Bruce's eyes widened.

"Oh no, it's Maul, and he has a JBL speaker blasting Fetty!

Anakin closed his eyes and then opened them again a moment later.

"The force around him, it's so... it's so gangster!"

Maul pulled up with his lightsaber in hand, Fetty blasting, and the Black Airforces on.

Bruce looks ahead with closed eyes and a smile on his face.

"Were cooked"