After the whole fiasco with Maul, Anakin and Bruce were able to actually relax.
They were given a tiny room at the side of the ship for there sleeping quarters.
In the small room they stared out the window at the large expanse of stars and solar systems that lay before them.
"We will be traveling this whole Galaxy Bruce, I can't wait"
Bruce smiled at his brother's enthusiasm, he laughed and than wrestled him into a headlock.
"I'm gonna explore way better than you"
Anakin protested and tackled his brother to the ground.
"Yeah I'd like to see you try!"
"And what do we have here?"
Both boys looked up to see a smiling Padme laughing at there shenanigans.
Anakin quickly pushed Bruce off of him and wiped the nonexistent dirt off his robes.
"Hello Padme what brings you here"
Bruce whisperd but Anakin feigned deafness.
"I just wanted to thank you gentlemen sincerely for the help, and if you two ever need anything, I will be the first one to help!"
Anakin smiled a goofy little smile while Bruce nodded.
"Thank you Padme"
They spoke in unison while the disguised queen of Naboo left there room.
They got right back to wrestling.
Bruce and Anakin had tried to go to sleep on the ship but going from Tatooine to a 68 degree ship was a little difficult.
Anakin was freezing while Bruce wasn't too bad off, since he was used to all types of different climate.
"You know, all you have to do is use the force to generate heat."
"Great idea, let me do that while I'm sleeping, idiot"
Bruce shrugged his shoulders.
"You probably could, ask Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon"
Anakin nodded and walked out of the room.
Bruce slowly closed his eyes and meditated. Every night since he could, he would go to sleep after letting the Force consume him.
No nightmares or PTSD would overcome him, and it would help him gain strength with the force.
However this ritual had woken up Qui-Gon Jhin from his slumber.
"What is that"
The man spoke as he silently followed the source of such melodious living force.
This led the man to Bruce's room.
The pure light that swayed across the room startled the jedi master.
It was so strong that Qui-Gon decided that he would meditate as well.
Bruce was a little suprised by the intrusion but as he watched Qui-Gon sit down in a meditative stance he copied his movements. Making the thick pressure of the force in the room multiply.
Everyone on the ship started to gain a keen awareness of themselves and there surroundings, almost as if they were in a flow like state.
"How is this possible?"
The captain of the vessel looked at his hands for a moment before looking back to the blink inkyness of space.
Qui-Gon meditation was broken, leading to the thick presence of the force to recede.
Bruce opened his eyes as well. He looked up to see Qui-Gon staring at him with a beffuddled face.
"Ubelievable, an unconscious battle meditation, at only nine years old, you truly are something special Bruce"
The man in a child's body stared at the master Jedi with an intrigued expression.
"Battle meditation?"
"This is a force technique that allows you to strengthen your allies while weakening you enemies. A very rare one at that"
Bruce nodded, he only was able to attain this ability because of how Qui-Gon Jhin meditated.
A Jedi truly alive and well in the living force, connecting with the universe in a way that no other Jedi in the galaxy did. Qui-Gon was an important and strong Jedi.
Bruce bowed and spoke.
"Thank you for helping me attain this technique Master Qui-Gon, your meditation led me down this path."
Qui-Gons eyes widened in suprise.
'The living force! He must have already connected to everyone on this ship. Just from me meditating for just a moment, how incredulous'
Qui-Gon put his hand on the boys head and knelt down to the ground. His eyes staring into the boys.
"You are going to be a great Jedi young man"
Bruce just nodded, he was at a loss for words at the moment. Every little boys dream in his last life was to here those few words.
Shit even his grown self would think that was cool.
"Thank you Master Qui-Gon"
The man smiled and walked out of the room.
Anakin came in a few moments later with a smile and a blanket.
"I found Padme, and she gave me a blanket, she's so amazing"
Bruce rolled his eyes at his brother.
Seeing Corusant through a movie screen is nothing compared to seeing it with your own eyes.
Bruce stared at the world wide city with a perturbed expression. The force on this planet was disgusting. Why would the Jedi ever choose to live here?
The force was almost crying as trillions of people were all packed together like sardines in a package.
It almost made him feel sick just being near the world. He had to cut back on his force senses so that he could feel like he wasn't walking through sludge.
Anakins force sense was not as intense as Bruce's but even he could feel the... wrongness with the planet.
"Master Qui-Gon, is this really the planet the Jedi are at?"
The man turned to look at Anakin with a confused gaze.
"Why would you ask that young Anakin?"
"It feels disgusting, do you not feel it?"
Qui-Gon looked at the boy with a questioning look.
Bruce was confused on how even Qui-Gon couldn't sense something was wrong, even with his connection to the living force.
He thought about it for a second but nothing really came to mind.
Nothing from the movies really described why The Jedi couldn't sense Palpatine.
Only thing he could come up with was the "cloud of the darkside" Yoda spoke of, but he didn't know how he would be able to fix that.
Looks like he would just have to wing it. Not the first time he's been forced to go in with no plan. But it is his first time going up against a old Sith Lord, so he really didn't know how it would pan out.
But he had faith in himself and in the force.