Chereads / Reincarnated as Anakins Brother (Starwars / Chapter 3 - Meeting the Lars!

Chapter 3 - Meeting the Lars!

Qui-Gon spotted the boys on the porch and walked over.

His voice glided to their ears like a smooth breeze of air.

"Hello, boys. Are your parents around?"

Owen glared at the man while Bruce spoke.

"Yeah there inside, let me get them for you"

Bruce walked inside while Anakin walked up to the woman next to the Jedi, his eyes wide.

"Are you an angel that the Jedi are protecting?"

Padme snickered at the question while Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon looked fairly surprised.

"How do you know we our Jedi young one?"

Anakin turned to the tall Jedi and spoke.

"Its pretty easy, you guys have the force surrounding you, not that hard to tell"

Qui-Gon nodded at this while Obi-Wan stared at the boy.

"Don't always immediately assume that people who have the force surrounding them are Jedi. That could lead you down a dangerous path"

Anakin nodded his head while storing that information for later.

Bruce came walking out with a smiling Shmi and Cliegg Lars.

Shmi's emotions were turbulent, and this led Qui-Gon to grow a little intrigued. Wondering what led her to feel like this.

While he thought about this, Cliegg spoke.

"Why hello there, what can we do you for?"

"Hello, Sir, we wanted to ask you if you had a Nubian hyperdrive, our ship was damaged and we have been searching all over for one"

Cliegg nodded at this and looked towards Bruce.

The boy was sat in a pondering stance.

Anakin jumped up in excitement.

"Bruce we got one a few months back! Remember from Linton!"

Bruce's eyes widened in fake surprise; he just knew Anakin liked helping people, so he let him do it.

Padme looked relieved, as did Qui-Gon; it was unfortunate that they had wasted so much time, but at least they would be able to get back to Naboo without too much time wasted.

"May we please look at it then?"

Anakin nodded with a joyful expression.

"I'll go get it!"

He ran into the house and into their basement, where his workshop was.

Bruce looked at the Jedi and spoke.

"So what are you guys doing on Tatooine?"

Padme spoke before anyone else could.

"There is a blockade stopping my planet from gaining much-needed resources, our queen called for help and our planet was sent these Jedi, we were able to escape but we were shot at and lost our hyperdrive"

Bruce nodded at the long-winded explanation. He was surprised she just told him all that.

Anakin came upstairs with the part and a smile on his face.

Shmi spoke up before anyone could talk.

"You all will be able to leave in the morning, it would be best to stay here for the night as a sand storm is quickly approaching"

Qui-Gon smiled at her generosity and nodded.

"Thank you very much, madam"

The Jedi spoke in unison while Padme bowed to her in thanks.

Anakin handed the part to Qui-Gon and spoke.

"I and Bruce fixed it up a while ago, they usually can go all the way up to 10,000 credits out here but 1,500 and it's all yours"

Cliegg and Bruce laughed at Anakins words as the boy was learning the ways of a seller well.

Obi-Wan chuckled and grabbed the hyperdrive to inspect it.

"Ah, it seems there is a scratch there; 1,400 hundred is the highest I'll go."

Everyone tried to keep their laugh contained as Anakin became frustrated.

"Hey what do you mean a "scratch" I'm not a wizard, we fixed that thing from junk, now that you said that it's gone up to 2,000"

This time everyone laughed as Anakin looked around In confusion.

'I'm missing something...'


It had been a few hours since the Trio had been welcomed into the Lars family's house, and they had already become enamored with the game of spades.

At the moment it was Bruce and Anakin vs Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

As Anakin slammed the two of aces onto the table Obi-Wan got up and pointed at the boy.

"You're cheating! I felt the movement in the force you told your brother to put down a low number I felt it"

Anakin looked at him with wide innocent eyes.

"Mister Jedi Sir, I have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about?"

Bruce laughed while Qui-Gon snuck a peak at the boys cards.

He then sent a little nudge Obi-Wan's way.

Both boys, immediately sensing it, looked at the old Jedi with narrowed eyes.

"What was that?"

"I was just telling my young Padawan to relax a little, it's just a game"

Bruce stared at the man for an uncomfortable amount of time before everyone sat back down and they started another round.

This time, Obi-Wan placed down a 10 of hearts; Qui-Gon didn't have any hearts, so he won the book with just a 3 of spades.

Anakin and Bruce both stood up and pointed at the man.

"Hey, you cheated!"


Padme, Owen, Anakin, and Bruce were in the workshop looking at their past projects.

Bruce and Owen were playing PingPong while Anakin showed Padme a reconstructed Droid he named C3PO

"He almost finished. I just have to get another part to make his left leg gold, and he'll be perfect!"

Padme was surprised by everything she saw in the place.

To think just two nine-year-olds were able to do all this was insane to think about!

"Hey, Anakin, show her your repurposed pod racer!"

Anakin smiled and ran out to there garage that they had made. His hand latched onto Padmes as she pulled her along.

Bruce won the Ping pong game easily and walked into the garage as well while Owen followed.

"You know using the force in ping pong is cheating Bruce"

"I didn't, I'm just that good"

"You are lying!"

Their conversation stopped when they walked into Anakin's workshop.

"And this has been calibrated so that it can go into the stratosphere with no difficulties; basically, I made it so we can fly around Tatooine with no problem, but bringing it into space would be kinda difficult.

Padme looked at the pod racer in fascination. These children were truly magnificent.

(He's only 9 padme chill out!!)

"How were you able to do all this?"

Bruce walked over and spoke for his little brother.

"He just has a way with machines, it's kind of unfair but what can you do"

Anakin rolled his eyes and pointed to a side of the garage with weights and sand blocks.

"Says the guy who can lift more than an adult rancor at the age of nine"

Bruce laughed while Padme looked a little more confused.

"And I can farm very well!"

"You go, Owen!"

"Screw you, Bruce."
