"It seems as if you and your children have already talked?"
While the kids were in the basement, the adults and Obi-Wan were upstairs.
Shmi sighed and sat down a glass of milk in front of each Jedi, Cliegg was washing the dishes from dinner while they spoke.
"Yes we have already spoken about what they will do in their future"
Qui-Gon nodded, waiting for the woman to speak.
"They will, if your willing, join the Jedi order and help save the galaxy is what Anakin said"
Obi-Wan snorted while Qui-Gon smiled good-naturedly.
"They are truly fantastic boys, not just their force presence but the light that shines in both of them is extraordinarily bright"
Shmi took a long sip of water and stared at a picture that they had taken when she and her sons had escaped enslavement.
"Those boys are the most special people in this galaxy to me, please take care of them with all of your efforts"
Qui-Gon held Shmi's hand while he stared into her eyes.
"By all of my power, I will try to keep those boys safe and see them prosper"
Shmi's eyes grew teary as Qui-Gon let go of her hands and Cliegg hugged her.
Obi-Wan stared at the scene with a mix of thoughts.
'Having a mother does not seem so bad, but I wonder what would happen if one of those boys died, how she would react. Attachment can be wonderful, but it brings about such terrible feelings. '
As a Padawan Obi-Wan had rebellious thoughts of the order. When he was younger, he had even thought of leaving to go with what he thought was the love of his life.
But his duty led him back to the Jedi and he had never looked back. If he really did love anything, it would be the Jedi order.
"The Jedi order is one of the safest places for a child to be Mrs Lars"
Shmi looked at the younger boy and smiled.
"Were you there as a baby?"
Obi-Wan nodded.
"What was it like?"
The Padawan looked out a windowsill and contemplated what to say.
"My experience as a child was a fond one, many fun adventures and lessons. Learning from some of the wisest people in the galaxy and making friends, it was a great time"
Shmi looked relieved and looked once more at Qui-Gon.
"Please keep your promise"
"I will to the best of my abilities Mrs Lars"
"Please, call me Shmi"
Night had slowly passed as the morning drifted into view.
In front of the Lars homestead stood the last two Skywalkers, the Jedi and Padme.
The Lars family had one last hug together before they separated.
Owen, with tears in his eyes, spoke to his brothers.
"I'm gonna practice spades; when you guys get back, you're gonna get whooped!"
Anakin laughed.
"In your dreams Owen"
Shmi and Cliegg laughed at the banter while Qui-Gon looked out into the distance.
"I am sorry for cutting this short, but I sense something in the force, we should get going"
The family nodded and hugged once more.
Shmi was the only one who spoke.
"I love you two so much, do great things, and stay as safe as you can."
The two boys nodded solemnly before turning around and leaving their home for the last three years.
The legend of the Skywalker name started on that day, a mark that would never leave the galaxy for as long as the force breathed.
Bruce stared at the sandy wasteland in front of him and sighed.
A malevolent presence could just barely be sensed in the far reaches of the desert, but Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had picked up Padme and Anakin so that they all could get to the ship in time.
As the dark presence was slowly encroaching on their ship, the Jedi sped up. Qui-Gon ended up picking up Bruce as well, and the Jedi now unveiled their true speed. Moving at a blurred speed.
Finally, after a minute of this tense race, a figure wrapped in a dark black cloak turned to face them, his yellow eyes locked on to the two Jedi.
He was just a few hundred feet from the ship but he didn't care about those useless flies.
The Jedi were his mission.
"Obi-Wan, take these three to the ship"
The boy went to argue but Qui-Gon shut it down with a quick glare.
Obi-Wan mumbled under his breath as he took off towards the ship.
Maul didn't even glance towards him as the Sith wrapped himself in a blanket of the insidious dark side.
His presence almost warped into that of a wraith as he growled at the Jedi before him.
Qui-Gon slowly pulled his saber from its holder and closed his eyes for a moment.
Maul snarled as he jumped into the air, his saber poised to strike.
Qui-Gon opened his eyes and deftly deflected the blow, stepping back.
Maul landed with a roll as all the power he had put into the redirected strike sent him to the ground.
Qui-Gon struck towards the Zabraks arm, aiming to cut off the appendage but Maul rolled away quickly. Coming to his feet, the Sith had to quickly block another strike from the Jedi master.
But after a few strikes, Qui-Gon quickly realized that his strength and stamina were not up to par with the being before him.
His technique was sloppy and unfocused but the pure hatred and strength behind each blow was starting to put Qui-Gon on the defensive.
Finally, Maul sent a horizontal strike toward Qui-Gon's abdomen, and the man put his lightsaber down to block.
Maul's eyes lit up with malicious joy as he saw an opening on Qui-Gons left side.
He activated the other side of his saber and went to strike but he watched as Qui-Gon jumped up into the air to dodge.
Maul sneered, thinking the man had signed his death warrant, and looked up. His sneer turned to anger as he saw the ship pick up Qui-Gon in the air before taking off.
Maul watched the cruiser fly away in anger and embarrassment.
On the cruiser, Qui-Gon caught his breath as Anakin ran over to the man.
"Are you okay Mr Qui-Gon?"
The man nodded his usual friendly smile nowhere to be seen.
"Yes my young friend, just a little tired, now please give me a moment to talk with my Padawan."
Anakin nodded and walked away; Obi-Wan put his hand on his master, not letting the man speak before slowly helping him catch his breath.
Qui-Gon closed his eyes and meditated for a few moments.
After just a few seconds, his deep breathing abated, and he spoke to his Padawan.
"That was a Dark side user my young apprentice"
Obi-Wan nodded, not surprised by his master's assumption.
"I do not know if he is a true Sith, but he was definitely trained, not well, but trained nonetheless. We must tell the council"
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon walked over to the Captain and talked with the man.
"The Hyperdrive has been installed!"
Everyone turned around to a Mechanic and the Skywalker brothers covered in grease.
Qui-Gon smiled once more and looked towards the captain.
"Off to Coruscant my friend."
The captain nodded and walked over to the controls.
Qui-Gon looked back at the boys he had just brought into the galaxy with intrigue.
The next few years would be an adventure, he could tell.